Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Blessed Union of Souls ❯ I'd Quickly Give My Freedom, To Be Held In Your Captivity! ( Chapter 7 )
Author's Notes: Welcome to Chapter Seven of A Blessed Union of Souls. In this chapter, Yajirobei meets the owner of Com Passion. Bulma, Kakkarot, and Contrary Goku begin the game of freeing the limbolings trapped in limbo. (Kakkarot moderates the process.) Bulmared faces her mate, and Contrary Goku meets his match! Yajirobei's side story will begins oon. trust me.) Please see Bedlam Industries. Also a lil' suprise, and well.. You'll see. Prepare yourselves, for I am reborn. Thanks for reading... Yadda yadda yadda. For comments and remarks regarding the progression of this story, email me at ThwartedShanni@hotmail.com I know my progression is slow, but I am trying to do my best, and move quickly. College and work is taking a big chunk of my classes. Also, thanks to all that sent me an email on or around my birthday. You guys are so sweet.
For the reviewer who asked, yes I am a fan of Piers Anthony, Xanth rules. I think it is cool to have this incorporated.
Disclaimer: I own nothing that is any of your bidnass.. If I did, do you think I'd be doing this?!
A Blessed Union of Souls
Chapter Seven: I'd Quickly Give My Freedom, To Be Held In Your Captivity!
Goku walked betwen the statues, giving each sculpture a thorough lookover. It had been decided between the three that Kakkarot was to be the moderator of the games between them. He stopped finally in front of a male statue and addressed the figure. Bulma, as the only female around had decided that she being a woman, and thus smarter than them both, had the distinguished honor of going first. No one contended this. She was after all; the strongest being alive.
Bulma surrounded the statuesque figurines and finally settled on a male of princely mein.
"Who are you, and what is your lineage?" Bulma questioned. "I am Jibrili, son of Prince Gilbrester and Lady Sersae." The statue replied. Bulma balked at that. Never had she heard the name Jibrili before. It did not give clues to his magical talent. Of course the fact that he exist could be his magic.
"Were your parents magical, or did they exercise magic?" Bulma asked, waiting for an intelligent response. The young man thought, and all was silent as he brooded over the question.
"Actually, my parents are magical, and I believe that through the course of Xylarseian evolution, I have become a creature that exercises magic." Jibrili remarked. "Though," He paused. "I believe that my magical talent is the usage of me being able to reverse things that are done."
Goku nodded, and continued walking on. Bulma rolled her eyes, and yanked him back by the scruff of his neck. He squirmed, but Bulma squelched his movements by applying gentle pressure to his neck. Of course, in comparision, a gentle squeeze from her could be compared to be caught in an inescapable vise-like grip of death.
"You are not going anywhere, young brat. We will complete our deal, whether you agree or not." Bulma stated eloquently.
"Why? He should be content in the fact we took the time to activate a portion of his might-be livelihood." Goku argued. "Moreover if I do not solve the enigma that is Jibrili, my might-be life continues, and he can at least enjoy the conversations of the passersby, should they choose to talk to him."
"You also forget that you would have given your forfeiture, and will have to be taken to meet your True Love." Bulma reminded, reveling in the look of shock and pity in his eyes.
"He already said he could reverse things.." Goku argued. "We just don't know what kind of reversal Jibrili does."
"Jibrili, take this young boy, and reverse him somehow. Even though you do not know your talent, you can still exercise magic. As soon as you reverse him, in whatever way you do, we will know what you are." Bulma said.
Jibrili did so, and soon young Goku was definitely more agreeable, but a lot more stupid. His arrogabce was replaced with ignorami. Bulma immediately asked him to be turned back. They couldn't have Bulmared's True Love be a bumbling idiot.
"Reverse him back, Jibrili."
"Bulma, you have three minutes left." Kakkarot reminded, checking the hourglass plants.
Kakkarot looked at Bulma while her attention was diverted. She was blind to his feelings, but he loved her. He was ready for love, and he knew she was to be the one. He would just have to defeat her, because he would have no other. She wanted a man that was stronger than her, that complimented her characteristics, that made her feel safe in his arms. He was to be the man to do so. She respects the spirit world, and thinks with her heart. It was obvious that Goku was his might-be self. When the two first saw each other, they both knew by the look in their eyes, they were essentially one in the same. What is enough to prove he is ready for love?
Nothing could change the fact that Bulma thought he was too green for the responsibility of being in a commited, fulfilling relationship. Bulma looked frustrated, but that was always the look she gave when spectacularly annoyed.
"Jibrili, it is obvious you are a Xylarseian of magician caliber. Your "talent" is the ability to reverse the magic done by others. It is quite exemplary to be honest." Goku remarked, arms crossed, and a snooty look given to Bulma. "I feel no different from whatever it was you have done to me." He said, haughtily.
Bulma quirked an eyebrow, but her reserve was still in full swing. Who knew Goku could be an intelligent brat when need be. He had been changed from an immature brat, to moments in which he seemed almost mature.
