Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ain't Nothing But Magick ❯ Under Pressure ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Ain't nothing but magick

Author/s for this chapter: S'rac.

Rating: G = General


Author's Note: Is this fic not good enough to review?! Geez review it please authors even. I have taken off the signed review thing cause my whole yaoi yuri fics well I'm done with them (as in competed) I might write another later. But that is just that later, thanks to those who have reviewed so far I got 61 for 14 chappies of GT house... But then again alot of those were votes. Hey if you'd like to see something happen or suggest anything to the authors to write feel free to e-mail me and I'll suggest it in the e-mail. for example what else you'd like to see with the couplings or evil characters.

The Disclaimer: "Sanity is a cosy lie...." -- Susan Songtag. I don't own that quote like I'm saying now I don't own DB/Z/GT/AF or any of the other author's characters.

*Under Pressure*

***Heaven holds a sense of wonder

And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up

When the rage in me subsides***



S'rac flew along, toward no place in particular. He yawned. He hadn't had a satisfying meal all day. He lowered himself to the ground to think about how he would find something to eat. "This is just great! Man, I wish I could get enough to eat!" he wished to himself. There was a flash in front of him and when it cleared, he saw an assortment of all his favorite foods. He was too hungry to be astonished though. He stared with wide eyes and drooled over his feast, before sitting down, and proceeding to eat the lot of it.

After a few more minutes, he fell back onto the grass and sighed happily. "That......was delicious...." he told himself, now content. However, now that he'd eaten his fill, he could think better. "Somehow, I get the feeling that pile of food just didn't appear by chance...." he said, thinking out loud. "Maybe......just maybe...." he mumbled, guessing what had happened. "All right then!" he said, standing up. "I wish foooooor...." he looked up thinking of what to wish for, "a gravity room!" he yelled, snapping his fingers. He waited and within seconds, there was yet another bright flash and a gravity room, identical to Vegeta's, appeared in front of him. "Well, that's neat and all, but it seems a little unfair. I mean, I could just wish for anything! I'll try not to overuse that power...." he said to himself.

"Well, I do have a gravity room.... Guess I might as well as well use it!" he said, musing to himself. He went into the gravity room, looked around and sighed. "Nope. Too small. I wish the gravity room was eight times its present size," he said to the air. Then, right before his eyes, the gravity room grew much larger. He looked around, in satisfaction, at the large gravity room. "Muuuuch better," he told himself.

He walked over the control pad and looked how far the gravity would turn up. "Hmmm, 450. I wish I could turn up the gravity as much as I want." He turned to the control panel again, and switched it up to 550. "Well, okay, I've made more use of my power than I meant to, but oh well," he said shrugging.

He pushed the, "On," button, and felt the gravity increase hundreds of times. He found he could stand up and decided to see if he could at least reach Super Saiyan 3. He began to concentrate his energy and focused it. He could feel it surround him, as he went Super Saiyan. His voice echoed throughout the room, as he pushed his power higher. He felt his hair grow, slightly in length, as he reached level 2. His voice became even louder as he concentrated more and more energy. Then, he felt his eyebrows start to disappear, and his golden hair start to grow.

Once he knew he reached the third level, he stopped powering up, seeing as he didn't want to blow up the gravity room. Although he would have to see if he could reach level 4 when he was in a more open space.

He went up to one of the glass windows of the gravity chamber, and studied his reflection. Sure enough, his eyebrows had disappeared, and his golden hair trailed behind him to his feet. "Wow. Not bad! Not bad at all!" he said to himself, admiring his new looks, his tail, wagging behind him in delight.

However, just as he finished saying this, he sensed two, high power levels, somewhere in the mountains, far away. He gaped at how powerful one of them was. One of them was at his level, though, 'Those aren't Vegeta or Goku,' he thought to himself, wondering if these could possibly be some other authors. "One of those powers is terrible," he said, his brow, furrowing. After a few minutes of reading these power levels, the lower power start to fade, only to rise even farther than before, beyond the other. He watched how a third, weaker, power joined them and a few minutes later, one of the powers retreated.

