Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ain't Nothing But Magick ❯ Juhachigo Racer ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* * * Let her cry, if the tears fall down like rain.

Let her sing, if it eases all her pain * * *


***Juhachigo Racer***



"Damn, the computer's screwed again. Well, I guess I'll go for a walk then." Getting up from behind his computer desk, Morgan reached up and brushed a lock of his erratically spiked, medium length, blond hair out of his eye. He walked over to his front door, and slipped his Cherokee running shoes onto his feet, being careful to tuck the loose cuffs of his baggy camouflage pants into his shoes. Tossing on his favourite black hat, and checking his shirt in the mirror, he opened the door, and dropped. All around him was a strange, soft white light. He could see it everywhere, he could even feel it, sliding across his skin, even passing through him, changing him in ways he couldn't possibly imagine.

Finally, after an instant that lasted a lifetime, the whiteness disappeared, and became blue, the clear blue of a mid-afternoon sky.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Morgan screamed, falling toward the ground at an incredible speed, getting faster every second. "Oh man, this is not good. Why did I have to go for a walk?! Wait a minute, how the hell did I get in the sky? And where in the sky am I? This doesn't look like any part of Canada I've ever seen. Then again, I don't go falling out of airplanes very often either. Why am I talking to myself? Cause there's nothing better to do while I wait for the big old ball of dirt down there to come up and smash me. Wow, I'm gonna die. Strangely, this doesn't bother me. Woah, the ground's a lot closer, oh, dude, this is gonna hurt!"

Moments before he hit the ground, Morgan somehow spun himself around, and landed feet first in a crouch. Standing up, he gazed down at his legs, wondering why he wasn't dead, or at least, why his legs weren't shattered.

"That's pretty crazy, man. Whoa, what's that feeling? It's like, standing by a huge campfire, but not really. I can feel this, gathering I guess. It's like standing by a whole bunch of smaller fires, each one has it's own feel. What is it? Not gonna find out just stickin' around here. Looks like I'm going for that walk after all. Dude, what's up with the grass? WHOA! What's up with me, dude?! I'm all, cartoony and stuff! It's almost like Japanimation. Weird."

So Morgan began his journey, took a few steps, then stopped, grabbed the leg of his pants, and pulled it out of his shoe, then inspected his right leg. It was a lot bigger than he remembered, layered with muscle. It looked like even his muscles had muscles.

"Wow, wonder how fast I can run now?" Morgan asked himself. "Let's find out!" And with that, Morgan broke into a dead run, the fastest he'd ever been able to go. Then he picked up speed. And more, and more, and more until he was running so fast, the world was streaking by in an animated blur. Then he hit a hill, and took a flying leap off the crest. Morgan sailed through the air for quite some time before gravity took hold of him again, pulling him back down, and to his amazement, he hit the ground going faster than he had been before.

"SWEET!" Was all he could say, then he kicked off again, jumping a good forty feet into the air, cover a quarter mile in distance, drawing ever closer to the other authors pulled into the DBZ world. Finally, a huge building, the size of a fairly big city came into view, and Morgan took one last leap, landing in a crouch in the middle of the building's front lawn. Looking up, Morgan saw a sign over the building that read "Capsule Corp."

"No way. Capsule Corp.? But that's in Drag-- Hang on. Inventory time. Let's see, amazingly strong legs, I've already got the hair, kick ass speed and jumping powers, Capsule Corp. right there, and let's not forget the whole anime thing shall we? Either I'm on some damn good drugs, or I've somehow been sucked into my all time favourite cartoon. Hmm, I wonder if I could beat Krillin up and take his woman. Probably not. He's like, karate master, Destructo Disk Dude, and I'm Morgan, super fast Homo Sapiens. My martial arts knowledge comes from the Ninja Turt--"

Unknown to Morgan, a female Saiyan had walked up behind him, and cut him off.

"New arrival? Well, Jera said there'd be more. Just go over there, and wait your turn, I'm sure she'll explain everything to you. Bye." And with that, the girl powered up, and blasted into the sky.

"Way weird." Morgan said, before shaking his head and walking in the direction the Saiyan had indicated.



I growled as the "Sorry Cannot Find Site" sign came up again on my computer. It was the 10th time that day that the stupid hotmail page didn't work.

'Grrrr stupid hotmail. Don't they know I am waiting for a very important message!'