"I win, I solved the riddle, and you have to play crosses with me." He smirked. Bulma shook her head, and powered up slightly.
"My turn still brat." Bulma replied. It had been decided that whomever got the first riddle correct got first dibs on the next riddle. Although it was a bit unfair because went first, it was all for the best. Goku was Bulmared's True Love, and thus he was expected to lose. He would lose. She'd make sure of that. Bulma chose a chubby, agreeable looking woman, and spoke:
"Young maiden, what is your name and ancestry?" Bulma asked.
"I am Miss Gnomer, of respecteble but, rather anonymous gnome stock."
"Miss No More?" Bulma said, confused.
"No." She replied.
"Miss Gnome?"
The saiyan princess looked a bit bristled, understandably.
"Well whatever your name is, do you have a special talent?"
"Does it affect you?"
"Does it affect others?"
"Does it affect things?"
"Does it help anyone?"
"Does it hurt anyone?"
"It is indifferent to the welfare of everyone?"
"Is it under your concious control?"
"Is it apparent to others?"
"I can't answer that."
Bulma breathed deeply, becoming annoyed with this woman very quickly.
"Is it like a spot on the wall?"
Bulma paused again. Her time was running out, and it was getting harder, and harder for her to solve the riddle. She looked ta Goku, and then to Kakkarot. They both loo9ked equally as stumped as she.
"Does it please anyone?"
"Does it displease anyone?"
Then an epiphany struck. Her face lit up cleverly.
"What exactly is your name?" Bulma asked, beginning to understand the complexities of the simple woman. Goku laughed smugly, and said snootily.
"You already asked her that, dumbo."
"Hush! As I said, what is your name?"
"Miss Gnomer."
"Miss Nomare?"
"Can you spell it?"
"Does your talent relate to your name?"
"Is it that it is unspellable?"
"So you can't spell it as that would reveal your talent."
"Miss Gnoma," she said., but realized she had gotten it wrong.
"Miss Gnome." Still incorrect. Then a light bulb flashed.
"Is it that no one gets your name right?"
"Yes!" She crimed with excitemet. "Misnomer."
"That must be very frustrating." Bulma said as an afterthought.
"No, I am used to it. May I go now?" Miss Gnomer asked. Bulma nodded.
"Yes, you are excused." Miss Gnomer bowed, and sped off into Ptero.
"It is my turn now, and since we unfortunately have a schedule to keep, I am afraid that you will not be playing crosses to your hearts content. It's is time to meet your match," she paused. "literally." Goku's mouth dropped and stayed there, even as she continued.
"That is not fair! You got two turns in a row! I didn't even get a chance! You have to stay and play crosses with me." He whined. Bulma wagged her well manicured finger. "No, twirp, you didn't stand a chance.
"Either way, you're coming with me, whether you want to or not. You simply have no say in the manner." Bulma said pushing him along. She pricked her ears and headed to a deeply wooded area, finding Piccolo, and Chiaotzu fishing near a nearly mundane stream.
As the group continued on, it was apparent to everyone, that he was ageing into manhood. Chiaotzu stared in wonder at the former cross boy, to now behold the angry teenager. They had been walking in the To for quite sometime, and he had aged tremendously. He seemed to have matured in attitude somewhat, too.
Goku now seventeen, was getting angrier, although stronger, and smarter as he aged. He despised having to see the female that was trying to get him to succumb, and be his mate. This bothered him deeply. They had finally met Bulmared at that spot she had been left. Her beautiful face clouded with anger, and her red hair flying loose in the air.
"Go away, twirp. I have no interest in you." Goku said cruelly.
Bulmared frowned, and stuck her tongue out at him. She stared at him. "You mean you're the one? My supposed ideal mate? A powerless, landbound creature? What a laugh!"
"That's right brat. Now get out of the way before I strike you down."
"Stop fighting you two!" Kakkarot commanded. His might-be self was so annoying. No wonder Bulmared was upset. Bulma said nothing, merely flying ahead of the group, scouting for potential dangers, while the group walked behind.
As they walked ahead, Bulmared aged a few years, now to the age of six. Kakkarot mulled over the news of Bulma and his might-be selves together. Perhaps she would not find the notion so objecting now that everyone discovered the news. Piccolo, and Chiaotzu did not seem so suprised at the notion of them together.
Bulma levitated down, and bent down to her might-be self's height. "Bulmared where is the safest way out of here?"
Bulma paused for a moment, thinking. "The safest route out of here is through the glade. It is the longest path back to the Rockies but there are no threats. I spar there quite often."
"You spar? I suppose you're not completely worthless." Goku asked, amazed. "Not bad."
"Gee, thanks. Bulmared, now ten said blushing.
That reminded Goku of his complete and total objection to her. He shut up, refusing to let loose another compliment slip. Goku was in his late twenties now, and walked with his eyes closed. He refused to look at her, lest he become hypnotized by her beauty. He reached his age thirty, and his feet slammed down hard.
