Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Surprise, Suprise! Goku and Vegeta are.... ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Before we go on, I need to stress this point out, this chapter will begin all the m-preg drama. If you don't like m-preg, you shouldn't read this chapter or the ones that will follow.
But to be honest, who couldn't enjoy a tough Saiyan ballooning up to the size of a house? Heh.
P.s This chapter takes place 2 months after the previous.
And also, /text/ is Saiyan telepathic speech.
It had started off like any day.
Vegeta had confessed to Bulma about his secret relationship with Goku, but she been completely okay with it, somehow. It had surprised Vegeta to know that she didn't mind, it was a good thing she didn't even care. News had spred that Amy was pregnant, and it was no surprise that Trunks was the father. The girl was was 7 weeks along.
As for Vegeta and Goku, well, life was normal. They enjoyed each others' company and really never got into arguements. Vegeta could still act like a real bitch here and there, but that was completely normal.
Amy and Trunks got married the week before she found out that she was pregnant. A simple marriage in the woods, everyone except for ChiChi there, obviously.
Amy wouldn't have it any other way.
So under the trees with green leaves, the bright sunshine, and the wide blue skies, they were wed. The boquet was thrown, and it landed next to Goku, and even though he hadn't participated in the whole throwing thing, he was given the boquet. Amy then tapped Trunks on the shoulder. When he finally turned, Amy slammed a plate of cake on his face. He had then gotten another plate of the wedding cake and slammed it on her face. The two laughed along with the others. It was a great day.
As a wedding gift, Goku built the two a small house near his own. Then they watched as they flew away, Trunks carrying Amy. A new life was set for the two.
Today, Amy had gone to visit Goku and Vegeta just to see how they were. She wasn't surprised when she saw the two fighting in Super Saiyan like they do any other day.
But what did surprise her was the fact that Goku wasn't moving as fast as he usually did.
It wasn't right.
Amy stepped up from the trees. "Hey! I haven't visited in a while!" she shouted, waving at the two.
"Oh my gosh, hi!" Goku said, gasping for breath. Vegeta shot a worried look at Goku. Goku smiled as best as he could, but the way that he was shaking easily gave off the fact that his smile was fake.
Amy hugged Goku, then Vegeta. "How have you two been?" she asked, taking another glance at Goku. His usually bright, golden hair was dull.
"We've been fine. How about you and Trunks?" Vegeta said, his eyes never leaving Goku.
"So have we. Just preparing the spare room for the upcoming event," she said, placing a hand on her stomach.
"We've heard that you came from the hospital the other day. Do you know the gender of the child?" he asked.
"Vegeta, I think you mean children."
"What? Twins? That's incredible!" Goku said, sweating a bit now. But they didn't make a big deal about him sweating.
"Yes. Thank Kami for the adavnced technology these days. I'm only 7 weeks along, but now we can tell the gender and everything!"
"So what is the gender of the kids?" Goku asked.
"One is a boy, the other is a girl," she said. The two men smiled.
Actually, the day they found out she was pregos, they didn't take it too well. Vegeta had slapped the hell out of Trunks and Goku had gone on and on about how now they wouldn't even be able to relax normally and that she was waaay too young. But Amy then mentioned that she was 23 and ChiChi had been pregnant with her and Gohan when she was 17. Then Goku stopped and said that it that it was okay. Then he had proceeded to dragging Vegeta out of the room.
"Any names?" Vegeta asked.
"... I'm thinking on Sharotto for the girl and Mikan for the boy," she said. Trunks came out from the trees.
"Yo!" he called out, smiling. Amy ran over to him and hugged him. Trunks smiled and said," How's it going, you two?"
Vegeta smirked. "It's been going fine, Trunks. But right now I think something is wrong with my baka!"
Goku looked at Vegeta, his face a bit green. "I'm okay Geta.... nothing is wrong...."
