Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Saiyajin's Heart ❯ Chapter Sixteen: Dragonballs ( Chapter 16 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Saiyajin's Heart
Chapter Sixteen: Dragonballs
By Selenity Jade
Rated: M
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z or any of the characters involved. I only play with them. I do however own Galan and Aaloka and their little minions.
Beta: W-chan - Thank You!
Pairing: Buruma/Vejiita
AN: 03/04/08 - Updated.
Goku frowned worriedly after Vejiita and Galan as they disappeared around the corner. Vejiita wasn't even walking correctly. His usual confident, arrogant gait was slumped, defeated, and pained. Goku only hoped the Saiyajin no Ouji could hold it together long enough for them to defeat Aaloka and find the dragonball.
Pulling out the palm-sized dragon radar, Goku turned his attention to the little white dot on the green screen. He was a bit concerned he might get lost a bit in the ship; the dragonball may be straight ahead of him, but there were walls and halls in this place. It might be a bit more difficult to find than normal. It wasn't often that a ball had to be trailed through a spaceship. More like never.
He paused indecisively for a few moments, trying to figure out which direction to take first. He then shrugged, turned towards the right - the opposite direction of his allies - and walked swiftly down the hall. His eyes kept careful track of the little bleep on the screen in his hand as he strolled through the halls, while also warily looking around for possible enemies.
After what seemed like forever to the Saiyajin as he traversed the ship's maze, he finally stood outside a large door. He hesitated only momentarily before pressing on the panel beside it, and the door slid open with ease. Stepping inside, his eyes were immediately drawn to the being standing in the center of the room. In the green man's hand, a small orange ball pulsed.
The dragonball.
And the being, he suspected, was Kiwi. Goku put on his famous grin and waved. "Hiya."
Kiwi blinked in astonishment, his eyes widening slightly at the odd gesture. "You are stupider than they say," the man drawled with a snort finally.
"I am?" Goku asked, scratching his head. "Well, I know I am not as smart as Buruma, but even so, I didn't think I was a complete moron…"
Kiwi chuckled wickedly, turning his nose in the air. "Fool," he spat. "Why did you come? Aaloka does not want you, she wishes for Vejiita. Why don't you go home? It isn't any of your concern."
Goku frowned and then shook his head. "Sorry, but your boss killed my friend. And while Vejiita may not be the friendliest guy around, he is part of the team now, whether he realizes it or not. Not to mention this does concern me as you kidnapped my friends in your boss's quest for vengeance, oddly enough. Vejiita could care less about them. So I'm not leaving."
The man shrugged. "Suit yourself."
"Thanks," Goku replied, this time smirking slightly. "So, why don't you hand me that dragonball there and I'll let you go."
Kiwi gave him an incredulous look, and then laughed loudly. "Right. As if that is going to happen."
Goku sighed; irritated that yet another villain wouldn't give up when it was clear that Goku could beat him effortlessly. "Guess that means we're going to fight."
"Well, since you're not going to leave it alone, and I'm not going to either, I suppose so."
Goku nodded and crossed his arms, frowning thoughtfully. "Since I'm kind of in a hurry, I'm not going to play around, if that's alright."
Kiwi sneered. "Good."
The Saiyajin grinned and vanished from normal sight, reappearing moments later behind Kiwi, who didn't sense him there. Goku tapped the warrior's shoulder, and when the green man swung around in surprise, Goku clocked him in the face once. Kiwi was sent flying towards the wall. He smacked into it with an audible thud, and then slumped to the floor. Goku sighed and shook his head. "They really should learn to listen to me sometimes…"
The pure-hearted Saiyajin walked over to the fallen warrior, and bent down to grab the dragonball, which was still clutched in Kiwi's hand. He pried the hand open and took the ball, placing it in the satchel on his waist.
As he was headed out the door, the entire ship shook violently and a ki sense exploded in his mind. His eyes widened and he gasped. "Vejiita!"
Goku sprinted into the room, panting slightly from the mad dash through the ship towards the wild ki. His eyes widened in horror as he watched the Super Saiyajin Vejiita scream out, a golden aura blasting around him. In his bulging arms, Goku saw the motionless, bloody form of his friend.
"Buruma," he murmured softly as he looked away, unable to look at her like that. Despite the chaos around him, he knew that she shouldn't be so still. She should be ranting, or yelling, or bouncing around giving orders. It hit Goku then that his oldest friend was dead. He momentarily forgot the dragonballs in his sack as grief overwhelmed him, a sick feeling in his gut. His eyes watered as he glanced back towards the exploding ki.
