Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Debt Repaid ❯ A Debt Repaid ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: OK, I know it has been a while since my last Story but&nbs p;I have been very busy lately writing up the first
instalment in an original short story Series I have now posted for sale on amazon. However now that the&nb sp;first
book, ‘Sweet Temptations: The Babysitter’ is finally done,&nbs p;I thought I would redo this trilogy to celebrate. I am
also commissioning an Image for the third chapter, so all eyes open for that.
If you’re interested in purchasing &aci rc;€˜Sweet Temptations: The Babysitterâ&eur o;™, just visit my blog for the de tails: The
Erotic works of DarkInferno (authordarkinferno.blogspot.co.uk) ;
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z nor am I making any profit from this story.
A Debt Repaid
The grass was sodden, muffling the sounds of Android 18&aci rc;€™s three-inch heels as she dropped out of the
sky and land ed gracefully in the clearing encircling the& nbsp;Son household. It was mid-afternoon but the sky was
dark and subdued, the s un blotted out by a foreboding canopy of thick grey clouds, throwing the land in
darkness as a heavy she et of rain fell from the overcast heavens. Her clothes were&n bsp;drenched and she could feel
chilling rivulets running down her back and neck, but she was too intent on the task before her to&nbs p;pay the
distraction any note as she approached the small domed house.
He art fluttering excitedly, she raised a beautifully manicured ;hand and knocked three times on the
Son’s front door, being careful as she did not to use too much power and i nadvertently blow the timber off its
hinges. Then she ;waited. Yet as the seconds slipped away with no response,&nb sp;she couldn’t help thinking back on
how she’d come to& nbsp;be here. It all started that morning…
< br> *****************
Krillin had gone to work. That perverted old man Roshi, w ith his equally filthy walking pig Oolong, was
taking a trip to the main land to visit a& nbsp;weekend long manga convention and 18 had been left al one on Kami
Island, looking after her four year old daughter Marron.
It had been raining all night but at dawn the rain had fallen to a light drizzle before finally ;stopping just
as the pair finished Breakfast. It was still cloudy outside, but a brilliant blaze of ;sunlight had broken through
the overcast&nbs p;to shine upon the isle. Tired of being cooped up inside the tiny dwelling, it h adn’t taken much
pleading on Marron’s part to convince he r Mother to let her go outside and play on the beach.
Slipping into a dark blue bathing suit, she had lain out in her favourite& nbsp;beach chair, quietly reading a
book to herself while her daughter&nbs p;gleefully played in the white capped surf. It was a ponderous read however,
and as she listened to the sound of her daughterâ& euro;™s laughter and the rhythmic roar of the waves, her eyes grew
he avy. Twice she lost her place and even&n bsp;accidentally reread a sentence four consecutiv e times before drifting
into an uneasy&n bsp;slumber.
Memories began to dance before&nb sp;her eyes, hazy and half forgotten. A small girl, with sunbeams shining
in her golde n hair and a daisy chain around her ;neck, was playing with her darker twin in an open field of
buttercups.&nbs p;A tall gangly Teen with sun kissed locks r unning down to her back and a book bag und er her arm,
nervously blushing as a boy asked her out for the firs t time. A cruel old man, with skin like wrinkled parchment&nb sp;
and shocks and bushy white hair running his bald crown, laughing hysterically as his machines brutalised a
beautiful young woman restrained to a metal slab, naked and so very scared. And then there was the darkness,
that terrible&n bsp;awful abyss, where no warmth could penetrate and&nb sp;she could feel cold slimy tentacles all around
her, wri thing against her, inside her…
The thought jolted her from her&n bsp;slumber and despite the sun beating down on the tiny isle; she awoke
in a cold sweat. Her book had slipped ;from her grip and was lying in the sand face down in the san, a nd when
she looked for Marron, it w as clear the girl had grown bored and gone back inside the Kame house. She was all
alone. A shiver of fear ran down her spine and&nb sp;feeling a sudden chill in the air, sh e sat up in the chair and
hugged&nb sp;her knees to her bosom.
â€&o elig;Why?†Robed of its strength a nd confidence, her voice seemed to tremble&nb sp;as she spoke and she could
feel tears burning in the corners of her eyes. For seven&nb sp;years she’d fought so hard t o forget those days, but
recently every& nbsp;time she closed her eyes she was co nfronted by a memory of a girl she could no longer name.
Dr. Gero had taken it from her back in that cave, when his machines had ripped her humanity to pieces and&n bsp;
turned her slowly, agonisingly into the&n bsp;destructive Android 18.
And yet, for ;all the horrors she’d known sh e’d endured at the pitiless han ds of Dr. Gero, it was darkness
of the void that haunted her&nb sp;nightmares. And no matter how hard she tried, she feared she would never forget ;
that moment, the moment Dr Gero†™s last insane ploy for her was realised and her life ceased to be hers, the
moment she was completely absorbed& nbsp;by the heinous bug, Cell.
Just&nbs p;the thought of the nightmarish super androi d was enough to make her veins run with ice.&n bsp;Suddenly
all the warmth that remained&nbs p;in air was snatched from her, the whisper of the se a breeze sounded cruel and
mocking, and she was sure she could feel the muscles of Cell’s tail cons tricting around her, dragging her
deeper and deeper until she was ;swallowed up. In the end there had been no pain, only an involuntary sleep
and the feeling of hollowness as she was drained of everything that remained of her who she had once&nb sp;been.
Time had held no meaning and she thought she was doomed to fade away into the nothingness of purgatory,
as Seventeen had done before her. But then something happened, and she was saved from the nightmare as
an awesome force shock the abyss and propelled&n bsp;her up out of the darkness and into& nbsp;the light.
Born again, she had&nbs p;felt warmth wash over her before the g round surged up to meet her, hard. Her&n bsp;
strength was a mere fraction of its& nbsp;former potency and it had taken her ;all just to seize that first breath. The air
had been ;heavy and foul, thick with the pungent aroma of Sulphur and something else she knew all too well,
Her strength and& nbsp;consciousness slipping away, she fought to open her eyes, praying to gods whose
names she couldnâ€&t rade;t remember that this wasn’t&nbs p;all just some other cruel twist of fate as her eyelid peeled back.
Disorientated, she stared dreamily up at the pale blue sky. It had never seemed so beautif ul before, but in that
moment it was the most magnificent sight she had ever seen and she struggled to engrave every aspect of it in
her memory. Something stirred in the corner of her eye, shatte ring her harmony and causing a cold fist of fear
to close around her heart. She wanted to take&nb sp;flight, to run, hide, anything over than just lie in the dirt, but ;
the best she could do is pivot eve r so slight in the movement’s&n bsp;direction. A young boy stood over her, badly
bloodied and&n bsp;dressed in a mass of torn garments, but his hair was glowing and golden.
Gohan. At the though t of her saviour, a twinge of warmth&nbs p;touched her checks. She had spent years&nbs p;
trying to think of ways to repay Gohan for ;what he did that day, but the kid was just too damn noble, to good
to accept her thanks. Even now, seven years later, he would bl ush whenever she brought it up, his eyes darting
this way and that to avoid meeting her gaze. He was always so nervous around her, so shyâ&e uro;¦ That’s it! &nbs p;
Elated by sudden fiendish inspiration,&nbs p;she sprang out of her favourite beach chair and all but ran back
in to the house. Pausing barely for a moment to check that Marron was ok, she then sprinted up the stairs, into
hers&n bsp;and Krillin’s bedroom and began& nbsp;rummaging through her wardrobe.
“A ha, found you.†She cried in triu mph, holding up an outfit Bulma had bought her for&nb sp;a birthday
present a few years ago&nb sp;that she had never tried on. It was&n bsp;a bold, provocative thing that consisted of a vibrant
crimson tube top, black&nbs p;mini-skirt, and a biker’s leather& nbsp;jacket.
Laying it out on the bed, she quickly untied her bikini and, forgoing underwear, slipped into the outfit. It
w as a snug fit, and her jaw almost dropped when she saw her reflection in her vanity mirror . The top barely
reached her waist and was so snug she could clearly see her nipples pressing through the cloth, and the skirt
was&nbs p;so short, she was sure that when she bent over, her arse would be on full display. It was perfect.
Donning the matching strap-laced high heeled shoes, she quickly ca lled up Capsule Corp to arrange for
Bulma’s mother to babysit before&nb sp;calling out for Marron to get ready. Brushing off her daughter’s questions
ab out her attire as they flew to West City, she dropped the cheering infant off with the every chirpy matron
before collapsing her Capsule jet and taking flight towards Mount Paozu.
*********** *******************
Growing impatient, 18 knocked again, the thick timber warm against her chilled knuckles. Soaked to the&n bsp;
skin, her golden blond hair was a mass of tangles and had been plastered to her neck and forehead by the downpour. Cursing under her breath as water seeping beneath her jacket to wet the back of her top, she was
about to knock for the third, a nd final, time when the door suddenly sw ung inward and the bio-android felt
her brea th catch in her throat as the godly ;vision of a half-naked Son Gohan, clad only in a set of navy Gi
tro users, emerged to greet her.
