Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A saiya...wha? (Storm timeline #3) ❯ Why do I love you? ( Chapter 11 )
Title: A Saiya-wha...???
Author: J'dee
Rating: NC-17 (offensive language lime partly)
Genre: Drama?? / Humour?? / Angst?? / Supernatural?? / Mary-sue
Author's Note:
***Why Do I Love You?***
Goku made sure everyone was okay and were safe.
Yamcha looked at Goku and he blinked. "She tried to kill us?"
Goku looked at Yamcha's expression. "I've never seen her like this Goku. Gathered I don't know much about her… but I feel I do…"
"She's under Babity's evil spell." Goku replied and watched as Vegeta landed near them with Bulma in his arms, Goku looked at Vegeta and watched as Bulma still clung on to him.
Yamcha stuffed his hands in to his pockets. "I should of tried to listen to Darrsan better, he said in a different timeline that it was me she was with." He sighed.
"I wish I knew how to break the spell." Goku added sadly. "I don't want to hurt her."
"You're weak Kakarott, she tried to kill your friends. Your stupid attachment is your downfall, she will no doubt try to kill them again." He growled.
Goku watched as Vegeta looked at Bulma, his features softened slightly. "Bulma. I want you to leave and get far away from here take your friends. We have to fight her."
Bulma nodded softly and she hugged Vegeta tightly.
Goku looked over and back to the ring to see Gohan and Leona fighting it out hard core, phasing in and out and moving all over the place.
"Wow look at them go." Yamcha remarked. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and he held up a pendant on a black cord he blinked and looked at it.
"Yamcha what's that?" Chi-chi questioned.
He held the pendant up for all to see the triangle shaped pendant held an image in the triangle shape unfamiliar to their world but common amongst Leona's as a symbol associated with the show Charmed but more commonly a pagan symbol of a triquetra.
"A protect and repel pendent. It is suppose to repel evil. Darrsan took it from her to try and make her saiyan side come out." Yamcha looked at Goku. "Maybe it might repel Babity's evil. I don't know much about magick unfortunately Lee's the magick expert so Gohan says and well-"
They all looked to where Gohan and Leona were fighting it out.
Goku frowned. "Gohan's getting tired... he can't keep up with her."
Vegeta smirked. "Then it's my turn."
"You better not kill her Vegeta." Yamcha remarked.
Vegeta looked at Yamcha. "What makes you think I'd listen to you?"
"Let Goku try to help her first, then if everything else fails..." Yamcha swallowed hard.
Goku put his hand on Yamcha's shoulder. "It won't come to that. I won't let it."
Gohan sailed to the ground and he landed hard on the ground creating a crater, he looked up at Leona as she hoovered in the air above him the golden aura of super saiyan radiating off her. Gohan could see her smirking down at him.
"ENERGY SWORD!!!!" she shouted and Gohan blinked and watched as she formed a sword out of her energy. "What I love about my visions Gohan, is I know this is one of Dabora's moves, and I've been doing since training began for me in this world..."
Gohan pushed himself up off the ground and he moved quickly as the sword struck the ground where he'd been, he punched at Leona and she dodged.
"Lee please don't do this I don't want to fight-" Gohan was cut off as Leona landed a punch in his stomach and sent him flying backwards he hit the wall where his parents were. "You." he finished and pulled himself out of the dent in the wall.
"I can't do this. I can't fight her..." He looked at her.
Leona charged at him sword in the hand and Gohan gasped and she phased in and out and he watched her tracking her movements carefully.
'I should of kept up with training.' he thought.
She appeared right above him and sword swung at him.
Gohan clapped both his hands together catching the edge of her blade in his hands, he looked at her and she blinked at him stunned. She then smirked.
"Getting better. Kid you might be worthy of a real fight soon."
Gohan growled and he broke and edge of the sword off and flung it in to the ground.
The sword vanished from her hand as well as the tip.
Yamcha looked at Leona and he watched as her eyes flicked over to him. Gohan phased out and she spun round delivering a hook kick to mid air catching Gohan as he just phased in to attack her.
Gohan was knocked skidding across the ground. "Lee..." He breathed. "Don't do this."
She smirked at him. "Who's going to stop me? You?" She laughed. "Hardly. I have power now no one can stop me." She looked at Goku. "Not even you."
She turned round to walk over where Gohan was lying.
