Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Love that Never Dies ❯ One-Shot
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*a/n * heh' i posted this same story to ff.net and in one of the reviews somone had pointed out the fact i was a Darren Hayes fan *(Darren Hayes - Insatiable) its true his song was my inspiration for the lemony secented parts ^_^*
Disclaimer - ok if i owned dbz i would be the richest chik in the world and *evil laughs can heard* it would definitely get wierd considering some of the things i am capable of writing...*sighs* but i don't so...lets just thank the true creators for making it...i'd give anything to be in his shoes!!!!...anything???*glares evily* who asked you?nobody! u said u would do anything? i wanna know how far you would take thatdo u wana find out how much scarier i am than you when u annoy me?not particularlygood choice...u just saved yourself a lot of troubleread the story already
Quite early one morning, Bulma, of course, was making breakfast for the kids. She turned to see her son Trunks playing keep away with his six year old sister's hairbrush. A wide awake Vegeta casually stepped into the kitchen in his black training pants, and shirtless. At first he simply took the orange juice out from the fridge, taking a drink and ignoring the ruckus. As the noise level grew, his patience dwindled, then to put an end to the agrument he took hold of Trunks' hand that held the brush and looked at him somewhat fiercely.
In his usual tone of voice he discouraged his actions, "Trunks, I told you do not tease your sister." He took the brush and gave it to Bra.
The young teen threw up his hands and pleaded, "Come on dad I was only playing around with her."
Vegeta remarked sharply, "Quite an odd way of playing I'd say."
Bulma took it upon herself to chime in as always, "As for you young lady, Bra you know you're not supposed to have your brush at the table anyway."
She glared at Vegeta and frowned, realizing he was drinkning from the carton again.
Taking it from him she poured him a glassful doing so in such a way that one would do to a child who hadn't yet learned. He just rolled his eyes in annoyance, he wasn't one of the kids he did not need be treated like one. next thing he knew was began to get on his case now. "I don't see why you're so hard on Trunks."
Vegeta stood in his characteristic stance; with his arms folded tightly across his muscular chest, and an expression that meant he was far from amused. "Baka, woman. I have always been hard on the boy," he growled low in his throat, "he's fifteen he should better by know. I did not raise the child to be a brat you know. It is nice of you to notice this now!"
Bulma began to loose her patience as well. "It's funny how much you protect Bra, I mean you let her get away with anything and everything. Just because she is a girl does not mean we can't bring her up her like we did Trunks."
He settled down and replied in a calm voice that sounded almost as if he was forcefully holding back what he really wanted to say. "She's only a child."
Those words ran through her mind several times over before she realized what he had said. It sounded more like what she would say when she was defending Trunks at that age. Taking on a cocky tone, quite like one he usualy used, she retorted back to that last yet contradicting statement. "Since when are you concerned of how young or old the child is, last time I checked it didn't matter how old they were as long as they could train and be trained. As if you were this leniant on Trunks at her age."
Vegeta went silent; it seemed as though she had won the argument. He rolled his eyes, and his only reply being , "Humph, crazy woman." made no effort to defend himself on that last accusation. She was partially right, he had been rather strict with his sonfrom an early age and saw no reason not to be but for some reason he found it difficult to be so hard on the girl especially with her being so young. He hated to think even think that she had been making him go soft. He shook his head to clear his head of this thought and walked out to the gravity room.
It was only twenty minuites later, when there was a quiet knock on the gravity room door. Vegeta, who had been training with the gravity set to 800xs, stopped
what he was doing. The door opened, causing the gravity to resume to normal right before a small aqua-blue-haired-head peaked inside. Vegeta took one look to see how it was, and upon seeing it was only his daughter he resumed his training session.
Bra looked up at him her big blue eyes pleading him silently she gatherd the courage and asked with eager curiousity, "Daddy, can I...train with you?"
