Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Twist on Teasing ❯ A Twist on Teasing ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Twist on Teasing
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.
Warnings/Notes: Yaoi. Sort of set in the time span between Cell Games and Buu, but a bit AUish in the fact it has no concrete position anchor (much like the films). Could probably be taken to occur any time after Goku's fight with Frieza though.
“Come on Kakarotto, admit it.” Turles floated through the air, seeming fearless despite his defeat at the hands of the other man long before.
“No!” A small pink flush spread over Goku's as he turned away, doing his level best to ignore the other Saiyan. He hadn't tried to attack him- yet- so he didn't want to lash out. There were enough enemies down in a place like this looking out for a fight anyway.
“You like me, don't you?” Dropping down in front of Goku, he smirked at him teasingly, making a kissing gesture to his face. He couldn't really attack him here; not only did he not have any way to power up with fruit down here, but he'd already learnt his lesson. But he knew one thing.
Goku was nice. Too nice. If he didn't attack him, he could exploit that fact by teasing him. Mercilessly.
“You're just another bad Saiyan.” Frowning at him, Goku folded his arms. “Like the rest of them.”
“I'm not all bad.” Turles gave him a matter-of-fact look, but failed miserably when he started to grin, flashing white canines.
“Seems to me you are. You wouldn't be down here if you weren't evil.”
Calming himself, Goku let the blush fade from his face as he tried to get to grips with the strange behaviour of the other Saiyan.
“So, why are you down here then, mister high and mighty?”
“I just fell off Snake Way....again.” Grinning, Goku scratched the back of his head. “You wouldn't know how to get back up there, actually?”
Snorting in a amusement, Turles shook his finger at him. “Do you think I'd be rotting in this place if I did? Ha, you're quite a fool, aren't you Kakarotto?”
“Oh...” Ignoring the insult, he looked around. “There has to be something I can do. I'm not meant to be here!”
Tilting his head back, Turles gave a hoarse, braying laugh. “Like you're the first to say that, Kakarotto.” He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing. “You're stuck down here, with me. There is no way out.”
Feeling a distinct shift in the atmosphere around them, Goku leant back as Turles moved in, a gleam of amusement in his eyes.
“Sure you don't like what you see?” His eyes narrowed further, taking on a more predatory air. Taking hold of Goku's gi, he pulled him back in. He had to judge the other man carefully here; he was capable of smashing his face if he wanted, but at the same time, if he didn't push too hard and balanced it out with some more gentle teasing, he could get away with a lot.
Tensing at the proximity of the other male- and he certainly was rather close now, Goku noted as a muscular leg pressed up against his own- he turned his chin out of the way, trying to ignore the Saiyan scent.
He couldn't muster the will to push the other male away. Somehow, deep down, he liked the touch, even if he hated Turles...
“Aren't you going to look?”
The hand grabbing his gi let go, slipping in the outer jacket and rubbing chest through his shirt, fingers playing with his nipple before retracting quickly.
“Well... I suppose if you aren't interested Kakarotto, I'll have to take my business elsewhere.” His tail had unfurled however, to run up Goku's thigh, pressing against the baggy material. Goku gritted his teeth, trying not to be distracted by the baited touches.
“W-what do you want?” Still not trusting Turles, Goku was hesitant to ask him anything.
Raising an eyebrow, Turles looked over Goku's body pointedly, unsure whether the other man would comprehend the gesture fully or not. “I want to have a little fun with you, Kakarotto.”
Shaking his head, Goku took a step back. “You'll just cause trouble.”
“Oh, Kakarotto.” Moving in with a flowing grace, Turles' lips were barely an inch from Goku's face. He could feel the hot breath on his own sensitive skin. “I've already started causing trouble.”
Closing the gap his lips pressed against Goku's, the armour of his chest cushioned by the soft material of his gi. He only had a split second to realise how soft and warm Goku's lips were, however, before he was rather rudely separated by a flying fist to the side of his face, knocking him to the ground.
“Ugh...” He spat out blood onto the floor, pushing himself back up into a sitting position, looking up at Goku. The other Saiyan, though frowning more now, seemed more worried than anything. “What did you do that for? I wasn't even attacking you!”
It was hard to resist smiling like a maniac when he saw the guilty look pass over Goku's face at the last statement, the other Saiyan looking down and to the side.
“Sorry.” Leaning down, he offered Turles a hand which was taken, giving him a squeeze before he was yanked down to his knees. Almost falling onto the other male, Goku tensed himself in an attempt to say up.
Leaning forwards, Turles just smirked, pushing him back with his own arm and making him land on his ass with an ungraceful thud.
Pulling his hand away from Turles' Goku looked across at him, scooting back on the dirt when he started to encroach again.
Grabbing the gi around Goku's knee, Turles gave it a firm yank to stop him, trying not to lose his temper at the same time; his patience was starting to wear thin. “Stay still!”