Gohan suddenly sat up and grabbed her and he flung her to the ground he then kissed her, and he felt her fighting him stop as she returned the kiss eagerly.
Gohan pulled back from the kiss and he watched as Leona hit the ground as she passed out. He let out a breath and he held his head. Goku was by his side instantly and helped him straighten up.
"Gohan? What happened?"
"Babity's he in her head, he's called on everything bad she's ever done in her life from the other world and used it to turn her..." He looked at Leona lying there. He felt tired exhausted and slumped to his knees.
"Gohan!!!" Chi-chi raced up to him and pulled him in to a hug and he just rested up against her.
"I'm okay mom." He sighed. He looked up as Yamcha walked up to him.
"Here Gohan." Yamcha handed him a pendant. "Put this on her, it repels evil, it might give her a chance to clear her head."
Gohan looked at the pendant and nodded. "Thanks."
"I suggest you all leave now, when she wakes up she will be far from happy." Vegeta remarked to Yamcha and everyone else in Z group.
Gohan hung the pendant round Leona's neck.
Goku looked at them. "I agree with Vegeta. I don't know if this pendant will work."
Yamcha nodded. "Right, Take care."
Goku smiled. "I will."
Yamcha lead the group of them out of the stadium.
I woke up groggily and I looked at Vegeta, Gohan and Goku hoovering over me.
"She's waking up dad." Gohan said and I watched as he dropped back in to a defence stance ready to fight.
I pushed myself up to my feet and I looked round.
"Gohan..." I breathed deeply. I remembered the passion in that kiss, the hope he still had in me. Of all of the Z team he held the very key to my heart and soul. I felt a strange odd kind of power. I looked down at the charmed pendant I had bought from my world the day before my twenty-first, I fingered it and it began to glow a brilliant red color.
I suddenly threw myself at Gohan and hugged him. He blinked and looked confused for a moment then to his father.
"She's not attacking dad." Gohan suddenly fell over as I just held him.
He placed his arms round me and I felt everything like it was being soothed away in to nothing but just a bad dream.
"Well she remembers her bonded." Goku grinned.
I felt a strange piercing sting strike through my head.
'Have you forgotten about gathering energy for Majin Buu?!'
I could hear babity scream in my head.
"Bibity babity, boo... how could such evil come out of such words from my world that represent good magick in a children's movie." I murmered to myself.
I felt the sting but it didn't hurt, I looked at the pendant and I knew it was repelling the evil Babity was trying to send to me. I looked at Gohan apologetically.
"Gohan- I'm sorry." I said softly I kissed him gently on the lips.
He nodded. "You're okay now right Lee?"
I shook my head. "He's still there, in my head trying to take control."
Goku looked at my sympathetic. "You've got to keep fighting him Lee."
"I can't if I do then he'll pick on Vegeta and you two will fight and we know the way you two fight the world will probably explode!!!" I exclaimed flapping my arms about wildly and I shook my head. "This way, it's best Goku. It's safest."
Goku nodded. "I suppose we have to fight now?"
I looked at Goku and Vegeta. "Yes, both of you against me. Gohan you and the supreme kai must stay out of this, you saw in my head, you know what to do."
Gohan nodded slowly. "The visions, I saw."
I nodded. "I cause nothing but trouble for myself and others with this gift. I really wish I had someone to talk to about this power, but it doesn't matter..."
I felt the piercing sting and I grabbed my head. "No! Stop it..."
'Buu must be resurrected...'
I flashed up straight in to the second level of super saiyan and levitated up off the ground. I could feel the evil resurfacing, the pendant was fighting it. But in an anime world, happy endings aren't always there.
I saw Goku looking up at me. "I don't want to kill you Lee."
"Hmph you're weak Kakarott. I for one would like to see her dead, she is only in the way. Her power will never be as great as yours and mine. She is only a half breed."
The words that Vegeta spoke really hurt, I clenched my fists in anger. I couldn't harm Vegeta. I couldn't. But every part of me was screaming to shut his mouth once and for all. Vegeta levitated up and looked at me. Goku sighed.
"Vegeta wait a minute." Goku spoke up.
"What is it?!" he growled impatiently.
"Babity!! I want you to transport us to somewhere where there are no people. No more lives need to be hurt." Goku shouted out.
A few moments later the scenery changed.
As we arrived on the new battlefield I looked round at the rocky terrain.
"Fight them!!!" I heard Babity screech in my head.
