Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Against All Odds ❯ Angels and Demons ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, but I have repeatedly petitioned for custody of Vegeta.

Chapter Thirty

Angels and Demons

The warriors clashed without warning, their battle screams heralding the wave of power that rippled through the universe. A malevolent crimson ki snapped and howled as golden serpents slithered and hissed, each trying to consume the other. As they collided, a blinding light exploded like a super nova, thrusting energy in all directions. It swept outwards into the vastness of space, it wrapped around the planet in a burning embrace and it stabbed like a dagger into the beating heart of the world, rending the mantel asunder. Namek's life blood welled up from the wound, spilling over and burning all in its path. Everything living, feral and rational, crouched in terror as the world wept in pain.

Frieza felt his gut clench with apprehension as the vengeful warrior before him began to push him back, easily outmatching his glorious strength. The one thing that he had feared had come to pass. The Legendary. Vegeta had obtained the unobtainable. The Saiyan race's Golden Fleece.

What had happened? Frieza had been cackling madly, listening to the delirious ramblings of the beaten Saiyan while he amassed enough energy to incinerate the insolent monkey. Then inexplicably, Vegeta howled in anger, levitating out of his grave, radiating with inconceivable power. What could have happened in that short time to change the outcome of the battle? What could have pushed the broken warrior over the rocky edge of weakness and into the sea of strength?

Frieza hastily retreated, leading the shining warrior up into the sky where he glowed like a second sun. The tyrant wildly shot a barrage of ki balls in his wake, desperately trying to destroy the new threat. Vegeta pursued him relentlessly, swatting aside the blasts with ease, ignoring the planet below them that shook and moaned with each detonation. The skin of the planet became pockmarked and lava flowed into the craters, filling the wounds with scalding blood.

The two combatants continued to race through the sky, punching through the billowing clouds, disregarding their first shivers as the air grew thinner and colder. The world below them became a swirling marble of green and blue, partially hidden by the opaque blankets of mist. It grew icy and a biting wind clawed at them, forcing them to erect barriers to protect themselves. As the blasts passed through the much colder atmosphere, they become encased in a veneer of ice, freezing into hardened spheres and dropping out of the sky like magnificent white pearls from the heavens. Frieza could hear rumbling in a distance as his blasts bombarded the unprotected surface of the planet.

Vegeta's gaze only saw the pale body of his enemy and he only heard the persistent pounding of Frieza's heartbeat. It was the one sound that he needed to silence so he might finally redeem a sliver of his soul and begin to tread the path of the man he was meant to be, not the one he was taught to be. That rhythmic drumming drove him on as he chased the ice-jinn through the layers of air and mist. All Vegeta wanted was to sink his hands into the soft flesh of the monster that had ruled over him his entire life. Higher they climbed, passing out of the chilling cold and into warmer air as they neared the ceiling of the world.

Frieza glanced down at the hardened scowl of the warrior that chased him. In the past, Vegeta's callous visage had made him shiver in anticipation, but now he had to force back the tremors of fear. Vegeta should be gloating right now, savoring his new found strength over his enemy, but his deafening silence unnerved Frieza. The tyrant pushed the limits of his body, trying to escape his executioner as well as the ache of despair that was attempting to drown him. He knew there was nowhere to run and that the sands in the hourglass of his life had run short.

The air around them heated up and their shields blazed red hot as they attempted to breach the barrier that protected the planet from the solar winds of space. Fire rained down onto Namek as Frieza's blasts became more powerful with every frantic breath, setting the world aflame with his voracity.

Abruptly, the chase ended when Vegeta materialized in front of the fleeing ice-jinn, capturing him in his powerful grasp. Frieza struggled fiercely against Vegeta's hold, but no amount of strength could free him. He stilled, enthralled by the predator that stared out at him from Vegeta's teal gaze. His eyes were hypnotic like a serpent's, whispering to him of his destruction, of his death. Painfully, Frieza wrenched his gaze away from Vegeta's taking a deep breath to steady himself.

"You'd better think about what you are doing monkey. There are going to be some people, very powerful people that are going to come seeking revenge on my behalf." Frieza hissed, desperately trying to salvage the last few minutes of his life.

"Let them come." Vegeta's hollow tones eerily echoed with the voices of his people, one speaking as many." A shiver crawled down the ice-jinn's spine as dread nested in the pit of his stomach. This was wrong, it shouldn't be like this.

