Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot | Uploaded On: 08.04.2002 | Updated On: 09.07.2002 | Pages: 1 | Words: 392 | Visits: 920 | Status: Completed
*Disclaimer* I don't own DBZ and I'm not making any money from this. More's the pity.
The beach was swarming with people, everywhere there were people partying and tanning and kids running and shouting.
...Except for one bit of beach off to the side where they were FLYING and shouting. The Z-senshi were enjoying themselves today; there were no insanely powerful aliens or androids attacking the earth, it was a lovely day, and so they were having a beach party.
And you can bet that the rules for beach volleyball get pretty strange when all of the players can fly and not a few could spike the ball straight through the earth if they weren't careful. That, along with tall green guy cooking the hamburgers with a wave of his hand, was earning them some decidedly odd looks.
But Bulma and Chichi, just about the only actual humans in the group, didn't care about the looks they were getting. They were floating lazily in the waves, splashing each other, chatting and laughing. Chichi turned to Bulma to ask her a question, but it froze on her lips. Bulma was standing and staring fixedly at a point just over Bulma's shoulder, her face pale and her eyes wide. "Bulma?" Chichi asked. Chichi's voice seemed to snap Bulma out of it.
"SHARK!" she screamed, pointing to a large black triangle slicing through the waves behind them. Instantly they both ran for the safety of the beach, screaming.
Goku was at Chichi's side in an instant, and the rest of the gang wasn't far behind. Further up the beach, the "normal" humans fled the water in a panic.
"What? Where?" Goku demanded.
"RIGHT THERE!" Chichi and Bulma yelled, pointing at the sinister shape.
"Right then," Goku said, cracking his knuckles and frowning in concentration. "No problem." Pulling his hand back, he launched a minor ki attack at the shark; it was, after all, only a poor animal, it hardly required anything high-level. The ball of light flew from his hand and impacted its target with a brilliant flash and a "booom!" that echoed all across the beach.
"KAKKAROT!" Vegeta screamed. Everyone blinked as the smoke cleared away to reveal the Saiyajin Prince floating over the water where Goku's blast had hit. His stiff, pointy hair was smoking. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!"