I cried out grabbing both sides of my head, the pain had resurfaced it was as if my skull was shrinking and my brain swelling up.
"I. I. I cant..." I breathed.
I felt Gohan's hand touch me and I looked up at him. His eyes were positive, they he'd every amount of belief in me that I could fight Babity's spell.
"You're a witch Lee, you're this worlds strongest in magick. If anyone can fight Babity- you can." He said.
I saw Shin looking at me wearily. He had already given up on me. It was obvious by his expression.
I felt more pain and shot upwards reaching outwards to everything as the pain rushed through every vein in my body I cried out and I felt my energy expand beyond what I knew I was capable of. Vegeta stood there staring at me. Was that jealousy in his features? It was hard to tell.
He then looked at Goku. "If you won't fight her Kakarott, then I will."
"No Vegeta." Goku put his hand up.
"She's still with us, don't provoke her to turn evil. We may not be able to beat her."
Gohan looked at me. "Lee..." He said, he touched the side of my face there was such love in those eyes. I felt like I wanted to cry, how could he?
I felt more pain and I doubled over crying out, it was like I was being attacked from all angles, each time the pain struck it was a new form of agony. Gohan was pulled back and I felt Goku touch me and suddenly I could feel how much stronger I was than him.
"Goku don't! Step back it's too late Babity has regained control over her." Shin explained.
Goku looked at me and I looked up at him and he looked at my hand clenched round the pendant and I yanked it off straightening myself up. My breathing was ragged and I opened my hand up and let the pendant fall from my hand and it hit the dirt with a light thud. My head rolled back the energy pulsating through me was comforting suddenly.
"Lee..." Goku breathed.
I chuckled. "You can feel it can't you? I'm stronger now. It's my turn to be the strongest in this world Goku and neither you nor Vegeta can stop me."
Gohan looked at me. "No! You've got to fight him Lee!"
"Gohan no! Go." Goku scolded.
Gohan blinked and he looked at the supreme kai the floor opened up and they looked down in to it.
"Talk about an invite." I smirked.
Gohan looked at me. He then looked at Goku.
"Remember Gohan, use those feelings you had while fighting Cell."
I smirked. "He's right Gohan, if you could tap back in to that, I bet you, you could of stopped me from killing those people."
Gohan looked at me, he looked hurt, torn and lost.
Goku saw Gohan's expression. "Go Gohan! Now!"
Gohan and the supreme kai jumped down the hole.
I dropped in to a defence stance. "So who wants to fight me first? Goku?"
Goku looked at me. "No Lee. I'm not going to fight you- I can't."
I pulled my top off and Goku blinked at me as I dropped it to the side, I wore a white loose fitting tank top. I opened my arms out at either side of me. Letting Goku know he had a complete and utter free shot.
"C'mon Goku. Fight me... What's the matter, rather fight Vegeta instead?"
Goku looked at Vegeta and Vegeta looked back I could tell that both of them would of rather fought each other, well as if I could do anything about it. It was the majin's fault. If they hadn't of kidnapped me things would of continued as they were suppose to.
"You have a free shot Goku."
I could see Goku was struggling, there were no lives round to torment to get him riled up to fight me. I let my hands drop to my side and I sauntered up to him.
"Kakarott, unbelievable. Hit her!!" Vegeta exclaimed
"Yeah, hit me." I dared him.
Goku closed his eyes and I smiled I kissed him on the lips and I felt him groan slightly. My hand slid up his chest and I ripped his gi top from him. His eyes flew open and he looked at me. My lips were still searing his, I pressed my body closed to his.
"You know this is what you wanted originally wasn't it?." I taunted him and I felt his lips kiss me back years without a woman and one day left on earth, it was an invite even the pure hearted couldn't resist.
"KAKAROTT!!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Vegeta shouted.
"Lee.." Goku breathed against my lips as I continued to kiss him. My hand slipping round his neck, my other downward. I could feel Vegeta's shocked stares at me.
"What on earth?" Vegeta exclaimed.
I pinned Goku up against the wall and he groaned as my hand slipped down his gi towards that weak spot men all had in common, his energy flashed and his super saiyan aura began whooshing about him. He rested up against the wall as I continued my exploration of his body.
"Are you going to fight me?" I asked him my voice low and husky.
He looked at me confused for a moment passion filled his eyes he had no concept of what I was saying.
"Kakarott you idiot she's playing you!" Vegeta powered up stronger in super saiyan and charged at me.
