Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A second chance for a Good life ❯ Umm...No title as of yet, sorry, to tired ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Woohooo, I am back with another heapen helping of Ass kicking fight scene extravagance. Okay so its not like some action/adventure book scene but hey at least I attempt to write my battle scenes out unlike a lot of fics I've read, not that they weren't any good just that they went straight to the mushy or comic stuff, no substance when it cam to the fighting, just some 3 sentence thing saying they fought and won. Now that I'm done ranting you all can read, sorry. `sheepish grin'

Sorry its so short.

Chapter 17: No title as of yet, make one up yourselves.

Now Kalia and Recoom were up in the air, flashes of energy to all but themselves. Kalia sent a row of punches to his stomach, then phased out and came up behind him withan elbow to the base the neck that sent Recoom to meet the dirt. However that didn't phase him long and soon they were back at it. Kicks were flying, punches were flying endlessly and ki blasts of every size and caliber went back and forth between the two. It was all out war but soon enough Kalia was in her own ditch some yards from Vegeta's. But of course, that didn't phase her, much. She was up and charging Recoom within 5 seconds of hitting the ground. So there they were up in the air, flying fists of furry, kicks going everywhere. There were numerous spots on the ground made from those two who had now been going at it for about an hour.

Suddenly the scream of "BURHOONKUNHAITO" (bad spelling, sorry) was heard and there was a flash of scarlet light as the attack hit the orange haired ogre head on. What a knock out of an attack. The force of the attack which Kalia had made, which happened to be like 3 feet in diamiter, sent the big oaf into a cliffside and then he slid to the ground. Kalia wasted no time and bombarded his landing spot with a machine gun effect of energy blasts. Nearly every single one hit there mark to, this girl had dead on aim. When the smoke cleared there stood, well staggered should I say, a beaten, battered and bloody Recoom. And Kalia was levitating, bleeding herself and panting heavily. She slowly lowered herself to the ground and glared at Recoom, he arched an eyebrow and stared back at her. Here was some young little female with hardly any fighting experience yet she was able to kill Jeice and now it seemed he was next. The spell, what did she call it? Ah yes Rose Nettle Vine, images of Jeice covered in that vine, silently screaming, blood leaking through the black vines flashed through his mind. Oh God he hoped she wouldn't use that on him! He smirked then, she wouldn't get the chance to use it on him, she would be dead or at least unconcioius before she got the chance, that is what his mind said to him. He is such a dumbass isn't he now.

SK: Well folks that is it for now, sorry it took me so long, I been sick and then I had a lot of homework and my aunt died so I had to go to her funeral but now I had time to actually write a little bit.

V: That is such a short chapter, you know you can write more!

SK: Shut up, oh hey Veggie-Chan, I got a late Christmas present for you.

V: Really?! I mean hand it over then wench.

SK: You got it veg-man `hands him a present and holds in giggles as he opens it'

V: `unwrapps small-ish black velvet box and looks at with and arched eyebrow' umm…

SK: Open the box smart one, yeesh. `rolls eyes'

V: `opens box and looks confused' it's a………necklace. `inside is a black beaded necklace with a few strategicly placed white fangs. Take a guess here people.'

SK: Well?! Oh I'll put it on for you. `walks over to him, takes necklace out of case and slips it over his head. But as she does this she whispers some words that he doesn't know.


SK: he he he, it looks cute now then.

V: Riiiight, I don't think so Kalia `tugs at necklace but it wont come off' Hey! What the hell! Wench what is with this dam piece of ugly jewlry!

SK: Wench?! Grrrrrrr! SIT BOY!

V: `falls face first onto ground really hard' Owwwwwwwww

SK: Thank you Kagome and Kaede. I love this.