Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Cop Story ❯ And Begin... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters. I have written this solely for entertainment for friends…free of charge. Again, only this story is my own, not the characters.

A Cop Story

Part One


And Begin…

"Screw you, Kakarott!" Vegeta spat out harshly, along with a glob of bloody phlegm. Goku just kept on smiling with childish enthusiasm. He never felt guilty for kicking the crap out of Vegeta. Why should he? It was just one of the things that went along with sparring. Besides, Vegeta could take the beating and then some. He even dished it out from time to time.

"Sorry Vegeta, but you're not my type." Goku said with a smile. "I prefer them a little taller." He added, knowing full well that this would set the shorter Saiyan off.

As if on cue Vegeta growled low, eyes flashing with unchecked anger. He absolutely hated when the stupid half-wit beat him in a sparring session. In a split second, he punched at Goku head on, snarling.

Goku smiled, reached out to the shorter Saiyan with his hand, placing it on his forehead, hindering Vegeta's progress. Not able to proceed forward onto his target, Vegeta shrieked and began flailing wildly with his arms and fists, hoping to connect with that smug jack-ass. Goku bent slightly forward chuckling as Vegeta's punches, aimed at his midsection, whaffed harmlessly millimeters from his body. Vegeta grunted with each punch, enraged by Goku's comments and the situation he was now in.

"Let's break for lunch." Goku said as his stomach grumbled.

Vegeta's reply was a strangled grunt and a fury of too short punches. Goku began to chuckle again but was cut short as his eyes went wide when Vegeta wiggled from his grip, side stepped and connected with his gut.

"Now let's break for lunch." Vegeta spat.

Goku fell to the mat on his knees while clutching his abdomen. Vegeta simply walked off the practice mat, head held high, nose in the air. He grabbed a towel and wiped his arms, neck and face roughly, promptly removing his sweat-drenched shirt, disregarding the small flecks of blood. Goku stood after a minute, grunted and staggered off the mat. He knew Vegeta was angry, but did he have to hit him so damn hard?

Vegeta grabbed a water bottle and took a quick swig. Mixing with the bloody lip Goku had given him earlier, the water tasted cool, refreshing and bitter.

"Clean up your ugly mug so we can get something to eat." Vegeta told Goku flatly as he threw him an unused towel from the bench.

"So where are we gonna eat?" Goku asked, his muffled voice meshing through the towel as he wiped his face.

"Does it matter? So long as it's edible, fast and plenty of it. Oh…and of course, so long as that ass-ache isn't there."

"Ass-ache in general or THE ass-ache?"

"There can be only one." Vegeta replied heading to the locker room to clean up.


They had an hour for lunch, and as usual the Ass-Ache had tagged along, as did one of the guys from the investigation unit. Vegeta rolled his eyes at Goku as he quietly ate his submarine sandwich.

"Man, you guys should have seen this babe! She was hot! And she was all over me!" Yamcha recounted last night's date to the table.

"Do you mind?" The man wearing a dark blue suit and tie asked in a calm, silky voice. "I'd rather like to finish my meal." He turned his cool, blue glare on Yamcha.

Yamcha, not taking the hint, looked down and moved his elbows off the table.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Table manners were never my strong point. So, where was I?"

"She was all over you." Goku mumbled around bites of his sandwich. As he was chewing he looked up to see Vegeta staring somewhere above and to the left of his head with a practiced annoyed yet blank expression. #17 sipped down some coffee he was drinking with his fresh vegetable lunch while glaring at Goku, who only smiled. Goku liked Yamcha well enough and suspected somewhere deep down that Vegeta and #17 liked him as well. Yamcha just had a bad tendency to run off at the mouth, especially about things that no one wanted to talk about.

"Yeah, she sure was! And did I mention she was hot? Huge knockers too!" He smiled proudly.

"So what did you guys do last night?" Goku inquired.

"Well, I met her at that bar where they have the female mud wrestlers."

#17 snickered around a piece of chopped broccoli.

"That's preposterous!" Vegeta huffed. He didn't know a whole lot about women, but he did know that they didn't like wrestling, let alone getting dirty. "Women wrestling, AND getting dirty? They would only cry that they broke a nail and ruined their hair and outfits!"

"Oh Vegeta," #17 sighed. "They don't wear outfits. They usually don't wear anything," his smooth voice intoned.

A chunk of tomato fell from Vegeta's sandwich and plopped on his plate as he halted the food halfway to his mouth, which was now open in realization. Goku licked mayonnaise from his fingers as he thought about what #17 had said.

"Well," he stated, "that makes sense. I can imagine it would get pretty weird having mud squishing around in your pants. So, if you're not wearing any, problem solved." Goku munched thoughtfully.