This made Vegeta stop again. Unsure of what to say, he remained silent, smirked in amusement and just nodded his head. Why not, after all, she may be a girl but she was still his child; she was still half-saiyan. If he pulled it off with Trunks he might as well give it a shot. Although he was eager to get back to his own training without disruptions, he knew he couldn't refuse with the way she was looking at him. When she did that she remined him of her mother they looked practically identical so it was hard to deny her anything without feeling slightly guilty.
He decided against a gravity setting, considering this was her first time. He would simply begin to teach her to spar and possibly move onto using her ki energy. He restrained himself enough so as not to hurt her she was strong for her age but she could only take so much back. He didn't know what to think about encouraging her to train like her older brothermaking it mandatory but he knew it would give the woman one less thing to worry about if the girl knew how to defend herself properly.
After they finished their training session, Bra went off to finish her homework
for the weekend. A surprisngly worn out Vegeta made his way back to his bedroom but passed Trunks in the hallway just as the telephone rang. Vegeta stopped and turned around towards the front room lazily but Trunks made it over there quicker than his father and picked up the phone upon the third ring.
As Vegeta stood patiently waiting, Trunks called out to him."I got it."
/to the caller/ "Hello,"
"Yeah hold on." /putting the phone down/ Trunks yelled to Vegeta
"Dad, Goku is on the phone for you!"
Vegeta slightly perplexed, trudged towards the front room. He sighed as he picked up the phone. "What is it Kakarot?"
Goku hesitantly responded, "Hey Vegeta. Listen I have this big surprise planned
this weekend for Chi-Chi because its our anniversary. I was just wondering . . . if you and Bulma could watch Goten for the weekend. He s old enough to be alone but Chi-Chi doesn't trust him so I figured he and Trunks could hang out
together. If it's okay with you thats is . . ."
At first the thought of having two wild teenage boys, /two teenage saiyans no
less,/ around the house all weekend long driving him completely crazy, made him cringe. Then he figured he was going to have to get used to having that kid around (who might i add reminded him more of his rival than he liked) sooner or later. Plus he wasnt in the mood for another verbal spar with his feisty mate, so he grudingly agreed.
With a hint of satisfaction in his usual cold voice, he agreed to the arrangements. "Why not," he continued with a much harsher tone now, "but he best not drive me crazy or I will send him straight back to you!"
Goku responded, deeply surprised; "Wow Vegeta. Thanks a lot, he'll behave I sware. So see you later then."
"Oh Kakarot . . ." he paused trying to not think about how amusing it was to
know that he had been putting up with that woman for this long, this next
comment sounding more like a compliment than a smart remark was spoken in a sarcastic tone of voice; "happy anniversary . . ."
Goku was surpised but cheerful, "Thanks,Vegeta."
He made no effort to respond, except for a quiet chuckle to himself. He loved giving his saiyan counterpart a hard time, even if Goku never realized that was
what he was doing.
They both hung up the phone. Vegeta turned to his quite curious son, who happened to be waiting eagerly to know what they said. "Trunks, go clean your
room. Goten is staying over for the weekend."
Trunks shouted for joy. "Alright! Thanks dad!"
Vegeta simply gave a grunt, then ushered his son away "Hai, whatever. Now go
get ready."
"Alright dad, sure thing." He raced off to his room, as Vegeta continued to his.
door was open so he just walked in to find Bulma quietly reading, while
sprawled out on the their huge bed. He looked at her; she did not budge. She
seemed quite involved in her book. He just walked over to their huge walk-in
closet and pulled out a red tank top and his black pants. He paused to look
her over, she looked so innocent lying there with her nose in that book. She was amazingly beautiful as well, with the sun shining down on her through the window. proceeded to change but atemtpted to divert her attention away from the book. "Hmph, reading again I see. What is so interesting about that book?" He pulled his shirt over his head, showing off his broad shoulders and muscular chest, "It's not more interesting than me I hope." He lifted a brow at her and smirked.
This caught Bulma's full attention as she glanced up from her book and at
him. She gazed at him longingly, standing there; he was incredibly good
looking with his firm, well sculpted body. A pleasing smile graced her lips.