The very important message I was waiting for was from my good friend who moved to California when we were in 4th grade. We had wrote to each other and e-mailed each other ever since she left. We even saw each other a few times. This time, I was supposed to come to California to see her. But I needed the dates that she was available for before I could go. Suddenly, the screen went completely black.

"Oh that's great. Just great. Now my computer quit working! Stupid Windows XP!"

Then the screen started to flash from black to white.

'Okay that cannot be a good thing,' I thought to myself.

Then the screen started swirling. I reached my hand out to touch it and the next thing I knew, I was sucked in.

*****on a different planet*****

"What a nice day to relax on huh Kibito?" Shin asked.

"Something is going to happen today. Are you sure that that girl you talked to before was the only one that would bother us?" Kibito asked.

"Positive. She was the last one," Shin replied.

Oh how wrong he was. For not one minute after he said that, a loud scream could be heard.

"I thought you said that was the last one," Kibito teased.

"That was supposed to be the last one," Shin replied as they walked to were the scream was heard.

When they arrived, they saw no one on the ground.

'Where is she,' Shin wondered.

Then they heard something move in the tree. They looked up to see a person hanging from a branch.

"Well this is just great. First my computer goes completely nuts and sucks me in. Then the next thing I know, I am falling out of the sky and into this tree where I conveniently get stuck on a branch. How can this day get any worse," the woman on the branch said.

Suddenly, a sharp crack was heard and the branch broke. The woman fell to the ground flat on her face. The branch landed right next to here.

"Okay, now how can this day get any worse?" she asked herself.

Another sharp crack was heard and as Kibito and Shin looked up, a black backpack was falling out of the tree. The woman by now had sat up and just looked up to see where the noise came from to be hit in the face by a backpack.

"Maybe I should just shut up about now," the woman's muffled voice said.



I watched as Lady Icer took off. Krillen and Seventeen picked themselves up off the ground and I squeaked my seventeen key ring absent-mindedly. It was a bad habit of mine, I'd squeak seventeen then I'd squeak my South Park Kenny ring then I'd squeak them together. I'd done that many a time to Cara- my best friend (a/n: who absolutely hates DBZ but I make her watch it anyway cause it screens right after Card Captors, which she likes that long with Sailor Moon) I'd also had this nasty habit of repeating lines I'd heard on Justice League just to annoy her also. I sighed. I found myself missing her and wishing she had been pulled to this world to give me company. And perhaps set Mirai Trunks up with her. He has or had a sword and she was an air sign. They would go together really well. He's quiet and she hates commitment. Perfect match...

"Do you mind that's really annoying." Seventeen growled at me and I sat up suddenly as he dusted himself off and walked past me looking round wearily for the girl who'd latched on to him.

I let go of the key ring and it clattered with the rest of my key rings and he looked at the long chain.

"What on earth?" He blinked and I hid the key ring I had of him behind my back squeaking it as I went.

"Okay people move right along, nothing to see here." I said impersonating Officer Barbrady from South Park.

Seventeen gave me a glare before walking over to Eighteen and she growled angered dusting herself off. Lady Icer had hacked them off royally.

"Goddess I wish I had a squeaky Batman key ring." I murmured ignoring Jeril and BananaGirl for a moment to drift off in my own fantasies about a certain caped crusader in tight black bat costume.

"J'dee..." A hand waved in front of face and I blinked and looked at Gohan.

"Huh??" I blinked.

"Hey it appears Yamcha's wandered off with another Saiyan, you don't mind do you? He did give me the key to his apartment so I can take you there after this." He motioned round him at the remainder of those gathered.

"Not at all." I replied and smiled. "Hey do you guys sell Batman key rings here?"

"Bat-what?" Gohan asked and blinked.

I sighed. "Awww damn it... you don't." I perked up suddenly. "How about the Flash?"

"Um I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You know Batman? The Flash? Goddess I could drool over those two ALL day..."

Gohan laughed. "What are you talking about?"

"Superheroes. You know those tight fitting costumes and funky headgear with the super smart brains or super human powers. Man drool worthy."

Gohan looked at me wearily. "Tight fitting costumes? Riiiiiiiiight."

"Hey Vegeta wears spandex they can drool over him why can't I over my Batman and Flash fantasies?" I protested pointing at BananaGirl and Jeril.

"Or Yamcha." Krillen added from behind.