"Hey 18"&nb sp;He said, blushing nervously at the sight of her before ave rting his eyes and stepping aside to
let her enter the small house. But 18 wasn't paying attention, her eyes feasting on the broad planes of muscle
that currently stood in front of her. â&euro ;˜This will be more fun than I thought.’ She mused, a small&nbs p;predatory smile
playing at the corners of her lips as she q uickly walked past the demi-Sayain and into&n bsp;the warm foyer of the
Son home. ;
“I'm afraid mum isn't home&nbs p;right now,†Gohan said, an obvious&n bsp;shake in his voice as he closed the door
behind her, his eyes looking everywhere but directly at her. An uneasy&nbs p;silence hung between them, perhaps he
was hopping she would leave, now that she knew his mother wasn’t around, too bad. “Can I get you something to drink, or a towel?â€&nb sp;
“Coffee, Please…&aci rc;€ She purred, her smile broadening&nbs p;as the Hybrid’s face turned bright red before
watching with evident amusement as he spun on his heel and nearly fled down the hallway to the& nbsp;kitchen. The
encounter had quickly confi rmed her suspicions; Gohan was despairingly unsure around girls and was in&n bsp;
desperate need of some tuition. Licking her lips in anticipation, she watched Gohan disappear into the kitchen
before shrugging off her jacket and making her way into&n bsp;the living room.
****************** **********
`Well she's here again, Gohan.' The hybrid thou ght, his heart racing in his chest and&n bsp;his hand shaking
almost uncontrollably as he poured out a cup of boiling hot water.
From the very first moment he’d set& nbsp;eyes upon Android 18, Gohan had thought& nbsp;her to be the most
beautiful creatu re on the planet. Brought up in the ;secluded mountain region, with only his moth er to
influence him, the gorgeous beauty with intense sapphire eyes and sun kiss ed locks had been a breath taking
v ision of loveliness. Even when she had been a creature of mass destruction, ;created to destroy Earth, the
sheltered ;youth had mesmerised by her beauty, and ;her evil nature had only added to her seductive c harm.
Pouring milk into the steaming cup of coffee, Gohan tried to ease the&n bsp;mounting tension in his loins by
taking several deep, soothing breaths. However he was finding it difficult to concentrate. His mind w as drifting
and he found himself conjuri ng up visions of the Android as he had ;seen her in the doorway, wet and drippi ng
and each more sexual than the last; until the familiar ;sensation of his erection straining against the leg of his Gi
broke his meditation.
“Ooh man, ;this can’t be happening, not n ow.†He said, embarrassed and ashamed& nbsp;by the sight. If 18
were to se e, he doubted he would ever live down&nb sp;the embarrassment. But there was no time to take care of
the problem , so instead he tried to conceal his&nbs p;arousal within the folds of loose fabric before picking up the
Muttering silent prayers, he made his way out of&n bsp;the kitchen towards the living room, being careful as
he did not to spill a single drop of the dark liquid upon&nb sp;the carpet. The door was already partially open. Kicking
it open all the way, he felt his feet turn to l ead as he entered the room. 18 was lain across his mother’s leather&nbs p;
high-backed armchair, her long creamy legs thrown over one arm while he r head rested against the other,
emphasi sing the soft curve of her neck. Suddenl y feeling a bit hot under the waistline, he watche d transfixed
as the Android swept a damp strand of hair& nbsp;from her eyes, before following a crystalline drop roll down her
slender throat to vanish beneat h her top. Or at least what was mea nt to be a top. It seemed to be&nbs p;a size too
small and rode slightly up her rib cage to expose her smooth toned mid- drift; and sodden as it was, it appeared
to have moulded to her cleavage so that her ample breasts were on full display as they strained against the
fab ric, leaving nothing to the imagination. Gohan felt a slight blush burning his cheeks at the sight.
Feeling the heat of h is gaze lingering upon her bosom, 18 couldn't help but smi le as she watched Gohan
out of the& nbsp;corner of her eye. Sliding her long legs off of the arm of the loveseat,&nbs p;she sat up and watched with a
hin t of amusement as the Sayain tried to hand her the cup&nbs p;of steaming coffee without starring, but It was clear
that his mind was elsewh ere as once he’d handed it ;to her he stumbled drunkenly backward and&nb sp;almost fell
back into the cream coloured loveseat besides the chair. Still blushing profusely, Gohan quickly sat in the& nbsp;sofa
while trying to avoid eye contact.
For a long moment they sat in silence as the beauty slowly sipped her coffee, watching him from behind
the lip of her cup, trying to prolong the teen’s torment for as long as possible.
Tense and breathless, Goha n felt on the verge of breaking as his lust darkened irises openly watched&nb sp;
her sup from the teacup, his imagination picturing just how those wonderful crimson lips might look wrapped
around t he head of his cock. The idea was crazy, but a part of him just couldn&aci rc;€™t help himself.
He almost&nb sp;jumped with surprise when, looking up from the dregs of her coffee, 18 seductively flicked
back her drying hair before slig htly adjusting her position so that he was tempted just that little bit more by
the milky flesh of ;her bosom. Gohan mentally urged himself to&n bsp;look away, but his body wasn't listening and
instead just stared across at the&nb sp;stunning creature before of him.
“So&nbs p;Gohan, your mother tells me that you a re going to be attending High School next month.†Said 18
as she set her cup down on the pine an d glass coffee table, the tone of her&nb sp;voice was casual but her smile was wicked and her eyes, those beautiful, bott omless depths of blue, held a twinkle of seductive promise that sent
a rush&nb sp;of warmth down Gohan’s spine.&nbs p;Lost in a daze, he barely registered a word she said.
“Huh…oh& nbsp;I'm sorry 18; could you say that again please?†;He asked after a moment, sifting uneasily in
the loveseat and scratching the back of his head, trying to look innocent as his erection began to pulse
painfully. < br> “You’re starting school next month?†18 repeated, her tone&nbs p;remaining even despite the overwhelming
fee lings of triumph welling up within her. She could see the effect& nbsp;she was having on the young Sayain and
knew things were progressing as she’d expected. It wouldnâ& euro;™t be long now.
“Um Yea…well&aci rc;€¦I-I thought that it would be ;good to interact with some people may o wn age.†he
replied, his voice&nb sp;catching in his throat as he once again tried&nbs p;to avoid looking directly at the beauty, his checks
now&n bsp;so red he thought they might spontaneousl y combust at any moment.
“ Ohhh…are you sure you're ready for that Gohan?†She ;asked, her head innocently tipping to the&nb sp;side
as she pretended not to notice his nervousness,& nbsp;or the bulge of his arousal nearly tearing through the navy
& acirc;€œWell, it’s just; I&nbs p;know that you're no stranger to dangerous&n bsp;situations Gohan. With a mother like
Chichi, handling danger should come as almos t second nature to you.†She chuc kled impishly to emphasis the
joke. &aci rc;€œBut High School is very different, Gohan.†At that&nbs p;18 gave him a smile that made ever&nbs p;muscle in Gohan's
body go tense before slipping her feet free of the heels,&nb sp;rising out of the chair and walking slowly around the
coffee table to sit&nb sp;beside him on the loveseat. Placing a surprisingly gentle hand on his thigh, she used her
ind ex finger to gently trace a path along his leg and up his muscular abdomen to&n bsp;draw delicate swirls across his
torso.&nb sp;
“I-I-I'm still not su re what you mean 18?†Gohan gaspe d, his every breath now perfumed with th e
Android’s alluring scent and he tried to subtly shift to the far end of the Loveseat. Trying to hide her smirk, 18
followed him across the seat before leaning in close enough to corner him against th e armrest.
“Well for starters, there are all those people who believe that that buffoon&nb sp;Hercule Satan killed Cell, so
you can 't show any of your powers. You'd have&n bsp;to be careful about what you tell people about yourself, I may
have been&n bsp;out of the city for a while but ;I don't think many people have spent ti me on another planet, or, for
that matter, have alien DNA.†She said ;lightly as her hand very slowly made its way back&n bsp;down his body.
Hanging on her every& nbsp;word, Gohan tried to ignore how good&nbs p;her chilled fingers felt on his heated ;flesh
or the way her very low cut skirt was riding up her thigh, or that her full breasts&n bsp;were pressing against his side
through&nb sp;the thin cloth of her top. Everything about her was driving his senses wild with desire and he knew& nbsp;if
she didn’t leave soon,& nbsp;very soon, he would probably end up ;doing something he’d regret later.
Suddenly 18s voice began to fade away. As if awaking from a dream, he looked her dreamily to& nbsp;see that
she had an expectant narro w eyed look and he realised with a terrified shock that she was waiting for him to
â& euro;œUmm 18…I…ugh?&acir c;€ He stammered, groping blindly for a response before abandoning the pretence and
giving her an apologeti c look.
“I said that a cute guy like you would also have to&nbs p;deal with hordes of giggling girls flirting with you left,
right and& nbsp;centre. Some might even try and steal&nb sp;a kiss or…†She fell silent as a look of utter terror suddenly
spread&n bsp;across Gohan’s handsome features ;and this time 18 couldn’t help her wide, feline smile. “Why&n bsp;Gohan,
don't tell me you’ve never kissed a girl before?â€
Going redder than a ripe tomato, he hurriedly looked away to hide his embarrassment, confir ming her
suspicions. Raising a hand to his chin, she gently turned his head to face hers, the ir eyes locked together.
“Aww&aci rc;€¦don’t be shy Gohan. ;If you want, I can show you how?â € Then she leant forward, silencing his& nbsp;
protests by pressing her full crimson lips to his. Alarmed, Gohan instincti vely tried to pull away, but he was
penned in by the&n bsp;Loveseat and her eager tongue, took advantage of his surprise to invade the heat of his
mouth, dancing across the&nb sp;roof of his mouth before entangling with&n bsp;his tongue in a sensual battle.