"This is my mark. I have crossed it. Now I must leave before that fatal female gets me trapped. He turned as the others, (Piccolo and Chiaotzu were catching up.)
Bulmared drew to a halt. If she didn't get him to stay with her, she would be chasing him forever She looked at Bulma, and now, both the same age, frowned at the situation. If he passed her and escaped back to his childhood, she would never see him again. She didn't want that to happen. She loved him, even now, because that was who he was. True Love was kind, and cruel at the same time. If he never saw Bulmared's mature aspect, he could not be impressed by her, and he could avoid the dreaded confrontation.
"Look at me." Bulmared ordered. "You owe me that much!" She said, her ire rising with each step he took forward, and each step he took back.
"No I don't!" Goku retorted. " I made a deal to cross my thirtieth year. That was all." He said, taking another step back into the From.
"What can I do?" Bulma asked, dejectedly.
"Kiss him." Bulma said succintly. She was disgusted with his behavior. To flee from an intended mate.
"I'll give him fair warning." Then she called to Goku: If you don't open your eyes and look at me, I'll intercept and kiss you."
Goku took a step back. Bulmared took two steps.She could travel much safer with her eyes open than he could with his eyes closed.
"Very well. One look. Then I'm gone, whether you like it or not. And you can't intercept me." \par "Agreed, but I will do just one thing..
Goku laughed. "A blanket of silence? Do you worst brat."
Kakkarot piqued at his comment. Obviously, he had made a grievous error. The last time he saw Bulmared was when she was six, and his mind retained that mental picture of her. Poor bastard. Bulma nudged his arm, with her elbow and smirked. She too was smirking.
Goku dropped his hands from his eyes, and his jaw dropped slightly. Goku saw Bulmared's adult forn for the first time. Bulmared's long auburn hair was long and wavy, almost curly but not quite. Her breasts, now ful exuded the essence of woman. She was stunningly beautiful, and Goku caught aback by her beauty fell flat on the ground.
"Y-You're b-beautiful!" Goku said stunned.
Kakkarot watched Bulma, his Bulma as all this took place. He felt like Bulmared at the moment. Trying to capture his one true mate, but always being eluded by one thing or another. Wasn't she ware that like Bulmared, he was ready for love? Her love? Why was she hiding from him? All of the joy and the pain. All the time that it would take just to stay in her good grace. Lately he had been thinking strange things.
"Lately I've been thinking, maybe you're not ready for me." He said aloud, almost inaudible, but loud enough for Bulma to hear. "Maybe you think I need to learn maturity."
"Watch what you ask for. You just might recieve." Bulma whispered back, turning her attention away again. She had heard him! He moved behind her slightly, and whispered in her ear.
"But if you ask me tommorow, I'll say the same thing." He said his warm breath against her skin. "Would you please lend me your ear."
"I promise I won't complain." Bulma replied, walking off, Kakkarot following behind.
"I just need you to acknowledge I am here." Kakkarot said truthfully. They were a few hundred yards away by now, no longer witnessing the spectacle that was before them.
"If you give me half a chance, I'll prove this to you." Kakkarot argued. "I will be patient, kind, and true." He admitted, looking down at his feet. Grateful to have gotten this off his chest, he relaxed his body somewhat.
"What is it that you want?" Bulma asked, breathlessly.
"I'll be all these things to a woman who loves music, a woman who loves art, respects the spirit world, and thinks with her heart."
"I am.." Kakkarot leaned in closer. "ready for love. If you'll take me in your hands, I will learn what you teach, and do the best I can."
"I am ready for love, here with an offering of my voice, Bulma." Kakkarot said, reaching down to kiss her fingertips. "Don't you know how much I love you. You are the woman above my station, the one that I can't have but long for. The one I admire, the one I cherish."
"Your mind?" She inquired.
"My soul.."
"Your life?" Bulma asked, her lips centimeters from his.
"Of course." He said, his tail instinctively wrapping around her waist. He pulled her closer to him, and was estatic when she did turn away. He bent his lips to her own, and kissed her, softly at first, but allowed his body to take over what his mind had been denying him.
Author's Notes: I am a cruel meanie for having a cliff hanger. I promise most of the next chapter is devoted to Kakkarot and Bulma, and some Goku/Bulmared. I just wanted to have Kakkarot say his piece here, and then give bulma a chance to respond next time. I hope you liked it. There will be more, now that I have my computer in my dorm room. I just couldn't get anything done in the school library. I chose to update this fic first because this is an old story and people like it, and I think it is my favorite DBZ fic that I have written. I really like the story, and characters in this. For more questions email me @ ThwartedShanni@hotmail.com I would really appreciate it, if and when you do email me that you specify WHICH story you have comments or questions about. I do have a lot of fics on the back burner you know. Thanks!
P.S. How many people were waiting for them to kiss?