"Hey quiet you..." I pointed at him.

"Oh c'mon we saw you all wanting to latch on to him and Goku. You're about as bad as Syrina..." Krillen remarked chuckling.

"I'm not that obvious am I?" I asked softly slightly embarrassed.

Krillen dusted his sleeve down. "Worse." He laughed.

My kitten jumped off my shoulder and in to my bag and came out dragging my white fluffy bunny wearing the jacket with GOTEN embodied on it wearing a red bandanna.

"TIGER!!!" I screamed at her as she began kneading her claws in to the bunny.

I grabbed the bunny and held it close to me and placed Tiger back on my shoulder.

Gohan looked at the jacket. "So that's what you meant by no loyalties?"

"Gah!!!" I flapped my arms about and hit him with the bunny over and over again. "JUST GIVE ME YAMCHA'S APARTMENT KEY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" I screamed at him.

My shouts grabbed the attention of the other authors still there and they looked at me.

Gohan laughed and shielded himself with one arm from my bunny attacking him. While with the other arm he pulled Yamcha's apartment key out of his pocket and threw it at me. I stopped thumping him with my 'Goten Bunny' and caught the key. Gohan and Krillen walked off laughing to themselves and I huffed out annoyed. Then let out a growl after they'd left. I looked at the key and looked at Tiger.

"At least I got Yamcha's apartment key." I grinned.

Tiger mewled at me and tried to reach out for my bunny with her claw.

"No you don't you'll pull his fur out."

She mewled in protest at me but I didn't let up, no way was I going to get my Goten bunny ruined by her little claws. I slipped him in to my bag just before suddenly yellow banana goop was sprayed everywhere out of the Capsule Corp house and on to the patio and towards where I was sitting. I ducked under the table before large quantities of it hit me or anyone else I looked round and realised I couldn't see BananaGirl anywhere and I looked at Tiger and smirked as Vegeta walk out of the kitchen now covered in BananaGirl's goop over his spandex.

"WOMAN!!!!" He bellowed at Bulma.

Bulma turned round from talking to another female author who was inquiring about a place to stay "Oh VEGETA!!! WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?!"

"It wasn't me! It was that stupid brat!"

"Vegeta be nice to our guests. Whatever you did you obviously caused it by not being hospitable to them. Now go get dressed. I'll get the bots to clean up the kitchen."

Bulma shooed him inside Vegeta grumbling all the way. I stood up from under the table and chuckled at Goku who tasted some of the goop.

"Oooooh Bananas!!"

Gohan wiped his sleeve down. "Yuck...."

Krillen shook the goop off his leg. "This is getting weird."

Eighteen walked up to him and she pulled some goop out of her hair. "Krillen I'm going to get changed and then pick Marron up from school, stay here I'll be back."

Krillen nodded and watched as Eighteen flew off.

I looked over at Blake and I watched him ruffle the banana bits out of his hair. There were still three evil author's left behind here. I bounced up to him.

"Sei Sei Sei Sei Seeeeeeiiiii!!"

He looked at me and laughed. "Sounds like you've been in my sugar bag."

"Noooope I think the banana's did it."

"Yeah probably." He flicked some banana bits off his shirt and Celtic cross.

"Oooh I lost my anhk..." I pouted. "Well it was a pendant and you know pendants they only stay round as long as you need them." I fingered my own pentacle.

There was a silence between us as we watched the author's around us reacting to the banana bits being sprayed over them.

"You know I always wanted to be an evil character." He murmured changing the topic. He got this gleam in his eyes like it was something he really did want. Like BananaGirl knew Jeril as her writer-friend. Seisetsu was mine. It was a shame we'd be on opposite sides in this world.

"So you can kidnap Eighteen right?" I asked hoping that was the only reason.

He laughed. "I'd kidnap her anyway-"

I rolled my eyes. "What guy wouldn't."

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Everyone can tell I'm turning evil can't they?"

I nodded. "Yeah." I gave him a hug. "I don't mind, I wanted to but it just wouldn't work out for me."

He was silent again and ran a hand through his hair then looked at it and flicked it seeing all the yellow goop there. "Gross..."

"Hey I'm going to bring Juju, Rocky and Blaster here!!" I grinned.

"Well I can't skateboard. You should know that from GT House (a/n my 1st interactive fic).

"Neither can I but he's just sooooooo entertaining!"