Vegeta cocked his eyebrow at Goku. "Oh really? Then explain to me why you look like the Namek!"
"Dad, don't force answers out of Goku...." Trunks muttered.
"Father, if there's something wrong, you have to tell us. But if you say there's nothing wrong, then we will trust you," Amy said. "How about I make you all some tea?"
They all nodded and went into the kitchen. Amy took some herbs from her pocket and brewed them into a strong tea.
"Amy, I thought you were a warrior, not some healer," Vegeta teased.
"Oh shuttup Vegeta!" Amy said as she poured some of the tea into four cups. "Can't I do you three a favor without getting teased?"
"Nope," Vegeta said. Amy rolled her eyes and gave them their cups. Goku stared at his for a moment and took a sip. He shivered. The other three looked at him with an awkward expression.
"Are you sure you're alright, Kakarot?" Vegeta asked.
"Yes, I'm just--" Goku was cut off by vomit coming out of his mouth.
"AH!" Amy yelled, jumping onto Trunks' arms. Vegeta stepped back in disgust.
When Goku was finished vomiting, Vegeta looked at him sternly.
"Kakarot, you are obviously ill and you don't want to admit it!" Vegeta yelled.
"No.... I'm alright...." he said, clutching his stomach and falling to his knees. Vegeta growled and picked him up.
"Want me to teleport you to there?" Amy asked. Vegeta nodded and grabbed on to Amy. Trunks did the same.
"Alright, here we go..." she said as she teleported to the Bulma's lab. Bulma greeted them and asked what was wrong.
"KAKAROT IS SICK!" Vegeta yelled. Bulma covered her ears and frowned.
"Geez! Vegeta, there is honestly nothing to get worked up about!" Bulma said. Vegeta lied Goku down on a bed.
"Alright Trunks, you know the drill," Bulma muttered. Trunks nodded and held Goku down while Bulma wiped the skin of Goku's arm with some achohal and put a rubber band around it. She felt around for a vein and when she found it, she stuck the needle in his arm.
"AHHHHH!!!! I HATE NEEDLES!!! YOU ARE SO MEAN!!" Goku screamed.
Vegeta smirked. "Take it like a whore Kakarot!" Everyone stared at him, including Goku. Vegeta gave them that smirk again. They all turned their attention back to Goku.
Bulma removed the needle from Goku's arm and put a bandaid on.
"See? That wasn't so bad!" Amy said. Bulma walked to the lab with the blood samples.
"It was the worst thing I had to put up with!" Goku whimpered. Trunks burst out laughing. Amy and Vegeta looked at him.
"Trunks this isn't something to be laughing about...." Amy muttered. Vegeta frowned.
Vegeta's stomach began to hurt.
At first he thought it was just a small little pain that would go away after a few minutes.
But the pain grew.
Vegeta ignored it and didn't say a thing. Amy sensed something was wrong with the Saiyan no Ouji.
He began to run a fever.
Trunks looked at his father in wonder.
'I think there may be something wrong- No... I know there's something wrong with him...'
Vegeta went pale. Every breath he took he took with difficulty. Goku eyed him suspiciously.
"Geta.... is there anything wrong?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper.
Vegeta nodded, not wanting to deal with the unbearable pain anymore. He gagged on something that was in his throat for a while and then threw up the clear liquid.
"OH KAMI!" Amy yelled, jumping back. Vegeta grabbed his stomach as the liquid continued too spew out of his mouth.
"MOM!" Trunks yelled when Vegeta stopped vomiting. Bulma came in and stopped short when she saw Vegeta.
"WHAT IN NAME OF-" Bulma began, but stopped when she saw Amy's face. "Erm.... what exactly is going on?"
Bulma gave him the look and proceeded to dragging Vegeta to the bed. "Vegeta we'll need some blood samples from you..." she said.
"Whatever, as long as we find out what the hell is wrong with me and Kakarot!"