"Spare me and you will be rewarded." Frieza was willing to sacrifice his throne to the stronger warrior with the hopes of some day returning and wrestling it back.

"I am no pure-hearted fool to show mercy to my enemy." The gaze of the dragon bore into Frieza, showing no reason only predatory instinct to destroy the evil that dared to invade his domain.

Frieza's eyes widened and fear spiked through him unchecked. With a howl of rage, Vegeta hurled the ice-jinn away him with such force that the breath was sucked out of Frieza's lungs. He fell to the planet, clouds wisping by, passing through the fire and ice, unable to halt his careening. He impacted with the planet minutes later, the bones of his body shattering and the softer flesh of the world giving way to his scaly hide.

Frieza choked on a ragged wet breath, frantically trying to force his broken limbs to move, but his fragmented bones merely pierced deeper into his tattered viscera. A shadow fell across his face and he looked up to see a golden angel of death standing over him. He shook his head slightly, blinking at the glow. When he looked back, all he saw was Vegeta, glaring down at him impassively.

Hopelessness washed through the mighty tyrant. For so many years he had played the game, long life lending him an existence of boredom. Never had he thought that it would end this way. His conceit had blinded him to the danger of toying with the emotions of his subjects. He had never dreamed that someday someone would surpass him in strength. He thought he would die on his own terms, surrounded by his concubines, ensconced on a mountain of satin pillows.

He was certain that he would have an heir that would carry on with his bloodthirsty heritage. He stared up at the shimmering warrior, barely recognizing the dark prince that had committed so many sins in his name. He could feel his life draining away onto the soil beneath him, but a whisper of a smile ghosted over his thin lips as he stared at the stoic man above him.

Vegeta was a killer. No amount of good deeds could redeem him. The prince may have convinced himself for the moment that he could change, that he could be something other than the monster that he was, but Frieza knew differently. You couldn't deny your true nature, no matter how hard you tried. Vegeta's relentless pursuit of his master's death was proof of that. A true champion would show compassion, but the prince only thirsted for vengeance. Perhaps all was not lost. He may be dying but at least his heir would rule in his stead.

"You will be the most vicious tyrant the universe has ever seen." Blood pooled in Frieza's mouth and his prophecy was carried on a dank sea of crimson that spewed over his lips.

Vegeta leaned down, grasping Frieza's head between his strong hands, looking deeply into the monster's ruby eyes. "I choose to be different." At his guttural vow, Vegeta stepped down onto Frieza chest, his foot sinking deeply into the cavity as he wrenched the screaming tyrant's head from his body. He ignored spurt of blood that splattered onto him and drenched the ground. Without a word, Vegeta stepped back, scraping his foot off on a nearby rock and tucking the dripping tyrant's head under his arm.

He climbed out of the huge crater, surveying the destruction of the battle. The world was bathed in fire, broken and battered. The planet trembled beneath his feet as it struggled to keep from imploding in on itself. Lava ran in rivers, the thick veins burning everything in its path. Vegeta raised his head to stare at the sky, so blue, so pure, just like her eyes.

Without warning his massive power drained away, leaving him aching and barren. He fell back, still staring at the clouds, all of his strength evaporating in the wind. The wounds from his battle reopened and his bones cracked under his weight.

He had obtained his goal. He had defeated his master and freed himself from servitude. He clutched the disembodied head closer to his chest as he stared up at the ocean of blue while ignoring the shaking of the planet beneath him.

"I did it Bulma." His voice was a raw, hoarse whisper.

"Great. Now get off your lazy Saiyan ass and get moving." Bulma's sharp tones invaded his ears, causing him to wince in pain. His head lolled to the side and he scowled up at her. She stood over him, her arms akimbo as she glared murderously down at him. His shock at hearing her voice faded to anger as he stared at her. He had killed her tormentor, he held the monster's head in his arms, ready to gift her with it and she was harping at him to get up. A man had a right to a moment of rest after battle.

"What?" He growled, quickly noting that she looked unharmed from her earlier ordeal. Perhaps he really was going crazy and was just producing hallucinations as it pleased him. Could he really believe anything that he saw? What if it was all just a fantasy? What if he wasn't even here on Namek? Vegeta snorted at that thought. If he wasn't here then he had some very foul things to say to his subconscious.

She pointed out over the horizon, her mouth a hard line of seriousness. "Someone is stealing your wishes Vegeta and if you don't get up you are going to be shit out of luck."

