Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Life for A Life ❯ Found Body ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Gosh, Gohan sure has been gone a while... I hope he's okay." Chi Chi said to herself, still looking out the bathroom window.

Piccolo opened his eyes and brought himself up from meditation.

"Gohan's ki has totally depleted, I should go check things out."

The Namek stood up and took off towards where he had last sensed the demi.

As he drew closer Piccolo began to get a bad feeling, he wasn't sure what it was, but he didn't like it.

Piccolo's heart rate doubled as a person lying face down came into view.

Within seconds he could make out that the person had jet black hair and was wearing a purple gi.

Those signs sent a chill down the green ones spine.

Piccolo landed a few yards from the body, where he saw that it was infact his former student.

"Oh kid..."

Chi Chi began pacing around the Son home.

The woman quickly grew tired of pacing and sat on the couch, the phone catching her eye.

"Maybe Gohan went to Bulma's." Chi Chi reached for the phone and began to dial.

"Hello, Capsule Corporation!" Bulma greeted, picking up her cordless phone beside her.

"Hey Bulma!"

"Oh, hi Chi Chi!"

"Did Gohan go there at all?"

"Gohan? Why would he come here after what happened earlier?"

"I don't know. We got into an argument with him alittle while ago and he took off."

"Oh... Do you think he's okay?"

"I hope so..."

A tear slid down Chi Chi's face, only to be wiped off.

Bulma could hear the despair in her friend's voice.

"I could send Vegeta to go look for him." the blue haired woman suggested.

"Really, thanks Bulma. Can't the others help him too?"

"They all left shortly after you did."

"Oh well, I guess I'll call some of the others and see if they've seen Gohan."

"Okay, and I'll send Vegeta out. Bye Chi!"

"Bye Bulma."

Chi Chi hung up the phone and picked it right back up.

Bulma put her phone back on the receiver and went to the living room, where her husband was.


The prince looked up from the TV.

"What do you want, woman?"

"I need you to go look for Gohan."

"Didn't he go home with Kakarot's wife?"

"He did, but him and Chi Chi got into an argument and he left."

"Well if the brat left then he doesn't want to be found."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I can't sense him, so he must have masked his ki."


Piccolo walked over to the body and turned it over.

The first thing he did was grab Gohan's wrist, to try to find a pulse.

The Namek's hand was red from the vast amount of blood.

Piccolo grabbed the bottom of his cape and used it to soak the rest of the blood up, revealing the cut.

"What did you do, kid?"

Once the slit was totally exposed, Piccolo placed two fingers across it and the vein.

He waited and waited, but no pulse could be found.

The green one tried as hard as he could not to cry, but to no avail, for a few tears managed to escape.

Piccolo grabbed the bloody demi and craddled him in his arms.

"I guess I should tell his mother..."

Just as he was about to take off, a metallic object caught his eye in the small blood puddle.

Still holding his first friend in one hand, Piccolo used the other to grab the object.

To fully make out the object Piccolo had to use his cape to wipe the red substance off.

"A razor blade."

The Namek shook his head and stuck the blade in his pocket.

With that, Piccolo and his student flew off.

"So, he's not there either, Master Roshi?" Chi Chi questioned through the phone.

"No, I haven't seen him since Bulma's."

The woman sighed.

"Krillin, Yamcha or Bulma haven't seen him either."

"Well, have you tried Tien?"

"No, but I will. Thanks Master Roshi."

"No problem! Bye Chi Chi!"

Soft sobs came from the worried mother and she once again hung up the telephone.

Chi Chi clasped her hands in a praying motion.

"Please let him be okay..."

Piccolo and the former Gohan approached the mountain home.

They landed on the hill, just north of the home.

Before getting any nearer to the house Piccolo made sure his eyes were dry.

Shakily the Namek made his way to the front door, with the yound half-breed still in his arms.

"Damn, where is Tien's number?" Chi Chi menatlly asked herself, looking through her phone book for the umpteenth time.

Her search for the phone number was interrupted by knocking at the door.

A smile spread across the woman's face, thinking it was her son, and in a way she was right.

That smile quickly vanished at the door opened to reveal Piccolo and the blood covered Gohan.

Chi Chi let out a scream before bolting over to Piccolo.

"W-what happened to my Gohan? Is he okay?"

Piccolo looked to the ground, not exactly sure how to deliver the terrible news.

"Gohan...he killed himself."

"WHAT?!" Chi Chi yelled in utter disbelief.

"Yeah, I found him on a cliff near here."

The mother fell to her knees and began weeping.

"Oh Go-chan, I'm sorry..."

Gohan's lifeless body was placed on the floor by Piccolo.

The Namek then used his powers to make a clean gi appear on the half Saiyan.

Chi Chi reached over and grabbed her sons hand, bringing it close to her heart.

The salty tears dripped from Chi Chi's face to hers and Gohan's hands.

Piccolo watched the emotional display, still fighting back his own tears.

"If you want, I'll let the others know about Gohan, so you won't have to."

Chi Chi looked up at the Namek thankfully.

Piccolo turned around and just as he was about to leave he remembered about the razor.

Reaching into his pant pocket the green Z-fighter pulled out the instrument of Gohan's death.

The cool metal dropped beside the mourning mother.

"I found this with Gohan."

The door then closed, leaving Chi Chi and her departed son alone.

Chi Chi used the back of her hand to wipe the tears off her face.

The woman then reached over to grab the blade.

"A razor..."

The realization soon hit Chi Chi.

"That's why he went into the bathroom!"

The realization was soon replaced by a wave of guilt.

"Oh Kami, it's because of what I said to him!"

She tightened the grip on the demi's hand.

"Oh Gohan, I'm so sorry!"

A flood gate of tears opened and began pouring out of the womans eyes.

The sun slowly began so sink under the horizon as Piccolo finally came upon his first stop.

He landed and took his time walking to Capsule Corp's door, contemplating what to say.

After Piccolo had a good enough way to break the news he rung the doorbell.

Surprisingly enough Vegeta was the one who answered the door.

"Well, if it isn't the Namek! What do you want?"

Piccolo sighed, he did not want to explain things to Vegeta.

"Is Bulma here?"

"The woman's in her lab, I'll get her!"

Vegeta closed the door, leaving Piccolo outside.

The green one's sensitive ears picked up on Vegeta yelling something about the 'blasted Namek'.

Minutes later an over worked Bulma re-opened the door.

"Oh, hi Piccolo. Can you make this quick, I have alot of work to do."

Just as the genious finished the sentence she noticed the blood covering the Namekian.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?!"

"Can I come in, you might want to sit down for this."

Bulma's eyes became laced with concern.

"Of course."

The duo went into the living room.

Bulma sat down on the couch, next to Vegeta.

"Okay Piccolo, what is it?"

The Namek took a deep breath.

"I have something to tell you..."

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