Gohan didn’t know what to do. His mind was numb, his sense of co gnitive reasoning overwhelmed by
the feeling of her body&n bsp;moving against him. No, it had to be dream,&nbs p;this couldn’t be real, but it felt so good.
Moaning in the back of his throat as her to ngue curled around his, he wrapped his a rms around her waist and
dragged her&nbs p;onto his lap, letting her feel the weight of his arousal as he returned the kiss with a furious,
unrestrained passion.
Caught up in a& nbsp;raging tempest of sexual desire, they groped and&nbs p;clawed at one another as their mouths
battled for control until the need for air forced Gohan to&n bsp;break away, his breathing ragged and laboured.
Smirking with triumph, 18 reached down between them,&n bsp;her slender fingers slipping beneath the elastic of his
Gi to wrap around the ;engorged flesh of his manhood, but he w as so thick she could barely close her&n bsp;fingers
around him.
“ So Gohan, are you ready for your lessons ?†She asked before experimentally str oking his length from
base to head, her t humb applying a light pressure to the sticky tip that& nbsp;made him buck his hips into her han d.
Relishing the sensations she was stirring within him, his head fell back and a&nbs p;deep howl of pleasure echoed
from his lips as ;she repeated the action, massaging him with a practised, agonising slowness.
Watching him intently, 18 felt a thrill of pleasure rushing down her spine as she mentally memorised ;
every little detail of the youth’s arousal. Yet it& nbsp;was difficult not to be immediately impressed and , though she
had been with her shar e of lovers in her time, she was quite certain she had never touched anything quite so
well endowed. ‘Kami, he&n bsp;must be at least 10inches!’ ;
Letting her excitement get the better of her, sh e bent down to teasingly nip his lower&n bsp;lip before seizing
the waistband of his Gi with her free hand and pul ling it over his engorged flesh, freeing him to her gaze.
Marvelling at the sight of his masculinity, it’s impossibly thick girth pulsating within her grasp while the bullous
crown glistened with his nectar; 18 knew she couldn’t wait and bega n clambering to her feet.
â€&oelig ;No!†Gohan gasped, panicking as he felt her weight leaving him and&nb sp;made to drag her back, but
moaned in displeasure and& nbsp;instinctively stopped when she suddenly relea sed her grip on his sensitised arousal < br> and forcefully removed his hands from her person. Flashing him a stern look th at held him still, she slowly
moved ;off his lap and down onto her knees,&nb sp;placing light butterfly kisses down his broad torso,& nbsp;her teeth
gently nipping his stiff nipples. As she moved lower, her hands b egan tugging at his Gi, dragging the fabric
do wn his legs as she swept her tongue ;over his rippling abs before dipping in ;and around his bellybutton,
causing him to shiver and moan at the strange&nb sp;sensation. Letting the garment pool around his feet, 18
repositioned both ha nds on his inner thighs, massaging the warm flesh there in a way that quickly had&nb sp;the
youth hissing her name while she dropped down andâ&eu ro;¦
“Aaaooohhhhh†cri ed Gohan, his eyes widening to the size of saucers and seizing fistf uls of the loveseat
as the beauty’s lips closed over t he head of his cock, her expert tongue&n bsp;fluttering over the domed tip, teasing
him wit h its softness but sending pulse after pulse of electric passion shooting up his spine.
“Ohhh...Kamiâ&eu ro;¦yesss….18… more&aci rc;€¦please…moreâ€
Inw ardly grinning at the note of desperation&nbs p;in his voice, 18 took him deeper, her& nbsp;full lips sliding down
the silky soft crown,& nbsp;her pearly incisors scrapping over the sensitised ridges while her tongue&n bsp;massaged the
susceptible underside. And i t felt so good that Gohan could only&nbs p;vocalise his pleasure in a stream of low grunts
and animalistic howls.
Yet he was far too large, even for her, and inexper ienced to risk deep throating. So when she had taken
as much of him in as she dared, she mo ved her left hand up and began massaging the exposed skin around the
base w hile she bobbed her head up and down,&nb sp;gradually picking up speed with each stroke.
â&euro ;œKami, 18…don’t sto p…don’t stopâ€&brvba r;†Grunted Gohan, his voice deep ;and chocked with pleasure as he
felt the combined pleasures of&nbs p;her mouth and fingers. Contrary to popular& nbsp;belief, Gohan wasn’t completely ;
innocent, he’d masturbated on and off over the years, but the nervous& nbsp;fondling and awkward strokes had
done&nb sp;nothing to prepared him for the pleasures 18 was conjuring inside of him. Fearful of hurting her, it was
taking all of his willpower to control the impulse to buck his hips but he ;was so close now, the urge was almost&n bsp;
Sensing his restraint through the mounting tension in his thighs, 18 decided to tak e things up a notch
and drawing back until just the bulbous crown remained&nb sp;between her lips, she hummed a low, rumbling
Mmmmmâ€&brvba r;
“OH FUCK!†The curse of delight left his lips in&nb sp;a startled cry as he felt her moan vibrating along his
manhood and up his spine, forcing him over the edge; his molten seed explo ding from his thick length and into
her mouth as wave after wave over took& nbsp;the youth in a furious tsunami of sensation. Relishing the savoury
taste of his essence, 18 swallowed every drop greedily until at last the flow ceased a nd Gohan collapsed into
the loveseat, pa nting heavily and trembling with minor aftershocks. ;
Licking her lips clean and enjoying the lingering taste of his cum that still lingered on her&nb sp;tongue, 18
rose up from between his&n bsp;knees and smiled slyly at the slightly&nb sp;dazed teen beneath her. It had been n ecessary,
and more than a little fun, for her to ensure he released some& nbsp;of that pent up excitement, or else ;there was a
chance this would all end to quickly, as was often the case&nb sp;with most first timers. However, now that& nbsp;she had
relieved him of that embarrassing eventuality, it was time for his real lessons to begin.
And it didn't take long for the animalistic passion that filled him to resurface, his&nbs p;manhood surging back
to life as Gohan looked up at& nbsp;her, his dark irises cloudy with lust&nb sp;and drinking in the sight of her stan ding over
him. Her heart fluttering, she met& nbsp;his gaze with equal hunger as she reached down and dragged the tube to p
up over her head, revealing her bountiful cleavage to hybrid’s&n bsp;ravenous gaze at a provocatively slow pace
before carelessly&n bsp;discarding the garment to the floor.
Gohan's eyes&n bsp;immediately fixed on her bouncing orbs. D espite her parental status, 18's breasts were
large, full and firm; their only flaw being the paler patches of skin that streaked their middle, marking where
she had recently worn a bikini&nbs p;while lounging in the sun; however the milky complexion only accentuated ;her
stiff rosy nipples. Utterly captivated&n bsp;by the sight, he hardly noticed her sitting on his upper abdomen, his hard < br> erection nestling between the smooth mounds of her arse. < br> A slim but powerful forefinger and gently tilted his head up ;so that he was looking up into the ;android’s
pale blue eyes. Her head dipped down and they met in a hungry kiss, her full lips moving sensually against his
as her soft golden hair tickle his cheeks and their tongues battling, but then the kiss was done and he could
feel her hot breath washing over his ear.
“Now Gohan,& nbsp;for your first lesson, I want you t o suck on my tits.†She whispered in a sultry tone before
nipping th e lobe of his ear. His breath hitching,& nbsp;Gohan quickly nodded in understanding, his&nb sp;hands roughly
seizing her inviting hips and pulling her against him, her lo ng legs wrapping around his waist in answer.&nbs p;Coiling
a strong arm, roped with muscle, around her narrow&nbs p;waist to hold her steady, he trailed t he other up her flat
stomach to cup the weight of her left breast in h is palm. 18 let out a gasp of surpr ise as she felt his rough
fingertips&nbs p;clumsily brushing over her nipple as he&nbs p;kneaded the soft flesh. His inexperience wa s clear, but his
vigour aptly made up for it and she shuddered with pleasure when his head came&nb sp;down to place feather light
kisses do wn the slender flesh of her sun kissed&n bsp;neck, along her collar bone, and onto&nbs p;the top of her right
Though she was trying to remain composed, 18 couldn't help but ;enjoy being the object of the youth’s
affections. She’d expected the same& nbsp;overzealous fumbling and mauling she could&nb sp;remember from her own
first time, but instead he showed surprising aptitude and once she was finished with him, she was sure he’d be
more than ready to ravish any girl that took his fancy. But would they be&n bsp;enough for him?
“Mmmâ&euro ;¦that’s it…not too rough…girls love having their breasts teased…so…donâ&e uro;™t…don’t just pl ay with
the nipple, experimenohhhâ€&nbs p;She panted as his thumb caressed her h ardened bud while his mouth trailed light&nbs p;
kisses around her breast before trailing a long lick up from beneath her breast to her nipple. He lapped and
swirled&nbs p;around the pebble, causing another gasp to escape 18’s lip s before her head fell back and her back
arched in sheer d elight as the warmth of his mouth finall y descended upon her breast; his lips su ckling and
kissing her sensitive skin while his teeth gently&nbs p;nipped the rosy bud. Her hands grabbed ;his head, her slender
fingers running through clumps of his ebony hair and tug ging him harder against her breast.
He had&nb sp;a sinfully wicked mouth, but now it w as time to move on and with a low&n bsp;moan of approval, 18
quickly regained&nbs p;her composure and pushed Gohan's hands and& nbsp;lips off of her body. She was panti ng slightly
from his talented attentions, but&nb sp;her path was clear and she was focused on her next step. Meeting the
youth’s confused gaze, she& nbsp;bent forward and gave him a surprisingly sweet kiss.
