Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ain't Nothing But Magick ❯ BBC ( Chapter 33 )
*When I open my mouth, I'm so brutally honest, and I can't expect that kind of love
from you, when you open your mouth your teeth are beautifully polished and I can't
extract the pain you're going through no I can't explain the pain you're going through*
Added A.N:
BBC is not the news station by the way it's a code name for me and Krista for Beausford Bobcat's College, a co write anime script series we're writing atm.
J'dee: I'm hungry lets get some Thai..."
Yamcha: Give it up is just doesn't sound the same as Taco...
J'dee: *sighs* Yeah Taco makes that whole bank robbing thing all that much cooler sounding where as lets go get some Thai... I think an antique store stuff... like in those movies where people aren't running round after the money it's the cool artifact that could destroy the world...
Yamcha: You're probably wondering why she's mentioning that...
J'dee: Well just read Seisetsu's piece.... it'll come together shortly. In misused Author powers.
*J'dee / BananaGir l / Bura400 / Saiyan Princess TRF*
Ultimately I could see the situation was bad, surrounded by saiyans on a planet inhabited by saiyans, Frieza gone bye-bye to, meant they would be free to pillage this world of all it's resources. Until that fateful day in which someone stronger would come along and take them down.
A figure stepped out of the shadows and I blinked. Bardock! Obviously before his visions which meant it was also before Goku was sent off this planet. I grinned.
"I wanna see Goku you guys."
"What the devil for?!" Vegeta remarked.
"Awww c'mon I wanna see him as a baby!"
"Actually I'm interested too." 'BananaGirl' remarked earning a glare from 'Bulma'
I realised I was the only one in this group who knew about the body change.
"I wouldn't mind seeing my dad as a child either. It would be a bit weird, I'd probably get some crazy flashback of when Goten was born." Gohan mused.
Bardock cleared his throat interrupting our discussion.
"Ummm.... hiya." I smiled. "You know I think you're absolutely the coolest."
"J'dee-chan what are you doing?" Selene hissed at me.
"It's Bardock just look at him, sure no spandex I know but ya can actually see his muscles. If I were a cat I'd star purring about now."
Bardock gave me an odd look like he wasn't expecting me to make a comment like that. I watched as he walked up to me.
"J'dee... that is an odd name for a female saiyan." He remarked.
"Well you think my name is odd over there is BananaGirl."
"J'dee!! Don't you draw attention to me!!" 'Bulma' remarked only to be kicked in the shins by the monkey and have him motioning at 'BananaGirl' "Oh yeah..."
Vegeta looked at 'Bulma' "Onna you're still behaving oddly."
"Admit it Veggie, you love it." 'Bulma' nudged Vegeta and winked.
Bardock looked over at the two with a raised brow.
"Oh and over there is Vegia and this is Selene...." I rambled on drawing attention away from Vegeta, Bulma and BananaGirl. Until Gohan clamped a hand over my mouth before I could give out everyone else's names.
Bardock looked back at me. Like he was looking for something particular. I watched as he sniffed me and stepped back amused.
"You've recently fought a battle. You'll do."
I pulled Gohan's hand off my mouth. "Do? What do you mean by do?"
"Cuff her."
"Cuff?! Oh no, no one is cuffing me!! Except maybe Christian Slater like he was in that movie Cuff's... man what a dish! What I wouldn't for a piece of that. *Snap* Heeeeyy." I looked down at the cuffs.
Then came the sudden overbearing pain. "Vision!!" I cried out realising.
Gohan caught me as I doubled over in pain and he held onto me.
"I've got you..." Gohan comforted me as I sunk to my knees and my hands touched the ground.
I could see him, see what he was doing. A child... she was only a little girl and he'd- killed her. My body trembled with the sense of it I could see it as if I was there I could smell the blood as if it were right under my nose and I could feel all the good that had been Seisetsu leaving... this wasn't right.
"That's ONE HOUR PEOPLE!!! I don't see any Yamcha or Eighteen yet... don't make me kill some one ever five minutes because then that'll get a little to boring." The way he sounded was like a nutbar director telling off a film crew for being late. But it was so much more than that. The body pile was slowly growing. Five people lay there in that heap now well it became five when he booted the decapitated body of the little girl over. It looked like he'd started off on a passing by family out for a walk. A mother, a father, an older brother, a teenage sister and now that little girl, she looked like she was only just older than Pan or Bra. I was trembling. Blake's scent was there and he was ridding him self of the Seisetsu persona most obviously.
