Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A second chance for a Good life ❯ A Radditz Ressurection, Sort Of ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'm back with a tiny chapter for explanations sake only, I promise the next chapter will be extra long. [ducks flying objects and gets dinged with a root beer bottle `thunk!'] Owwwww! Who threw that!? Ha I see you Gohan, get back here. [runs off after bottle throwing brother]……… `THUNK-CRASH-THUD-THWACK-CLANG-YELP-SCRATCH-BONG-BONK!!!!!!!!!!

[15 minutes later, dragging an uncounsious Gohan behind her with one hand while swinging Basher the Almighty Frying Pan in the othere.]

Serves you right ya little Baka. You see, this is a crucial, small, but crucial chapter. And I have to give the anonymous Maria S. a big thank you for giving me this idea, she deserves most of the credit, thanks again Maria!

Chapter………Uh, either 20 or 21: The Resurrection of Radditz

While Kalia, Vegeta, Kino, Krillen, Gohan, Nail, Bulma and Goku were fighting and collecting on Planet Namek, something else had been happening on earth, so to earth we go.

{ Two weeks before Vegeta and Nappa are due to arrive we find Kalia sitting in a small but empty clearing. Well, more of a thicket really. Today she plans on surprising a certain uncle in a certain HFIL with some very exciting news.

Radditz decided sincerely after a few days in HFIL that he was going to change his ways. After a few weeks, Yemma, though why no one is certain allowed him the privialage of watching over his only living family if he would act as a sort of patrolman of the HFIL borders etc. Kalia one day on accident mostly ended up contacting Radditz telepathicly and from then on they would talk like that but today was different. Today Chi-Chi had dragged Goku off to some special -just them- day in the city with Bulma and Yamcha. Kalia had been given the task of watching Kino, all she did was turn on the TV to find that Yu-Yu-Hakusho was indeed still around as a show, and that there was a marathon on so Kino was taken care of. Therefore she was able to try out a skill she was only able to do twice back in the other dimention: Astral Projection and believe you me, this is no easy task. [a/n I've only done it once for about 15 minutes, then I couldn't hold it anymore. Very hard to do.]

Radditze was sitting, watching his neice curiously until `POOF' She appeared right in front of his face. "HI UNCLE RAD!!"

"GAHHHH!!" He fell back off the bench he had been sitting on and notice that she was still on the screen and back on earth. "What-but how did you-why are you-what's going on?!"

"Astral Projection." She said simply

"Well its good to finally meet you………in the flesh." Radditze then did a very unexpected thing, he hugged her.

"yeah, it is isn't it. I have some news for you!" she said cheerily as she sat down next to him on the bench.

"And that would be?" he inquired, hand gesture and all.

"Well, you see I talked with King Yemma and he said that since you were behaving so well and stuff, that about a month to a month and a half from now, he will send you up to earth! Isn't that great?!"

"Wow, I-I get a second chance!?"

"Uh huh! Listen, I gotta go, this Atstral Projection isn't to easy for me to do and I gotta go drag Kino away from the telivision. Bye." Kalia hugged Radditz and waved as she slowly faded from view, Radditz waving back.

`I get a second chance!' he thought to himself as he went back to watching over the only family he had left in the universe.

[ The Son Household]

Knock-Knock-Knock. Standing outside the Son household stood a figure thought to be dead, knocking on the door. Chi-Chi wasn't particulary happy about this new houseguest but Kalia had said it was for the best and he would end up keeping her from being too lonely until they all returned from Namek. She gave a long sigh and opened the door.

"Hello Radditz………" she trailed off. Standing in front of her was not the burly, mean saiya-jin she remembered at all. Standing in front of her was a man as tall as her husband, with hair down to his knees pulled back into a spiky long braid [think Zarbon style] wearing bottom cuffed blue jeans and a white tank top with white tennis shoes. He smiled warmly at her, as only a brother in law should.

"Thank you so much for doing this Chi-Chi!" he said and hugged her tight.

"No………Problem. Umm………I can't………Breathe!" she responded and he let her go with a sheepish look and a small chuckle.

"Heh, sorry Chi-Chi."

"Its alright, now then, I see you brought a few things with you?" she asked, eyeing the duffel bag he held in his left hand.

"Oh yeah, that's just a few changes of clothing I was `given' when I left HFIL."

"Okay then. Well, you can stay in Gohans room for the time being, up the stairs, first door to the right."

"Okay, thanks again, really! I mean I had my doubts on account of I tried to kill my own brother who happens to be you mate, I mean husband. But I was like completely brainwashed by that damned Freeza."

"You know, for a moment there you sounded a little like Kalia. Listen, Kalia and I talked a lot at night when she couldn't sleep, which was quite often. She told me about how you had changed, how you kept a close watch on us making sure we were all okay. Then she reminded me that we are the only family you happen to have left in the entire universe. Don't you dare go and prove her wrong. But it's nice to have another person in the house. Come back down and we'll talk and work on getting you settled in to life on earth."

"Okay!" Radditze ran off to put his limited items in Gohan's room and then back down the stairs to start his new life, on earth.

SK: Okay, so this is a small chapter but in order for Radditz to fit into the story line later on, this is a crucial part of the story.

R: Yeah! Thinks to you I'm not dead anymore!!! [bearhugs Kalia]

SK: Umm Uncle Rad………I………can't………Bre athe!

R: [lets go] heh, sorry kiddo

V: geeze Radditz, its not -that- wonderful!



R: He should never have put on that necklace.

SK: Yes but he was only trying to make me happy lest he incur the wrath of my little copper friend. [ starts polishing Basher the Almighty Frying Pan]

R: O_o I remember that thing! It maimed Kino plenty of times

SK: ^_^ ;;; A………heh, heh, heh, umm yeah. So anyways like I always say Review me people and remember this chappie was SUPPOSED to be short.