“Very good&n bsp;Gohan, but it's time for the most im portant part.†Biting her lower lip, she hiked her skirt up&nb sp;
before placing both hands on his bulg ing muscular torso to steady her as she lifted her hips, poising herself
ove r his stiff arousal. “Make sure you’re well lubricated.†She instructed, her voice ;hitching slightly as she
rocked her hips, letting his tip slide between her slick folds, m oistening the already glossy crown before sliding
all the way down onto his thick shaft.&n bsp;A deep guttural moan escaped Gohan at the feeling of being inside her
and 18 could only utter a strangled sort of wail as she threw her head back, eyes wide&nb sp;and mouth agape in
sheer rapturous pl easure as she his felt his titanic length filling tight passage. He felt so ;big, maybe even twice
the size of Krillin, and he was stretching her so much that it would have hurt ;if it hadn’t felt so fucking good.
“Go-go slow…at& nbsp;firstttohhh Kami… let her body ad-adjust to your size…so big …then work, work up from
She held hersel f still for a moment; trying to adjust to his size while enjoying the feeling of fullness,
before slowly raising her hips until just his tip remained wit hin her and then plummeting back down, causing
them both to moan&nbs p;with renewed pleasure. Getting the idea, Go han's grip shifted down to the firm glob es of
her arse, aiding her motions as he started to rock his hips, thrustin g up to meet her as she moved down on
him; causing 18 to inhale a sudden ragged breath.
Their movements quickly became synchronized; when she&nb sp;would lift her hips, he drew back bef ore
thrusting into her slippery sheath a s she brought herself down, impaling to his hilt. Growing confident, Gohan
began to pick up the&nb sp;pace and a course song of wolfish growls passed his lips while 18's moans became high
pitched as she felt him thrusting deeper inside her, each&nb sp;jolting plunge bringing her closer and clo ser to a mind
blowing climax.
"Ahhh…oh Kamiâ€& brvbar;more..." she demanded, and then almost ;screamed with ecstasy as a low grumble
rumbled through him in answer and his&nb sp;pace quickened. Feeling secure in his grasp, her&n bsp;hands moved up from
his shoulders to seize and fondle her bouncing breasts, roughly massaging the soft flesh while rollin g her
nipples between her thumbs and foref ingers. If she hadn’t known his mother, 18 would have been sure that&nb sp;
this wasn't Gohan’s first ti me; he was just so good. If she sur vived this little lesson, how was she ever going to
be satisfied with Krillin again? &aci rc;€œOohhh-yea…harder…fu ck me harder!â€
“So-so&nb sp;tight…†Gohan growled, hi s hips snapping in deep, powerful strokes while his grip ;tightened on
the Android’s ful l arse, leaving small half-moon marks as he rocked her i n time with his motions. It felt so ;good
inside her; so hot and tight, ;he could feel her fleshy walls rippling around his shaft,&n bsp;moulding to his every entry,
clenching tight in her pleasure and trying to draw him in as he withdrew. Kami,&nbs p;sex was incredible; he couldn’t
get enough, nothing would ever be enough.
“Oohhhyes ss…Gohan…right there, don ’t stop, don’t stop! You're…you’re going to make me cum!†she
panted out. The air was thick with the musky scent of sex&nb sp;and the wet slap of flesh meeting flesh as the youth
drove into her w ith such force what she was made to bounce; his pace quickening into a furious roller-coaster
of deep th rusts that hit her sweet spot every time . She was so close; she could feel the pleasure building up
thick and molten within her, about&nb sp;to spill its banks and drown her in ecstasy. “Ohhh harder…Yes…YESSS!&acir c;€ His
next hard jab was all it took to push her over the edge a nd she cried out in rapture as her inner walls spasm
around Gohan's driving cock and titanic aftershocks pitching her into a world of ;sensory delight as she
collapsed against him, exhausted.
Re sting her head on his shoulder, dragging in burning breaths, she felt Gohan’s motions come to an
abrupt stop before his powerful hands hoisted her up and then gently lai d her down upon something soft.
Stirring as he withdrew from the heat of her ;channel, she blinked through a sudden feelin g of weightlessness
only to see Gohan&nb sp;leaning over her, his eyes almost black with lus t and a broad toothy grin turning at his lips.
“You didnâ&e uro;™t really think it would be that&nb sp;easy, did you?†His voice was gruff, more animal than man,
tying a knot of fear in her belly. A cold knot of fear seized her heart and she tried to rise, to run, but she was
still dazed and her hand slipped mid motion to send her tumbling back to the ground,&n bsp;accidentally twisting
mid-fall to leave her butt presented. Determined to&nb sp;escape however, she began to shuffle, but before she had
taken so much as half a step, there was a bark of laughter&nbs p;and two strong hands seized her upraised hips and
yanke d her back.
Lining himself up for penetration, Gohan felt a ;sharp bolt of agony shoot up the length of his, now quite
red, erection an d decided he had enough waiting. With a coarse growl, he rammed back into her warmth from
behind, causing the beauty to shriek with delight, and a gony. This way he could force himself a& nbsp;little deeper
and the additional tightness of t he position tore an involuntary grunt of ;pleasure from him as he quickly
rekindled his&nbs p;prior passion, fucking her with hard, fluid strokes that had 18 rocking and grinding against him in
no time at all. &nbs p;
“AHHHH!†Despite the pain, she shrieked with delight as s he moved to meet him, her body tightenin g
all-the-more around his swollen arousal&nbs p;as he quickly propelled her towards another rele ase. And she knew
she was becoming addicted.
This feeling, it went beyond& nbsp;sex, beyond fucking. Gohan filled her like nothing she could have ever
imagined, she could& nbsp;feel every minimal movement of his cock against&nb sp;her plush walls, his motions were
dom inating but also considerate; he was claiming her but at the same time worshiping her. In one day, he had
unwrapped& nbsp;all the self-control and discipline she had amassed from a lifetime of torment.
Gohan held nothing back; grunting with pleasure as he felt the familiar pressure mounting down&n bsp;at the
base of his spine, relishing the sounds of her pleasure maddened mewing.&n bsp;Driven by primal knowledge, his
righ t hand slid off her hips and up the flat straight of her stomach to grasp&n bsp;her bosom, roughly kneading the
soft flesh and pinching her sensitive nipple as his pelvis slapped against her succulent rump . The sensation was
incredible; she was& nbsp;hot, tight and slick with longing, drawi ng him in so deep they both forgot the world around
them lost themselves in an intense, lustful storm.
â€&oel ig;Ooohh Kami…so…so deep& acirc;€¦so good, Harder…fuck ;me harder…yes, yes, yes, YES!&acir c;€ cried 18, her nerves
alight wit h white-hot fire. Gohan's eyes fell shut as he felt himself finally nearing his limit and when he plunged
one m ore time, the force of it was enough to send her crashing over her peak and she came in a tide of hot
fluid that&nb sp;coated his pulsating cock. The heat of her release, as well as the feeling of her inner walls convul sing
and tightening around his thick mem ber in such erratic spasms, drew an almi ghty howl from the youth as he
pull ed out, flipped her over so that she was lying on her back before letting forth an expl osion of sticky cum
that splattered acro ss her gorgeous body.
Exhausted and gasp ing, 18 relaxed back into a pool of post-orgasmic bliss as tiny aftershocks coursed
along her nerve system. The urge to curl into a ball and take a nap was almo st overpowering and all she
wanted to do was recline back a nd take a well-deserved break; she had t ime, if they followed their usual
schedule Chichi and Gohanâ€&trade ;s younger Brother Goten wouldn't be home&nbs p;for hours. However the gruff sound of
a throat clearing shattered her slumber. ;Her heart suddenly leaping to her throat, she slowly looked up to see
Gohan standing&n bsp;over her, his hard dick fully erect despite his release moments before. It was plain she
wouldn’t be getting any rest just yet.
************** **************
By 9PM the rains ha d moved on and the dark clouds were ;beginning to disperse, revealing a sky dyed by
splashes of orange, pink and purple as ;the heavy sun sunk behind the silhouette&nbs p;of Mount Paozu. Stirring as a
few stray rays of golden light fell on her eyes, 18 was abruptly wrenched vi olently from her deep slumber
groggily sat up, findin g herself in a bedroom not her own. The&nb sp;sound of gentle snoring caused her to glance
down at the sl eeping figure lying beside her on the large double bed, caus ing the memories of the past hours
to come flooding back to her. ;Registering the satisfying soreness between her thighs, a smile spread&n bsp;across her
lips and she bent down to place a chaste kiss on ;the Gohan’s brow before rising from the tangled sheets.
Utterly naked and&n bsp;with her legs wobbling dangerously, she l eft the bedroom and moved down to the&nb sp;
house’s lower level and began collecting her clothes. Once dressed, she gathered up&nb sp;Gohan’s Gi and took it&nbs p;
into his and Goten’s room.&nb sp;Laying it out over one of the two cot beds , she reached into her jacket pocket and
withdrew a sealed envelope. Placing it on the trousers, she then moved over& nbsp;to the small window above a
study&n bsp;desk, through it open, and took flight&nb sp;into the darkening sky.