He took the other shirt and pulled it on over his head as he walked around to her
side of the bed. Slowly he crept up onto the bed and over to her, watching her
from under half-closed eyes.
Trying to make it seem like she didn't care, she put the book down and stated
in a sarcastic tone; "I forgot all you big tough saiyans care about is who is
stronger than who. You have no time for the simple pleasures in life."
He wasn't fooled, in fact he thought of a very good comeback to her snide remark. "I'll show the true pleasures in life..." He proceeded to creep up to her in a teasing fashion wearing his usual grin. As he crept closer to her he made sure to gently grazer her lower body with his own. He then took hold of her gently, while on top of her. He rolled over and lifted her up over him effortlessly, but carefully. She let out a girlish giggle as he smiled at her and lowered her and gently lay her beside him.
In a calm and soothing voice, "Yes, that . . . and being with you." He tipped her chin with his finger and kissed her affectionately. He couldn't stop, only making her want more. His hand moved to her waist, holding her while his other moved to her back, slowly making it's way to where her shirt stopped just above her naval. He brought his hand to her waist to meet with the other, and little by little he slowly began to lift her shirt.
After realizing what he was doing, she hesitantly drew back. "Vegeta, . . . not right now, you know the kids are around."
He sulked and glared at her in dissapointment. She gave him a sweet smile, "Later then I promise." he lowered his eyes at her and smirked. She nodded her head, she knew what just what he wanted to do. "Fine then, later." Vegeta mumbled as he leaned back in, kissing Bulma again but with more anxiousness for what later held in store for the couple.
Just as he was enjoying himself, there was a knock at the door right before it creaked open and their daughter poked her head in curiously. Startled the two quickly parted; Vegeta wide-eyed, and Bulma trying to make it seem like they were doing something else. Bra asked innocently, "What were you two doing?"
Vegeta glanced up at Bulma as a way of saying *you handle this one*. Bulma got up and kneeled down by her little girl. "Nothing sweetheart your father and I were just talking."
put her little hands in fists and on her hips, "You really don't expect me to believe that do you?" sounding a lot like Bulma when she was nagging Vegeta.
laughed "Ha, now she really looks like you right now, I wonder where she learned to do that?" Giving his mate an inquisitive grin, " You should be careful of how you act around her you know...she might just follow your example." He studied the five year old girl over from head to toe. She may have only been a child still, but she really looked just like her mother,, although her personality more rivaled his own than anything.
Bulma rolled her eyes at him and returned her focus back to her daughter, "Now what did you come in here for exactly sweetie?"
"Oh, someone is at that door and I think its Trunks' friend but he said he's too busy to get it." Bulma took her hand and led her out of their bedroom to the main room door. It was already open, and there stood a tall, raven-black haired boy about Trunks' age.
kindly greeted him, "Oh hello Goten. Nice to see you. By the looks of it you must be staying. Come on in, Trunks is in his mess he calls a room. He' s probably cleaning it like his father said."
Goten kinda laughed as he scanned the room for Vegeta. "Thanks Bulma, my dad really appreciates this."
Bulma smiled "Anything for Goku, I just realized it's there anniversary, I hope they have fun."
She casually walked back to her room to find a bored Vegeta lying down staring up at the ceiling. "Goten is here . . . " She broke the silence. He did not say a thing, only thought to himself. /Great that's all I need is
bombarding reminders of the boy's father, that damned Kakarot. At least he gets to be alone with his woman tonight./ He and Bulma have not had many passionate nights much ever since Bra was born. He was dissapointed as usual; he had plans for tonight until he remembered... they were to watch Goten, and with Bra barging in every twenty minutes, he just figured it wasn't happening tonight either. He soon just fell asleep; relaxed and deep in slumber.
