Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Black Rose Revised ❯ Chapter One - Proposals ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Black Rose Revised - Chapter 1: Proposals

By YunaAngelofHell

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Romance/Angst

Summary: {Revised} T/P, A/U Trunks and Marron have been going out for as long as Pan can remember, but lately, they have been having troubles and Trunks is turning to Pan for comfort…which leads to a one night stand… You know what happens after that…

Current Ages: Pan-17 | Trunks-27 | Marron-25 | Goten-26 | Bra-16

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story…so far…Oh, and I don't own the PS2 either.

A/N: Well, so much for a week. It's been more than a month since my last update, I'm so sorry! It seems that I write better late at night… Well, at least I got another chapter out, and it's really long, too!

Since the italics don't seem to work for me, the text in ' ' are thoughts, and the words with emphasis are bold. One day, if I have time, I'll type it up on WordPad, cause I think it'll work on there, if I use html. I wanted to upload today, so…yeah.


Ding, Dong!

Marron's head snapped up. 'Oh no,' she thought, 'He's here already…that means that I really do have to tell him,' she realized. The blonde had been thinking and stressing over this for days. She had already decided to tell him today. Tonight, during their dinner date.

"Marron! Trunks is here!"

How was she going to tell him? They had been together for over two years…he's going to be crushed. Marron gazed at a picture propped up on her drawer. It was taken a year ago, during a company picnic at Capsule Corp. Trunks, being the vice-president of the company, was wearing a formal suit, even though it was an informal picnic. Marron had been ready to crash the little party by bringing water balloons and had bombarded her boyfriend with them. So, in the end, when the picture was taken, Trunks was standing next to Marron, while Marron was hugging him, completely dry. Marron smiled. 'Those were good times,' she thought sadly, 'But…' Her eyes traveled to a small picture taped to her mirror. 'I've found someone better…Goten…he's sweeter, less arrogant, more innocent, and he's a better-'

Eighteen knocked on the door, interrupting her thoughts. "Marron? Are you okay in there? You've kept Trunks waiting for over five minutes."

"Come on in, Mom," Marron called. She had almost forgotten about her date, lost in her thoughts.

Eighteen opened the door and walked inside the room. "Are you okay, Marron? You haven't been yourself for the past few days." She sat down on Marron's bed and looked at her daughter worriedly.

Marron sighed and sat back in her chair. Should she tell her about her predicament? …Nah. It would cause even more trouble for her. "It's nothing. I just zoned out there for a couple seconds there."

"Oh, all right then," Eighteen stood up. "You shouldn't keep Trunks waiting." Then she added with a smile, "Rumor has it that he's going to propose tonight," the cyborg winked. "It's about time you moved out of here. I don't think people your age should still be living with their parents, you know."


Eighteen laughed and left the room. "You should get going!" she called. "You wouldn't want to keep your future husband waiting!"

"Grr…" Marron huffed and grabbed her purse. She checked herself in the mirror and headed down the stairs to her "future husband". 'If Trunks does propose, what am I gonna say? …This is going to be worse than I thought…' The blonde woman put on a forced smile and opened the door.

"Hi, Trunks!"


'What's taking her so long?' Trunks thought. He began to pace around the front porch. 'Why tonight, of all nights? This is killing me…' He reached into his pockets and encircled his fingers around a small velvet box. 'Tonight is the night…'

Suddenly, the front door opened. "Hi Trunks!" Marron's beautiful smile shone; but Trunks thought he saw a look of worry and fear flicker in her eyes. …Maybe it was just his imagination.

"Hey, Marron. What took you so long? Are you okay?" Trunks took a step forward and took her hand in his. They began to walk to Trunks's car.

Marron's smile faltered. "Uh, it was nothing, really. I was just finishing off my makeup," she lied. "I wanted to make myself pretty for our date; and for you."

Trunks laughed lightly. "You don't have to spend fifteen minutes to make yourself pretty for me." They arrived at his car. "You're the most beautiful woman in the world, even under all that makeup." He opened the passenger car door and Marron got inside the car.

"Aww, you're so sweet, Trunks," Marron said, smiling sincerely now. "Thanks." ''How can I tell him now? How can I tell him that I betrayed his trust, when he loves me so much?' She sighed and looked down at her hands as Trunks settled in the driver's seat and started the car. Deep down, Marron knew that this could possibly be the worst night of her life.