Bulma did the same proceedure to Vegeta as she had done to Goku. Vegeta hadn't even flinched when the needle pierced his skin. Goku looked in wonder.
"Umm, okay the results should come.... in a while...." Bulma said as she ran out the room.
"Eesh, what's her problem?" Amy asked. Goku shrugged. Vegeta sighed and sat there.
Amy sensed Vegeta was worried. She looked over to Vegeta and closed her eyes.
/Do you hear me Vegeta?/
/Yeah. Loud and clear Amy./
/Vegeta, you seem worried. What's wrong?/
Vegeta took a deep and sighed. /Promise you won't tell?/
/Okay... Well, remember when I said male Saiyans could become pregnant?/
Amy gulped. /Yeah.... what about it?/
/I was wrong. We don't need to be Super Saiyan during intercourse to become pregnant. The ability comes naturally/
Amy's eyes widened. /So you're telling me.../
/I'm not too sure yet, but it's very certain./
Amy nodded and shot a quick glance at Goku. He was looking off into space. It was funny to see him like that; completely unaware of what was going on in the real world. He seemed to always be held captive in his own little world.
Vegeta, however, did not like it when Goku was in his own little world.
"KAKAROT!!!" he yelled. "WAKE UP!"
Goku's eyes widened. "GETA YOU WOKE ME UP!!!!"
Amy sighed and went outside the room. She could see and hear Bulma quarreling with one of the people who worked there.
"No, that isn't right!.... How is that supposed to be possible?.... Look, did you test the other sample?.... Of course you were supposed too!.... Just get to work and don't waste my time!" She stormed out the room, cussing under her breath. Her heart jumped in fright when she saw Amy just standing there, most certainly having heard the whole conversation.
''Amy, you scared me!" she said, placing a hand over her chest.
Amy smirked and crossed her arms. ''I get that from Vegeta." Her smirk turned into a frown. "What exactly was going on?"
Bulma shook her head. "Nothing... the technichian was being stupid, that's all..." She began to walk away but was stopped when Amy stepped in front of her. It was hard to try and past through her; she was almost as tall as Gohan and was incredibly fast.
"Bulma, I may not know much, but I know more about Saiyans than you do. Whatever was on the result sheet is most likely correct."
Bulma frowned.
"Amy, who graduated from college, you or me?" she asked, her eyes seeming as though they were going to burn holes through Amy's skin.
"You did. But have you ever studied Saiyan history in college?"
"Leave the work to the scientists!" Bulma yelled before she stomped away.
Amy stared dully as Bulma left. She then walked into the room to see Goku kicking his feet happily. Vegeta sat there, a scowl on his face. Trunks saw Amy's face and signaled for her to sit next to him. Amy did.
"How are the doing?" he asked, smiling. Amy sighed.
"Good, I guess. Me on the other hand..." she frowned and placed a hand on her stomach.
"Amy, I heard you and the woman talking about something," Vegeta said.
"Yes. She thinks the results are wrong."
"And what were the results?" Goku asked.
"She never said. She's just too stubborn sometimes," Amy grumbled.
They waited for about twenty minutes more before Goku started complaining that he was bored.
"Gee, Kakarot, aren't we all?" Vegeta muttered. "What is taking the woman so long?"
Amy shrugged and cleared her throat.
"A song would be nice, don't you think?" Amy said.
"Not in the mood, Amy," the three answered. Amy nodded and sat there.
About half an hour passes and Bulma has not come back with the results. Goku was hanging upside down on the bed, Amy was drawing, Trunks was on his Capsule phone, and Vegeta was glaring.... as usual.
"Hey Trunks, how does this look?" Amy asked, showing him her drawing. His eyes widened.
"It looks just like them!" he said. Amy smiled.
"Huh? Looks like how?" Vegeta asked.
"Like you and Dad!" Amy said, showing him the drawing. Vegeta looked it.
"You know... it does...." Vegeta muttered. Goku nodded. Amy sighed and put the drawings away.