His head whipped to the other side and he absently absorbed the fact that the planet wasn't pockmarked or scarred anymore. The tremors beneath him as he had lain on the ground were of the planet reforming to its glory. In the horizon he could see an unnatural darkness hanging in the air and a sense of something powerful lurking.

He looked back at Bulma, but she had already disappeared and he grumbled something about women and their infernal timing. He pulled himself up off the ground, grunting at the sheer amount of effort that it took. He stood shakily, tucking Frieza's head back under his arm as he desperately scrambled for enough energy to levitate off the ground and fly the few scant miles that he needed to cover.

After much straining he rose in the air and flew with jerky movements towards the spreading darkness and with each passing mile he regained some of his strength as anger pumped through him. No one dared to steal from the Prince of All Saiyans and expected to live.

As he neared the pillar of land that housed the Namekian sage, he could see a group of aliens gathered around the golden spheres but more surprisingly, he saw a great dragon. It hovered over the group, its deep green serpentine body looping over itself and its thick arms crossed over its massive chest as it glared down at the Nameks. The dragon looked as annoyed as Vegeta felt and the prince couldn't help to feel a moment of kinship with the beast. Perhaps it had something to do with his ascension or mayhap it was because this was the being that would grant him his greatest desire.

Steeling himself, Vegeta floated down to the group, schooling his features into a frown of displeasure. He landed heavily and he allowed Frieza's head to fall to the ground, pretending nonchalance as it bounced in front of him, before rolling to a halt. The Nameks gasped, shuddering with horror at the sight. The small boy that he had held captive earlier jumped back to hide behind Guru and Nail stepped forward to shield his father from the bloody warrior. Vegeta allowed a wicked smirk to claim his features as he studied their reactions. It never hurt to intimidate the huddled masses when necessary.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, you green freaks? Those are my wishes you are thieving." Vegeta's guttural voice sent shocks of fear racing up the spines of everyone standing nearby, except for the large Namek who just looked at him with a serene smile.

"We were just returning our planet to its unspoiled splendor. Surely you understand, since you are the one who destroyed it. You still have two wishes at your disposal. By all means, ask and they will be granted." Guru's tranquil pitch washed over Vegeta, easing the aches and pains of his numerous wounds. His mouth had dropped open to rip into the older man, but the weakness that permeated him was growing with every passing second. He would deal with the Namek's thievery at a later time, at this moment he needed to take care of more pressing business.

"I wish that my mate, Bulma Briefs was alive and well." His words rang out with confidence, not a hint of hesitation tainting the clear tones. He wanted his mate back and he wanted her back now. He had wasted enough time.

Guru nudged the small boy who hid behind him and he stepped forward timidly, speaking some language that Vegeta could not understand. There was a pause and then a deep rumbling as the massive dragon replied. Vegeta looked at the boy expectantly and Dende trembled slightly under the scrutiny.

"Y-your wish has been granted." The boy whispered, not daring to look up at the hard warrior.

Vegeta glanced around, looking for a flash of teal and finding nothing but green. His demonic black eyes locked onto the boy again and Dende stepped back into the warmth of Guru's arms.

"You lie. She's not here," Vegeta growled harshly. Fury swept through him as he glared at the Nameks. How dare they try to trick him. Even in his weakened state he could easily destroy them.

"It is no lie, Prince Vegeta. She has been returned to life in the exact spot where she died. Wherever that may be." Guru waved his hand leisurely, but he did not miss the flash of fear the passed through Vegeta's eyes.

Panic flooded Vegeta at Guru's words. If they were true then that meant that Bulma was back on Capital World, standing in the middle of Frieza's throne room. The soldiers there would still be loyal to their master and they would kill her on sight. She could already be dead, depending if anyone had been standing in the room when she had manifested.

Vegeta stepped forward, backhanding Nail away from him with ease and snatching up the boy by the scruff of the neck.

"Tell the dragon that I want my mate here, in front of me this instant!" Vegeta punctuated his demand by shaking the boy ruthlessly. Guru reached out his hand, resting it on the boy's shoulder, stilling Vegeta's punishment.

"Is that your last wish, Prince Vegeta?" Guru's keen eyes swept over Vegeta's visage, searching his soul.

"Yes! That is my wish!" Vegeta was no fool, he knew what the old man was asking him. He understood what he was losing, but it was inconsequential. The only thing that he cared about was keeping Bulma safe. She had to stay alive. He could not continue to exist in this state of half life, forever seeing her but never holding her. He needed her by his side to complete him.