To be continued…&nb sp;
AN: so that’s it for now, but I am working on the remaining chapters as we speak. Once again, if you’re
interested in buying my& nbsp;Kindle book ‘Sweet Temptations: The Babysitter’, all the details are available on my
blog&nbs p;or else just do a search for the title on Amazon. Until next time, happy reading…
instalment in an original short story Series I have now posted for sale on amazon. However now that the&nb sp;first
book, ‘Sweet Temptations: The Babysitter’ is finally done,&nbs p;I thought I would redo this trilogy to celebrate. I am
also commissioning an Image for the third chapter, so all eyes open for that.
If you’re interested in purchasing &aci rc;€˜Sweet Temptations: The Babysitterâ&eur o;™, just visit my blog for the de tails: The
Erotic works of DarkInferno (authordarkinferno.blogspot.co.uk) ;
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z nor am I making any profit from this story.
A Debt Repaid
The grass was sodden, muffling the sounds of Android 18&aci rc;€™s three-inch heels as she dropped out of the
sky and land ed gracefully in the clearing encircling the& nbsp;Son household. It was mid-afternoon but the sky was
dark and subdued, the s un blotted out by a foreboding canopy of thick grey clouds, throwing the land in
darkness as a heavy she et of rain fell from the overcast heavens. Her clothes were&n bsp;drenched and she could feel
chilling rivulets running down her back and neck, but she was too intent on the task before her to&nbs p;pay the
distraction any note as she approached the small domed house.
He art fluttering excitedly, she raised a beautifully manicured ;hand and knocked three times on the
Son’s front door, being careful as she did not to use too much power and i nadvertently blow the timber off its
hinges. Then she ;waited. Yet as the seconds slipped away with no response,&nb sp;she couldn’t help thinking back on
how she’d come to& nbsp;be here. It all started that morning…
< br> *****************
Krillin had gone to work. That perverted old man Roshi, w ith his equally filthy walking pig Oolong, was
taking a trip to the main land to visit a& nbsp;weekend long manga convention and 18 had been left al one on Kami
Island, looking after her four year old daughter Marron.
It had been raining all night but at dawn the rain had fallen to a light drizzle before finally ;stopping just
as the pair finished Breakfast. It was still cloudy outside, but a brilliant blaze of ;sunlight had broken through
the overcast&nbs p;to shine upon the isle. Tired of being cooped up inside the tiny dwelling, it h adn’t taken much
pleading on Marron’s part to convince he r Mother to let her go outside and play on the beach.
Slipping into a dark blue bathing suit, she had lain out in her favourite& nbsp;beach chair, quietly reading a
book to herself while her daughter&nbs p;gleefully played in the white capped surf. It was a ponderous read however,
and as she listened to the sound of her daughterâ& euro;™s laughter and the rhythmic roar of the waves, her eyes grew
he avy. Twice she lost her place and even&n bsp;accidentally reread a sentence four consecutiv e times before drifting
into an uneasy&n bsp;slumber.
Memories began to dance before&nb sp;her eyes, hazy and half forgotten. A small girl, with sunbeams shining
in her golde n hair and a daisy chain around her ;neck, was playing with her darker twin in an open field of
buttercups.&nbs p;A tall gangly Teen with sun kissed locks r unning down to her back and a book bag und er her arm,
nervously blushing as a boy asked her out for the firs t time. A cruel old man, with skin like wrinkled parchment&nb sp;
and shocks and bushy white hair running his bald crown, laughing hysterically as his machines brutalised a
beautiful young woman restrained to a metal slab, naked and so very scared. And then there was the darkness,
that terrible&n bsp;awful abyss, where no warmth could penetrate and&nb sp;she could feel cold slimy tentacles all around
her, wri thing against her, inside her…
The thought jolted her from her&n bsp;slumber and despite the sun beating down on the tiny isle; she awoke
in a cold sweat. Her book had slipped ;from her grip and was lying in the sand face down in the san, a nd when
she looked for Marron, it w as clear the girl had grown bored and gone back inside the Kame house. She was all
alone. A shiver of fear ran down her spine and&nb sp;feeling a sudden chill in the air, sh e sat up in the chair and
hugged&nb sp;her knees to her bosom.
â€&o elig;Why?†Robed of its strength a nd confidence, her voice seemed to tremble&nb sp;as she spoke and she could
feel tears burning in the corners of her eyes. For seven&nb sp;years she’d fought so hard t o forget those days, but
recently every& nbsp;time she closed her eyes she was co nfronted by a memory of a girl she could no longer name.
Dr. Gero had taken it from her back in that cave, when his machines had ripped her humanity to pieces and&n bsp;
turned her slowly, agonisingly into the&n bsp;destructive Android 18.
And yet, for ;all the horrors she’d known sh e’d endured at the pitiless han ds of Dr. Gero, it was darkness
of the void that haunted her&nb sp;nightmares. And no matter how hard she tried, she feared she would never forget ;
that moment, the moment Dr Gero†™s last insane ploy for her was realised and her life ceased to be hers, the
moment she was completely absorbed& nbsp;by the heinous bug, Cell.
Just&nbs p;the thought of the nightmarish super androi d was enough to make her veins run with ice.&n bsp;Suddenly
all the warmth that remained&nbs p;in air was snatched from her, the whisper of the se a breeze sounded cruel and
mocking, and she was sure she could feel the muscles of Cell’s tail cons tricting around her, dragging her
deeper and deeper until she was ;swallowed up. In the end there had been no pain, only an involuntary sleep
and the feeling of hollowness as she was drained of everything that remained of her who she had once&nb sp;been.
Time had held no meaning and she thought she was doomed to fade away into the nothingness of purgatory,
as Seventeen had done before her. But then something happened, and she was saved from the nightmare as
an awesome force shock the abyss and propelled&n bsp;her up out of the darkness and into& nbsp;the light.
Born again, she had&nbs p;felt warmth wash over her before the g round surged up to meet her, hard. Her&n bsp;
strength was a mere fraction of its& nbsp;former potency and it had taken her ;all just to seize that first breath. The air
had been ;heavy and foul, thick with the pungent aroma of Sulphur and something else she knew all too well,
Her strength and& nbsp;consciousness slipping away, she fought to open her eyes, praying to gods whose
names she couldnâ€&t rade;t remember that this wasn’t&nbs p;all just some other cruel twist of fate as her eyelid peeled back.
Disorientated, she stared dreamily up at the pale blue sky. It had never seemed so beautif ul before, but in that
moment it was the most magnificent sight she had ever seen and she struggled to engrave every aspect of it in
her memory. Something stirred in the corner of her eye, shatte ring her harmony and causing a cold fist of fear
to close around her heart. She wanted to take&nb sp;flight, to run, hide, anything over than just lie in the dirt, but ;
the best she could do is pivot eve r so slight in the movement’s&n bsp;direction. A young boy stood over her, badly
bloodied and&n bsp;dressed in a mass of torn garments, but his hair was glowing and golden.
Gohan. At the though t of her saviour, a twinge of warmth&nbs p;touched her checks. She had spent years&nbs p;
trying to think of ways to repay Gohan for ;what he did that day, but the kid was just too damn noble, to good
this way and that to avoid meeting her gaze. He was always so nervous around her, so shyâ&e uro;¦ That’s it! &nbs p;
Elated by sudden fiendish inspiration,&nbs p;she sprang out of her favourite beach chair and all but ran back
in to the house. Pausing barely for a moment to check that Marron was ok, she then sprinted up the stairs, into
hers&n bsp;and Krillin’s bedroom and began& nbsp;rummaging through her wardrobe.
“A ha, found you.†She cried in triu mph, holding up an outfit Bulma had bought her for&nb sp;a birthday
present a few years ago&nb sp;that she had never tried on. It was&n bsp;a bold, provocative thing that consisted of a vibrant
crimson tube top, black&nbs p;mini-skirt, and a biker’s leather& nbsp;jacket.
Laying it out on the bed, she quickly untied her bikini and, forgoing underwear, slipped into the outfit. It
w as a snug fit, and her jaw almost dropped when she saw her reflection in her vanity mirror . The top barely
reached her waist and was so snug she could clearly see her nipples pressing through the cloth, and the skirt
was&nbs p;so short, she was sure that when she bent over, her arse would be on full display. It was perfect.
Donning the matching strap-laced high heeled shoes, she quickly ca lled up Capsule Corp to arrange for
Bulma’s mother to babysit before&nb sp;calling out for Marron to get ready. Brushing off her daughter’s questions
ab out her attire as they flew to West City, she dropped the cheering infant off with the every chirpy matron
before collapsing her Capsule jet and taking flight towards Mount Paozu.
*********** *******************
Growing impatient, 18 knocked again, the thick timber warm against her chilled knuckles. Soaked to the&n bsp;
skin, her golden blond hair was a mass of tangles and had been plastered to her neck and forehead by the downpour. Cursing under her breath as water seeping beneath her jacket to wet the back of her top, she was
about to knock for the third, a nd final, time when the door suddenly sw ung inward and the bio-android felt
her brea th catch in her throat as the godly ;vision of a half-naked Son Gohan, clad only in a set of navy Gi
tro users, emerged to greet her.
