Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ The Bura Deliema (sp?;;) ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The two figures clashed together in a brilliant blaze of light, their speed leaving them only a blur in the air to the onlookers below them. Krillin stared at the two black blurs, his jaw gapped in astonishment, not even able to follow a single instance of their footwork. And they continued to speed up.

"We should leave Krillin," 18 intoned softly behind him. He turned to see that everyone else was standing in awe two- watching the fight. None had heard what Akki and Gokou had been talking about before, but they had seen her go through all of the Super Saiyan stages before returning to what appeared to be her normal state. That was odd in itself but this fight was odder. She seemed so much faster. They both did.

"Yeah," Krillin agreed uneasily. "We'll only get in her way," He turned to study the crowd once again- something wasn't right, "18, where's Marron?"

"Marron?" 18 blinked, also turning to search for their daughter's familiar figure. "I don't know, I thought she was with the others."

"Hey you guys!" Krillin yelled over to the others. They all reluctantly turned from the awesome sight. "Have you seen Marron?"

"Hey where's Panny?" Gohan and Videl cried out at the same time.

"Bura? Has anyone seen Bura? Or Vegeta? Or……….Trunks?!"


Now everyone was frantically noting the missing members of their party, desperately trying to search around for any sign of them. Where could they all have gotten to?


Marron desperately tried to catch up with the small figure in front of her, but her task seemed impossible, so she lowered her goal to simply keeping the blue haired girl in sight. By the time the girl had stopped, Marron was wheezing- bent over and clutching a cramp in her stomach. Kami that child was fast!

"Mar-Chan?" Bura asked, eyeing the older girl dubiously. "Why did you follow me?"

"I'm being paid to keep track of both of you girls," Marron admitted, after regaining some of her breath. "I've already lost Pan and I'm not about to loose you too! What are you doing running away like that anyway?"

"I want to see this," she admitted, a bit embarrassed and Marron could understand why. The girl always professed herself to be pure girl- refusing to fight and everything. Obviously Pan had rubbed off on her somewhat.

For the first time, Marron looked up into the sky above her and found that yes this vantage point would be a lot better then the one by the lake. She shrugged, and settled herself more permanently down. "Just keep your ki down. It's probably safer here anyway."

Bura nodded, pleased that she was allowed to say. And then her eyes were glued onto the two fighters. It was impossible for Marron to see what they were doing and she doubted that Bura could see any better then she. But she didn't complain. She didn't want to walk back right then anyway.

The two fighter's eventually slowed down though, and then the larger one- Gokou- dropped to the ground pretty close to them. Too close for Marron's comfort. But she was happy that she was able to hear them, so she didn't order Bura to move any further into the woods.

"So, was I bull shitting you?" Akki asked, raising an eyebrow and powering down.

"I didn't teach you that word," Marron hissed at Bura and the younger girl nodded slightly in acknowledgement.

"No," Gokou said, taking the situation too calmly. Or so Marron decided. "Which is why I've decided to get myself a little life insurance."

He laughed then, amused by his own pun. Akki raised an eyebrow at him, "Do you know what that is?"

"Chi Chi explained it to me!" He nodded, proud of himself.

`This is extremely weird,' Marron frowned to herself. She didn't know her father's best friend very well but even she knew that this was his exact personality when he WASN'T fighting or being serious. But if he were truly evil like everyone had assumed, then wouldn't his personality have changed? Wouldn't he be serious?

"Then, how?" Akki asked bluntly.

"I thought you were never going to ask!" He cackled gleefully and abruptly took flight again, shooting Marron and Bura's way.

"Shit!" was all Marron had time to cry before Bura was whisked away and the two figures were out of sight. Akki, only a few seconds behind him, having a bit of difficulty powering up quickly. She stopped by Marron, her fists clenched.

"Coward," She snarled, pounding a fist into a nearby tree which was neatly chopped in half and blown through a dozen or so more trees, knocking those down as well. Marron cowered by her rock, knowing that she was in a LOT of trouble this time. Akki turned to the younger girl. "What were you guys doing here?"

"Bura wanted to see and I followed her," Marron said, trembling. "I didn't know he could sense us! I told her to push her ki down."

"The others are still here?" Akki's eyes narrowed.