Halting his ineffective retreat, Goku stared up at Turles, feeling incredibly trapped by the other Saiyan as he started to realise what we wanted. A pink tongue tip traced over the lips that had just touched his own; it was a strange feeling to know that it could all too easily be tasting his body if he let Turles continue like this. All the teasing was making it tempting, yet he felt conflicted by the other man's current record of evil.
Watching Goku's face, Turles had to repress a sneer of distaste at the look of conflict it was wore; it was painfully obvious what he was thinking about.
“If you're down here, you must be a bad as me, Kakarotto.” He rubbed Goku's lower thigh through the gi, palm passing just over his knee, pushing the bent leg down.
“I told you, I fell off Snake Way! I wasn't sent here.” His face started to turn red as Turles crawled over him, smirking in amusement at the reaction he was getting; his hands cupped wriggling hips, holding them still as he gave Goku a meaningful look.
Staring up at the narrow dark eyes, Goku fell still, not breaking the gaze until they flicked down, their owner grinning. There was a short uncomfortable pause; Goku had already come to a similar conclusion, but now it was sinking in that Turles was more serious than he first thought. The hands on his hips squeezed down, slow, but holding back none of the strength behind them as Goku lifted his hips up.
The other Saiyan's tail was wrapped around his knee, and he'd moved even further over him, hands leaving his hips to tug at the front of his gi, pulling the cloth out of his belt.
“What are you doing?” Trying to push the hands away, Goku looked up, frowning as best he could, despite having little feeling to back it up.
Glaring at him flatly, Turles held onto the shirt, but stopped pulling as he spoke.
“You know exactly what I'm doing. Let me do it, or stop me if you don't want to. I know you are perfectly capable of defending yourself. You're a Saiyan, you'll be stronger now than ever.” Turles looked down with a suspicious glare.
Not answering, Goku reached down to undo his belt, letting it drop down beside him before lifting his arms up, letting Turles pull his top off.
“That's more like it, Kakarotto.” Slipping a hand under Goku's shirt, he ran his palm up his abdomen, letting his fingers take in the feel of soft skin. Confident in his actions, he was almost lying on top of the other Saiyan now, leaving just enough space between them to start peeling Goku's shirt away. His tongue traced down Goku's jawbone, tasting him with greedy intent.
It wasn't long before Goku found himself without his shirt, Turles' mouth and deft fingers now assaulting his chest, touching and tasting the sensitive skin. The Saiyan wasn't gentle; teeth were used liberally against his skin, leaving small bite marks and scrapes all over him. Already now he was starting to work removing the remaining half of Goku's gi, chuckling at the way Goku wriggled in response, the action unintentionally assisting him.
Reaching up, Goku grabbed the shoulder straps to Turles' armour, giving it an insistent tug. The other man gave his trousers another pull, yanking them off his feet and tossing them on the ground beside them.
“If I'm going to be naked for this, you can at least take off your armour.” He gave it another pull, almost yanking Turles over with his strength.
Rather than getting angry at the clumsy gesture, Turles just laughed it off, sitting back on his knees as he unclipped the armour.
“You're just as rough as the rest of us deep down, aren't you Kakarotto? Just like any other Saiyan.” The armour fell of him to the ground with a thud. Without the guards around his legs, Goku was distinctly aware of just how short the training suit Turles wore was; he doubted it even covered his ass properly. Though they had a similar appearances to most eyes, he was sure Turles was a considerably bulkier build- even after his training since they fought.
“Done looking yet Kakarotto?” He hooked his thumbs into the waistband, amused how easily Goku started to blush. “I have a lot more to show you.”
Staring as Turles inched the waistband down, Goku couldn't help but feel disappointed when he let go, leaving a bit of skin bared as he reached down to Goku's boxers.
“But first like me deal with this.”
Grabbing hold of the material at the front, he tore them open, ripping the fabric away from Goku. The boxers had no choice in the matter, disintegrating under the vicious attack. Dropping the tattered fabric to the ground, Turles looked over the exposed region with an approving smirk; he was already responding, at least physically. Which meant somewhere in his mind, Goku was right on board with this. His hands returned to rub the sensitive skin over Goku's inner thighs, his guesses affirmed as they spread under his touch.
Unable to resist, he pinched the tender skin, his dark eyes flicking up to Goku's face for the reaction.
“Hey! What was that for?” Scowling, Goku sat up, a look of mild indignation on his face as he reached for the front of Turles' suit, holding the waistband. “If you get to-”
“Stop complaining, fool.” He slapped Goku's hand away, planting a hand onto his chest and pushing him onto his back again. A dark grin spreading over his face, he reached down to fondle Goku's cock, fingers running over the sensitive skin; his grin widened at how easily the Saiyan reacted to his touch, swiftly ending up hard and squirming under him. The wide eyes and slightly parted lips only enticed him further, the desire to force screams out of the other male becoming overwhelming.