"Hey 18"&nb sp;He said, blushing nervously at the sight of her before ave rting his eyes and stepping aside to
let her enter the small house. But 18 wasn't paying attention, her eyes feasting on the broad planes of muscle
that currently stood in front of her. â&euro ;˜This will be more fun than I thought.’ She mused, a small&nbs p;predatory smile
playing at the corners of her lips as she q uickly walked past the demi-Sayain and into&n bsp;the warm foyer of the
Son home. ;
“I'm afraid mum isn't home&nbs p;right now,†Gohan said, an obvious&n bsp;shake in his voice as he closed the door
behind her, his eyes looking everywhere but directly at her. An uneasy&nbs p;silence hung between them, perhaps he
was hopping she would leave, now that she knew his mother wasn’t around, too bad. “Can I get you something to drink, or a towel?â€&nb sp;
“Coffee, Please…&aci rc;€ She purred, her smile broadening&nbs p;as the Hybrid’s face turned bright red before
watching with evident amusement as he spun on his heel and nearly fled down the hallway to the& nbsp;kitchen. The
encounter had quickly confi rmed her suspicions; Gohan was despairingly unsure around girls and was in&n bsp;
desperate need of some tuition. Licking her lips in anticipation, she watched Gohan disappear into the kitchen
before shrugging off her jacket and making her way into&n bsp;the living room.
****************** **********
`Well she's here again, Gohan.' The hybrid thou ght, his heart racing in his chest and&n bsp;his hand shaking
almost uncontrollably as he poured out a cup of boiling hot water.
From the very first moment he’d set& nbsp;eyes upon Android 18, Gohan had thought& nbsp;her to be the most
beautiful creatu re on the planet. Brought up in the ;secluded mountain region, with only his moth er to
influence him, the gorgeous beauty with intense sapphire eyes and sun kiss ed locks had been a breath taking
v ision of loveliness. Even when she had been a creature of mass destruction, ;created to destroy Earth, the
sheltered ;youth had mesmerised by her beauty, and ;her evil nature had only added to her seductive c harm.
Pouring milk into the steaming cup of coffee, Gohan tried to ease the&n bsp;mounting tension in his loins by
taking several deep, soothing breaths. However he was finding it difficult to concentrate. His mind w as drifting
and he found himself conjuri ng up visions of the Android as he had ;seen her in the doorway, wet and drippi ng
and each more sexual than the last; until the familiar ;sensation of his erection straining against the leg of his Gi
broke his meditation.
“Ooh man, ;this can’t be happening, not n ow.†He said, embarrassed and ashamed& nbsp;by the sight. If 18
were to se e, he doubted he would ever live down&nb sp;the embarrassment. But there was no time to take care of
the problem , so instead he tried to conceal his&nbs p;arousal within the folds of loose fabric before picking up the
Muttering silent prayers, he made his way out of&n bsp;the kitchen towards the living room, being careful as
he did not to spill a single drop of the dark liquid upon&nb sp;the carpet. The door was already partially open. Kicking
it open all the way, he felt his feet turn to l ead as he entered the room. 18 was lain across his mother’s leather&nbs p;
high-backed armchair, her long creamy legs thrown over one arm while he r head rested against the other,
emphasi sing the soft curve of her neck. Suddenl y feeling a bit hot under the waistline, he watche d transfixed
as the Android swept a damp strand of hair& nbsp;from her eyes, before following a crystalline drop roll down her
slender throat to vanish beneat h her top. Or at least what was mea nt to be a top. It seemed to be&nbs p;a size too
small and rode slightly up her rib cage to expose her smooth toned mid- drift; and sodden as it was, it appeared
to have moulded to her cleavage so that her ample breasts were on full display as they strained against the
fab ric, leaving nothing to the imagination. Gohan felt a slight blush burning his cheeks at the sight.
Feeling the heat of h is gaze lingering upon her bosom, 18 couldn't help but smi le as she watched Gohan
out of the& nbsp;corner of her eye. Sliding her long legs off of the arm of the loveseat,&nbs p;she sat up and watched with a
hin t of amusement as the Sayain tried to hand her the cup&nbs p;of steaming coffee without starring, but It was clear
that his mind was elsewh ere as once he’d handed it ;to her he stumbled drunkenly backward and&nb sp;almost fell
back into the cream coloured loveseat besides the chair. Still blushing profusely, Gohan quickly sat in the& nbsp;sofa
while trying to avoid eye contact.
For a long moment they sat in silence as the beauty slowly sipped her coffee, watching him from behind
the lip of her cup, trying to prolong the teen’s torment for as long as possible.
Tense and breathless, Goha n felt on the verge of breaking as his lust darkened irises openly watched&nb sp;
her sup from the teacup, his imagination picturing just how those wonderful crimson lips might look wrapped
around t he head of his cock. The idea was crazy, but a part of him just couldn&aci rc;€™t help himself.
He almost&nb sp;jumped with surprise when, looking up from the dregs of her coffee, 18 seductively flicked
back her drying hair before slig htly adjusting her position so that he was tempted just that little bit more by
the milky flesh of ;her bosom. Gohan mentally urged himself to&n bsp;look away, but his body wasn't listening and
instead just stared across at the&nb sp;stunning creature before of him.
“So&nbs p;Gohan, your mother tells me that you a re going to be attending High School next month.†Said 18
as she set her cup down on the pine an d glass coffee table, the tone of her&nb sp;voice was casual but her smile was wicked and her eyes, those beautiful, bott omless depths of blue, held a twinkle of seductive promise that sent
a rush&nb sp;of warmth down Gohan’s spine.&nbs p;Lost in a daze, he barely registered a word she said.
“Huh…oh& nbsp;I'm sorry 18; could you say that again please?†;He asked after a moment, sifting uneasily in
the loveseat and scratching the back of his head, trying to look innocent as his erection began to pulse
painfully. < br> “You’re starting school next month?†18 repeated, her tone&nbs p;remaining even despite the overwhelming
fee lings of triumph welling up within her. She could see the effect& nbsp;she was having on the young Sayain and
knew things were progressing as she’d expected. It wouldnâ& euro;™t be long now.
“Um Yea…well&aci rc;€¦I-I thought that it would be ;good to interact with some people may o wn age.†he
replied, his voice&nb sp;catching in his throat as he once again tried&nbs p;to avoid looking directly at the beauty, his checks
now&n bsp;so red he thought they might spontaneousl y combust at any moment.
“ Ohhh…are you sure you're ready for that Gohan?†She ;asked, her head innocently tipping to the&nb sp;side
as she pretended not to notice his nervousness,& nbsp;or the bulge of his arousal nearly tearing through the navy
& acirc;€œWell, it’s just; I&nbs p;know that you're no stranger to dangerous&n bsp;situations Gohan. With a mother like
Chichi, handling danger should come as almos t second nature to you.†She chuc kled impishly to emphasis the
joke. &aci rc;€œBut High School is very different, Gohan.†At that&nbs p;18 gave him a smile that made ever&nbs p;muscle in Gohan's
body go tense before slipping her feet free of the heels,&nb sp;rising out of the chair and walking slowly around the
coffee table to sit&nb sp;beside him on the loveseat. Placing a surprisingly gentle hand on his thigh, she used her
ind ex finger to gently trace a path along his leg and up his muscular abdomen to&n bsp;draw delicate swirls across his
torso.&nb sp;
“I-I-I'm still not su re what you mean 18?†Gohan gaspe d, his every breath now perfumed with th e
Android’s alluring scent and he tried to subtly shift to the far end of the Loveseat. Trying to hide her smirk, 18
followed him across the seat before leaning in close enough to corner him against th e armrest.
“Well for starters, there are all those people who believe that that buffoon&nb sp;Hercule Satan killed Cell, so
you can 't show any of your powers. You'd have&n bsp;to be careful about what you tell people about yourself, I may
have been&n bsp;out of the city for a while but ;I don't think many people have spent ti me on another planet, or, for
that matter, have alien DNA.†She said ;lightly as her hand very slowly made its way back&n bsp;down his body.
Hanging on her every& nbsp;word, Gohan tried to ignore how good&nbs p;her chilled fingers felt on his heated ;flesh
or the way her very low cut skirt was riding up her thigh, or that her full breasts&n bsp;were pressing against his side
through&nb sp;the thin cloth of her top. Everything about her was driving his senses wild with desire and he knew& nbsp;if
she didn’t leave soon,& nbsp;very soon, he would probably end up ;doing something he’d regret later.
Suddenly 18s voice began to fade away. As if awaking from a dream, he looked her dreamily to& nbsp;see that
she had an expectant narro w eyed look and he realised with a terrified shock that she was waiting for him to
â& euro;œUmm 18…I…ugh?&acir c;€ He stammered, groping blindly for a response before abandoning the pretence and
giving her an apologeti c look.
“I said that a cute guy like you would also have to&nbs p;deal with hordes of giggling girls flirting with you left,
right and& nbsp;centre. Some might even try and steal&nb sp;a kiss or…†She fell silent as a look of utter terror suddenly
spread&n bsp;across Gohan’s handsome features ;and this time 18 couldn’t help her wide, feline smile. “Why&n bsp;Gohan,
don't tell me you’ve never kissed a girl before?â€
Going redder than a ripe tomato, he hurriedly looked away to hide his embarrassment, confir ming her
suspicions. Raising a hand to his chin, she gently turned his head to face hers, the ir eyes locked together.
“Aww&aci rc;€¦don’t be shy Gohan. ;If you want, I can show you how?â € Then she leant forward, silencing his& nbsp;
protests by pressing her full crimson lips to his. Alarmed, Gohan instincti vely tried to pull away, but he was
penned in by the&n bsp;Loveseat and her eager tongue, took advantage of his surprise to invade the heat of his
mouth, dancing across the&nb sp;roof of his mouth before entangling with&n bsp;his tongue in a sensual battle.
Gohan didn’t know what to do. His mind was numb, his sense of co gnitive reasoning overwhelmed by
the feeling of her body&n bsp;moving against him. No, it had to be dream,&nbs p;this couldn’t be real, but it felt so good.