The ritual words were spoken and Vegeta's entire body clenched as he held his breath. There was a blinding flash of light and he was forced to close his eyes, but he quickly reopened them to meet the clear blue of hers. His heart thudded to a stop and he released his breath in a shuddering gasp. She blinked, once, twice as her brow creased with confusion.

"Vegeta?" Her voice was raspy as though she hadn't used it in a long while and she raised her hand to massage her throat. She looked around nervously at the strange creatures that encircled her, but she knew that they were no threat to her. Vegeta would never allow them to touch her. However, she was at a complete loss as to what was happening. One minute, Vegeta had been glaring at her with deadly intent and the next moment she was completely alone in the throne room. Now a heartbeat later she was outside staring at Vegeta again.

"What's going on?" At her words, Vegeta felt his knees tremble as his strength ebbed away. So much had happened, how could he tell her about it all when he could barely string together a coherent sentence. One thing kept repeating over and over in his head, pleading for an answer.

"Are you really here?" He whispered.

She had been scanning the area, searching for clues as to what had happened, but at his raw, emotion filled words she looked back at him. She cocked her head to the side, uncertain of what he was asking her. Of course she was here, the question was how had she gotten here? The creatures that stood around them had the look of Nameks, but what was she doing on Namek? More importantly, what was she doing alive?

Vegeta couldn't believe his eyes. They lied to him repeatedly and they could not be trusted. He needed to prove that she really was there, standing before him. That she was flesh and blood and not a delusion of a guilty mind. Vegeta reached out a shaking hand, gently brushing his fingers over her cheek, lightly at first but then applying more pressure while displaying exquisite care at the same time. He could feel her satin soft skin under his rough fingertips, he could see the rise and fall of her chest with every breath she took and he could feel the heat of her flesh against his. She was alive, she was real.

All of his strength deserted him and he fell to his knees in exhaustion. Bulma darted forward to catch him, nearly tripping when her foot kicked something on the ground. She held her hands up in surprise when his forehead fell against her flat stomach, resting against her solid form. She stood there for a brief moment, stumped at Vegeta's show of weakness while trying to rationalize the last few minutes.

She looked down and she gasped with shock when she saw the severed head of her tormentor. Frieza glared soullessly up at her, his mouth wrenched open in a silent scream of fury. She swallowed rapidly as she glanced around, noting the seven gray stones that lay in a ring on the ground and the still darkened sky that held a vague outline of a some sort of serpent.

Her eyes widened as her brilliant mind easily solved her pressing questions. Vegeta killed Frieza. He had ripped off the tyrant's head like he'd vowed and he had gathered the dragon balls here on Namek. She began to tremble as the truth became clearer. Not only had Vegeta killed their enemy but he had wished her back to life. Her entire being stilled with shock as she absorbed her astounding realization. He had the ability to wish for anything his heart desired and he had asked for her. She was what he wanted more than anything in the universe. Her heart swelled until she thought it would burst from her chest. Her demon knight loved her, the proof was right here in front of her.

She lowered her hands to brush against the heated skin of his nape, murmuring words of comfort to him with each stroke, holding him close to her, knowing that she would never let go again.

Bulma's teal hair hung unbound, draping around the warrior like a shield and the Nameks, most never seeing a female before were stunned by her beauty. Her ivory skin glowed with an inner light, a residual effect from being resurrected, but it made her appear ethereal. Her clear sapphire eyes were like a fey nymph's that had descended from the clouds to dance with the mortals. Love and caring reflected in their depths as she looked at the man at her feet.

The beast that exuded such terrible power knelt before her, absorbing her essence, craving her touch. Seeping wounds littered his body and blood flowed freely from the cuts. There was a spray of crimson across his breastplate and his hands were stained scarlet from his enemy's blood. He was fierce and deadly, everything they feared. The Nameks felt a flutter of panic as the woman lowered her hands to caress the warrior. They watched in awe as the bloody demon was soothed by the gentle touch of the blue-haired angel that had appeared magically in their midst. Their forms were a shadow against the backdrop of the darkened sky that was rapidly clearing. A fantasy given flesh, a nightmare formed into a dream, a demon and an angel, a man and a woman.

A secret smile hovered on Guru's lips as he nodded contentedly. The universe released its cosmic breath as the two lovers were reunited as it was written before time began in the glittering of the stars.