"M-my gosh...." he said to himself. He had his work cut out for him. "I'd better get to training," he told himself. He'd worked too hard to be surpassed by someone, who didn't even have to work to become stronger than him. It was unfair. "Besides, I can't just let those villains take innocent lives," he said to himself. 'Hope I'm not turning into the Great Saiyaman,' he worried to himself.

He shook that thought off, and went to train. "Now, what was that technique Piccolo always uses?" he thought, out loud. After a moment, he remembered, "Shi Shin no Kin! I'll try that one," he said to himself, as he concentrated, and attempted to perform the move.

To his pleasant surprise, the technique succeeded, and he split himself into three other look-a-likes. "All right! Well I have no one else to spar with, at the moment, and I'll get stronger the more I fight. Now then! Come get me!" he yelled, motioning to his clones. The other three Super Saiyan 3 S'rac's launched themselves at the original, fists flying. He managed to dodge or block their attacks, for a couple of minutes, but was soon uppercutted by one of them. The others took this chance to attack him, as well. The second delivered a swift kick to his stomach, and the third his interlocked his fingers, and brought his hands down, on the back of S'rac's neck, which sent his face, flying into the floor. The three duplicates, back-flipped away from S'rac, and started to power up a ki blast, in each one of their hands. S'rac struggled to bring himself to his feet, just in time, to see them powering up their blasts. They fired the blasts at him, and he yelled, as the blasts flew towards him. The blasts hit, and created a cloud of smoke around the Saiyan. The copies smirked, at the results. However, as the smoke cleared, S'rac remained, standing up, energy sparking around him. The mirror images scowled, yelled, and rushed toward him again. This time, he blocked all of their attacks, and managed to hit all of them to the floor. He kicked them backward, and extended his arms out to both sides, and fired a ki blast out of each, much as Goku had done, in the Tree of Might. When the dust cleared, two of the clones phased back into S'rac, and the third, was looking extremely angry, and rushed towards S'rac, in one final, vain attempt, to defeat him. S'rac, however, jabbed him in the stomach, uppercutted him, and blasted the last copy.

S'rac knelt to the floor and breathed hard. He did feel stronger, but he had the damage of all three of his copies, plus himself, which left him, in quite a lot of pain. He struggled to his feet though, and limped to the console, where he turned the gravity back to normal. He was relieved to be back in regular gravity, but he had had a nice work out. Now if only he had a.... REGENERATION TANK! He promptly wished for one, and looked at the clock. It was already early evening! He couldn't believe he had spent so much time training, without even knowing it. He shrugged, and stepped into the tank, put on the air mask, closed the door, and filled the tank with the blue liquid. He closed his eyes, and tried to sleep, while the liquids worked their magic on him. He had unsettling dreams about the high power levels he had felt earlier, as he wondered who they were.

A few hours later, he woke up with a start. His eyes shot open, as he was awoken from his dream. He breathed hard for a moment, then calmed down enough, to look himself over. He found that all of his wounds were gone. Seeing this, he shut off the tank, drained the liquid, took off the mask, and got out of the tank.

He put his hand to his head, as he tried to remember what the heck happened in his dream that had made him so unsettled. It was all very fuzzy, though. He couldn't remember but bits and pieces. One memory of the dream stood out in his mind though. It was laughter. Terrible, evil laughter. It had sounded, almost familiar to him. He couldn't seem to recognize it from anywhere. It sounded something like Frieza, he remembered, but not the same. He shrugged, "Just a dream," he said to himself, though he knew it was more than that.

He looked at the clock, 'Ten o'clock,' he thought to himself. He yawned. He didn't really have any place to stay, but he wondered, "Maybe there's a bed in this place. At any rate though, I just woke up. I'd never be able to go asleep that fast," he said to himself, as he thought of what he could do, to amuse himself for a few hours.

He decided he'd go see what the other authors and Z Fighters were up to. Maybe just to watch. He opened the door, walked outside, and smelled the fresh air. He smiled and turned around, surprised, to still see the gravity room, still normal size. "Wha??" he asked, wondering what had happened. He stuck his head back in, and saw the room was still as large as it had been. He came out again, and looked at it. "Hmmm, well that's fine with me! Just takes up less space!" he said.