"It's taking Bulma forever to come back with the results...." she muttered.
Just then Bulma came back, pale and tired. They all turned to her.
"The results?" Vegeta and Amy asked in unision. Trunks looked at them both but said nothing.
"Well.... I honestly can't belive it.... we tested the samples so much.... the results were just surprising.... Vegeta and Goku....."
"BULMA DON'T KEEP US IN SUSPENSE" Amy yelled. Bulma glared at her.
"Well, I haven't a clue of how this happened but...... Vegeta and Goku..... you are both..... pregnant....."
Their jaws dropped.
Purple Ink: Chappy 8 over! Or was it 7?
Vegeta: I am getting annoyed of you, woman.
Purple Ink: You'll have to deal with me for years to come! BUHAHAHA
Trunks: O.O Okay.....
Amy: So.... this chapter was... surprising...
Vegeta: EVERYONE IS PREGNANT!!! *huff huff*
Trunks: I'M NOT! ^-^
Purple Ink: Shush it or I'll make you pregos!
Trunks: O.O
Goku: I WANT TO SAY IT!!!!!!
Purple Ink: *STARTLED* O.O NUUU!!!!
Goku: Please??? Just once!!!
Amy: *facepalm*
Vegeta: Kakarot, why do you want to say it?
Goku: It's fun!!!
Purple Ink: It isn't fun Goku!!! It's what I'M supposed to do!
Goku: Pwease?
Purple Ink: *sigh* Fine
Vegeta: O.O You have made a mistake!!!!
Goku YAY!!! *deep breath* Please review Purple Ink's story cause.... JUST REVIEW IT PLEASE!!!!!! *holds on to reader'a leg* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?
Purple Ink: *sweatdrops* e.e This is how I've been able to scare off readers *sniff*
Vegeta: Kakarot let go!!
Goku: *let's go*
Amy: Geez, someone's jealous....
Vegeta: I'M NOT JEALOUS!!! *blush*
Purple Ink: Vegeta just be quiet. Until next chapter!
-Purple Ink-
But to be honest, who couldn't enjoy a tough Saiyan ballooning up to the size of a house? Heh.
P.s This chapter takes place 2 months after the previous.
And also, /text/ is Saiyan telepathic speech.
It had started off like any day.
Vegeta had confessed to Bulma about his secret relationship with Goku, but she been completely okay with it, somehow. It had surprised Vegeta to know that she didn't mind, it was a good thing she didn't even care. News had spred that Amy was pregnant, and it was no surprise that Trunks was the father. The girl was was 7 weeks along.
As for Vegeta and Goku, well, life was normal. They enjoyed each others' company and really never got into arguements. Vegeta could still act like a real bitch here and there, but that was completely normal.
Amy and Trunks got married the week before she found out that she was pregnant. A simple marriage in the woods, everyone except for ChiChi there, obviously.
Amy wouldn't have it any other way.
So under the trees with green leaves, the bright sunshine, and the wide blue skies, they were wed. The boquet was thrown, and it landed next to Goku, and even though he hadn't participated in the whole throwing thing, he was given the boquet. Amy then tapped Trunks on the shoulder. When he finally turned, Amy slammed a plate of cake on his face. He had then gotten another plate of the wedding cake and slammed it on her face. The two laughed along with the others. It was a great day.
As a wedding gift, Goku built the two a small house near his own. Then they watched as they flew away, Trunks carrying Amy. A new life was set for the two.
Today, Amy had gone to visit Goku and Vegeta just to see how they were. She wasn't surprised when she saw the two fighting in Super Saiyan like they do any other day.
But what did surprise her was the fact that Goku wasn't moving as fast as he usually did.
It wasn't right.
Amy stepped up from the trees. "Hey! I haven't visited in a while!" she shouted, waving at the two.
