Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Warrior of Naivety ❯ Of Sibling Relationships ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Warrior of Naivety 10:
Of Sibling Relationships
Author's Notes: It has been awhile since I have written anything about my favorite DBZ couple. So I was looking through my files on Story ideas and this A/U plot caught my attention I figured why not give it a try. So I am now in this one Goku is not naive he is in fact very wise in the ways of the world and everything else for that matter. Chichi on the other hand is a chick with all this imense power, yet is to naive to know how to use it or to want to. So Goku has been assigned to train her. But what happens when he starts getting feelings for her and she starts feeling the same.
Celpia became worried when Chichi didn't come down the next morning something that she saw in the market had upset her terrible.
"She still hasn't come down?" asked Toma coming up behind her.
"No she hasn't Toma," said Celpia. "And I am starting to get worried about her I have never seen her like this before."
"I wonder if she saw them together," said Toma thoughtfully.
"That must be the reason for her behavior she always did like Karrotto," said Celpia. "Even if she didn't know it. Do you think Karrotto still loves her?"
"I don't know it's hard to say with him hanging around Saur all the time."
"Indeed her bitch mother told me that Saur was already planning their mating ceramony."
"I guess that means that he is serious about her," said Toma softly.
"I wonder if Chichi knows about the mating ceramony."
"I wonder if Karrotto knows about it."
"I wonder if Karrotto even loves Saur or if he was just looking for someone to amuse himself with for some reason."
"No way to know now I guess all we can fo is wait," said Celpia.
"But what should we do in the mean time?"
"I don't know what we should do," said Toma.
"Leave that to me," said a new voice has the door slammed open.
"Prince Veggitta!" said Toma and Celpia saluting him.
Veggitta ignored him and headed toward Chichi's bedroom, they heard the door open and then slam shut a few seconds later.
"What is the prince doing here?" asked Toma softly.
"I don't know," said Celpia softly.
Well onna," said Veggitta softly to the figure lieing on the bed with her back to him. "What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know what to do Veggitta," said Chichi softly.
Veggitta sighed and sat down on her bed next to her.
"You've got to do something you can't just five up."
"I don't know how to fight for him Veggitta I am not Sayain."
"When you made that pact with my father you became a Sayain and my sister by blood bond. You deserve whatever man you please and Karrotto though a bit of a fool will suit you well."
"He has choosen his female."
"Then challenge her for the right to mate with him."
Chichi stared at him before going back to looking at the wall.
"Get up!" snapped Veggitta after awhile.
Chichi said nothing, Veggitta growled and grabbed her by the arm yanking her to feet.
"I said on your feet!" snapped Veggitta before slapping her across her face.
Chichi gasped and held onto her cheek for several minutes not saying a word. After awhile she jerked her arm away from his hands and stood there for several minutes straight and tall.
"I am a princess of the Chiyacklians; the daughter of Queen Magarot I am a wiccan warrior; and I will not be pressed down by some low class peasant bitch!"
Veggitta smirked and looked at Chichi, "Finally you've come back little sister."
"Big brother how should we go about arrangeing this?"
"We will start with a ball," said Veggitta. "That should get their attention."
"Indeed it shall when shall we hae it?"
"The night of the full moon and it shall end when the moon reachest the highest point in the sky and glows with the red of lust and passion and blood. Come we have buisness to dicuss with father."
"Yes," said Chichi softly her eyes glowing white.
The two walked out of the house and sprinted back to the palace that loomed over the city like a great tower of protection. The royalty were none for their good natures and kindess to their people. The people prospered under the ruling house. After all the queen was a commoner; much to everyone's surprise but everyone was happy the king was a good king and the people were healthy. That was all that mattered to the people and nothing else.
"So you want to have a ball son?" asked King Veggitta.
"Of course old man," said Veggitta scoffing.
"Don't call me old boy," said the king rubbing his chin thoughfully for a few minutes. "Why?"
"What do you mean why?!"
"I want to know why you want to have a ball. Even though it is perfectly in your right you have never showed any interest in it before."
"I am now."
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I don't give a damn!"
"Father king," said Chichi softly. "It is for me that brother prince requests this ball."
"For you daughter warrior," said the queen softly.
"Hai mother queen for me."
It was then that the queen with the wisdom beyond her years realized what was going on.
"I see," she said. "Veggitta mate?"
"Yes?" asked the king turning to look at his mate.
"Let them throw the ball."
The king closed his eyes and nodded he could not deny his queen anything, she was his life his world and he would die before seeing her hurt.
"You may throw the ball and I leave the preparations in both your hands."
"Thank you," the two of them said together while bowing in union.
Both young people left the throne room and when the door had shut behind them Lex turned to look at her mate.
"I have a feeling this will be a very interesting few weeks," she said smiling.
"So do I love so do I," said the king smiling.
A uthor's Notes: Incase you were wondering about the conversation between Chichi and the royal family I'll explain it in a later chapter.

Cheena Son - THanks
NISAA_sd - THanks
vivi - thanks
Isle - hai
chi-chi - lol you and me both
chichi4goku - I will
Lady Thundera - Thanks
Nisha - Thanks

Sinu-yasha - lol hai hai glad to see a fellow Christian
petite angel - Thanks