He turned around, and took off into the sky, heading for two powerful ki signatures, he sensed in the city. He flew over the large city, until he found a nightclub, where the two powers resided. He realized who one of them was, "Yamcha," he muttered, amused. Just then, he saw Yamcha, Puar, and some strange girl, he guessed, had to be an author, walked out of the club. He decided, just to watch from above, since they were preoccupied, with their little, "Date"," he said, chuckling, to himself. He watched the two walk along for another few minutes, then shrugged, and decided to take off.

He flew to Capsule Corp, to see if there was any craziness, ensuing. However, to his disappointment, everything seemed to be in order, except for...... "That hole in the roof?!" he thought to himself. He looked down, through the hole, and saw a regeneration tank, the glass cover, shattered. "Hmmmm......." he said, wondering what could have happened. Maybe he'd investigate it more later.

He flew off, yet again, to the Son Home, this time. He looked down, at the small woodland house, to see a few lights on, but nothing unusual. It was enough just to see all these familiar places though, even if there wasn't anything going on, at the moment. The few lights that were on, went off, and S'rac decided to take off. He sensed Piccolo, in some near by cave. He also sensed, what appeared to be.... 'No...it couldn't be!' S'rac thought to himself, "A female Namek?!" he said out loud. "That's......suspicious. But somehow, I don't think I'll go find out just now...." he said, his Saiyan hearing, picking up noises from the cave. "Hope ya know what you're doing Piccolo," he said, with one last thought for his favorite Namek, before flying off, yet again.

He decided to visit the Turtle Hermit's Home next. He sensed another, of the few male powers, residing in the house. It wasn't very strong, but there was something.....not right about it. Like it was suppressing some great evil power. He could hear Master Roshi, watching his hentai shows, inside the house, and decided, he really didn't want to experience what the old man did in his spare time. He looked back, before flying off, flinching as he heard, Master Roshi's happy cheering. 'How can anybody sleep with that?!' he wondered, to himself. He shook his head, and flew off again.

This time, he sensed only two author's energy signatures, but one, was the high power he had sensed earlier. The other, was the weakest power he had sensed, in the battle he'd sensed earlier. It was a small cabin by a lake, and the lights were off. He hovered above, watching. Everything seemed to be at peace in this area. The two were very close to each other, and he could only guess what was happening in the cabin. He knew that neither of these powers were evil, but the one, who had retreated earlier, sure as heck was. He wondered if he should go see if he could find that power. He sensed it, in the place where the battle had been earlier, with other, lower, power levels surrounding it.

He decided not to, at the moment, and started to head off, back to his gravity room. He took one last look, at the peaceful cabin, smiled at the two, shook his head and then quietly blasted off into the night.

A few minutes later, he was back at his, size-efficient gravity room. He walked in the door, and searched for a bedroom. Soon, enough, he found it, and flopped down on it. He, almost immediately lapsed back into his dreams, about the evil power he had sensed that day.


In the middle of the night, S'rac shot up in bed, eyes wide open, the laughter, still ringing in his ears. The dream was clearer this time. Was he crazy, or did that figure look like Frieza? "That's......impossible," he said, between breathing hard. "He's....dead." No, the figure was slightly different , more....feminine, than Frieza, but no less evil, and malicious. He ran his hands, through his, sweat-dampened hair, as he remembered that laughter again. "I'm beginning to think, this isn't just a dream," he said to himself, before, slowly, laying back down, on the bed. He pulled up the covers, and laid awake, for another hour, before lapsing back into slumber.


S'rac, slowly opened his eyes, when he saw the sunlight, shine through the window. He closed them again, sensitive, to the sudden bright light. He was splayed all over the bed. Apparently, he hadn't slept well again. He had vague memories of his dream again. He shivered, when he remembered that laugh, again, and this time, he had seen two cold, blue eyes, to go along with it. He growled, frustrated, at whoever this was. Why were they haunting his dreams?! He needed answers, but he couldn't get those answers, if he was too weak to. "DANG IT!" he yelled, slamming his fist down, into the bed, accidentally punching a hole, through it. He looked down, "Uuughhh," he said in frustration. "I need to vent my anger."