#17 snickered. He wondered if Goku even thought about the reasons why the whole idea of nude female wrestling was racy. He figured his mind just didn't work that way.


"No traction! No traction!" He yelled as he skidded around a corner at a run. Sure he could have flown or moved so fast the human eye would miss him but he was trying to follow the `let's not freak out normal people' policy that the Captain had spoken to everyone about. He skidded around another corner while tucking his shirt into his pants. He didn't bother fixing his unruly hair as he pushed through the door. Everyone else was already there, except the Captain. He sighed, relieved, and nodded at Vegeta who sneered back in acknowledgement. Another minute and he would have been late for line-up.

The room was small with seats scattered around like a classroom, and it was full of chatter. There was a small, wooden table in the back corner that held an old coffeepot and some creamer, along with sugar and some styrofoam cups.

#17 sat up front with Piccolo, chatting about the perks of cotton over polyester. Yamcha sat with Puar and Oolong gaping and drooling over some sort of magazine. Tien was sitting with Choutzu whom he was helping with a crossword puzzle. Krillin was sitting in front of Yajarobi who was stuffing his face with powdered doughnuts, spewing out crumbs and sugared dust as he chewed with his mouth open. Vegeta sat in the corner by himself, arms crossed and scowling.

Goku poured some coffee and sat down next to Vegeta, who looked cranky, as usual.

"Good morning, Vegeta." Goku smiled.

"There is nothing good about mornings," he stated flatly. "Especially when I have to come here."

Goku just shrugged. He was used to Vegeta's moodiness and it no longer really phased him. They had been partners now for almost a year. And they were friends, in a loose sense.

Vegeta `Hmphed' and directed his glare from Goku to the chalkboard at the front of the room. He couldn't quite put a finger on why he tolerated the other Saiyan. He was loud, impolite, messy and had the brains of an eggplant. But boy, could he fight! ~He's worthy~ he mused to himself.

The door opened and the chatter died down. Captain Roshi walked in with a clipboard and a cup of coffee. He wore the standard dark blue uniform and a pair of red sunglasses. His white beard did little to cover up the tropical print shirt he was wearing underneath. Behind him trailed an extremely attractive woman with sparkling blue eyes and long, silky blue hair that flowed with loose curls as she swayed. #17 and Piccolo stared. Yamcha, Puar and Oolong dropped the magazine and gaped. Tien looked up and smiled. Krillin looked downright nervous while Yajarobi seemed not to notice. Goku raised an eyebrow and smiled, poking Vegeta in the arm. Vegeta just sat up straighter.

Captain Roshi pulled out a chair that had been pushed up to a small table next to the chalkboard and ushered the young lady to take a seat. He then turned his attention to the room's other occupants.

"Okay," he rasped out. "Let's get started so we can all get outta here and get some decent coffee." He swirled his cup absentmindedly. Piccolo cleared his throat. The Captain continued. "Our old friend `the Breather' is back. He's made several calls in the last 8 hours. Oolong, you're #1 on the phone roster, so handle that the usual way." He pushed his glasses further up his nose and continued. "The WAH league is holding a demonstration down at the civic center this morning. HQ is requesting one man from the more centrally located precincts, that would include us, be assigned to the detail. Goku, I'll be sending you." Goku smiled at the mention of his name. Vegeta eyed Goku without changing his stern expression and `hmphed.' Captain Roshi checked the chalkboard and continued on once more, "Has anyone seen my chalk?"

The room was quiet and someone shuffled their feet.

"Ah…nevermind, nevermind. Tien, there should be two reports from that break-in case we had about a week ago on your desk. Look the things over and let me know if you think it's plausible." He took a swig of his coffee. "That's about it for today. Luckily, it's been a pretty uneventful 24 hours."

There was a shared sigh and a feeling of relaxation throughout the room.

"Lastly, I'd like to introduce a new addition to our department…and a lovely lady," Captain Roshi wiggled his eyebrows, "Miss Bulma Briefs." He gestured towards Bulma. "I'm going to start her with Vegeta today since Goku is on WAH detail."

Vegeta's scowl deepened as he stared straight ahead.

"Try to have an uneventful day."

As soon as this was spoken, the room broke into chatter, mostly from Puar, Oolong and Yajarobi who was choking on a doughnut. Tien straightened his tie and smiled at Bulma. Yamcha practically knocked down several chairs while making his way to check out the hot, new prospect.


Bulma was nervous. She tried to keep a calm and collected façade as the Captain gave her a stack of paperwork to fill out. She noticed, as she sat at a small table, that Captain Roshi, as old and as distinguished as he was, liked to leer. She began to feel self-conscientious about her choice of attire as the morning wore on. She didn't mind it when men would look at her that way. Not really. It just got creepy when the guy looking was old enough to be her father, and not quite as attractive.

