Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ain't Nothing But Magick ❯ Lets Get This Party Started ( Chapter 43 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Ain't nothing but Magick

Author/s for this chapter: BananaGirl, Saiyan Princess TRF, Katrrina Vixen, J'dee, Seisetsu / Maria Cline / The Dragonball Fairy.

Rating: NC-15 (offensive language)


Author's Note: ummmm If you can't tell from my last update I was a bit hypo... sorry about that... but I was watching my old film I did with live action transformer robots attacking a cardboard city (don't laugh it rules!! I got an A+ for that film cause I had the transformers actually transforming so what if you saw strings... it was cool) anyway they were crushing the power rangers figures that's where I got the idea for the last chapter from.. except I don't actually have Blaster... I would LOVE to have Blaster but I only have Jazz and numerous other Authobots and Decepticons (I'm an old school transformer freak leave me alone)...

Anyway I reached past the 100 review mark *bounces about!!* So I'm giving out FOUR CYBER ANBM PRIZES!!!

Prize #1 goes to DeathStorm you are reviewer # 100 *huggles her* here have this kawaii M.Trunks I've borrowed from VegeChan from the fic to give you for being reviewer 100, he's on loan... he'll come your way at the end of the chapter.... but I have to have him back to VegeChan for her next piece...

Prize #2 for DarkAngel *hands her Vegeta* he's on loan from the fic too I do need him back though and he comes complete with Musketeer costume.... cause I'm not giving him enough time to change but there is a lovely dino cap with him that has his spandex supplied if you feel the need to dress him ;p ... that's for inspiring BG with Quorky's costume and cause ya such a great reviwer plus I love ya fic don't think I'm not reading it. I am!... I just have to get my butt in to reviewing it! Sorry about that...

Prize #3 goes to S'rac cause he's been a really great muse for me... I know Jazz and Chibi Goten are suppose to be my muses and Sei is unavalible. So S'rac your prize will be I will loan you Goku for a private training lesson... how's that?"

Prize #4 goes to all those who have reviewed gosh I feel like I'm getting an oscar or someting *sniffles* I will give you all some cyber celebration cake!! I got banana cake chocolate cake and some sponge cream cake... It's all non fattening cause it's cyber cake!! So eat up!!! *huggles da reviewers*

and a BONUS prize for the AUTHORS for all those who contributed you all get a free chance at the Karoke bar in the fic pick a song!! lol

Now Artwork updates!! haha yes I did this when I was SUPPOSE to be studying... what can I say drawing is a good stress release and I've drawn quite a bit since the last update... but I missed on an exam cause I slept through it instead of going hehehe... And they tell me today sorry you can resit! The nerve of them! Oh well I got in some really good assignment time today with Si-er I won't say his name but I will say he's cute, he's from china and he's a babe who knows martial arts!! *ahem* anyways…

http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/jdee/Marie_Nomad.jpg <=Marie Nomad.

http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/jdee/Jan.jpg <=I scanned it crooked sorry bout that.

http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/jdee/Tsunami.jpg <= I need some light brown colored pencils I think..... *sighs* cause it's a too dark here....

http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/jdee/J'dee.jpg <=Me in meh costume. I ACTUALLY have this costume minus the belly chain thing.

http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/jdee/group.jpg <= Jan, Tobias, Mabelle, VegeChan, S'rac and me, 'tis a group pic.... it's evil but it was worth it.

Now this has gotten to be a long author's note so on with the fic...


*Lets Get This Party Started*



"Quorky, I spent ages finding chains that heavy, so the least you could do is stop hiding!" I shout between mouthfuls of banana.

"Why did we come so early, anyway?" Quorky muttered, popping his head up over the table.

"Well....I dunno. I don't do watches, so I have to guess the time. Me and guessing is not a good combo." I shrug.

"I can't believe you dressed me as a pimp." Quorky looked down at his sleazy suit and huge gold chains.

"Hey, the hat is spiffy!" I commented, lifting up the pimp-style hat and looking at it. "Damnit, I can't believe Skittles won't be wearing spandex. What is the world coming to?"

"At least you're suffering aswell." Quorky grinned.

"You are a very spiteful monkey."

"I learn from the best."

"Awwwww. Thank yaz!" I hugged Quorky tightly. "Ya know, these bananas are nummy."

"I can tell by the way you're making a pig of yourself." Quorky looked at me in disgust.

"Dude, I'm a banana in pyjamas! Get it right! Hmmm, any chance of Skittles coming as the other half of bananas in pyjamas, you think?" I ask hopefully.

"Uh...no." Quorky replied.

"I can always dream." I sighed, getting up from the table and going to check out the other people's costumes. "Gohan, original costume." I manage to stifle the laughter trying to burst its way out. "Dude, it looked stupid enough on a teenager. It's just pissing-my-pants funny now he's older." I whisper to Quorky.