He went into the gravity room again, turned it up to 600, this time, turned it on, and made the three copies of himself again. They seemed to have learned some, since their last battle. Two of them, came from both sides of him, while the third one phased out of view. S'rac tried to track the third, as he prepared to block the other two's attacks. Suddenly, the third appeared behind him, and grabbed his tail. S'rac dropped his stance, as his body went limp, with pain. He yelled out, but that didn't matter to the copies. He was unable to move, and the other two copies, rushed at him, and proceeded to beat him down. He wanted to punch their lights out, soooooooo bad, but he couldn't with his body all limp, like this.

He was finally able to gather enough strength, to turn around, and blast the copy, on his tail, off. He rushed far away from the copies, to recover. He looked at his tail, and when he touched it, he screamed out in pain. He cringed from it, while the copies were regrouping, to attack again. They rushed toward him, and S'rac turned around, a mad rage, in his eyes. The copies were shocked, but did not cease, in their attack. S'rac yelled out and rushed toward the copies. His clones didn't expect this attack, and were hit head on. S'rac rushed at them, arms, extended. His arms hit two of them, in the necks. They shot forward, flipping, after being hit, and landed, in a heap, on the ground. The third, was hit simultaneously in the stomach, by S'rac's hard knee. He flew backwards, and hit the opposite wall, far away, as it was. S'rac back flipped, and kicked the other two into the wall as well. He charged up his final attack against them, and blasted the copies, which flashed, and phased, back into him. He fell to the ground once again, gasping in pain. He made his way over to the console, and turned the gravity off, before collapsing against it. He thought of the pain he had felt, when the copy had started to crush his tail. "I've.....gotta....get over....that..." he said to himself, trying to figure out, how he could make his tail immune to pain, like Vegeta's and Nappa's. At any rate, he was in no condition to train at the moment, especially not with his tail. To even touch it, pained him, beyond reason.

He limped over to the healing tank again, and closed the hatch, filled it up with the blue liquid, and put the air mask on. He closed his eyes, though he wondered, if he would see that evil person he didn't seem to be able to get away from. Whoever this person was, haunted his last waking thought...........


S'rac heard a voice. The voice was malicious, and talked to him softly, trying to wake him up, "Wake up my little monkey," it said to him. He slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurred, but he could make out the shadowed form of a female Frieza-looking creature, with a long tail, whipping behind her.

S'rac was very groggy, and still couldn't see very well. "W.....-who are you?" he managed to ask.

He heard her shrill laughter, "My name is of no importance to you monkey."

"Then......then what do you want from me?" he asked, seeming unable to move.

The laugh became louder than ever, "My poor stupid monkey. If I told you that, it would ruin the surprise."

"Wh.......what are you talking about?" he asked, wanting to take whoever this was, by the throat, and demand some answers.

"All in good time, my monkey, all in good time," the voice said, before laughing her terrible laugh, one last time.......................

*End Dream*

S'rac's eyes shot open again, and air bubbles were released, from the mask on his face. When he suddenly awoke from his dream, he almost slammed into the glass in front of him. He stopped himself, and closed his eyes, tight. The dream had been even clearer this time. Why was he being tortured like this?! Who was doing this to him?! He had to know, but she'd never tell him anything! He yelled from under the mask, and powered up to Super Saiyan 3, without, meaning to. The tank, exploded, and he flew through the ceiling, and up into the sky, glowing golden. He was bent over, in his anger, but he straightened up and screamed, "WHO ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" as loud as he could, knowing he would find no answer.

He thought of her last words in his dream, as they echoed, through his mind, 'All in good time, my monkey, all in good time.'

This frustrated him even further, his yells, echoing through the hills. He didn't even notice his power level rise, and keep rising. He clutched his head, as the dream repeated over and over, in his mind. His golden glow intensified, as he screamed, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" sounding, surprisingly, like Vegeta, being taken over by Babidi.

Then, S'rac started to lose control. He could feel himself changing, as he grew sharp teeth, golden fur, a long snout, and growing immensely, in size. He tried to gain control of his transformed body, but his mind, was fighting with his instincts. 'Gotta...gain....control.....,' thought one part of his mind.

