Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Piece of the Past ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
(Note* all the characters are in their mid-twenties to early thirties, including Trunks, Gohan, Goten, and Videl.)
"A piece of the past"
Yamcha awoke with a gasp from a restless sleep. His dreams had been full of fire and screams…a night from his past.
"Man, that's the fourth time this week I've had that dream. I wonder what's wrong with me."
He wiped the sweat from his forehead and rolled onto his side to pursue sleep once again.
When he woke up the next morning he changed into his fighting attire and called Goku to confirm the day's plans.
"Hey, Goku, sorry to call so early. Are we all still meeting at Capsule Corp. at noon?"
"Yep, noon sharp. We're going over some training strategies and some other stuff according to Piccolo. He said he also had a secret he wanted to reveal, something he's been hiding for awhile."
"Wow, Piccolo? Keeping a secret? This must be a biggie! Well, I'll see you there, Goku."
After hanging up with Goku, Yamcha went to his drawer and pulled out the amulet he always wore under his shirt. The amulet was gold dragon curling into the shape of a half circle, like the Yin-Yang symbol. It looked like it was just one piece but if you really looked at it, it seemed like another piece would fit next to it. He had had this since before he could even remember, and was given to him by his parents, who were killed soon after. Everything changed after he received the amulet, his parents and his twin sister had been killed by a man of brute force named Luo, who caused the earth to become engulfed in fire and shaken with earthquakes. Apparently Yamcha's father had something Luo wanted and had no intention of giving it up. Luo then went after his family and Yamcha was the only survivor. He had tried to stay with his twin but they were separated after a piece of earth gave way and…he could do nothing to save her. For years after that Yamcha searched all over to find her, hoping against hope she had survived. He never found her so all he could do was give up…but he always blamed himself for her death because they had been together when it happened. Their parents entrusted him with his sister's life and he couldn't even save her. Now he had no family left…
He shook his head, trying to clear away the memories. He put the amulet around his neck and made his way to Capsule Corp.