"You're so ignorant."

"Shuttup monkey, people make me laugh." I stick my tongue out at him. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again; Man In The Iron Mask totally sucked hairy dick." I commented, looking at the other costumes dotted around the place. "Oooo, spiffy DJ's!"

"Ha, they're not so special."

"Eh? Dude, they're robots! Aw, ya not jealous are ya?"

"What? Me, jealous? No!" Quorky scoffed.

"I'm sure you'd make a great DJ. But Quork-meister, you make a better pimp." I ducked as Quorky threw one of his chains at me. "Dude, they're heavy! You nearly hit me!"

"That was the idea."


*Saiyan Princess TRF*

I flew to the store to get the materials I needed for my Lady Une costume and for Juunana's Treize costume, which I soon discovered would be pretty hard, I mean I KNEW it wasn't called "Da Biggest Costume Store in the World" for no reason but...HOLY CRAP! There must have been five hundred or more isles to browse and I only had two hours!

I walked up to the man at the front desk, "Excuse me sir?" I asked.

He was dirty and grimy looking and was reading a paper, "Yeah what?" he grunted.

"I was...uh wondering where you have millitary looking costumes and guns-"

"WHAT?!? GUNS!?!?! YOU NUTS KID?! WE AIN'T NO FREAKIN WEAPONS STORE!!! I SOHULD HAVE YOU ARRESTED FOR-" yadda, yadda, yadda. I walked off with raised eyebrows as he continued his rant, 'I should probably just get the guns from Juunana's place anyway. It'll be MUCh safer and better for my sanity and criminal record,' I thought, vaguely hearing the man at the counter go on about "freaking teenagers who go around shooting people with guns they expect to be supplied by a costume store".

"Odd one isn't he?" asked a guy near a dark untouched corner I was headed for.

"That's an understatement," I muttered.

"Yeah," the guy began, smiling I didn't like that smile, it wasn't a nice one, it was a dangerous one, one that told you he was one of those people you were better off without, "so babe...wanna come to my pad and...," he smirked with a gleam in his eye that told me something was wrong...something was VERY wrong, "hang out?" he asked trying to appear innocent.

"No...that's ok," I said with slight alarm, "I've gotta get a costume for myself and a friend...a boyfriend in fact!" I said trying to let him on to the fact that I was TAKEN (or going to be soon since I wasn't sure how Juunana would except this news).

The guy frowned, "I bet he's a real wimp...you'd be so much better off with...yours truly."

"Back off!" I yelled.

Before I could catch what he was doing, he'd not only put a hand over my mouth, but also grabbed my tail, which pretty much paralyzed me on the spot, "Now come on, don't fight and everything will be just fine," I felt a rising panic in me how'd he known about the tail weakness anyway?! I wanted to scream but nothing would come out, his grip on my tail seemed to have disabled everything in my body including my voice box.

'HELP!' I thought, it was a feeble attempt to save myself but it could work, 'Someone...does anyone hear me?!'

As the guy began to move, keeping a hand on my tail the whole time, suddenly a force just kicked him backwards with seemingly no trouble, "Hey pal, if I were you I'd leave her alone," said the voice, as I slowly regained control over my body I was able to look up a see Juunana! Well, after this maybe he WOULD be my boyfriend or even MARRY me! In spite of what just happened I was feeling light, airy and happy now.

"Chill man, I was just havin' a little fun!" the guy yelped.

"Not with MY woman!"

He called me his woman...I felt happy...very happy.

"Eh heh...she was YOURS? I didn't know that man! S-so chill and let me go!"

"What's stopping you from leaving? I could be killing you right now and no one's to say I don't want to...but I REALLY can't be charged for murder at an inconveinient time...now if this had happened next week however..." he grinned maliciously at the guy.

"Uh...goodbye!" yelped the guy as ran out the door before anyone could stop him.

Juunana looked at me, "Can't leave you alone anywhere," he teased.

"Well, I don't NORMALLY have this trouble!" I assured him.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe."

"Well...in my world I'm actually a shy, cause-no-trouble, keep away from dangerous areas person!"

"That's even harder to believe since here you seem to go to the dangerous area in a fifty mile radius. Didn't you know this place has a long history of kidnappings and other," he coughed, obviously uncomfortable, "bad things."

"How come? I mean, why here?" I asked.

"Because there are always naive people and young children coming hear for costumes, if you're under ten or attractive you'd be better off going somewhere else. EVERYONE knows that!" he said exasperatedly.

"Maybe people who are new hear don't!" I shot back.

"I suppose so, but why would you have even gone near a person like that?"

"How am I supposed to know? It started out as an every-day, normal conversation!"

"Everything does."

I sighed in resenation, "Let's just go get the costumes..."