The other part argued, 'No. Find her, and kill her.'

'No! I won't! I'm not a killer!' he yelled.

The other part of him strengthened it's voice as well, 'Yes! Then you can be rid of that witch!'

'I.....won't....' he said, his control weakening.

'Shut up!' said the other part of him, taking control. He was now a wild animal, not knowing of what he would do. In the deep recesses of his mind, he still attempted to fight back, but to no avail.


S'rac was on a rampage, tearing up the countryside, looking for the one, he had seen in his dreams, to destroy her, so she couldn't torture him any more. Thinking about that dream, only fueled his anger even more, as he sent a blast at a mountain range. (What is it with Oozarus and blasting mountain ranges? *shrugs*) He stomped across the ground, yet to come upon a high-energy source. He sensed that high, evil power he had sensed the other day. Whether it was stronger than him or not, he didn't care. He just needed to kill it. In the back of his mind, the true S'rac, tried desperately to find a way to stop himself, from hurting anyone, even if they deserved it. He wondered if he could use Shi Shin no Kin to make Super Saiyan 3 copies of himself, to attempt to stop....uh...himself. He concentrated all the energy he could, into making the copies. A few minutes later, he was able to create the copies, which automatically attacked, the crazed Golden Oozaru.

The clones attacked the transformed S'rac, only to be beaten down, easily. They each struggled to get up, but were all returned to S'rac, as a blast engulfed them all. The civilized part of S'rac sighed in despair, as he could find no way to stop himself. If only he could calm himself enough, to go Super Saiyan 4. There had to be some way! He didn't know many people in this world, personally, so how could anyone calm him down. S'rac got an idea. Instead of thinking of that cursed dream, he try to think of something positive. Anything! 'Please let this work!' he thought.

The Oozaru stammered for a moment, before roaring, obviously being effected, by S'rac's plan. The thought that finally brought the Gold Monkey down, was that, if he did reach Super Saiyan 4, he could be powerful enough to destroy whoever it was, in his dreams, even though he didn't plan to at the moment.

S'rac smirked, as he became the fourth form of a Super Saiyan. "Sure that Oozaru may be strong, but he sure isn't as smart as me!" he said, chuckling. He looked himself over, for now, forgetting his haunting dream. "Man!" he yelled. "This is weird! I mean, I've got fur all over!" he yelled, happy. "I don't mind though. Wonder if I look better like this..." he joked to himself. He flew around, using his new powers. "This is great!" he yelled, overjoyed, at how strong he was. Just for the fun of it, he, once again, used Shi Shin no Kin, and found himself fighting his three, Super Saiyan 4, look-a-likes. "I do look good!" he said, chuckling, as the copies started to attack him. He found that he could beat the copies easier now, as it only took him a few minutes to take them all out. He had only taken a few hits, himself, and was feeling great. He felt even stronger after that battle. "Being a Saiyan is soooo great!" he said to himself, happily. He laughed to himself.

Just then, however, he felt a few evil power levels, near the cabin he had seen, last night, even if they were weak, compared to him. He wondered if they might have anything to do, with this female Frieza he had seen in his dreams. He tried not to think about the dream, as he decided to go investigate. The high power level he had sensed, the night before wasn't there, anymore, leaving the weaker one, against these new foes. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all. He powered up, and blasted off, to see what was happening.


When he reached the cabin, the evil power signatures, had left, with the good one, which had been fading. He then sensed the higher power level, near the cabin. He looked down, to see, what appeared to be another Saiyan, looking around worriedly. S'rac's brow furrowed. 'Could he be a Super Saiyan 4 as well?' S'rac asked himself. He was still too far away to say anything to him though.

The Saiyan soon blasted off, in the opposite direction of S'rac. S'rac tried to yell for him to stop, but he was either, too far away to hear him, or too angry to.

S'rac sighed, and decided not to go after him. "I don't think he really wants to talk right now," S'rac said, not really wanting to get in a fight, with another Super Saiyan 4. Speaking of which, he still was one. He liked being in this form, and decided to stay like this for now. He decided to look around, to see what he could find. If that Saiyan guy found him here though, he knew he'd be in biiiiig trouble. Something, which he really didn't feel like getting into right now.