"I've got you..." I heard Gohan's voice, it was the first thing I heard. I looked up at him and blinked, he looked at me worriedly. "What did you see?"
"He killed a family."
"Blake?" Selene asked and she sounded saddened by this.
"Yes." I replied.
I held my stomach. "I think I'm going to be sick."
"Don't you dare, remember, reputation." 'Bulma' hissed at 'BananaGirl' as she covered her mouth to keep from vomiting.
"At least it's you and not this chibi onna." Vegeta remarked. Though he kept his distance.
Gohan helped me up to my feet and I saw Bardock give me and even odder look.
"You're cursed."
"Look who's talking pal." I grumbled only to be elbowed by Selene.
"If he's still on Vegeta-sei and chibi saiyan no ouji is, then think about it the next mission he goes on-"
"Chibi Vegeta? Where?" 'Bulma' looked around.
I grinned. "You know I could make a few space bucks with this prediction thing.... if I were a DBZ nut and knew everything about every series... And perhaps meet a few buffed, handsome space warriors with dark hair, dark eyes and with really cool facial battle scars- mmmm..." I mentally drooled falling completely off topic which is quite common for me- well anyone that knows me.
"Shut up majo." Vegeta growled.
"Radditz." Bardock called.
"Hey Radditz is good too." I nodded grinning.
"J'dee you hentai." Gohan growled.
"What? Hey you're wearing spandex can I drool over you to?"
"Daddy...." Pan blinked and looked at Gohan oddly. "What's she going on about."
"Nobody knows I just wish she'd shut up!!" Vegeta snapped.
"Bright light bright light!!!!" I jumped up and down excitedly watching Frieza's ship blow up. "Lookie Gohan!!" Gohan slapped his forehead as I grinned. "I always wanted to say that."
Every one turned their heads to look and saw Frieza's ship exploding and debris were scattered in several million directions.
"Everyone take cover!!" Bardock shouted.
Vegeta grabbed 'Bulma' and 'BananaGirl' too unsure why and pulled them out of harms way while Gohan grabbed Pan and Bra.
"Now this is what I'm talking about." 'Bulma' grinned.
Selene grabbed Marron's hand while Seventeen sighed and reluctantly grabbed a delighted Vegia. Every one was pulled to safety before the debris landed in the streets.
It was moments before anyone stuck their heads out from where they had taken cover. "Oooh Radditz saved me!!" I announced happily and glomped the surprised teen saiyan.
"Get off me onna!!" I looked over to see what was going on, I couldn't see through the smoke brought up by the debris but all I knew was that Vegeta was getting distressed obviously.
"Wow, I'm on Vegeta-sei. Radditz, Bardock…CHIBI VEGETA!" I squealed in delayed shock, before Vegeta clamped his hand over my mouth. "Awwww, c'mon Veggie. Don't tell me you're frigid?" I asked, snuggling up to him. "Hello, you're making this a lot harder than it needs to be!" I said to Bulma, annoyed.
"Get the fuck off my husband!" Bulma hissed, pulling at my leg.
"Nande kuso?" Vegeta asked, looking confused and slightly scared.
"How many times do I have to tell you, 'BananaGirl', that you are not married to him?" I hissed, kicking Bulma off of my leg.
"And how many times do I have to tell you, 'Bulma', to stop being a whore?" Bulma spat.
"Dumbfuck! You just called yourself a whore!" I laughed.
"And you just called yourself a dumbfuck!" Bulma shot back.
"…oh yeah." I said.
"Hello, pissed off prince over here!" Quorky shouted.
"Prince?" Radditz and Bardock asked in unison.
"Prince is code…for…um…BananaGirl?" Quorky gave up.
"That's you." I hissed to Bulma.
"Yeah, we just call him Prince because it pleases him. Ego problem." Bulma whispered the last part.
"Ah." Radditz and Bardock said, not really understanding.
"Look, I chipped a nail! It's going to take forever to get this debris out of my hair!" I wailed. "Oh my God! I'm acting like Bulma!" I screamed, shutting up as I got some very strange glances. "Oh yeah, because I am Bulma. Anyone got a pen? I better write that down."
"Onna, what is going on?" Vegeta snapped.