The house was never quiet since they had Bra and now that Trunks was a teenager. They just never had time to get too intimate what with the arguing or just Trunks always causing a ruckus, or Bra always wanting his attention. Bulma loved having a family and kids to lighten the atmosphere. Only when it came down to her passion for Vegeta, they usually put their alone time aside for the kids. She wondered if Goku and Chi-Chi ever had this problem when Gohan was still a teenager and they had Goten running around.
A few hours passed by the time Vegeta awoke. He slowly sat up and scanned the room; the clock said 9:00pm. Something soon struck him; the house was completely silent. He looked around, perplexed. Bulma came quietly out of their closet and stood in the doorway showing off her new nightdress. Vegeta glanced over, and he saw her. She was wearing a short, red, silk nightdress, which showed off her curvacious body quite nicely. She was so gorgeous with her hair gently cascading over her shoulders and back. Vegeta grinned in delight, "Humph, don't tease me. Where are the boys?"
She said as she slid into the huge bed beside him."I sent them to a late movie. They'll be gone for quite some time." Now he was anxious. "And Bra . . .?" She pulled off his shirt, and teasingly ran a delicate finger up along his power muscular chest up to just under his chin. He closed his eyes now, trying to resist the temptation. Bulma added just as she layed him down on his back, pressing close to him. "She's with my parents, so . . . now I can spend time with my proud prince." She whipered in his ear and gently tugged at his pants.
This pleased Vegeta greatly; /this should prove to be one hell of a night./ He stood up, shed his pants and got back into the bed. Bulma pressed close, she welcomed his warm, gentle embrace. His hands made their way to the bottom of her nightdress and slowly did he little by little lift it until it was just above her naval, and from that spot he began to kiss up all the way removing the gown completely. His onyx gaze was filled with a fiery passion by now. He made a trail of soft kisses all the way up her luscious body. He could not help but take in her enticing candy-sweet scent. It filled his senses bathed his skin and he was stained just being near her. The feel of her silken skin upon his warm inviting lips sent a chill down the back of his neck and only set him in the mood to proceed even further.
Bulma took in a deep breath filled with pleasure and then locked him into a deep kiss. The passion within this kiss was enough to get him started. He skillfully ran his tongue from her neck to her chin along her heated skin, wanting to taste every drop of her, and swooped back in for a second yet no less passionate kiss, his tongue now meeting hers in a dance-like motion. A bare hand slowly dragged downward along her frame, along every curve exploring her body, with oddly gentle hands, like it was their first encounter. He moved his head away to be able to meet her glittering azure gaze, and to see the welcoming smile on her flushed face. She placed his hands back on her waist ever so lightly, and yet just the simple touch of her sent a wild racing through his heart. The moon was now high in the sky and shining brightly through the balcony doors and he admired the way the soft silver light played over her skin. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but he simply pressed a gentle finger to her lips. There were no words, just the sound of her heart now beating in rythm with his own. Another kiss was the sign he wanted more; a lingering kiss that took him in.
Vegeta kept a tight grip on her now, as she lay aginst him; both their bodies sore and hot. The blankets were wrapped closely around them slightly damp with sweat from the heat. Her delicate fingers were entwined within his own as they held hands just laying there with no sound. His chest rose and fell with each breath and all the while they were so silent the very same thoughts were filling both of their thoughts: their love and attraction for one another was so amazing. Sleep was the farthest thing from their minds now, as Bulma turned over to lay across his chest facing him. Her soft blue gaze sparkled with an innocent lust for him. A grin found it's way on the prince's fine features, he knew she was thinking the very same thing....they weren't tired enough to sleep, not after that.
Carefully he lifted her and layed her on her back. A strong hand gently caressed her warm cheek, cupped her chin and drew her into yet another kiss. The other hand was entangled in her soft teal locks spilled about her. Her delicate arms found their way around his neck and held fast pulling him down, pressing closer to him. That familar perfume of her skin sent his emotions racing once more and once more did she take him in.