"Yes," Marron nodded and then paused. "At least I think so. Vegeta took Pan and the boys, but everyone else was watching Gokou- trying to figure out what had happened."

"I should have told you all to leave in the first place- it was my fault," Akki said. "And now I'll have to pay for it. We all will."


Goten smiled as the older boy crouched into ready position. He loved fighting him like this………possibly because every time they did they ended up in a bed together. But Goten always looked forward more to the fights then to what came after for some reason.

He didn't understand why- he couldn't explain it. But there was a certain intensity of emotions that the duo shared when their bodies were glistening with sweat, locking together in a raging battle that neither could or would win.


"I love you!" Trunks growled.

Goten took a step back, "What?" He hissed. "What did you say?"

"I said that I'm in love with you Goten," Trunks said softly, defeated. "I know that you can never return it. But you'd find out if we fused anyway. So there it is. My secret."

"No. You must have gotten it wrong," Goten said shaking his head in denial. "You DO love Akki. Not me. Akki!"

"Akki's my sister Goten," Trunks reminded him. "I would never think of her in that way."

"You're not even blood relations!" Goten snapped. "You know that and trying to shove it in my face that since she's MY niece then I'm being nasty loving her."

"I thought the two of you decided that you weren't related," Trunks said, clearly confused.

"It isn't too hard to figure out- she's in denial, but when she does accept it then everything will be fine," Goten said forcefully, but there was a hint of doubt in his voice.

"No," Trunks shook his head. "Then she'll break up with you like she said. I know my sister, Goten."

He looked down. "I knew she would too."

He saw Trunks inching towards him out of the corner of his eye, and his head snapped up, "Please. Stay away from me for the moment."

Trunks nodded and turned away as if this were to be expected.

~ End of Flashback ~

That had been a few months ago. When he first found out. It wasn't as if he hadn't trusted Trunks right then when he was only trying to offer support. It was the fact that the idea of Trunks loving him was so new- so fresh. As it was it only took him a few days to go back to being at ease around the older boy. He thought of Trunks differently but their relationship was still the same as it always had been and that was probably the one fact that made him fall so easily for Trunks.

He still loved Akki too, and for the strangest reason he didn't feel as if he were being disloyal to her for being with Trunks. The whole situation was just too natural for him to question. Even more so then his and Akki's relationship which had been surprising. And Trunks didn't care that he still loved Akki. As far as both were concerned the would forget about that fact for the moment and they did.

They had actually discussed this once before they had even acted on anything.

~ Flashback ~

"When are you going to stop tormenting yourself like this?" Trunks asked as the exchanged volleys. "She'll be fine like she always was when we were younger. She ALWAYS knows exactly what to do in these kinds of situations. She knows where she has to be and if someone else was more suited for the job of buying time, then she'd make sure they took her place."

"But she would still fight my father even if she knew that she would die," Goten argued, not reassured in the least.

"Yes," Trunks admitted, clapping Goten on his shoulder. "But your dad would never kill her."

Goten nodded uncertainly, feeling comforting by the familiar touch. And then he paused and did a double take of the situation. It………..couldn't be possible. Could it? Now he noticed the affects the firm grip was having on him- the warmth, the rightness.. He couldn't be. It wasn't possible. Was it? He reeled out of Trunks' reach.

"Sorry," Trunks rubbed the back of his head. "I didn't mean-."

"No………it's not that," Goten said, shaking his head. "It's just………How did you find out you loved me Trunks?"

"I was………thinking about you and Akki dating," Trunks said after a momentary lapse of silence. "I was jealous. And I thought- well I thought that I might like Akki. But that was too disgusting to even contemplate. So. I thought that I might like you. And I do. I can't really explain it………but when you're locked into an office almost 24/7 with nothing but paperwork to do you find yourself drifting off on random tangents a lot. And. I'm sure you wanted to hear something a bit more romantic- but. That's how it happened."

Goten paused and when the words Trunks had just said apparently sunk into his thick skull he blushed. But when he opened his mouth to apologize, Goten held up his hand. "I don't know why I'm thinking about your………love. I have Akki. But. It just feels so natural."

Now Trunks' already opened jaw dropped lower. "Are you saying what I think your saying?" He whispered.

"No! I mean yes. I mean, I don't know!" Goten said covering his head and shaking it to clear it. "I love Akki. I love Akki. I love Akki! How is this possible?"