He noticed that there were many footprints, and charred marks, all over the ground. He walked around to the back of the cabin, and saw a garden in disarray, along with an arch, knocked over. "Since when was there a garden here?" he asked himself. He shrugged, figuring it must be new.

He walked back around to the front, and noticed, a knife, a piece of paper, and a lock of brown hair, on the ground, by the door. He picked up the paper, and mumbled, reading through the note. He dropped it back, on the ground, and thought to himself. "Okay, this is just toooo coincidental! Frieza, Cooler, King Cold, and now, this "Lady Icer". She must be the one from my dream! Who else could it be? Wonder if she's Frieza's sister or somethin'," he wondered to himself.

He walked back over, to where the footprints and charred markings were, and stooped to the ground, studying and sniffing them. Yes, indeed. One of these sets belonged to a Saiyan female. The rest were clearly boots and, by the smell of it, new ones. "Sounds like someone related to Frieza. Sending their men to get the job done. Saves ya some work, but where the fun for ya?" he asked, looking from a villain's point of view. He shook that thought off, and debated with himself, whether or not, he should go to where he'd sensed that battle yesterday.

He finally decided to go see what was there.


After a few minutes, he reached, some icy mountains, and through the snowstorm, could see an ice castle. And, sure enough, within the castle, he sensed the evil energy signature, he had sensed the day before. He didn't linger long, hoping that he wouldn't be detected. He soon flew off, back to his gravity chamber, to think these things over............


S'rac sat down in the gravity room, still Super Saiyan 4, thinking. 'Lady Icer, or whoever she is, has gotten stronger than yesterday. A lot stronger,' he thought to himself, wondering what he should do. 'I should obviously train, to get stronger, so I can fight her, get some answers.' He silently wondered, whether those had actually been dreams. "Maybe I should see if that Saiyan, I saw earlier needs help. Icer's obviously got his girlfriend, so he's probably off to get help," S'rac said, out loud. "I'm probably already too late. By this time, he's probably got a whole bunch of other authors, and they're about to storm that castle," S'rac said, guessing that Saiyan's plan of action. He looked like the, "Head-On Assault," type of guy. "I can't blame him, though, I'd do the same," S'rac said to himself.

Just then, S'rac felt a bunch of Saiyan powers go up, right near Icer's Castle. "Well, looks like I was right!" he said to himself. He felt that Saiyan boy kill Icer's henchmen, like they were nothing, which, they obviously were to him. "Oh well, he's probably gonna kill Icer. At least I wouldn't have to worry about her any more," S'rac said to himself.

S'rac sat, for another few minutes, sensing the battle, almost like watching a foot ball game. He realized, that Gohan, and J'dee were there, as well, along with a few others, he didn't recognize. Soon, Icer was fighting the Saiyan male, after Icer had made several transformations. S'rac wondered why the Saiyan hadn't just killed Icer, while she was in her weaker forms. Sure, it wasn't honorable, but it'd be better than getting killed. The battle lasted for a few minutes, and S'rac sensed, that the two were using their final attacks. He felt Icer get overpowered, by the Saiyan, and felt her power fade. He smiled. However, the power wasn't gone, yet. He felt another power close to Icer. Soon, he couldn't sense them anymore, and hoped that the Saiyan had killed them both. The powers, soon flew to their destinations, obviously to rest, after the long battle, and S'rac let out a sigh of relief, and got up, to continue his training, even if, Icer was dead.

After training for a few more hours. S'rac decided to hit the sack early, since he'd be sleeping well tonight............. Or so he thought.

"Well, it'll feel good to have a good night's sleep, at last!" he said, out loud, stretching and yawning. He flopped down on the bed, and got under the covers, surprisingly, still in his Super Saiyan 4 form. "Let's see if I can sleep as a Super Saiyan 4!" he said, chuckling to himself. He was soon fast asleep, but sure as heck, wasn't sleeping well. The dream was different this time..........


"Wake up, monkey boy..." said that voice again. S'rac struggled to move, knowing that voice, all too well. S'rac, unwillingly opened his eyes, finding himself, unable to move, yet again. "There's no point trying to move my good monkey," said the figure, he guessed, must be Lady Icer.