*a/n* okay now wasnt that just sweet...hey if u like my work i suggest a work in progress i posted recently "Unending Tragedy: Part One - Family ties and blind heroics"...*cough* um...okay enough self promotion already* so review review please ^_^ *
Disclaimer - ok if i owned dbz i would be the richest chik in the world and *evil laughs can heard* it would definitely get wierd considering some of the things i am capable of writing...*sighs* but i don't so...lets just thank the true creators for making it...i'd give anything to be in his shoes!!!!...anything???*glares evily* who asked you?nobody! u said u would do anything? i wanna know how far you would take thatdo u wana find out how much scarier i am than you when u annoy me?not particularlygood choice...u just saved yourself a lot of troubleread the story already
Quite early one morning, Bulma, of course, was making breakfast for the kids. She turned to see her son Trunks playing keep away with his six year old sister's hairbrush. A wide awake Vegeta casually stepped into the kitchen in his black training pants, and shirtless. At first he simply took the orange juice out from the fridge, taking a drink and ignoring the ruckus. As the noise level grew, his patience dwindled, then to put an end to the agrument he took hold of Trunks' hand that held the brush and looked at him somewhat fiercely.
In his usual tone of voice he discouraged his actions, "Trunks, I told you do not tease your sister." He took the brush and gave it to Bra.
The young teen threw up his hands and pleaded, "Come on dad I was only playing around with her."
Vegeta remarked sharply, "Quite an odd way of playing I'd say."
Bulma took it upon herself to chime in as always, "As for you young lady, Bra you know you're not supposed to have your brush at the table anyway."
She glared at Vegeta and frowned, realizing he was drinkning from the carton again.
Taking it from him she poured him a glassful doing so in such a way that one would do to a child who hadn't yet learned. He just rolled his eyes in annoyance, he wasn't one of the kids he did not need be treated like one. next thing he knew was began to get on his case now. "I don't see why you're so hard on Trunks."
Vegeta stood in his characteristic stance; with his arms folded tightly across his muscular chest, and an expression that meant he was far from amused. "Baka, woman. I have always been hard on the boy," he growled low in his throat, "he's fifteen he should better by know. I did not raise the child to be a brat you know. It is nice of you to notice this now!"
Bulma began to loose her patience as well. "It's funny how much you protect Bra, I mean you let her get away with anything and everything. Just because she is a girl does not mean we can't bring her up her like we did Trunks."
He settled down and replied in a calm voice that sounded almost as if he was forcefully holding back what he really wanted to say. "She's only a child."
Those words ran through her mind several times over before she realized what he had said. It sounded more like what she would say when she was defending Trunks at that age. Taking on a cocky tone, quite like one he usualy used, she retorted back to that last yet contradicting statement. "Since when are you concerned of how young or old the child is, last time I checked it didn't matter how old they were as long as they could train and be trained. As if you were this leniant on Trunks at her age."
Vegeta went silent; it seemed as though she had won the argument. He rolled his eyes, and his only reply being , "Humph, crazy woman." made no effort to defend himself on that last accusation. She was partially right, he had been rather strict with his sonfrom an early age and saw no reason not to be but for some reason he found it difficult to be so hard on the girl especially with her being so young. He hated to think even think that she had been making him go soft. He shook his head to clear his head of this thought and walked out to the gravity room.
It was only twenty minuites later, when there was a quiet knock on the gravity room door. Vegeta, who had been training with the gravity set to 800xs, stopped
what he was doing. The door opened, causing the gravity to resume to normal right before a small aqua-blue-haired-head peaked inside. Vegeta took one look to see how it was, and upon seeing it was only his daughter he resumed his training session.
Bra looked up at him her big blue eyes pleading him silently she gatherd the courage and asked with eager curiousity, "Daddy, can I...train with you?"
This made Vegeta stop again. Unsure of what to say, he remained silent, smirked in amusement and just nodded his head. Why not, after all, she may be a girl but she was still his child; she was still half-saiyan. If he pulled it off with Trunks he might as well give it a shot. Although he was eager to get back to his own training without disruptions, he knew he couldn't refuse with the way she was looking at him. When she did that she remined him of her mother they looked practically identical so it was hard to deny her anything without feeling slightly guilty.