"On? Nothings going on. Why would things be on? I always turn things off. Except this one time, I was running a bath, and the water came down the stairs because I didn't turn it off. The roof was such a mess! Thank God it wasn't my parents house, it was my best friends. She got in major trouble for that! Just like this one time, I got in major trouble for smashing a neighbours window. It wasn't really my fault. Their son, the bastard, was throwing pebbles at me. So I got this huge mother of a rock, and threw it back. Unfortunately, it was so big that I didn't throw it, rather dropped it. So it dropped into the window. Therefore it wasn't my fault. Like another time…" I stopped.
"SHUT UP!" Vegeta roared.
"Well, I'm glad we came here. He's just as arrogant as he is at home." Bulma muttered, crossing her arms.
"But so, so fine." I said, leering at him.
"Just be quiet, onna. We need to fit in around here, so just blend in." Vegeta said, exasperatedly.
"Oh yeah, I can fit in." I said, pulling up my baggy jeans and putting a white Nike cap on my head. I took out my personal CD Player, popped in the Blink 182 CD and turned the volume up full. "Oh yeah, I am the master of blending in." I added, putting in my earphones and donning some sunglasses.
I rubbed my temples to soothe my pounding head. Kami it was either Gohan and J'dee-chan arguing or Bulma and the new arrival Banana Girl, fighting over some trivial matters. BG's name was familiar and I grinned widely. That where I knew her from; her stories on ff.net!
Vegeta quirked a brow at me and growled, "What the hell's your problem, chibi onna?"
I put my hand behind my head Goku style. "Hehe...nothing.." I noticed the other male Saiya-jin watching us and giving me strange looks. I shrugged.
I watched Bardock take J'dee in the handcuffs and I unconciously growled. Bardock stopped and glared at me. 'I wish Bardock would forget about J'dee and be interested in me' I subconsiously wished. I squeaked as I saw Bardock walk toward me and smirk.
"Onna how would you-" he began.
"Otou-san what about-" Radditsu started before J'dee glomped him again and grinned at me. She gave me a thumbs up, while Gohan growled at her and Radditsu.
The long haired Saiya-jin sweatdropped and just couldn't get J'dee off him much to Gohan's annoyance. Heh must be fangirl author power.
"So Onna?" He questioned me.
I smiled and blushed tucking wayward strands of my hair behind my ear. "I wish we could see Goku-san as a baby," I rewished.
We disappeared in a bright flash of light, with BN and Bulma fighting over Vegeta, a growling Gohan, a glomping J'dee, a humilated Radditsu, a pissed off Vegeta, and confused assorted saiya-jin.
"Gah my eyes!!! I hate that!!!" I squealed letting go of Radditz and I looked round to find ourselves in a white hallway. Gohan grabbed me and pulled me away from Radditz before I could glomp the confused teen again.
Finally Gohan spoke to me pulling the ki wrist bands off. "Behave."
"I am behaving!!" I exclaimed. I stopped seeing a maternity like ward on the other side of the glass and I squealed excitedly suddenly running up to the glass. "CHIBI!!!" Gohan smacked himself on the forehead and he looked at me. "Gohan he's soooooo kawaii!! Look look look!!"
Vegeta began grumbling to himself annoyed.
Bardock looked round and then at Radditz confused. "How did we-" He began.
"I'm a majo!!" I said quickly as if that explained it.
Bardock frowned at me and I noticed how close he moved to Selene. I blinked.
"They why did you squeal.... and I quote 'Gah, my eyes, I hate that'?" Bardock quizzed me.
I sweatdropped, smiled then looked at Vegia quickly. "Sooooooo um.... What do you think of Chibi Goku?" I asked changing topic hurriedly.
"Uh…cute? Cuter than he'll ever be when he gets older?" I answered, I drew weird stares from Bardock and Radditz, "Hey! I'm a Vegetarian (I think that's how you say you like Vegeta) I'm not aloud to openly admit it when I find Kakarot-at any age-cute!"
"Sure," Juunanagou muttered rolling his eyes at me.
"Wow, is that grandpa Goku?" asked Pan peering into the crib.
"Goku? My brother's name is Kakarot, little girl," Radditz answered.
"But he looks like Pan's grandpa!" Bra protested, "and we're in the past anyway so-" J'dee clamped a hand over Bra's mouth, somehow ignoring the dirty looks she earned from Vegeta for doing that to "his little princess" (Note: Sorry, I don't THINK anyone of Vegeta-Sei knows we're from the future. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
"Uh…so anyway…" Marron attempted to start a half-way decent conversation between us that didn't end up taking us to the whole "we're from the future" thing or the "Kakarot/Goku" thing.