"What do you want from me?!" he tried to shout, but it only came out, as a whisper.

"Sorry Mr. Monkey, not yet," she said, smiling, and shaking her finger at him. S'rac struggled to look around, and gather in his surroundings. He was in some sort of interrogation room, or something, from what he guessed. The ceiling was the same shade of blue as Icer's armor.

"What do you want from me?!" S'rac asked again, in a louder voice.

"Ooh feisty are we?" she asked him, smiling. "You Saiyan males, are quite interesting. You know that?" she asked him.

S'rac stopped struggling to move, finding that impossible. She merely laughed at his struggle.

*End Dream*

S'rac shot up, in his bed and yelled, "ANSWER ME ICER!" He breathed hard, and ran his hand through his hair. He was sweating all over. He was feeling terrible. He laid back, and tried to relax, removing the sweaty covers from his body. He went back to sleep, only to endure more torture, and not just from Icer.


S'rac stood in a room. He was Super Saiyan 4, and he was alone. "Where am I now?!" he asked impatiently.

"Hello again, monkey boy," said Icer's voice, from behind him. S'rac spun to face Icer, along with a few others he hadn't seen before. One looked like a female Cell. Another looked like Metal Cooler and the final one, was a Saiyan, with three tails, and three eyes to go with that. He also saw, that she had fangs. S'rac scowled at this group, who only smirked at him.

The female Cell spoke, "Heard we've got another goody two shoes Saiyan!"

"Whatever shall we do?" the Cooler, look-a-like said, sarcastically.

"Wanna kill 'em?" the three eyed, three-tailed Saiyan asked.

"I suppose we could," Icer replied.

"Oh yeah?! Come get me!" S'rac yelled at the four of them.

"Such a foolish monkey," Icer said, pointing two fingers at him. The female Cell took a sword out of its sheath. The strange Saiyan pointed her hand at him and Metal Cooler whipped his tail around, while smirking.

"Just bring it on," S'rac said softly, ready for the four. Suddenly, however, his body froze. "WHAT?! YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!" S'rac yelled. The villains only laughed, at his astonishment. Icer shot a finger beam, through his heart, the Saiyan sent a powerful ki blast at him, the Cooler look-a-like shot his tail through S'rac's stomach, and the Female Cell jumped at him, sword lifted high. She brought it down, on his left arm. S'rac screamed out in pain. Icer stepped on his tail, crushing it. S'rac couldn't believe the pain. He collapsed to the ground, screaming, and writhing in agony, as the four villains stood above him, laughing. The female Cell, then, proceeded to cut of his right arm, as well, only increasing the pain. The pain was unbearable.

Icer picked him up with her tail, and held him to her face. The one who looked like Cooler whipped him in the face. "He really is a stupid monkey, isn't he?" he said, sarcastically.

Icer shook her finger at him. "Now, now, Sei. Don't be too mean to our guest!" she said, sarcastically as well.

"Pitiful," said the strange Saiyan.

"He was fun to toy with," said the female Cell, smirking.

S'rac struggled to speak, but, first, he was in too much pain, and second, he was already being choked, by Lady Icer's tail.

Icer looked at his face and cooed, "Awwww. Does the little monkey have something to say?" she asked, talking like you would to a baby. She released him, and he slumped to the floor.

S'rac merely laid there, mouth, gaping open, not believing, that this is how it would end. Killed, without a chance. They were just toying with him! His eyes were going blank. The last thing he would see, the last thing he would hear, would be these good for nothing villains, laughing, laughing at him....................

*End Dream*

S'rac awoke, screaming. He automatically powered up, right in bed. He flew through the ceiling, and high into the sky. He could still hear their laughing. It was ringing through his mind. The horror of the dream played over and over again, in his mind. S'rac finally looked to the heavens and shouted as loud as he could. His power skyrocketed, and his golden aura could be seen for miles around. After a minute of this, S'rac, sweating immensely, dropped to the ground unconscious. This time, his sleep was dreamless.


S'rac awoke to find his body aching. He was afraid he had gone into another dream about Lady Icer, but found that he was on the grass. The dew was still fresh, and the Sun was just coming over the horizon.

