Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Similarities ❯ Malfoy Edition ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


~Malfoy Edition~

*Note* UCL stands for Un Conscious Leevee

Point 1: The Side That Lives

Is it just me, or are the Malfoys (from Harry Potter) and Toad (from X-men: Evol.) alike? I mean, think about it: When Voldie was in power, the Malfoys were with him. When he was defeated, they go to the good side, claiming they were "brainwashed". And during the Black Caldron part 2, I distinctly remember a part of dialogue that goes like this:

Lance: Just whose side are you on?

Todd: The side that lives!

Good advice, if you ask me. And the Malfoys seem to be following it pretty well.

Mainly, Draco and Todd/Toad are the most alike. Such as:

Both think that they're cool

Both are childish/immature

Both can really hold grudges

Both don't like others to help them/save them from something

Both are cute! ; -P

See? Very alike. Oh, and ignore that last one. UCL put that in there. (UCL: but it's trruuuuuueeeeeeee!) That it is, but oh well.

Point 2: A Saiyin's Pride

I don't know, I'm guessing it's just me, but- Does Draco Malfoy remind anyone else of Vegeta (Dragonball Z)? I mean, I could see Draco joining the good side and still trying to beat Harry. Voldemort is comparable to Freiza (Death Eaters- Ginyu Force?), seeing as Vegeta was on Freiza's team, and Draco was (is) on Voldie's team. Then there's the whole "Saiyan pride" deal. Or maybe UCL's imagination is going into overdrive. Whatever.

Point 3: Sounds Like A Challenge

Since we're on the subject of comparing Draco to miscellaneous characters from different series, what about Pietro? Think about it:

Hair coloring.

Supposedly "evil"


Tendency to blow things out of proportion.

Being saved by Daddy.

Both are cute!

And for once, I totally agree with UCL on the last one.