"Oh my gosh, hi!" Goku said, gasping for breath. Vegeta shot a worried look at Goku. Goku smiled as best as he could, but the way that he was shaking easily gave off the fact that his smile was fake.
Amy hugged Goku, then Vegeta. "How have you two been?" she asked, taking another glance at Goku. His usually bright, golden hair was dull.
"We've been fine. How about you and Trunks?" Vegeta said, his eyes never leaving Goku.
"So have we. Just preparing the spare room for the upcoming event," she said, placing a hand on her stomach.
"We've heard that you came from the hospital the other day. Do you know the gender of the child?" he asked.
"Vegeta, I think you mean children."
"What? Twins? That's incredible!" Goku said, sweating a bit now. But they didn't make a big deal about him sweating.
"Yes. Thank Kami for the adavnced technology these days. I'm only 7 weeks along, but now we can tell the gender and everything!"
"So what is the gender of the kids?" Goku asked.
"One is a boy, the other is a girl," she said. The two men smiled.
Actually, the day they found out she was pregos, they didn't take it too well. Vegeta had slapped the hell out of Trunks and Goku had gone on and on about how now they wouldn't even be able to relax normally and that she was waaay too young. But Amy then mentioned that she was 23 and ChiChi had been pregnant with her and Gohan when she was 17. Then Goku stopped and said that it that it was okay. Then he had proceeded to dragging Vegeta out of the room.
"Any names?" Vegeta asked.
"... I'm thinking on Sharotto for the girl and Mikan for the boy," she said. Trunks came out from the trees.
"Yo!" he called out, smiling. Amy ran over to him and hugged him. Trunks smiled and said," How's it going, you two?"
Vegeta smirked. "It's been going fine, Trunks. But right now I think something is wrong with my baka!"
Goku looked at Vegeta, his face a bit green. "I'm okay Geta.... nothing is wrong...."
Vegeta cocked his eyebrow at Goku. "Oh really? Then explain to me why you look like the Namek!"
"Dad, don't force answers out of Goku...." Trunks muttered.
"Father, if there's something wrong, you have to tell us. But if you say there's nothing wrong, then we will trust you," Amy said. "How about I make you all some tea?"
They all nodded and went into the kitchen. Amy took some herbs from her pocket and brewed them into a strong tea.
"Amy, I thought you were a warrior, not some healer," Vegeta teased.
"Oh shuttup Vegeta!" Amy said as she poured some of the tea into four cups. "Can't I do you three a favor without getting teased?"
"Nope," Vegeta said. Amy rolled her eyes and gave them their cups. Goku stared at his for a moment and took a sip. He shivered. The other three looked at him with an awkward expression.
"Are you sure you're alright, Kakarot?" Vegeta asked.
"Yes, I'm just--" Goku was cut off by vomit coming out of his mouth.
"AH!" Amy yelled, jumping onto Trunks' arms. Vegeta stepped back in disgust.
When Goku was finished vomiting, Vegeta looked at him sternly.
"Kakarot, you are obviously ill and you don't want to admit it!" Vegeta yelled.
"No.... I'm alright...." he said, clutching his stomach and falling to his knees. Vegeta growled and picked him up.
"Want me to teleport you to there?" Amy asked. Vegeta nodded and grabbed on to Amy. Trunks did the same.
"Alright, here we go..." she said as she teleported to the Bulma's lab. Bulma greeted them and asked what was wrong.
"KAKAROT IS SICK!" Vegeta yelled. Bulma covered her ears and frowned.
"Geez! Vegeta, there is honestly nothing to get worked up about!" Bulma said. Vegeta lied Goku down on a bed.
"Alright Trunks, you know the drill," Bulma muttered. Trunks nodded and held Goku down while Bulma wiped the skin of Goku's arm with some achohal and put a rubber band around it. She felt around for a vein and when she found it, she stuck the needle in his arm.
"AHHHHH!!!! I HATE NEEDLES!!! YOU ARE SO MEAN!!" Goku screamed.