He tried to remember why he was outside, and unfortunately for him, he did. He recalled that terrible dream. The pain and agony. There was no question that Icer was alive. There was also no question, that he would train all day, and into the night if he had to. Then, tomorrow, he would go and pay Icer a visit. He didn't care, how much stronger she was, than him. He would get some answers, one way, or another.

He went inside the gravity room, and wished the hole away. Then, he turned the gravity to 800 times normal. He turned Super Saiyan 4, since he had apparently dropped out of it, at some time, during the night. He couldn't remember when. He did some warm-ups, and practiced, moves, ki blasts, and tried to think of some of his own attacks. When he was practicing the maneuvers, for a new attack he thought up, he noticed something wrong, at that cabin, those two Saiyans lived in. First of all, there was another Saiyan there. He was considerably weak, but he was there, nonetheless. Second, a strange aura seemed to come from the two Saiyans who lived there. And third, the strong male Saiyan appeared to be training, when an evil power came close to him, and he suddenly powered down, and seemed to go with the evil power, high into the sky, to where S'rac sensed many other evil powers, including.... What he realized shocked him. "ICER?!" he yelled, not believing what he was sensing. "He must be knocked out or something! He'd never go to Icer, unless she had his girlfriend!" he thought loudly to himself. He wondered if he should go check it out, but reluctantly decided against it, thinking he might not be powerful enough yet. "I don't know what your doing Icer, but I'm going to stop you. I won't let you hurt anybody else. And you Saiyan, whoever you are, I hope you can handle Icer. You just wait, Icer," he said, promise in his voice. S'rac perfected his new attack, which made him smirk. "See how you deal with this one Icer," he said, to the air. After a while, he noticed something about the Saiyan with Icer. Whoever he was, S'rac was shocked to see his mind being changed, his energy becoming.....evil?? "It can't be..." S'rac said, quietly to himself. 'Icer, you scum! You've gone too far. You'll pay for this, just wait,' S'rac thought, looking knives upward, towards Icer's ship.

He also noticed, that there was quite an assembly, at the cabin. No one seemed to be worried about the one Saiyan's absence, which made S'rac wonder. He felt Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, and J'dee there as well. 'Very strange,' he thought, 'very strange indeed.'

After a little while, Vegeta, Gohan, J'dee, and several others had left. Then, S'rac felt it. The horrible presence of Icer and, 'Oh no,' he thought, 'She's got that Saiyan with her,' he thought, worrying about what would happen to the assembly of Saiyans. "Well, Goku's there. I guess I shouldn't worry," he said, still sensing what was happening. Goku started fighting with the Saiyan and was, "IMPOSSIBLE!" S'rac yelled, shocked, beyond reason. Goku had been defeated. S'rac was a big fan of Goku's (Please don't hit me!), and now, he had had enough! He wouldn't stand by, to see his hero beaten down! He powered up, and was about to blast off to stop Icer and that Saiyan, by any means necessary, when he sensed the Saiyan's girlfriend get in front of Goku, just as he was about to be finished off. The Saiyan stopped, and didn't do anything else. After another minute or so, the Saiyan and Icer flew back to Icer's ship. S'rac stopped, and guessed, that he wouldn't be able to destroy her, no matter what Icer did to him. S'rac decided he shouldn't waste time, and went back to training, this time, using the Shi Shin no Kin.


S'rac had trained all night, and was, now in the regeneration tank, being healed. He, once again, dreamed of Icer, but this time, he didn't care. He was going to put a stop to these dreams.....today.

S'rac emerged, and got dressed, again, wishing his clothes clean. He tied his pouch, on his sash, and prepared to take off. He wanted to go to that cabin, to see if he could find out, exactly what happened, so he knew better, what he was up against. He blasted off towards to the cabin, to see what he could find out.


A few minutes later, he hovered above the cabin and looked down. He sensed that new Saiyan and the female Saiyan's ki inside. He lowered himself, and knocked on the door............


To Be Continued.... in to pt 2

Man S'rac an entire chappy to yourself!!! Just to catch up!! It's worth it though man! *places thumb on her forehead* bags not beta-ing!!