I was knocked off to the side and he glared at me.
Goku shook his head suddenly clicking on to what had happened. "LEE!!" he exclaimed.
"Vegeta you just know how to ruin a girl's fun don't you?" I asked.
He dropped in to a stance. "You wanted to fight. You will fight. But you will not steal energy using those witch powers of yours!"
I pouted. "Aww Vegeta mad?" I taunted in baby talk.
He growled and charged I blocked his attack and he flashed in to level two and I grinned. "I do love a good battle, to bad this one isn't good enough." I spun round kicking him away. We then charged at each other fists meeting, block and punch, kick and block, limbs flying aiming for intended locations.
Goku just stood there trying to regain his composure. He couldn't move and I knew why he was confused as to why the mate of his son would hit on him.
"Fight me Goku." I ducked an attack of Vegeta. "Both of you, make it fair."
"Fine you want a battle you got a battle." Goku charged at me and our fists meet together in a brilliant explosion of light. Then there was another as Vegeta's blow met on the other side as I blocked.
Goku looked at me. "How could you let yourself be controlled like this Lee? I know you're stronger than that."
I followed through the attack with an energy blast in to Goku's stomach knocking him backwards in to a cliff face and spun round kicking Vegeta off to the side. I hoovered up to Goku implanted in the cliff face.
"How? You didn't know me before I came to this world. I was an angry child I hated the world and it hated me." Goku pulled himself out of the cliff.
"I don't believe it." He charged and I flew upward Vegeta phased up above me and fire a ki blast I knocked it down and it hit Goku sending him falling to the ground. I caught Vegeta as he attacked and tossed him to the ground he landed on top Goku who grunted in pain and I landed in front of both of them.
I smirked at Goku. "Believe Goku, I wasn't this sweet little thing ya know. That was only just before I meet you that I became that way. I hated everything before then. I was abused as a child by my father from as far back as I could remember up until I was fourteen fifteen, then raped at sixteen, after that I decided I would no longer be a victim... I delved in to the craft to back me up all for the wrong reasons, for the dark reasons." I saw the shock in Goku's face.
"I didn't know." He looked at me with sympathy. I hated that sympathy look.
Vegeta pushed himself up off the ground and glared at me, if he was as strong as his glare I'd be finished, but so have it he wasn't.
"Where I come from the Lee you knew was nothing but a bully, she was stronger than this world Lee's she trusted no one but herself, from the age of four she was beating up every other kid weaker than herself. She loved to see them in pain, to see the hurt in their eyes for them to feel the pain she felt while growing up."
Goku looked at me disbelievingly. "But why?"
"Why?" I saw Vegeta laugh. "She is saiyan Kakarott accept it, she is elite."
I smirked at Vegeta. "He's right you know. All the years of abuse from my father paid off ya know. I was the only kid in my school to pull a door off it's hinges and throw it at the other kids. I had complete power and strength beyond my abilities and I found it in my rage... I always wondered why my dad didn't punish me for that. Now I know."
"Your rage, you've had it bottled up inside for all this time?"
I nodded. "This version of Lee I became here couldn't bare to let anyone know what she was like. I knew that if I lost control I'd end up being just like my father. I wasn't going to give my father that satisfaction. I didn't want to hurt anyone..."
"Hurt?" Vegeta laughed. "A saiyan's rage alone can kill a person."
"But I don't care anymore, this world can feel every ounce of pain I've felt and I don't care what happens because I already know what's going to happen and Buu will be resurrected."
Goku looked at me. "I don't want to kill you to stop it Lee."
"Ha kill me, if you do Babity will only get Vegeta to replace me, he's got more rage than me. I was only picked because I can do magick and I was the only one who could possibly be a threat to him and his spells."
Goku blinked. "He was going to pick Vegeta?"
"Of course, if I were Babity I would. Vegeta is the ultimate warrior his hatred for you and being surpassed by Gohan is like the bomb."
I looked over at Vegeta. "I'm surprised Babity hasn't changed him yet, ya know because a double team on you, would make sure Buu is resurrected that much faster."
Goku blinked. "Lee listen to yourself. This isn't you!"
"WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!" I exploded in to a brilliant blaze of light and then attacked at Goku, he blocked quickly and phased out and I followed him with my senses and phased out and reappeared behind him and double axe hammered him in the back sending him down to the ground.