Vegeta smirked. "Take it like a whore Kakarot!" Everyone stared at him, including Goku. Vegeta gave them that smirk again. They all turned their attention back to Goku.
Bulma removed the needle from Goku's arm and put a bandaid on.
"See? That wasn't so bad!" Amy said. Bulma walked to the lab with the blood samples.
"It was the worst thing I had to put up with!" Goku whimpered. Trunks burst out laughing. Amy and Vegeta looked at him.
"Trunks this isn't something to be laughing about...." Amy muttered. Vegeta frowned.
Vegeta's stomach began to hurt.
At first he thought it was just a small little pain that would go away after a few minutes.
But the pain grew.
Vegeta ignored it and didn't say a thing. Amy sensed something was wrong with the Saiyan no Ouji.
He began to run a fever.
Trunks looked at his father in wonder.
'I think there may be something wrong- No... I know there's something wrong with him...'
Vegeta went pale. Every breath he took he took with difficulty. Goku eyed him suspiciously.
"Geta.... is there anything wrong?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper.
Vegeta nodded, not wanting to deal with the unbearable pain anymore. He gagged on something that was in his throat for a while and then threw up the clear liquid.
"OH KAMI!" Amy yelled, jumping back. Vegeta grabbed his stomach as the liquid continued too spew out of his mouth.
"MOM!" Trunks yelled when Vegeta stopped vomiting. Bulma came in and stopped short when she saw Vegeta.
"WHAT IN NAME OF-" Bulma began, but stopped when she saw Amy's face. "Erm.... what exactly is going on?"
Bulma gave him the look and proceeded to dragging Vegeta to the bed. "Vegeta we'll need some blood samples from you..." she said.
"Whatever, as long as we find out what the hell is wrong with me and Kakarot!"
Bulma did the same proceedure to Vegeta as she had done to Goku. Vegeta hadn't even flinched when the needle pierced his skin. Goku looked in wonder.
"Umm, okay the results should come.... in a while...." Bulma said as she ran out the room.
"Eesh, what's her problem?" Amy asked. Goku shrugged. Vegeta sighed and sat there.
Amy sensed Vegeta was worried. She looked over to Vegeta and closed her eyes.
/Do you hear me Vegeta?/
/Yeah. Loud and clear Amy./
/Vegeta, you seem worried. What's wrong?/
Vegeta took a deep and sighed. /Promise you won't tell?/
/Okay... Well, remember when I said male Saiyans could become pregnant?/
Amy gulped. /Yeah.... what about it?/
/I was wrong. We don't need to be Super Saiyan during intercourse to become pregnant. The ability comes naturally/
Amy's eyes widened. /So you're telling me.../
/I'm not too sure yet, but it's very certain./
Amy nodded and shot a quick glance at Goku. He was looking off into space. It was funny to see him like that; completely unaware of what was going on in the real world. He seemed to always be held captive in his own little world.
Vegeta, however, did not like it when Goku was in his own little world.
"KAKAROT!!!" he yelled. "WAKE UP!"
Goku's eyes widened. "GETA YOU WOKE ME UP!!!!"
Amy sighed and went outside the room. She could see and hear Bulma quarreling with one of the people who worked there.
"No, that isn't right!.... How is that supposed to be possible?.... Look, did you test the other sample?.... Of course you were supposed too!.... Just get to work and don't waste my time!" She stormed out the room, cussing under her breath. Her heart jumped in fright when she saw Amy just standing there, most certainly having heard the whole conversation.
''Amy, you scared me!" she said, placing a hand over her chest.
Amy smirked and crossed her arms. ''I get that from Vegeta." Her smirk turned into a frown. "What exactly was going on?"
Bulma shook her head. "Nothing... the technichian was being stupid, that's all..." She began to walk away but was stopped when Amy stepped in front of her. It was hard to try and past through her; she was almost as tall as Gohan and was incredibly fast.