Moaning in the back of his throat as her to ngue curled around his, he wrapped his a rms around her waist and
dragged her&nbs p;onto his lap, letting her feel the weight of his arousal as he returned the kiss with a furious,
unrestrained passion.
Caught up in a& nbsp;raging tempest of sexual desire, they groped and&nbs p;clawed at one another as their mouths
battled for control until the need for air forced Gohan to&n bsp;break away, his breathing ragged and laboured.
Smirking with triumph, 18 reached down between them,&n bsp;her slender fingers slipping beneath the elastic of his
Gi to wrap around the ;engorged flesh of his manhood, but he w as so thick she could barely close her&n bsp;fingers
around him.
“ So Gohan, are you ready for your lessons ?†She asked before experimentally str oking his length from
base to head, her t humb applying a light pressure to the sticky tip that& nbsp;made him buck his hips into her han d.
Relishing the sensations she was stirring within him, his head fell back and a&nbs p;deep howl of pleasure echoed
from his lips as ;she repeated the action, massaging him with a practised, agonising slowness.
Watching him intently, 18 felt a thrill of pleasure rushing down her spine as she mentally memorised ;
every little detail of the youth’s arousal. Yet it& nbsp;was difficult not to be immediately impressed and , though she
had been with her shar e of lovers in her time, she was quite certain she had never touched anything quite so
well endowed. ‘Kami, he&n bsp;must be at least 10inches!’ ;
Letting her excitement get the better of her, sh e bent down to teasingly nip his lower&n bsp;lip before seizing
the waistband of his Gi with her free hand and pul ling it over his engorged flesh, freeing him to her gaze.
Marvelling at the sight of his masculinity, it’s impossibly thick girth pulsating within her grasp while the bullous
crown glistened with his nectar; 18 knew she couldn’t wait and bega n clambering to her feet.
â€&oelig ;No!†Gohan gasped, panicking as he felt her weight leaving him and&nb sp;made to drag her back, but
moaned in displeasure and& nbsp;instinctively stopped when she suddenly relea sed her grip on his sensitised arousal < br> and forcefully removed his hands from her person. Flashing him a stern look th at held him still, she slowly
moved ;off his lap and down onto her knees,&nb sp;placing light butterfly kisses down his broad torso,& nbsp;her teeth
gently nipping his stiff nipples. As she moved lower, her hands b egan tugging at his Gi, dragging the fabric
do wn his legs as she swept her tongue ;over his rippling abs before dipping in ;and around his bellybutton,
causing him to shiver and moan at the strange&nb sp;sensation. Letting the garment pool around his feet, 18
repositioned both ha nds on his inner thighs, massaging the warm flesh there in a way that quickly had&nb sp;the
youth hissing her name while she dropped down andâ&eu ro;¦
“Aaaooohhhhh†cri ed Gohan, his eyes widening to the size of saucers and seizing fistf uls of the loveseat
as the beauty’s lips closed over t he head of his cock, her expert tongue&n bsp;fluttering over the domed tip, teasing
him wit h its softness but sending pulse after pulse of electric passion shooting up his spine.
“Ohhh...Kamiâ&eu ro;¦yesss….18… more&aci rc;€¦please…moreâ€
Inw ardly grinning at the note of desperation&nbs p;in his voice, 18 took him deeper, her& nbsp;full lips sliding down
the silky soft crown,& nbsp;her pearly incisors scrapping over the sensitised ridges while her tongue&n bsp;massaged the
susceptible underside. And i t felt so good that Gohan could only&nbs p;vocalise his pleasure in a stream of low grunts
and animalistic howls.
Yet he was far too large, even for her, and inexper ienced to risk deep throating. So when she had taken
as much of him in as she dared, she mo ved her left hand up and began massaging the exposed skin around the
base w hile she bobbed her head up and down,&nb sp;gradually picking up speed with each stroke.
â&euro ;œKami, 18…don’t sto p…don’t stopâ€&brvba r;†Grunted Gohan, his voice deep ;and chocked with pleasure as he
felt the combined pleasures of&nbs p;her mouth and fingers. Contrary to popular& nbsp;belief, Gohan wasn’t completely ;
innocent, he’d masturbated on and off over the years, but the nervous& nbsp;fondling and awkward strokes had
done&nb sp;nothing to prepared him for the pleasures 18 was conjuring inside of him. Fearful of hurting her, it was
taking all of his willpower to control the impulse to buck his hips but he ;was so close now, the urge was almost&n bsp;
Sensing his restraint through the mounting tension in his thighs, 18 decided to tak e things up a notch
and drawing back until just the bulbous crown remained&nb sp;between her lips, she hummed a low, rumbling
Mmmmmâ€&brvba r;
“OH FUCK!†The curse of delight left his lips in&nb sp;a startled cry as he felt her moan vibrating along his
manhood and up his spine, forcing him over the edge; his molten seed explo ding from his thick length and into
her mouth as wave after wave over took& nbsp;the youth in a furious tsunami of sensation. Relishing the savoury
taste of his essence, 18 swallowed every drop greedily until at last the flow ceased a nd Gohan collapsed into
the loveseat, pa nting heavily and trembling with minor aftershocks. ;
Licking her lips clean and enjoying the lingering taste of his cum that still lingered on her&nb sp;tongue, 18
rose up from between his&n bsp;knees and smiled slyly at the slightly&nb sp;dazed teen beneath her. It had been n ecessary,
and more than a little fun, for her to ensure he released some& nbsp;of that pent up excitement, or else ;there was a
chance this would all end to quickly, as was often the case&nb sp;with most first timers. However, now that& nbsp;she had
relieved him of that embarrassing eventuality, it was time for his real lessons to begin.
And it didn't take long for the animalistic passion that filled him to resurface, his&nbs p;manhood surging back
to life as Gohan looked up at& nbsp;her, his dark irises cloudy with lust&nb sp;and drinking in the sight of her stan ding over
him. Her heart fluttering, she met& nbsp;his gaze with equal hunger as she reached down and dragged the tube to p
up over her head, revealing her bountiful cleavage to hybrid’s&n bsp;ravenous gaze at a provocatively slow pace
before carelessly&n bsp;discarding the garment to the floor.
Gohan's eyes&n bsp;immediately fixed on her bouncing orbs. D espite her parental status, 18's breasts were
large, full and firm; their only flaw being the paler patches of skin that streaked their middle, marking where
she had recently worn a bikini&nbs p;while lounging in the sun; however the milky complexion only accentuated ;her
stiff rosy nipples. Utterly captivated&n bsp;by the sight, he hardly noticed her sitting on his upper abdomen, his hard < br> erection nestling between the smooth mounds of her arse. < br> A slim but powerful forefinger and gently tilted his head up ;so that he was looking up into the ;android’s
pale blue eyes. Her head dipped down and they met in a hungry kiss, her full lips moving sensually against his
as her soft golden hair tickle his cheeks and their tongues battling, but then the kiss was done and he could
feel her hot breath washing over his ear.
“Now Gohan,& nbsp;for your first lesson, I want you t o suck on my tits.†She whispered in a sultry tone before
nipping th e lobe of his ear. His breath hitching,& nbsp;Gohan quickly nodded in understanding, his&nb sp;hands roughly
seizing her inviting hips and pulling her against him, her lo ng legs wrapping around his waist in answer.&nbs p;Coiling
a strong arm, roped with muscle, around her narrow&nbs p;waist to hold her steady, he trailed t he other up her flat
stomach to cup the weight of her left breast in h is palm. 18 let out a gasp of surpr ise as she felt his rough
fingertips&nbs p;clumsily brushing over her nipple as he&nbs p;kneaded the soft flesh. His inexperience wa s clear, but his
vigour aptly made up for it and she shuddered with pleasure when his head came&nb sp;down to place feather light
kisses do wn the slender flesh of her sun kissed&n bsp;neck, along her collar bone, and onto&nbs p;the top of her right
Though she was trying to remain composed, 18 couldn't help but ;enjoy being the object of the youth’s
affections. She’d expected the same& nbsp;overzealous fumbling and mauling she could&nb sp;remember from her own
first time, but instead he showed surprising aptitude and once she was finished with him, she was sure he’d be
more than ready to ravish any girl that took his fancy. But would they be&n bsp;enough for him?
“Mmmâ&euro ;¦that’s it…not too rough…girls love having their breasts teased…so…donâ&e uro;™t…don’t just pl ay with
the nipple, experimenohhhâ€&nbs p;She panted as his thumb caressed her h ardened bud while his mouth trailed light&nbs p;
kisses around her breast before trailing a long lick up from beneath her breast to her nipple. He lapped and
swirled&nbs p;around the pebble, causing another gasp to escape 18’s lip s before her head fell back and her back
arched in sheer d elight as the warmth of his mouth finall y descended upon her breast; his lips su ckling and
kissing her sensitive skin while his teeth gently&nbs p;nipped the rosy bud. Her hands grabbed ;his head, her slender
fingers running through clumps of his ebony hair and tug ging him harder against her breast.
He had&nb sp;a sinfully wicked mouth, but now it w as time to move on and with a low&n bsp;moan of approval, 18
quickly regained&nbs p;her composure and pushed Gohan's hands and& nbsp;lips off of her body. She was panti ng slightly
from his talented attentions, but&nb sp;her path was clear and she was focused on her next step. Meeting the
youth’s confused gaze, she& nbsp;bent forward and gave him a surprisingly sweet kiss.