As she filled out page two she sipped some coffee and her mind wandered again to the early morning events. The morning line-up was interesting. She had been nervous then too. She had known that when she had taken this job that she would be working primarily with guys. That didn't bother her. It was the mood of the room that bothered her. Something just didn't sit right with the group she was sitting in front of, staring at and being stared back at. She tried to occupy herself with stupid things and thoughts. She picked some lint off her suit, cursing herself for wearing a cream coloured suit. She thought about what she wanted for dinner, about what bubblebath she would use to relax later on, and finally she thought about the group sitting in front of her in their underwear. She gave a small smile at this and looked up again to glance around the room.

The green one in the suit, boxers…solid. She thought. The one next to him, briefs. Tiger stripped? The bald one, boxers. The two with the spiky hair in the back…hmmm…the tall one, boxers. The scowling one? Briefs. Maybe that's why he's scowling…She continued her thoughts. The pig? I don't even want to know.


A hand caught the edge of the car door as it was being shut, with a short grunt following.

"Kakarott, we will take our PT this evening after dinner."

"Um, sure Vegeta." Goku stated. "I'll be there."

"Fine, I will be at the usual spot."

The door closed and Goku was driven off to his special detail for the day. Vegeta watched him go and let out a `hmph.' He then walked back into the building to report to the Captain to pick up his special duty.

He scowled at the girl working the front desk dispatch. What was her name? He didn't know. As he rounded the corner he heard the chatter of little voices coming from the locker room. He stopped to get a drink at the water fountain and unintentionally caught snippets of the high pitched conversation.

"…think so. I think he wasn't telling the full truth anyway." A very high pitched voice intoned.

"Hey, is it true what they say about shoes?"

The cat and the pig, Vegeta thought as he continued down the hall to the main office. He came to Captain Roshi's door and peeked through the partially open blinds that covered the outer glass wall. His eyebrows rose up as he looked in at the scene. The woman, Bulma, sat in front of the Captains desk filing out forms. The Captain stood at her shoulder trying to get a peek down the front of her blouse. He rolled his eyes and composed himself with a scowl before pushing through the door.

The Captain turned as he heard him enter and went to take a seat at his desk. Vegeta walked and stood next to Bulma where the Captain had been, feet apart and arms crossed. Vegeta's gaze lowered to the woman filling out forms, and his eyes were momentarily drawn to the open collar of her blouse as her scent caught his nose.

Bulma felt the air shift slightly next to her as the Captain finally took his seat. She didn't look up, since all she had left of the forms was her signature.

The Captain sat down in his leather chair, the one he had begged the commissioner for over dinner about two years back. Vegeta, after mentally scolding himself for the 2-second transgression scowled at the Captain, not uttering a word. Roshi scowled back at Vegeta, or at least attempted to.

Bulma, feeling more uneasy by the second at the sounds of breathing, finished scribbling her name and slapped the papers on the desk.

"All done." She smiled. "That's the last of them. When do I get started?"

Captain Roshi considered this for a moment and nodded towards Vegeta.

"Well, I've assigned you to Vegeta for today, but in all honesty you'll probably be with him for about 3 days, if not the whole week."

Vegeta looked panicked for a brief second before lapsing back into a scowl that could make small children shriek, and often did.

"All week? Does he work in the lab as well?" Bulma asked Roshi, still not daring to look at the figure just behind her right shoulder.

"No." Roshi stated simply. "He works with Goku. They are patrolmen, regular officers with the department. I think it's a good idea for you to sit with them this week and see what it is they do. Get a feel for some of the things you have to research and work on for this department. Whether it be better equipment or help on cases."

Well, that made sense to Bulma. Vegeta was another story. He didn't like it when his normal, everyday routine was messed with. And this was definitely going to upset the way things should normally be.

"Vegeta, show her around, take her on a few calls, that sort of thing." Roshi said casually.

Bulma heard a `hmph' from next to her and finally dared to take a look at the figure standing there. He wasn't that tall, but he was incredibly built, from his black spiky hair to his pointed nose and chiseled profile, all the way down to his highly glossed and polished shoes. She was stunned. She had seen him earlier that morning during line-up scowling. He was still scowling, but being this close to him was somehow electric.

"Anything else, Captain?" Vegeta managed to sound calm and agitated all at once.

"No, just make sure she gets back in one piece. She's a very important young lady to this department." Roshi smiled at Bulma. He then shuffled some papers on his desk and picked up his phone.

Vegeta cleared his throat and waited for Bulma to follow him out.


I know, I know. But several people have told me to post it here, so I will try to polish up and post the entire thing here. It'll take me a few, maybe a chapter a day. I also plan on putting up the epilogue as well, and maybe some bonus material…the bonus stuff only if I get to it. Enjoy.