Goku stopped himself millimetres before hitting the ground and he looked at Vegeta standing there. Vegeta looked at him.
"Vegeta some help here would be nice." He remarked.
"Fine Kakarott." Vegeta replied and charged I held up my hand and sent of a blast Vegeta knocked it to the side and rammed me in to a wall and he looked at me. "Can Babity give me enough power to finally defeat Kakarott?" he asked his voice was low and it was determined.
"Depends if Goku goes level three, but he can't it'll make his time run out faster." I replied. I knocked Vegeta back and he grinned at me he wanted that power I could see him want it. I levitated up to give him space.
Goku stood up and I looked down on him and powered up a blast. Goku turned his attention up at me. "Lee no!!! Don't do it!!"
"Kaaa meee haaa meee haaa!!!"
Goku powered up an attack and fired it up the two blasts hitting each other in a flash of light. Goku tried to push the energy blast back towards me but I held it in place. Goku sent another wave towards me and I realised it was to strong.
So then I vanished and appeared behind him using instant transmission and blasted him in the back, just as he turned round sending him in to another cliff face.
Vegeta looked at me. I looked over at Goku as he just fell out of the hole and hit the ground with a thud. He pushed himself up off the ground shakily.
"I see you've picked up a few of my techniques." Goku remarked.
"I only have to see a move once to copy it." I smirked back in reply.
Goku looked at me stunned. "Really once? Wow..." He grinned at me. "When this is over I want to fight you again without the spell. I'll have to see what other moves you can learn with only seeing it once."
"You learnt the kame hame wav that way did you not?" I asked.
Goku blinked suddenly surprised. "How'd you know about that?"
I just smirked back at him. "What can I say I do my research."
Goku looked at me determined to find a flaw to attack me with but not to hurt me. I could read it coming off him. I stood there standing my ground in a defence stance.
Goku watched me as I moved, and I watched him. Tien was definitely right when he claimed Goku's form was flawless in the Cell games, it was that same stance and he saw me sizing him up in the stance, I was running through possible attacks I could use, the stance only had his stomach and head open. But if you tried either I could see he could grab or block the attacks with ease.
I shouted and charged at Goku, he jumped up taking off upwards. I took to the skies after him.
Vegeta charged in and knocked me down I looked up at him and he grinned. Vegeta was still at full health I knew if my energy dropped lower than the one million mark that Vegeta could probably blast and he wouldn't let me live. He was one of those guys. I was going to have to find a way to hold Vegeta back and fast. I held my hands out in front of me and fired a blast in his direction. Vegeta blocked and then he looked confused as he was trapped in a bubble.
"You're next right now I'll finish Goku off."
"You're getting tired Leona." Goku remarked. "I can sense it."
"So are you." I retorted.
Goku smiled and then he charged at me again I leapt up in to the air and Goku swung in his foot scrapping the ground where I'd been. I hand stand flipped backwards and landed in to another defence stance, how could I get the best of Goku, this world's strongest fighter? The only way I knew how, not fight and let him wear himself down trying to fight me. But he knew what I was up to already. As he smirked at me and he straightened himself up. "I forgot where are my manners, Lee you first."
I straightened up and flicked some hair of my shoulder and I pulled the white tank top off dropping it to the ground.
Goku blinked and he looked at me. I stood there wearing a black strapless sports bra and my black pants, most of my flesh exposed, if I hadn't been evil I would of covered up in front of Vegeta. But I didn't. I remembered reading about a girl with this sort of technique in the first world martial arts tournament Goku and Krillen fought in.
Goku looked at Vegeta. "Kakarott don't let her distract you!! Just pummel her!!!"
I looked over at Vegeta. "I felt my power suddenly slip as my distraction at looking at Vegeta cased an open attack for Goku on me and I was sent sailing backwards in to a cliff face in to a little hole and I felt myself power down suddenly in the little hole. I growled as I tried to regain my strength. I looked down to my stomach and I felt myself go light headed at the blood, I'd been impaled on something and it was hurting.
Goku looked at the hole and he blinked then he heard a loud pop and looked over as Vegeta stood there his arms crossed across his chest and he looked more than happy.
"Vegeta..." Goku looked to where the hole was. "Lee..."
He rushed up to the hole and he peered in, his breath was caught in his throat at the sight. He climbed in and he pulled her off the piece of crystallised rock that she'd been impaled on. "Oh no... I'm sorry Lee!! Forgive me... please..."
To Be Continued…