Peering around the room, his own ki powering up enough to keep him on his feet as Vejiita's power erupted even more, he saw the prone figure on the far wall, unnaturally slumped on the floor. He recognized Galan, and sighed. He turned back to the screaming Vejiita, his eyes hardening in determination.
"VEJIITA!" Goku roared, attempting to get his rival's attention futilely.
The Saiyajin no Ouji continued screaming, his ki rising at an amazing rate and Goku could tell it wouldn't stop any time soon. He shivered slightly in awe, stunned at the sheer feel of his rage and pain. Goku knew immediately that if Vejiita turned on him, he wouldn't survive. Vejiita was finally stronger than his rival.
Goku grinned at the revelation, but it quickly left moments later. He began to wonder if perhaps Vejiita would overload himself. A sound tugged at the edge of his hearing, making an odd resonate with the scream and Goku frowned, glancing around for the source of it.
He turned around and blinked at the person who had obviously just entered the room. It was a slender blue-skinned woman and the coldly amused gaze she was directing at the distraught Saiyajin no Ouji left little doubt in Goku's mind.
He cocked his head curiously, unable to see how she could be so threatening, but he had long ago learned not to consider appearances in his assessments of possible enemies. He knew he could beat her easily, but he also didn't want to be surprised.
The woman noticed immediately that she attracted the attention of the larger Saiyajin and her pupil-less eyes focused on him then. Her mouth twitched upward coldly in wicked amusement when she saw the realization in his eyes.
Suddenly, Vejiita's scream choked off and the room became fell silent. Goku glanced behind him quickly, to find Vejiita motionlessly cradling Buruma in his arms, his eyes blank and unfocused as they stared straight ahead of him.
Aaloka laughed loudly in the quiet room then, attracting Goku's attention again. Vejiita's head also snapped towards the sound as he became aware of his surroundings. The small Saiyajin hissed softly.
"Well, well, Vejiita. It looks as if I have broken you without even trying. So easy, really. You'd have thought you would have learned not to form attachments after serving Furiza. But you did anyway. The hard Vejiita finally cracked all because of the death of a weak, ugly, human female. Furiza would have found this amusing, I'm willing to wager."
Vejiita snarled loudly, standing up with his mate still cradled in his protective embrace. His dark eyes narrowed at Aaloka with a burning hatred, which Goku could see surpassed even the feelings the Saiyajin no Ouji had had for Furiza. Goku surmised it was because of Buruma's death, and knew that Vejiita wasn't quite right in the head now. Not that he could have ever been called stable, but Goku suddenly feared that his rival would destroy them all just to seek revenge.
"Well," Goku hastily put in, "I'm going to leave you two to fight right now, if you don't mind. I'll be back though." Neither answered him, their eyes glued to each other. Goku shrugged and walked out of the room, pausing only to grab the unconscious Galan, determined to teleport the others safely back to Chikyuu-sei. He had felt their weak ki levels during his mad dash towards Vejiita's raging power.
After that, he had a wish to make.
"So, Vejiita, how does it feel?"
"Feel?" his low voice inquired, gruff with pain, yet dull with apathy.
"Yes, monkey. How does it feel to lose your mate? I would have never thought that you of all people would choose one at all. You wouldn't even take me up on my offer. So, I'm curious. How does it feel, little monkey? Does it hurt? I think it does with the way you were screaming earlier."
Vejiita's arms tightened around Buruma's body, his arms and chest soaked in her blood, the smell driving him further into the depths of his pain. "You wish to know if it hurts, Aaloka?" Snorting almost weakly, he continued, "You could not possibly imagine how it feels. To have a bond shattered is something you will never feel. Unfortunately, because I wish I could show you. I wouldn't be able find a live Saiyajin, let alone one willing to mate you who could feel for you enough for a bond, you bitch. It is really too bad," Vejiita continued absently.
Aaloka blinked at his odd behavior. She had been watching the warriors on Chikyuu for quite some time and had seen that Vejiita hadn't changed much from the time she had known him, outside of his little attracted to the frail woman. And here he was practically rambling like a… She blinked, eyes widening. She felt her stomach drop as fear suddenly spasmed through her and she finished her thought.
Like a lunatic.
She had broken him more than she thought possible. All because of a woman! Who'd have thought, my little pet? Who'd have thought the cold-hearted bastard prince of Vejiita-sei could feel... love? She frowned resentfully. After all these years, you have found love…
She laughed dully. "You love a weak female. Why, Vejiita? Why couldn't you have stayed with me? I love you… I have loved you since I took you into my care… I offered you everything! What did she have that I didn't?"
"Bitch," Vejiita spat with a mirthless smirk. "Nothing about you attracts me, whore. You may not be hideous, but you might as well be. You do nothing for me."