"Don't worry about Akki right now," Trunks advised him abruptly.

Goten stopped and slowly turned to face the older boy. "You're just saying that so that you can break us up!"

"No," Trunks shook his head. "I'm saying that because it's the best piece of advice I have for you right now. There's nothing you can do about her or any way you can find out if you're even still dating or not. You can figure all of this mess out after we figure out how to get your dad back. We'll all sit down and have a nice long talk. Or I could just leave the two of you alone."

"And we don't act on anything for now?" Goten asked, almost bitterly.

Trunks smiled and cupped Goten's face with his hands. "That's for YOU to decide. I'D like to do many things right now."

Goten's eyes widened.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Goten?" Trunks said, his voice bringing the younger boy out of his reminiscence. "Are we going to fight or not?"

"Let's…try the fusion today," Goten said, straightening. Trunks raised an eyebrow at him. "We haven't fused a single time since we got here- and our time is almost already up."

"I thought we decided to wait until the last day?"

"It's time to get serious Trunks," Goten said stiffly. "We only have a month left and we've been spending more then half of all of the days that have passed in bed already."

"And you're getting tired of it?" Trunks guessed sourly, landing in front of the younger boy and taking a few menacing steps towards him.

"No!" Goten said, staring into Trunks' deep blue eyes defiantly. "We're letting them down, you know. We aren't strong enough to win."

"Let my father handle it," Trunks said dismissively, capturing Goten's lips with his own. Goten, though, pushed him away and took a step back.

"After we fuse," He promised and Trunks let out a pitiful half growl, half whine. [1]


Piccolo smirked at Pan. She was a fast learner, despite her boredom at learning how to control minds. She would learn though what real boredom meant. Especially if she went through with being the Gaurdian. Which depended solely on if she was able to bring Gokou back to his true nature.

"Good," He said and she looked up, a grin spreading across her face.

"Can I have food now?"


"Yay!" She squealed and immediately turned to the beyond bored Saiyan Prince. "Come on Vegeta! Let's go make Mr. Popo give us some food!"

Vegeta reluctantly allowed the overexcited girl to pull him up out of his previous position and into the palace [2]. Piccolo frowned now at the duo. Was it just him or was Vegeta acting extremely oddly towards her? If it had been the boys then he would have been continuously snapping at them. Or even his own daughter he would have lost patience the moment she tried to pull him. Even Bulma perhaps………So why this special treatment with Pan?[3]

This may put a flaw in his plans.


[1]- Yes, I'm aware of the fact that I made Goten the girl O.,o;;; I'm just so used to writing a dominant Trunks;;; And… *scratches head* Goten's occ;;;; that's not good…especially since he's supposedly the male main character;;;

[2]- What the heck is this place called?

[3]- I'm not going to go into any of this in THIS fic- I'm thinking about writing a sequel and it'd be in THAT;;; Piccolo's evil plan O.,o… If I don't write it then I'll just tell you if you really want to know. But I'm not about to explain it in this fic or else I'll have to finish the idea;;; Don't ask- it just works. Only not. Just think for right now that he wants to make Pan the Guardian but Vegeta would object to that if he were too closely attached to her and so he's worried that his opinion might sway Pan's. (and yes I'm aware that you probably couldn't figure any of that out from just that paragraph…;;;)


Um…so here's the overly long chapter that I promised you…a million years ago;;; Hope it was okay ^^;; I'm trying to finish this a bit faster now. Don't ask why. I just want to get to the end ^^;;; Still haven't decided if this should end up being p/g or p/g/t maybe I'll do both. Cuz it'd be fun writing both;; Or maybe just one………What do you guys think?


Um and for the sake of randomness- I HAVE to tell you guys this- this morning (around 4 o'clock o.,O) I woke up to very VERY disturbing Spanish music blaring into my ear (and I have no idea why it was on that station, since I didn't set it there;;;), only to find that my alarm clock decided to try to kill me last night;; Either that or I'm unconsciously suicidal; Not sure which. But wouldn't that be the best way to die? At age 16 EC-Chan died last night, her alarm clock choking her to death………; Seriously though- if the Spanish music hadn't been so annoying then I probably would have killed myself. ^^;; And then think- you'd never get to read this chappy. ^^;