He decided against a gravity setting, considering this was her first time. He would simply begin to teach her to spar and possibly move onto using her ki energy. He restrained himself enough so as not to hurt her she was strong for her age but she could only take so much back. He didn't know what to think about encouraging her to train like her older brothermaking it mandatory but he knew it would give the woman one less thing to worry about if the girl knew how to defend herself properly.
After they finished their training session, Bra went off to finish her homework
for the weekend. A surprisngly worn out Vegeta made his way back to his bedroom but passed Trunks in the hallway just as the telephone rang. Vegeta stopped and turned around towards the front room lazily but Trunks made it over there quicker than his father and picked up the phone upon the third ring.
As Vegeta stood patiently waiting, Trunks called out to him."I got it."
/to the caller/ "Hello,"
"Yeah hold on." /putting the phone down/ Trunks yelled to Vegeta
"Dad, Goku is on the phone for you!"
Vegeta slightly perplexed, trudged towards the front room. He sighed as he picked up the phone. "What is it Kakarot?"
Goku hesitantly responded, "Hey Vegeta. Listen I have this big surprise planned
this weekend for Chi-Chi because its our anniversary. I was just wondering . . . if you and Bulma could watch Goten for the weekend. He s old enough to be alone but Chi-Chi doesn't trust him so I figured he and Trunks could hang out
together. If it's okay with you thats is . . ."
At first the thought of having two wild teenage boys, /two teenage saiyans no
less,/ around the house all weekend long driving him completely crazy, made him cringe. Then he figured he was going to have to get used to having that kid around (who might i add reminded him more of his rival than he liked) sooner or later. Plus he wasnt in the mood for another verbal spar with his feisty mate, so he grudingly agreed.
With a hint of satisfaction in his usual cold voice, he agreed to the arrangements. "Why not," he continued with a much harsher tone now, "but he best not drive me crazy or I will send him straight back to you!"
Goku responded, deeply surprised; "Wow Vegeta. Thanks a lot, he'll behave I sware. So see you later then."
"Oh Kakarot . . ." he paused trying to not think about how amusing it was to
know that he had been putting up with that woman for this long, this next
comment sounding more like a compliment than a smart remark was spoken in a sarcastic tone of voice; "happy anniversary . . ."
Goku was surpised but cheerful, "Thanks,Vegeta."
He made no effort to respond, except for a quiet chuckle to himself. He loved giving his saiyan counterpart a hard time, even if Goku never realized that was
what he was doing.
They both hung up the phone. Vegeta turned to his quite curious son, who happened to be waiting eagerly to know what they said. "Trunks, go clean your
room. Goten is staying over for the weekend."
Trunks shouted for joy. "Alright! Thanks dad!"
Vegeta simply gave a grunt, then ushered his son away "Hai, whatever. Now go
get ready."
"Alright dad, sure thing." He raced off to his room, as Vegeta continued to his.
door was open so he just walked in to find Bulma quietly reading, while
sprawled out on the their huge bed. He looked at her; she did not budge. She
seemed quite involved in her book. He just walked over to their huge walk-in
closet and pulled out a red tank top and his black pants. He paused to look
her over, she looked so innocent lying there with her nose in that book. She was amazingly beautiful as well, with the sun shining down on her through the window. proceeded to change but atemtpted to divert her attention away from the book. "Hmph, reading again I see. What is so interesting about that book?" He pulled his shirt over his head, showing off his broad shoulders and muscular chest, "It's not more interesting than me I hope." He lifted a brow at her and smirked.
This caught Bulma's full attention as she glanced up from her book and at
him. She gazed at him longingly, standing there; he was incredibly good
looking with his firm, well sculpted body. A pleasing smile graced her lips.