I raised my hands in the air. "Juhachigo Racer!!"

Juhachigo Racer - my fic skateboard companion appeared in front of us and I hopped on him.

Blake waved at me. "See you." He said casually.

I knew he'd be gone by the time I got through talking to the new authors that I felt had arrived.

"JUJU LETS GO!!!" The Juhachigo Racer skated away with me back to the picnic table. Where I promptly sat back down and bounced on the spot of my seat.

"Next insane author covered in banana goop come in to my office!!" I announced.


*Jeril Dragonsoul*

I watched BananaGirl wander off to the blender while I stood, leaning against the wall. What to do, what to do! There's so many options! I grimaced. I couldn't decide which character to kidnap, or try to at least. I snorted with amusement as Vegeta got mad at BananaGirl. I stuck my hands in my pockets and tried to think. My right hand came in contact with something.

I was just about to pull whatever it was out when banana goop was hurled all over me. "Awh shit!" I yelled and looked at my shirt, "My Penguin shirt! It's ruined! Nooooooooooo!" I was about to burst out crying when I remembered what I could do. I sniffled, looked at my shirt and said, "Clean." The banana slime disappeared and my shirt looked as good as new. "Yes!" I danced around and then remembered about the thing in my pocket.

I pulled it out and whooped in joy. "Felix!" I grinned and tried to hug the two centimetre tall pewter figure that hung from a leather thong. You see, Felix is a little gargoyle pendent that I got a few years back and had always treasured. He always brought me good fortune and luck and I had worn him every single day for two years. Then one day, he had disappeared. "I've missed you so much, Felix!" I said happily, not really caring about the weird looks I was getting. I was used to them. I danced around chanting the gargoyle's name to myself as I gripped him in my hand.

"Stop doing that please," a voice said weakly from my right hand, "I've just woken up and I also have a bad case of motion sickness." I stopped and stared in amazement as I opened my hand. There, lying on my palm, was Felix and he was moving. The little monkey-like, feline-headed creature stretched and took off a cap thing that was attached to the thong. He now moved freely.

"Felix?" I asked in an awed whisper.

"Yes, it's me. Now wipe that idiotic look off your face. You knew all along I could talk."

"No… no, I didn't… but… but… it's not…" I started.

"Not possible? Then how are you here?" Felix asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

"Well… you're right about that." I admitted, looking at the floor. I looked at him again, "But you… why did you leave me?"

"Because I felt like it was a good time to. We gargoyles can't stay with one person their entire lifetime, you know. I had to give you a break from the good luck."

"But I needed you!" I complained as I wandered outside toward a picnic table, "I flunked Math for a few years because you weren't there!"

"I never helped you with your schoolwork! That's against the rules!" Felix pointed a long, skinny finger at me. "That was you. I just provided you with physiological support."

"Whoa… this is weird. He sounds like Zedd…" I shook my head and tried to get back into it, "Okay. What did you help me with then?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing. I was something for you to believe in, nothing more." Felix explained.

"So I could've had good grades the entire time you weren't there?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, but you didn't work hard enough."

"Why have you come back all of a sudden?" I checked out the new guy. Oooo… He's cute…

"Because now that you've come here, I feel that you're going to need to have a lot of confidence in yourself."

"Oh…" I sighed and I was bored again. I watched Felix climb up my arm and onto my shoulder. He grabbed my earlobe and pulled himself up so that he was sitting in the inside of my ear. "That tickles! And you're going to take away some of my hearing!" I complained.

"Stop your whining, girl." Felix ordered, "I can hear better in here and you have Saiyan hearing so it's not like it's really going to matter. Also, I can also hide and talk to you easier."

"Okay, okay… Damn, am I hungry!" I sighed again and tried to figure out what to do. An idea hit me like the banana slime had. I snapped my fingers and grinned. "I want a fridge with all the food possible and it won't run out! And it will become the size of Felix when I say 'Minimize'!" I said out loud. The fridge appeared. "Yes!" I opened it and began to rummage through all the food. I chuckled happily to myself and then growled at Mirai Trunks who was edging over toward the food.

"Please?" he asked.

"Damn it…" I muttered quietly, "He's just too cute!" No! He's Vegeta's son! Don't think like that! "I guess…" I took an entire roasted turkey and two litres of soda out of the fridge and sat down at the table next to my fridge. Mirai Trunks grabbed two roasted chickens and sat down next to me. I growled at some other authors and Saiyans who were looking at my fridge longingly. "Get your own!" I hissed and bared my teeth.