Later at Juunana's house, about 7:30...

"Cool! We look great!" I said smiling at mine and his reflections in the mirror, "Just like Lady Une and Treize! Well...except for my eye color and your hair color but that can't he helped unless I wore tinted contacts and YOU'D let me dye your hair!"

"For the last time! You are NOT dying my hair! It may not wash out!"

"Then we can dye it back!"


"Geez...fine!" I looked back in the mirror to admire myself and Juunana, I had my brown hair in two seperate braids that were right against my head, some glasses that looked like Lady Une's, that red millitary-type outfit with the skirt and a gun on my belt, overall I thought I was a pretty convincing Lady Une. Juunana looked pretty much like Treize except for THE HAIR-

'No Vegia, you are NOT dying it!'

"Ugh, fine," and he'd even let me replace his gun with a sword like Treize's so I guess dying his hair would have been a bit harsh...

'Damn straight!'

'Stop reading my thoughts!'

'I can't help it!'

That was basically our whole conversation while we flew to Gohan's for the party.

'Stop reading my thoughts!'

'I can't help it!'

When we landed we looked aroundat everyone, I could tell already that THIS would be fun!


You know...part of this was one of my first attempts at serious-ness in this fic...I don't think I did very good though ^_^ I still need to work on how I do serious scenes.


*Katrrina Vixen*

She must have fallen asleep, or fallen from the sky and knocked herself out...

(How long has it been?) she thought to herself, getting up of the ground, she brushed the dirt off her cat suit and inspected her tail for any damage.

"Something must have happened, last thing I remember was heading to see Piccolo...but then i blacked out and...wierd?" Kattrina looked around, she was doing it again. no-one around and she was talking.

"Hey, isn't it close to the next annual tournament?? hmm...." looking over her clothes, she clicked her fingers and her cat suit changed to a white jean skirt and a lilac t-shirt, smiling to herself, she went back to her thoughts.

(If I can enter the tournament, that would be a great way to introduce myself to the other authors.) If Jo knew anything, it was that the Tenkaichi Budokai was the best place to meet the guys...but this wasn't Jo, this was Kattrina...

(but Jo would have fun here too, infact, she is!) Kattrina watched as a butterfly flew towards her and landed on her shoulder.

"Cool..I got my own daemon! and it's a red admiral butterfly!"

"Only cause you wanted both of you to be here!" the butterfly began, Kitty giggled,

"Ok, how can Jo be here as Kitty Vixen, if she's also here as Jo, the butterfly?"

The butterfly moved it's wings and sat quietly for a while, then it spoke.

"I didn't catch that, can you say it again?" Kitty asked,

"I'm not Jo, I'm Melody!"

"But Melody is the black panther, not a butterfly!" Kitty sanpped...the butterfly just sat there.

"Ok...now I feel like I'm copying someone..." The butterfly flew up and hovered before her for a while.

"Would you like a panther?" It asked.

"Look, you got me off the point now...i wwas talkiong about the next Tenkaichi Budokai, then you appeared...what do you want?!"

"You'll need my help to get into the Tenkaichi Budokai, you've had no training."

"Yeah, a butterfly is gonna help me train..." Kitty walked off, placing her hands on her hips and swishing her tail. she let the cool breeze blow her wild red hair out of her face and over her ears. Turning round, she noticed a little pantha cub sat licking it's paw.

"Very clever Melody, but this is the wrong story, J'dee would never let me have a panther...would she?"

"You gonna train or not?" Melody purred, Kitty looked at Melody, then at the setting sun, then back at Melody.

"Oh...alright...how we gonna do this?"


*Seisetsu / Maria Cline / The Dragonball Fairy*

The two of them flew towards the costume party when Blake paused in mid air.

"You sense that?" He asked.

Seru stopped and she looked behind her and watched as Babity flew past hurriedly.

"Whoa the slug man's in a rush for something." Blake mused.

"Over there..." Seru pointed and they saw the triclopse with the three tails also flying towards the party. Blake grinned.

"Hey hey hey.... monkee!!" He shouted at her.

She paused in mid air and glared at Blake as he and Seru flew up. "Ya up for some team damage, it'll be much better if we fight together than along don't ya think?"

Seru hoovered there. "I don't see why?"

"Distraction. I'm going after J'dee..." Blake remarked.


"Infect her."

"With what?"

"Geez don't you people ever play Final Fantasy?"

Seru nodded. "Some do some don't." She looked at Lady Tri. "Are you in or are ya out?" She added asking bluntly.

Blake looked at Lady Tri for an answer also.


Lady Tri was on her way to the party when she saw some slug thing hurriedly fly past her "what the hell was that?" she muttered then she heard someone yell "Hey hey hey.... monkee!!" she turned to glare at themm they appeared to be 2 of the authors...2 of the evil authors. Then one of them spoke "Ya up for some team damage, it'll be much better if we fight together than along don't ya think?" then the female one hovered there and said "I don't see why?" "Distraction. I'm going after J'dee..." the male on responded


"Infect her."