Watching as Turles licked over his fingers, pink tongue spreading saliva generously, Goku started to spread his legs, ready for the other Saiyan.
“Roll over, Kakarotto.” He nudged Goku's thigh with his knee.
Looking up at Turles, he found himself obeying, unsure why he should trust him. Maybe it was simply the knowledge that if he tried to do anything bad, he'd be able to stop him.
“That's it.” Reaching forwards, he pressed his damp fingers against Goku's entrance, his other hand rubbing his hip as he spread the saliva around, getting a soft sound of enjoyment as he pushed into him. He was a little surprised at how relaxed Goku was in this situation; even as he touched him in such a vulnerable place, the man was pressing back against him. Truly fearless.
Pulling away from Turles, Goku rolled onto his side, lifting his leg up invitingly. For a brief moment Turles felt almost teased- the other man's face was just as innocent and tempting as before. Wetting his palm with spit, he spread it over his cock in a hurry whilst he pulled Goku's lifted leg over his shoulder, admiring how long it was.
A grin almost mirroring Goku's own was now on Turles' face as he straddled Goku's thigh, holding his cock as he started to enter the other Saiyan. He allowed a low growl of satisfaction as he felt the damp heat around him, tight even with Goku's relaxed demeanour.
Savouring the sensations, Turles started to move, his thrusts almost seeming lazy as he rolled his hips forwards. Quick to become accustomed to the movements inside him, Goku started rocking back to meet his thrusts.
“Want more, Kakarotto?” He leant in, the change in angle making his cock brush firmly against Goku's prostate as he moved. The new feelings however, only drove Goku on, a strangled gasp of pleasure escaping his mouth as he felt Turles push deeper.
Catching his voice, Goku gave out a somewhat shaky 'yes', voice unsteady at the unfamiliar stimulation.
Determined to match his counter part, Turles pushed forwards harder, his restraint shattering as Goku met his every move. He could feel the strong muscles of his thigh tense and relax against his shoulder as he pulled his hips up to met each thrust. He ran a hand over the exposed abdomen underneath him, stroking the pale skin with some admiration for the muscles he could feel constricting with each movement.
Hands pressed against the ground, Goku pushed back harder against Turles as the intensity of his pleasure started to escalate; his breath hitched when Turles grasped his cock, thumb brushing over the sensitive head with a painstaking slowness. He could feel the pressure build up inside him. The continuous rubbing against his prostate and the hand stroking him bringing him to the edge, leaving him there for what seemed forever before he came over Turles' hand, tossing his head back and yelling out his pleasure.
Groaning as Goku's yell of pleasure spurred him on, Turles found his hips almost moving of their own accord as he found himself approaching orgasm. Focusing on the tense heat of the panting male beneath him. With a rush of pleasure he came, eyes slipping shut as his hips lurched forwards. His tail snapped in the air like a whip behind him.
Several long silent moments passed before they parted. Goku winced at the withdrawal, lowering his leg before Turles let to drop to the ground. Sighing as he looked over at his decimated underwear, he realised he'd have to go commando after this.
Turles, was, by now, crouched across from him, having pulled up his uniform as Goku cast around for his clothes, not bothering with the armour for now. His waved his tail around behind him, a teasing smirk on his face.
“You certainly liked that, Kakarotto.” His voice as laced with amusement, his satisfaction of catching his 'prey' evident.
Pulling up his trousers with a goofy grin, Goku seemed impervious to the attitude projected towards him. “I sure did.” He bent over, picking up his shirt, giving Turles a generous last eyeful of his chest before pulling it on.
Unsure whether to be frustrated by the simplicity of the other Saiyan, or just complimented by the response, Turles didn't answer as Goku slipped into the top of his gi, re-tying his belt. The other Saiyan certainly wasn't hanging around.
“Going to try and get back on Snake Way, are we?”
Irritated by the overwhelming cheerfulness, Turles folded his arms, shaking his head with a disapproving frown. “You won't make it. No one makes it.”
“Well, I know a few more things since I last visited.” Clenching his fists in front of himself, Goku gave Turles a teasing smile. “Well, I'm off. See you around!”
Golden energy flashing around him, Goku ascended, floating up into the air above Turles. Left shocked by the massive increase in power, he gaped up, for once shocked into silence.
“Well, that was certainly fun. Maybe again sometime” He gave Turles a short goodbye wave, before blasting off into the distance, leaving a fading trail of ki.
It was probably a few minutes before Turles gathered his wits sufficiently enough to retrieve his armour. A vague sense that he'd been had by the other Saiyan was growing fast. He was sure he saw Goku smirk at him right before his took off. The relaxed temperament despite being so powerful...
Looking up the sky, the ki trail now gone, Turles was left wondering just who was teasing who.