Mirai Trunks and I talked while we ate. He was a well-mannered diner for a Saiyan and I tried to keep a good reign on my instincts to chow down. I opened up the fridge again and brought out some other edibles for us to eat.



I was still sitting in the grass, chatting with Trunks. He was really quite a sweetheart, and eventually I managed to converse with him without sounding like a fool. I was beginning to get my bearings for the first time since I'd arrived. This made me consider things such as my fighting potential and flying. At least an hour had passed since I'd arrived, and I hadn't even tried powering up or flying. " Hey, Trunks, " I said suddenly as a thought occurred to me.
He turned with a curious glance, " Yes? "
" Do you want train together some time? "
" I don't see why not, " his blue eyes seemed to study me for a long moment.
I knew immediately that he was assessing my ability to see what kind of challenge I might pose. " When would you like to start? "
I was rather startled by his enthusiasm and figured that I must have at least met his expectations, " How about tomorrow? "
" Tomorrow? " he repeated thoughtfully, " I guess if you want to wait. "
" I'd say right now, but I still have to find a place a stay, " I laughed, " I didn't exactly have time to make reservations before I got here. "
He laughed too. " Well, I guess you have a point. Tomorrow it is then, " he paused a moment before continuing, " Hey, my mom's right over there, maybe you could ask her about staying here, then we could start training bright and early. "
" Bright...and early? " I tried not to shudder at the thought. I have never been a morning person, but this was an exceptional case. I would gladly drag myself out of bed at the crack of dawn if that's what he preferred. I looked over to where Bulma was standing. It appeared that she was watching us. " I guess I could do that, " I said nervously.
Trunks smiled reassuringly, " She's not that bad...usually. "
" Thanks for the pep talk. " With that said, I stood and brushed the grass from my skirt. Taking a deep breath I walked over to Bulma.
" Um, hello, " I greeted her with a polite smile, " my name's Eternity, you're Bulma right? "
" Yes, " she replied simply and crossed her arms, " you're rather new here, aren't you? "
" Yes, I just got here about an hour ago. It's really nice to meet you. "
Bulma glanced at her son then back to me, " I'm guessing that you're looking for somewhere to stay. "
How did she know? Oh geez, she saw me talking to Trunks. There was no way that she was going to consent to me staying under the same roof as him. I could tell by the look in her eyes and the way her brow arched when she noticed my attire. So maybe the skirt was a little short, but for goodness sake it's not like I was naked!
" Well, I-I thought that maybe... " this wasn't going well.
" I'm not sure if we're going to have any room left, " her tone was a bit less harsh. I guess she realised how uncomfortable she was making me. I hadn't meant any harm, and it was Trunks' idea in the first place.
" That's all right, " I said quickly, " I'm sure I can find somewhere to go. "
" So, are we all set? " Trunks asked as he walked over to where we were.
" I think I'm going to see if Goku and Chi Chi have a spare corner, " I interjected, " but if not, I'm sure they can help me find a place. "
" Mom, I'm sure we can fit her in somewhere. I planned on dragging her out to train in the morning. "
Bulma sighed, apparently sensing that it was a lost cause trying to argue the issue, " I suppose that she could sleep in the spare room at the far end of the house. We can probably fit at least four people or so in there. "
" I really appreciate it, Bulma, " I said sincerely. My crush on Trunks aside, I really didn't relish the idea of being left without a place to stay. " If there's anything I can do to help out, please let me know. "
She actually smiled at me, " I certainly will. You can begin by helping with breakfast tomorrow morning after your training session. "
I suppressed a grimace as I thought about how early I was going to have to wake up, and how sore I was likely going to be after training with Trunks. But I forced a smile to my lips, " I'll be looking forward to it. " I noticed that J'dee was sitting at the picnic table, and it seemed like a good time to talk with her, " Excuse me, " I said to Bulma and Trunks and rushed over.
" I know you have a lot going on, but I just had to thank you for getting me here. I'll be staying at Capsule Corp. if you need my help with anything. I know how to work a spell or two, and with the endless possibility of problems we have here, well, just don't hesitate to call. "


To Be Continued...

Don't forget to r & r peoples