"Why her!?" she screamed, losing her control momentarily.
"She is my soul."
Aaloka twitched in indignation, her fists clenching. "You fool! She was only a weakness! You should thank me for killing her for you!"
Growling dangerously, Vejiita stepped towards the female but stopped before moving too far. He looked down at the burden in his arms, his eyes pained. He nuzzled Buruma's hair gently before stepping off to the side and setting the dead woman on the floor carefully. As if she were alive. He then turned his head towards his mate's murderer, his eyes narrowing. "You wanted to destroy my weakness, hm?" He laughed bitterly. "So that you can have me to yourself! Fool! I am dying now!" He walked purposely toward the woman. "You hear that, bitch? I am dying. And I know that is not what you wanted. You wanted me to accept you." Another laugh escaped. "Sorry, but you have failed. You have killed me. But first... you must die," he stated in a dead voice.
Goku was glad he could feel Vejiita's ki on the ship when he had been busy teleporting the injured warriors back to Chikyuu. Now it was time to wish her back to life before Vejiita lost it completely.
With a wave to Korin, who agreed to look after his wounded friends, he placed two fingers to his forehead and concentrated on his wife's ki, appearing in front of the startled woman a heartbeat later. He gave her a quick grin and raced outside.
He placed the balls in a circle on the ground, smiling back at Chichi when she belatedly emerged from the house. He then stepped back and yelled, "Come forth, Shenlong!"
The sky darkened rapidly and a fierce wind appeared suddenly, blowing the trees wildly. Lightening started flashing as the balls pulsed with an inner energy. Goku fidgeted a bit anxiously as he witnessed the familiar lightening shoot from the balls and into the air. This was the first time he wished the damned dragon would not take so long to emerge. This was an emergency here!
The lights reformed into a gigantic green dragon with red eyes that gleamed down at the tiny beings below him. After a long silence, Shenlong finally spoke in his booming voice, "What is your wish?"
"I wish that Buruma and her child be brought back to life!" Goku called out to the dragon.
After a few seconds, the dragon's red eyes glowed once and he boomed back, "Your wish has been granted! Farewell!" Then, the huge lizard flared briefly and faded away. Then the pulsating balls floated into the air and scattered faster than the eye could see in all directions, now merely rocks until next year.
"I hope that works…"
Vejiita was moments away from attacking the woman when he suddenly gasped. Aaloka's brow furrowed in confusion, but Vejiita paid little attention to her as he turned slowly towards the wall where he had set his mate. His eyes widened slightly as the blue-haired genius suddenly gasped loudly, sitting up in shock.
Aaloka gaped at the woman she had previously killed, surprised at her sudden revival, but her face revealed quickly that she had figured out the cause. The dragonballs.
Vejiita, however, broke into a wide grin and walked over to his panting - and still bloody - woman. He knelt down in front of her, his grin turning to his usual cocky smirk. :I told you I would come,: he murmured into her mind.
She turned her wide eyes to his and suddenly threw herself into his arms; tears streaking down her cheeks unwillingly. "Damn it, about time!" she scolded through her sobs.
He didn't embrace her back, Aaloka's presence burning into his mind, but he did allow himself to take in her scent happily. :You need to stay out of the way,: he ordered gently. :I must deal with the bitch now.: He pulled her arms off him gently, pushing aside the very real need to just hold her against him, feel her, make sure she was really alive. Now was not the time and he knew it. :We will talk later,: he reassured her after he saw her hurt look.
She nodded and leaned against the wall, watching him with wide eyes. She was still slightly hurt that he acted as if she had been gone for a few hours at work instead of actually dead. She would have thought her death would have affected him a bit more than it seemed to. Perhaps, he didn't care for her, as she had previously believed. Perhaps, it was only a vague concern for her and not anything more, as she had thought he felt.
She silently let tears fall from her azure eyes as he turned his back to her.
Vejiita was perfectly aware of his mate's inner pain, but tried to ignore it for the time being. Aaloka was what was important at the moment; he could ease his mate's emotions later. They were distracting him, however, so he spoke into her mind again. :Onna, stop that. It's distracting. I will speak with you later, for now I need to deal with her.:
The Saiyajin glared hatefully at the creature before him, finally able to breathe and think clearly for the first time in what seemed like an eternity since his mate had died. He smirked cockily, his usual vigor back in full force. "Well, Aaloka, looks like you did not break me for long."
"We shall see, Vejiita."
"Yes. We shall," he purred sweetly, a wicked smirk on his face.
Then he attacked.
AN: Wow, the corniness.