Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ Panny's NOT happy ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


AN: This first part is for Syaoran's Blossom ^^;; I seriously wouldn't have thought of this if it wasn't for her, thanks!!! ^^;;


Pan frowned at the scene she and her best friend had just witnessed of the trio. It disgusted her. Not because of the nonsense everyone around her was spewing that they were the same person, but because she had for years been watching this girl with a sort of awe, wondering how it was even possible for her to seem to control all of the men with an ease that seemed her true nature. She didn't even APPEAR to realize what effects she had on the men around her.

In a way- no. She had to be honest to herself- in many ways, Pan was jealous of her. She was accepted into the group of men as if she had born into it, while Pan was left standing on the outside desperately searching for a way in. She was strong. As strong as possibly her father- Vegeta. Pan had heard about how she had locked herself into Vegeta's gravity room, refusing to let anyone in for three months simply training. When she had finally gotten out she was a stick- her body had been slowly eating itself up, but she had been finally able to go Super Saiyan and after feeding her and having Bulma tell her off, everyone was in the end proud of her.

But she hadn't stopped there. Oh no. Perfect little Akki had to go further and nearly get herself killed by following Gokou into the other world simply to have him train her. He had brought her up to Level 2 easily enough, but she refused to let it go at simply that when she saw Level 3 and he reluctantly told her his secret training, which she began to undergo as Gohan, the Supreme Kai, and Kubito worried over how to defeat Buu.

There was that (which would be reason enough for Pan to hate/worship her) but there was also…Goten and Trunks. Ever since she could remember the three were inseparable- wherever Akki went the two boys followed. Only in rare cases did the two boys go talk about something- girls at school or…something. How would Pan know? And Akki would beg one of the adults for a spar.

Mostly Vegeta. But sometimes. On some incredibly rare instances she would turn to Bura and Pan, smile, and ask if they wanted to spar with her. Bura, eager to live up to her role model would eagerly agree, though she detested fighting, and Pan would nod curtly and follow them out to the front lawn. There Akki would teach them some moves and Pan would grudgingly admire the young women's strength and agility. That's when Pan admired her most- that's when she had wild fantasies of actually being this women…

She would think just for that brief second that it wasn't just a possibility, but it was true that she was Akki Briefs- beautiful, a fighter, accepted by everyone… it was all that she had ever dreamed. But always her dreams ended in the same way- Trunks and Goten walking cheerfully up to them and reclaiming her attention.

That's one of the reasons why Pan had first come to despise the trio's strange union. That was one of the reasons she had grown to understand it on some level, watching the older group of the second generation quietly- soaking in their every action, word, and deed. Her ears began to perk up ever time anyone in the group of family and friends brought up the bizarre relationship, listening intently until finally coming to her own conclusions on the topic.

She had learned a lot about relationships that way…a lot more about them that she should know at the tender age of six… (AN: ;;;;;) And it was because of her studies of the people around her that she was a lot smarter and more mature then she should be.

"Pan," Bura said, pulling the younger girl out of her contemplations. "Goten and Neesan are going out, right?"

"Yeah," Pan said, her voice emotionless. "So what?"

"Mommy and Daddy were talking about how she's really you again," Bura said, frowning. Pan snorted in derision, but the blue-haired girl was undeterred by her friends seemingly lack of interest. She understood that she had Pan's full attention. "I was wondering…wouldn't that make YOU in love with Goten?"

"Huh?!" Pan practically screamed, her face turning a few shades of green. "Me in love with…Uncle? Are you out of your mind Bura?! FOR THE LAST TIME AKKI AND I ARE DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!! That's so disgusting, I can't believe you would say something like that!!!!"

The trio, who had heard Pan's shouts and understanding most of what Pan was saying, laughed at the young girl's horror. Upset and a bit embarrassed over losing her cool, she frowned and stamped over to them.

"Uncle!" She said, he blinked up at her small body, trying not to show his amusement on his face. She growled lowly at him and he rubbed the back of his head murmuring an apology. "Get this straight! Akki and I are not the same person, so don't you dare even think that I like you in…that sort of way! It's disgusting! And you!"

She turned to Akki, who immediately stopped laughing, "I AM not, nor will I EVER be you! Stop trying to fucking-."

"Language Panny," Goten mumbled, and Pan glared at him. He eeped, and the other two laughed. She turned her glare to them.

"-put me in your shadow!" She continued as if she had never stopped. "And what the fuck are you-ack! What the hell?"

Pan stopped, finding that she had been picked up by the back of the shirt by Vegeta. She glared at him, but he merely chuckled, "Come on brat. I think it's about time I trained you properly."

Her eyes lit up at the prospect of finally being trained, but when she heard a fit of laughter behind her she remembered that she was supposed to be pissed off, and she glared at the trio, crossing her arms as Vegeta carried her away.


"There goes your daughter again Gohan-kun," Videl said, shaking her head with a sigh, while they watched her stamp up to the trio. "Should we go stop her?"

"Let them deal with her," Gohan said dismissively. "All this talk about her and Akki being the same is really having a toll on her. Especially with this new development with Goten…"

"If we ever find out that Akki really is our daughter…" Videl trailed off, not really knowing what to say. "Why didn't Mirai Bulma put her into our care? Why herself and Vegeta?"

"I don't know…" Gohan frowned. "But…do you remember what the note said?"

Videl frowned, trying to recall the note. Even though it had only (AN:….don't ask?) been eleven years ago she couldn't for the life of her recall what was in it except for Vegeta to train Akki. She continued to rack her brains, until her husband's body stiffening brought her back to the situation at hand.

Her keen blue eyes picked out the problem right away- Vegeta holding up a fighting Pan by the back of her shirt. He said something, her eyes widened- unmistakably happy, until the trio's snickers turned her smile into a small glare. Then Vegeta turned, carrying the child with him.

"What does he think he's doing?" Gohan asked, his voice dangerously low. Videl said she didn't know, and they watched him throw the girl to the ground roughly and then he began to talk to her about who knows what. Both parents were getting more uneasy with the situation by the minute, but right before Gohan reached the peak of what he could endure silently without evoking his wraith, Pan crouched low into attack position and then began to move her arms about to where they presumed Vegeta dictated.

"He's training her?" Both parents shouted at the same time in disbelief. But…why? Why would he even be interested in how strong or how well her fighting abilities were?

"He didn't even ask," Gohan frowned.


"My master," the black haired, stern faced warrior crouched at his master's feet. "What is thy biding?"

"My bidding?" Emperor Pilaf's voice erupted in gleeful laughter. `Finally! I have a loyal competent minion!' "I'm tired of Agent Mi and Shao's blunderings kill them."

"As you wish," he said, his mouth turning into an unmistakable smirk as he fired two small ki blasts at the vehemently protesting minions. They were dead before they could work their dry mouths open and even begin to plead for their lives.

Emperor Pilaf laughed. This is the way it was supposed to be. His word law. Yes, yes. This situation would have a very nice conclusion indeed. He couldn't wait to rule the world. Just when he was about to go into a fervent daydream, Gokou coughed.

"Your bidding?"

Pilaf sighed. Was it always going to be like this? Well of course it would. He smacked his forehead. He practically had to tell him to breath- that's how much control he held over this large body. "Your friends…they could become rather painful to deal with. Let's go destroy them now, shall we?"

"If you wish so, then it will be done," He nodded.

Pilaf couldn't help but smile. So much control.