"Bulma, I may not know much, but I know more about Saiyans than you do. Whatever was on the result sheet is most likely correct."
Bulma frowned.
"Amy, who graduated from college, you or me?" she asked, her eyes seeming as though they were going to burn holes through Amy's skin.
"You did. But have you ever studied Saiyan history in college?"
"Leave the work to the scientists!" Bulma yelled before she stomped away.
Amy stared dully as Bulma left. She then walked into the room to see Goku kicking his feet happily. Vegeta sat there, a scowl on his face. Trunks saw Amy's face and signaled for her to sit next to him. Amy did.
"How are the doing?" he asked, smiling. Amy sighed.
"Good, I guess. Me on the other hand..." she frowned and placed a hand on her stomach.
"Amy, I heard you and the woman talking about something," Vegeta said.
"Yes. She thinks the results are wrong."
"And what were the results?" Goku asked.
"She never said. She's just too stubborn sometimes," Amy grumbled.
They waited for about twenty minutes more before Goku started complaining that he was bored.
"Gee, Kakarot, aren't we all?" Vegeta muttered. "What is taking the woman so long?"
Amy shrugged and cleared her throat.
"A song would be nice, don't you think?" Amy said.
"Not in the mood, Amy," the three answered. Amy nodded and sat there.
About half an hour passes and Bulma has not come back with the results. Goku was hanging upside down on the bed, Amy was drawing, Trunks was on his Capsule phone, and Vegeta was glaring.... as usual.
"Hey Trunks, how does this look?" Amy asked, showing him her drawing. His eyes widened.
"It looks just like them!" he said. Amy smiled.
"Huh? Looks like how?" Vegeta asked.
"Like you and Dad!" Amy said, showing him the drawing. Vegeta looked it.
"You know... it does...." Vegeta muttered. Goku nodded. Amy sighed and put the drawings away.
"It's taking Bulma forever to come back with the results...." she muttered.
Just then Bulma came back, pale and tired. They all turned to her.
"The results?" Vegeta and Amy asked in unision. Trunks looked at them both but said nothing.
"Well.... I honestly can't belive it.... we tested the samples so much.... the results were just surprising.... Vegeta and Goku....."
"BULMA DON'T KEEP US IN SUSPENSE" Amy yelled. Bulma glared at her.
"Well, I haven't a clue of how this happened but...... Vegeta and Goku..... you are both..... pregnant....."
Their jaws dropped.
Purple Ink: Chappy 8 over! Or was it 7?
Vegeta: I am getting annoyed of you, woman.
Purple Ink: You'll have to deal with me for years to come! BUHAHAHA
Trunks: O.O Okay.....
Amy: So.... this chapter was... surprising...
Vegeta: EVERYONE IS PREGNANT!!! *huff huff*
Trunks: I'M NOT! ^-^
Purple Ink: Shush it or I'll make you pregos!
Trunks: O.O
Goku: I WANT TO SAY IT!!!!!!
Purple Ink: *STARTLED* O.O NUUU!!!!
Goku: Please??? Just once!!!
Amy: *facepalm*
Vegeta: Kakarot, why do you want to say it?
Goku: It's fun!!!
Purple Ink: It isn't fun Goku!!! It's what I'M supposed to do!
Goku: Pwease?
Purple Ink: *sigh* Fine
Vegeta: O.O You have made a mistake!!!!
Goku YAY!!! *deep breath* Please review Purple Ink's story cause.... JUST REVIEW IT PLEASE!!!!!! *holds on to reader'a leg* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE?
Purple Ink: *sweatdrops* e.e This is how I've been able to scare off readers *sniff*
Vegeta: Kakarot let go!!
Goku: *let's go*
Amy: Geez, someone's jealous....
Vegeta: I'M NOT JEALOUS!!! *blush*
Purple Ink: Vegeta just be quiet. Until next chapter!
-Purple Ink-