But unfortunately for her, Trunks believed it would be the best night of his life, thinking he would end it with a fiancé.


"Ugh…ah. Oof! No! No…! Argh. Yes…yes. YES! WOOHOO!" Pan yelled and jumped up and down on the bed she was laying on a few moments ago. "Woohoo! Yeah, baby!"

"Damn!" Goten threw down his PlayStation 2 controller and turned to Pan. "It's not fair! You cheated! Where'd you learn those moves, anyway?" he asked his celebrating niece.

Pan continued to jump up and down on her bed, grinning widely. Obviously, beating Goten at a video game was a very big deal to her. "Trunks taught me how to play better a couple weeks ago," she did a little flip in the air as she jumped and squealed like the little girl she wasn't. "I can't believe I beat you! I've never been able to beat you at this game before!"

"That's cause Trunks taught you how to cheat…" Goten grumbled to himself.

"Hey, I heard that!" Pan stopped jumping. "Trunks doesn't cheat, he just knows how to use the characters correctly," she said, defending one of her oldest best friend. "That's what he taught me. You want me to prove it?"

"You mean a rematch?" he asked eagerly. When Pan nodded, he yelled, "Bring it on!" He bent down, picked up his controller and started up the game.

Pan smirked and picked up her controller. "You're going down!" She made herself comfortable on her bed and they began playing, eyes glued to the television screen as if it was the only thing that ever existed.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and Bra burst in, out of breath. "Hey guys!! Guess what?!"

Goten took his eyes off the television screen to see who had interrupted their little duel. Big mistake. Never take your eyes off the T.V. screen when you're playing against someone like Pan.

"YYYeeeeeeessssssss!!" Pan began to jump up and down on her bed again. "I won, I won, I won!" she chanted. "Seeee…I told you that I didn't cheat!"

"Wait a minute! That wasn't my faulty, Bra came in and messed up my concentration!" Goten argued. He threw his controller down again. "I want another rematch!"

Pan was about to respond, when Bra's voice cut in. "Oh, my god, you guys are so immature, playing video games like little kids. You're supposed to be adults!" she exclaimed.

Pan had already stopped her jumping and was shifting uncomfortably. She cleared her throat uneasily and replied, "I'm only seventeen years old…so…I'm not really an adult yet…therefore, I can still play video games and have fun right?" The prideful quarter-saiyan looked at Bra, as if challenging her to fire back with an insult of some sort.

Bra let out a frustrated sigh of defeat and turned to Goten, silently daring him to try to defy her.

Seeing no other way out, Goten changed the subject. "Uh, Bra, didn't you have something to tell us?" he asked hopefully.

Bra's mood did a one-eighty and her face lit up brightly. "Oh yeah! I have the most incredible news! You will not believe this! It's amazing, it's-"

"All right, get to the point!" Pan yelled.

Bra humphed and decided not to let the comment get to her. "…Uub proposed to me!" She shrieked excitedly.

An eerie silence filled the room. Only the sound of crickets could be heard, which was unusual, because it was early in the afternoon. Pan could almost swear she saw a tumbleweed pass by. "Bra…? Do you know that you're only sixteen years old?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, no reason. Thought you should know." Goten's face was blank. Pan's was the exact replica. Blank and void of emotion. A few more moments of silence passed by.

Then everything exploded. Goten and Pan started to talk at the same time, so fast that Bra could hardly understand a word they were saying.

"-you crazy?"

"-what were you thinking-"

"-sixteen years old-"

"-what will Vegeta-"

"-he's gonna freak-"


"-what about school-"

"-he's too old-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Bra shouted. She held her hands in front of her to stop her best friend's uncle and his nieces' ramblings. "You don't understand, age doesn't matter. I'm in love with Uub, and besides, we've agreed that we won't get married until I graduate from school. We've got it all worked out."

"What about Vegeta? He's going to rip your head off," Pan reconsidered this. "Well, maybe not your head, but he'll rip somebody's head off." Goten nodded in agreement. "He's way too overprotective of you to let you get engaged at sixteen," he said, sounding uncharacteristically.

Bra smiled sheepishly. "Uh-oh," Pan whispered. "Well, you see, I haven't actually told him or Mom yet, but," she added quickly before they could respond, "I already organized an engagement party on Saturday night, and we're gonna tell them then, alright?"

"Wow, you're pretty smart for a young sixteen-year-old," Goten said quietly. "How long ago did he propose to you, exactly?"