He took the other shirt and pulled it on over his head as he walked around to her
side of the bed. Slowly he crept up onto the bed and over to her, watching her
from under half-closed eyes.
Trying to make it seem like she didn't care, she put the book down and stated
in a sarcastic tone; "I forgot all you big tough saiyans care about is who is
stronger than who. You have no time for the simple pleasures in life."
He wasn't fooled, in fact he thought of a very good comeback to her snide remark. "I'll show the true pleasures in life..." He proceeded to creep up to her in a teasing fashion wearing his usual grin. As he crept closer to her he made sure to gently grazer her lower body with his own. He then took hold of her gently, while on top of her. He rolled over and lifted her up over him effortlessly, but carefully. She let out a girlish giggle as he smiled at her and lowered her and gently lay her beside him.
In a calm and soothing voice, "Yes, that . . . and being with you." He tipped her chin with his finger and kissed her affectionately. He couldn't stop, only making her want more. His hand moved to her waist, holding her while his other moved to her back, slowly making it's way to where her shirt stopped just above her naval. He brought his hand to her waist to meet with the other, and little by little he slowly began to lift her shirt.
After realizing what he was doing, she hesitantly drew back. "Vegeta, . . . not right now, you know the kids are around."
He sulked and glared at her in dissapointment. She gave him a sweet smile, "Later then I promise." he lowered his eyes at her and smirked. She nodded her head, she knew what just what he wanted to do. "Fine then, later." Vegeta mumbled as he leaned back in, kissing Bulma again but with more anxiousness for what later held in store for the couple.
Just as he was enjoying himself, there was a knock at the door right before it creaked open and their daughter poked her head in curiously. Startled the two quickly parted; Vegeta wide-eyed, and Bulma trying to make it seem like they were doing something else. Bra asked innocently, "What were you two doing?"
Vegeta glanced up at Bulma as a way of saying *you handle this one*. Bulma got up and kneeled down by her little girl. "Nothing sweetheart your father and I were just talking."
put her little hands in fists and on her hips, "You really don't expect me to believe that do you?" sounding a lot like Bulma when she was nagging Vegeta.
laughed "Ha, now she really looks like you right now, I wonder where she learned to do that?" Giving his mate an inquisitive grin, " You should be careful of how you act around her you know...she might just follow your example." He studied the five year old girl over from head to toe. She may have only been a child still, but she really looked just like her mother,, although her personality more rivaled his own than anything.
Bulma rolled her eyes at him and returned her focus back to her daughter, "Now what did you come in here for exactly sweetie?"
"Oh, someone is at that door and I think its Trunks' friend but he said he's too busy to get it." Bulma took her hand and led her out of their bedroom to the main room door. It was already open, and there stood a tall, raven-black haired boy about Trunks' age.
kindly greeted him, "Oh hello Goten. Nice to see you. By the looks of it you must be staying. Come on in, Trunks is in his mess he calls a room. He' s probably cleaning it like his father said."
Goten kinda laughed as he scanned the room for Vegeta. "Thanks Bulma, my dad really appreciates this."
Bulma smiled "Anything for Goku, I just realized it's there anniversary, I hope they have fun."
She casually walked back to her room to find a bored Vegeta lying down staring up at the ceiling. "Goten is here . . . " She broke the silence. He did not say a thing, only thought to himself. /Great that's all I need is
bombarding reminders of the boy's father, that damned Kakarot. At least he gets to be alone with his woman tonight./ He and Bulma have not had many passionate nights much ever since Bra was born. He was dissapointed as usual; he had plans for tonight until he remembered... they were to watch Goten, and with Bra barging in every twenty minutes, he just figured it wasn't happening tonight either. He soon just fell asleep; relaxed and deep in slumber.
The house was never quiet since they had Bra and now that Trunks was a teenager. They just never had time to get too intimate what with the arguing or just Trunks always causing a ruckus, or Bra always wanting his attention. Bulma loved having a family and kids to lighten the atmosphere. Only when it came down to her passion for Vegeta, they usually put their alone time aside for the kids. She wondered if Goku and Chi-Chi ever had this problem when Gohan was still a teenager and they had Goten running around.