“Very good&n bsp;Gohan, but it's time for the most im portant part.†Biting her lower lip, she hiked her skirt up&nb sp;
before placing both hands on his bulg ing muscular torso to steady her as she lifted her hips, poising herself
ove r his stiff arousal. “Make sure you’re well lubricated.†She instructed, her voice ;hitching slightly as she
rocked her hips, letting his tip slide between her slick folds, m oistening the already glossy crown before sliding
all the way down onto his thick shaft.&n bsp;A deep guttural moan escaped Gohan at the feeling of being inside her
and 18 could only utter a strangled sort of wail as she threw her head back, eyes wide&nb sp;and mouth agape in
sheer rapturous pl easure as she his felt his titanic length filling tight passage. He felt so ;big, maybe even twice
the size of Krillin, and he was stretching her so much that it would have hurt ;if it hadn’t felt so fucking good.
“Go-go slow…at& nbsp;firstttohhh Kami… let her body ad-adjust to your size…so big …then work, work up from
She held hersel f still for a moment; trying to adjust to his size while enjoying the feeling of fullness,
before slowly raising her hips until just his tip remained wit hin her and then plummeting back down, causing
them both to moan&nbs p;with renewed pleasure. Getting the idea, Go han's grip shifted down to the firm glob es of
her arse, aiding her motions as he started to rock his hips, thrustin g up to meet her as she moved down on
him; causing 18 to inhale a sudden ragged breath.
Their movements quickly became synchronized; when she&nb sp;would lift her hips, he drew back bef ore
thrusting into her slippery sheath a s she brought herself down, impaling to his hilt. Growing confident, Gohan
began to pick up the&nb sp;pace and a course song of wolfish growls passed his lips while 18's moans became high
pitched as she felt him thrusting deeper inside her, each&nb sp;jolting plunge bringing her closer and clo ser to a mind
blowing climax.
"Ahhh…oh Kamiâ€& brvbar;more..." she demanded, and then almost ;screamed with ecstasy as a low grumble
rumbled through him in answer and his&nb sp;pace quickened. Feeling secure in his grasp, her&n bsp;hands moved up from
his shoulders to seize and fondle her bouncing breasts, roughly massaging the soft flesh while rollin g her
nipples between her thumbs and foref ingers. If she hadn’t known his mother, 18 would have been sure that&nb sp;
this wasn't Gohan’s first ti me; he was just so good. If she sur vived this little lesson, how was she ever going to
be satisfied with Krillin again? &aci rc;€œOohhh-yea…harder…fu ck me harder!â€
“So-so&nb sp;tight…†Gohan growled, hi s hips snapping in deep, powerful strokes while his grip ;tightened on
the Android’s ful l arse, leaving small half-moon marks as he rocked her i n time with his motions. It felt so ;good
inside her; so hot and tight, ;he could feel her fleshy walls rippling around his shaft,&n bsp;moulding to his every entry,
clenching tight in her pleasure and trying to draw him in as he withdrew. Kami,&nbs p;sex was incredible; he couldn’t
get enough, nothing would ever be enough.
“Oohhhyes ss…Gohan…right there, don ’t stop, don’t stop! You're…you’re going to make me cum!†she
panted out. The air was thick with the musky scent of sex&nb sp;and the wet slap of flesh meeting flesh as the youth
drove into her w ith such force what she was made to bounce; his pace quickening into a furious roller-coaster
of deep th rusts that hit her sweet spot every time . She was so close; she could feel the pleasure building up
thick and molten within her, about&nb sp;to spill its banks and drown her in ecstasy. “Ohhh harder…Yes…YESSS!&acir c;€ His
next hard jab was all it took to push her over the edge a nd she cried out in rapture as her inner walls spasm
around Gohan's driving cock and titanic aftershocks pitching her into a world of ;sensory delight as she
collapsed against him, exhausted.
Re sting her head on his shoulder, dragging in burning breaths, she felt Gohan’s motions come to an
abrupt stop before his powerful hands hoisted her up and then gently lai d her down upon something soft.
Stirring as he withdrew from the heat of her ;channel, she blinked through a sudden feelin g of weightlessness
only to see Gohan&nb sp;leaning over her, his eyes almost black with lus t and a broad toothy grin turning at his lips.
“You didnâ&e uro;™t really think it would be that&nb sp;easy, did you?†His voice was gruff, more animal than man,
tying a knot of fear in her belly. A cold knot of fear seized her heart and she tried to rise, to run, but she was
still dazed and her hand slipped mid motion to send her tumbling back to the ground,&n bsp;accidentally twisting
mid-fall to leave her butt presented. Determined to&nb sp;escape however, she began to shuffle, but before she had
taken so much as half a step, there was a bark of laughter&nbs p;and two strong hands seized her upraised hips and
yanke d her back.
Lining himself up for penetration, Gohan felt a ;sharp bolt of agony shoot up the length of his, now quite
red, erection an d decided he had enough waiting. With a coarse growl, he rammed back into her warmth from
behind, causing the beauty to shriek with delight, and a gony. This way he could force himself a& nbsp;little deeper
and the additional tightness of t he position tore an involuntary grunt of ;pleasure from him as he quickly
rekindled his&nbs p;prior passion, fucking her with hard, fluid strokes that had 18 rocking and grinding against him in
no time at all. &nbs p;
“AHHHH!†Despite the pain, she shrieked with delight as s he moved to meet him, her body tightenin g
all-the-more around his swollen arousal&nbs p;as he quickly propelled her towards another rele ase. And she knew
she was becoming addicted.
This feeling, it went beyond& nbsp;sex, beyond fucking. Gohan filled her like nothing she could have ever
imagined, she could& nbsp;feel every minimal movement of his cock against&nb sp;her plush walls, his motions were
dom inating but also considerate; he was claiming her but at the same time worshiping her. In one day, he had
unwrapped& nbsp;all the self-control and discipline she had amassed from a lifetime of torment.
Gohan held nothing back; grunting with pleasure as he felt the familiar pressure mounting down&n bsp;at the
base of his spine, relishing the sounds of her pleasure maddened mewing.&n bsp;Driven by primal knowledge, his
righ t hand slid off her hips and up the flat straight of her stomach to grasp&n bsp;her bosom, roughly kneading the
soft flesh and pinching her sensitive nipple as his pelvis slapped against her succulent rump . The sensation was
incredible; she was& nbsp;hot, tight and slick with longing, drawi ng him in so deep they both forgot the world around
them lost themselves in an intense, lustful storm.
â€&oel ig;Ooohh Kami…so…so deep& acirc;€¦so good, Harder…fuck ;me harder…yes, yes, yes, YES!&acir c;€ cried 18, her nerves
alight wit h white-hot fire. Gohan's eyes fell shut as he felt himself finally nearing his limit and when he plunged
one m ore time, the force of it was enough to send her crashing over her peak and she came in a tide of hot
fluid that&nb sp;coated his pulsating cock. The heat of her release, as well as the feeling of her inner walls convul sing
and tightening around his thick mem ber in such erratic spasms, drew an almi ghty howl from the youth as he
pull ed out, flipped her over so that she was lying on her back before letting forth an expl osion of sticky cum
that splattered acro ss her gorgeous body.
Exhausted and gasp ing, 18 relaxed back into a pool of post-orgasmic bliss as tiny aftershocks coursed
along her nerve system. The urge to curl into a ball and take a nap was almo st overpowering and all she
wanted to do was recline back a nd take a well-deserved break; she had t ime, if they followed their usual
schedule Chichi and Gohanâ€&trade ;s younger Brother Goten wouldn't be home&nbs p;for hours. However the gruff sound of
a throat clearing shattered her slumber. ;Her heart suddenly leaping to her throat, she slowly looked up to see
Gohan standing&n bsp;over her, his hard dick fully erect despite his release moments before. It was plain she
wouldn’t be getting any rest just yet.
************** **************
By 9PM the rains ha d moved on and the dark clouds were ;beginning to disperse, revealing a sky dyed by
splashes of orange, pink and purple as ;the heavy sun sunk behind the silhouette&nbs p;of Mount Paozu. Stirring as a
few stray rays of golden light fell on her eyes, 18 was abruptly wrenched vi olently from her deep slumber
groggily sat up, findin g herself in a bedroom not her own. The&nb sp;sound of gentle snoring caused her to glance
down at the sl eeping figure lying beside her on the large double bed, caus ing the memories of the past hours
to come flooding back to her. ;Registering the satisfying soreness between her thighs, a smile spread&n bsp;across her
lips and she bent down to place a chaste kiss on ;the Gohan’s brow before rising from the tangled sheets.
Utterly naked and&n bsp;with her legs wobbling dangerously, she l eft the bedroom and moved down to the&nb sp;
house’s lower level and began collecting her clothes. Once dressed, she gathered up&nb sp;Gohan’s Gi and took it&nbs p;
into his and Goten’s room.&nb sp;Laying it out over one of the two cot beds , she reached into her jacket pocket and
withdrew a sealed envelope. Placing it on the trousers, she then moved over& nbsp;to the small window above a
study&n bsp;desk, through it open, and took flight&nb sp;into the darkening sky.
To be continued…&nb sp;
AN: so that’s it for now, but I am working on the remaining chapters as we speak. Once again, if you’re
interested in buying my& nbsp;Kindle book ‘Sweet Temptations: The Babysitter’, all the details are available on my
blog&nbs p;or else just do a search for the title on Amazon. Until next time, happy reading…