"What do you do for fun around here?" I asked THINKING I'd saved everyone from having to explain what Bra almost said.
Vegeta mumbled something that vaguely sounded like, "So much for fitting in."
"What do you MEAN what do we do for fun around here? You LIVE here DON'T you?!" Radditz demanded.
"We…all just got back from missions and it's been awhile since we were here and wanted to know if anything changed?" I thanked the heavens, Selene had just saved us.
"Oh," that was good enough explanation for both father and son because the next thing we knew, we were going out to see some "new place that opened".
"A bar!!!" I squealed in delight as we were taken up to the door and the saiyan bouncer let us all in, even Marron, Bra and Pan, who obviously looked under age.
Gohan sighed.
"I wonder if they have a jukebox... or it looks like one of those seedy biker joints my uncle owns."
"Biker joints?" Gohan raised an eyebrow and I grinned.
"Oh yeah anyone who pisses me off I say a thing to my uncle and he makes them disappear... so to speak, he's real cool like that." I smiled happily at the prospect of being allowed in a bar at seventeen. Not that I hadn't, but it was the first time in a bar out of my home country and off the planet.
"You're uncle makes people disappear riiiiiight." Gohan sweatdropped.
"Hey I was sittin' on the back of Harleys when I was five so shove it. I love motor bikes, better than cars."
"Did your uncle live in a trailer too?" Vegeta teased or at leat I think he was teasing it was hard to tell with him.
"No why would he? My dad's family is loaded. I said he owned the bar remember. Geez weren't you like listening?"
"J'dee when you talk no one listens cause you just won't shut up." Gohan remarked.
I thumped him on the arm. "Watch it you!!! I have powers and I'm not afraid to use them."
Gohan rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure." He drooled.
I frowned and looked at Gohan. "You're still mad about that Radditz glomping thing aren't you?" I asked him.
"I'm not mad." He muttered.
I smiled at him. "Aaaawwww you got jealous. That is sooo sweet!" I clung on to his arm and Gohan blinked surprised. "You know you could be even sweeter and buy me a southern comfort, coke and raspberry mixed..." I smiled.
"A what?" Radditz frowned.
Bardock shrugged. "Must be one of those drinks they discovered while off on those missions." He figured out loud.
I looked at them and nodded. "Like totally!! It gets me smashed so fast it's like prrrrrriiiiiiiiiimo!! Thirty-five percent alcohol, so yah it's one of the best liquors around. (A.N: Even though they sell it as a spirit, legally spirits have to be over 37% alcohol to be sold as a spirit here in Aus/NZ, gee bet you really wanted to know that.)
Gohan sighed at me. "No I'm not buying you any alcohol we still have to figure out where we're going to rest for the night."
I nodded seriously. "You got a point there."
"....And in other news...."
"Where are those two?" Blake blasted the television store, bored with waiting for Yamcha and Eighteen. He blinked seeing one lone television.
"The scroll of saxon has just been placed under high security in the museum of Beausford in California..."
Blake blinked and he looked at the television. "Beausford?! I know that name..." He tapped the side of his head. He then smirked.
"We've caused a disruption in realities... how interesting. Then I know the perfect people to help me out on this mission. I wish I was in Beausford right now."
The Beausford Museum, The center of the activity in this small dockside town. A large Ankh banner is hanging above the main door in between two pillars.
Blake watches as a figure walks out holding some money in her hand and she waves to them as they walk out. Blake watches her flip her black and red streaked hair over her shoulder and pocket the money. A tika on her forehead he knows he's looking at Kate McCallam. A blonde guy joins her and Blake can hear them talking.
"Kate, they're going to want their money back. This is not what they had in their minds any bet for a trip to Denver..."
"Aww c'mon Colin it's fun. Helps me pay for my law degree at Beausford college."
"They're going to want they're money back."
"Well, they're not getting it. They're stupid for believing me. I am a law student after all."
Blake watched the group walked up to a guy in a white shirt and an orange vest and blue baggy jeans with a chain hanging off his jeans and orange goggles pushed up on his forehead and he grins at them giving them the chin up greeting.
"Hey, I'm Denver." he grinned. "Your trip's over."
The crowd turned to look at Kate and she looked at Colin, he looked back at her.
"Okay Colin lets bolt!!!" Kate shouted.
Colin and her run off the crowd chase after the two college students angrily.
Blake chuckled to himself Kate was an amusing character. He looked round "Now time to find those two nuts to help me with my plan."
To Be Continued... in to pt 5
r & r