A few hours passed by the time Vegeta awoke. He slowly sat up and scanned the room; the clock said 9:00pm. Something soon struck him; the house was completely silent. He looked around, perplexed. Bulma came quietly out of their closet and stood in the doorway showing off her new nightdress. Vegeta glanced over, and he saw her. She was wearing a short, red, silk nightdress, which showed off her curvacious body quite nicely. She was so gorgeous with her hair gently cascading over her shoulders and back. Vegeta grinned in delight, "Humph, don't tease me. Where are the boys?"
She said as she slid into the huge bed beside him."I sent them to a late movie. They'll be gone for quite some time." Now he was anxious. "And Bra . . .?" She pulled off his shirt, and teasingly ran a delicate finger up along his power muscular chest up to just under his chin. He closed his eyes now, trying to resist the temptation. Bulma added just as she layed him down on his back, pressing close to him. "She's with my parents, so . . . now I can spend time with my proud prince." She whipered in his ear and gently tugged at his pants.
This pleased Vegeta greatly; /this should prove to be one hell of a night./ He stood up, shed his pants and got back into the bed. Bulma pressed close, she welcomed his warm, gentle embrace. His hands made their way to the bottom of her nightdress and slowly did he little by little lift it until it was just above her naval, and from that spot he began to kiss up all the way removing the gown completely. His onyx gaze was filled with a fiery passion by now. He made a trail of soft kisses all the way up her luscious body. He could not help but take in her enticing candy-sweet scent. It filled his senses bathed his skin and he was stained just being near her. The feel of her silken skin upon his warm inviting lips sent a chill down the back of his neck and only set him in the mood to proceed even further.
Bulma took in a deep breath filled with pleasure and then locked him into a deep kiss. The passion within this kiss was enough to get him started. He skillfully ran his tongue from her neck to her chin along her heated skin, wanting to taste every drop of her, and swooped back in for a second yet no less passionate kiss, his tongue now meeting hers in a dance-like motion. A bare hand slowly dragged downward along her frame, along every curve exploring her body, with oddly gentle hands, like it was their first encounter. He moved his head away to be able to meet her glittering azure gaze, and to see the welcoming smile on her flushed face. She placed his hands back on her waist ever so lightly, and yet just the simple touch of her sent a wild racing through his heart. The moon was now high in the sky and shining brightly through the balcony doors and he admired the way the soft silver light played over her skin. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but he simply pressed a gentle finger to her lips. There were no words, just the sound of her heart now beating in rythm with his own. Another kiss was the sign he wanted more; a lingering kiss that took him in.
Vegeta kept a tight grip on her now, as she lay aginst him; both their bodies sore and hot. The blankets were wrapped closely around them slightly damp with sweat from the heat. Her delicate fingers were entwined within his own as they held hands just laying there with no sound. His chest rose and fell with each breath and all the while they were so silent the very same thoughts were filling both of their thoughts: their love and attraction for one another was so amazing. Sleep was the farthest thing from their minds now, as Bulma turned over to lay across his chest facing him. Her soft blue gaze sparkled with an innocent lust for him. A grin found it's way on the prince's fine features, he knew she was thinking the very same thing....they weren't tired enough to sleep, not after that.
Carefully he lifted her and layed her on her back. A strong hand gently caressed her warm cheek, cupped her chin and drew her into yet another kiss. The other hand was entangled in her soft teal locks spilled about her. Her delicate arms found their way around his neck and held fast pulling him down, pressing closer to him. That familar perfume of her skin sent his emotions racing once more and once more did she take him in.
*a/n* okay now wasnt that just sweet...hey if u like my work i suggest a work in progress i posted recently "Unending Tragedy: Part One - Family ties and blind heroics"...*cough* um...okay enough self promotion already* so review review please ^_^ *