"Well, it was about a week ago. Trunks, Uub and I have been working hard on the situation since then," she laughed quietly. "I guess people will do anything for love…"


Marron fidgeted in her seat. She couldn't stand the silence. They had already arrived at the restaurant and placed the order with the waiter. Neither of them had said a word since then. After a while, Marron broke the ice. "So…anything interesting happen at Capsule Corp. lately?" She asked, hoping for a long answer to replace the silence.

Trunks started and looked up at Marron as if seeing her for the first time. "Oh, uh, nothing really. E-everything's normal for now," he managed to stammer. The poor lavender-haired saiyan was stressed out about the proposal. 'What if she says no? What if I trip up and say something inappropriate? What if-' Trunks mentally kicked himself. 'Damn it, Trunks! Get your act together! Of course she'll say yes! We've been together for as long as I can remember!'

Marron looked at her long-time boyfriend oddly. He wasn't acting like himself. She was going to ask him what was wrong, but she knew that she probably acted just the same on the outside; nervous, fidgeting, and staring into space, lost in thoughts. 'I'm not going to say anything about it…he'll probably start asking questions about me. Best not to bring it up…' Marron looked across the table again. 'Strange…he never acted this way before…we're usually very comfortable with each other. Uh-oh, what if he really is going to propose to me tonight? That'll be hell-'

A tall waiter suddenly interrupted her thoughts when he brought their food to the table on a tray. "Here you go, sir, madam. Please enjoy your meal."

Trunks face lit up when he saw the food. Food always helped to ease his tensions. While he and Marron were digging in to their food, Trunks remembered an important fact he had wanted to mention to her tonight. "Oh, I almost forgot! Bra had some exciting news last week," he said.


"Yeah, she told me that Uub proposed to her." He took a bite of his chicken.

Marron's fork was halfway through its journey to her mouth, but it stopped in midair. "Really? Isn't she only, like, seventeen years old?"

"Sixteen," Trunks replied. "Pan's the one that's seventeen." He gulped down another bite of his food. "Anyways, yeah, she's really young and stuff, but she doesn't care. Says she's got it all figured out. I helped her out a lot, though. She's going to get married after she graduates, and she's already got an engagement party organized. Heh, she's got all that prepared, but she hasn't even told our parents yet."

Marron put her fork down. All this talk of engagements and marriages was starting to make her more nervous than she already was. "When is she planning on telling them?"

"At the engagement party. It's on Saturday," he laughed lightly. "It's gonna be one hell of a party!"

They spent the rest of their dinner talking about Uub and Bra, making Marron more and more nervous about the possibility of Trunks proposing to her when she knew she would refuse if he did. Instead of making Trunks nervous, it actually soothed him when he talked about his sister and her fiancé, because he was certain that when he proposed to Marron, their engagement would probably be as successful and planned out as theirs.

When they finished eating, a different, shorter waiter picked up their plates and gave them the bill. 'Well, it's now or never…'

'I'll have to end this relationship…'

'We're going to start a new life…together…forever.'



"Oh, you go first," Marron said quickly, not wanting to tell him first. She'd rather hear what he had to say before she broke his heart.

"All right…" Trunks said, preparing himself. He stuck his right hand in his pocket and took the velvet box in his hand once again, getting it ready. His eyes locked on hers and he started talking. "Well, um, as you know, we've been together as a couple for over two years…and we've known each other as friends, almost since birth…I hope that we'll always know each other, and be together forever. So," he got up and stood in front of Marron, "I want to finalize that," he bent down on one knee and took out the ring box, "by giving you this ring."

People were starting to shift their eyes to their table, knowing that they were witnessing a life-altering moment. 'Oh, no…no, no, no, no, no…' It was too late now. Her fears were confirmed. 'It's going to be worse than I thought.' She looked down at her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, tears already starting to fill her eyes, already knowing the words that would come out of his mouth.

"Will you marry me?"

Marron's whole world came crashing down on her and no one knew it but herself.


So…How was it? Better than the original? Worse? Tell me in a review, hint hint. I kinda think that it's a little confusing, but that's my opinion. I really worked my ass off to write this chapter (Though it may not seem like it.), so go easy on me. I will try my hardest to write over the next few days, so I can post it.

Oh, and I don't really know Uub's age, so I don't want any people criticizing about that…

2635 words

Finished July 16, 2003 2:05 AM