"With what?"

"Geez don't you people ever play Final Fantasy?"

"Some do some don't."

Lady Tri raised a brow at the conversation before the female turned to her and said "Are ya in or out?" soon they were oth looking at her for an answer. She thought about it for a momment

"Well we all have basically the same plan...and it would be easier that way"

"...I don't see why not" she said after a breif pause "So what exactly is the plan, I'm Lady Tri by the way, you are?"


I looked at the clock, it was almost time to go I put a few final touches on my costume then I walked up to Tux and said, "I want you to say, I wish Molly had a bag of marshmellows with every kind of marshmellow in it and it never went empty."

Tux growled "Why should I?"

"Because if you don't then you don't get to go to the party and you get no food"

"Grr fine, I wish Molly had a bag of marshmellows with every type of marshmellow in it and it never went empty," Tux said, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly a large bag of marshmellows appeared in my hand then I smiled and said "Great now we just need to get you a costume."

Tux gulped, "M-my costume?"


I cackled as I placed a blonde wig on Tux's head, completing the costume "There now you'll have the scariest costume there, Britney Spears, the horror!"

Tux growled "Some way I WILL get you for this"

"Yea yea yea time to go!" I said as I picked up Tux and took off to the party, but the whole way there I had a strange feeling that something was going to happen tonight, I shrugged it off as I made it to Gohan's and knocked on the door.


"I'm Lady Seru and this is Blake." Seru introduced. "Sooner or later, deepens if she's interested we might be joined by Lady Icer. It would make it more fun."

"Yakkie yak yak yak, hurry it up would you I have an author to infect." Blake grumbled.

"Pssssh men impatient creatures."

"I'm not impatient."

"Yes you are."

"Fine I'm impaitent can we go now? If Babity beats us then he'll have the fun before us." Blake whined, "Besides I want to see Eighteen."


*Piccoloz Girl*

I didn't make a sound when I regained consciousness and I planned on remaining silent through this nightmare. I opened my eyes and I was shocked when I could see perfectly in the darkness. My eyes narrowed as I realized I was in a cave, I moved silently, Saiyan ears are only matched by Namekian ears and if I couldn't hear myself moving than neither would those nasty Saiyans. I zapped myself some clothing and slowly began to exit the cave. I came to a corner and as I passed I could see light, I stopped and clung to the darkness. I began to listen.

"So what are we going to do with the female Namek, Turles?" an unrecognizable Saiyan asked and I heard a bunch of agreements.

"I am going to do nothing, but you all may do as you wish, Toma," Turles said and I bit back a growl.

"Want to go after that fine tail, eh?" another voice laughed. I perked my ears…tail? A Saiyan female? An author? I pondered as I listened.

"Not that it's your concern but yes, she's my mate and should be carrying my young," Turles chuckled. The group laughed. I bit my lip in anger, someone had been hurt, Saiyans didn't laugh like that until someone was in pain.

"What about that weakling human she was with?" Nappa asked.

"Do I care?" Turles replied.

"You better leave now," another male chuckled. "She should be awake now." There was a fit of laughter.

"Well, men, have fun with your Namekian, she might last through Nappa!" Turles cried and the laughter followed. It had to be an author, one of the female Saiyans had been attacked by Turles, he had hurt her. I growled and covered my mouth quickly…it was too late.


I rushed back into the cave, still silent, but I knew I had been heard! There were the sounds of Saiyans rushing in and I dropped my ki low as I slipped into a crack in the wall. I could see almost perfectly in the darkness. I watched as the Saiyans zipped pass me and down the cave. I stood still, tonight was going to be long. I hoped Piccolo would watch out over the kids for me…I didn't know how long I could hide from the Saiyans.



I ran sprinting towards the door and opened it grinning happily. "HEY!!!!" I smiled at molly. "Ooooooof marshmallows!! Maybe we can like roast tehm... though I won't get Gohan to use his energy."

I watched as Goku grabbed his head as if he had a flashback from that episode in the RoSaT. I thought on that. One day if the time called for it I'd like to train in there and see if I could cope it. Of couse I'd so not train with Gohan, now we were bonded.

"Well there's food over ther a dance floor over there some music playing out some nifty beats, anddddddd er.... authors! So interact! Ho yea!"


To Be Continued...

Why here cause this was all I was sent!!!

Though I will advertise that I have now started a ANBM lemon section seperate from this so we can keep it clean. *smiles so if you wanna a lemon between you and a dbz or author honey e-mail it to me at mirashia@hotmail.com.

review and authors sending stuff in = update... a reader's favorite word.
