Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ Grandpa's Pawn ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I reread the last chapter and was like O.O that was really badly written… there wasn't enough… description of wtf is going on…;;; Can you believe that was the third attempt at that chappy? And it was STILL extremely awful- imagine the others.. or maybe u shouldn't;;; The first was in Akki's pov, the second in g/t and the third pan… too much was happening and I couldn't decide which view to give you;;; don't ask… it was awful- that's all I'll say about that.


Trunks sighed when he heard Goten's cold words. Of course he knew what was wrong- Akki. Goten was having second thoughts about what they had done in the room of spirit and time now that seeing her was so imminent. In truth, he should have seen this coming, but he hadn't. Goten had been happy for the last year or so, but in the last few days he had grown more and more silent and gloomy. He seemed almost as if he were preparing for his death.

And Trunks felt the extreme urge to comfort him- an urge he had to refrain himself from doing simply because it would not be appropriate. Akki was the girl Goten was in love with and she had already claimed him. Trunks had known this was too good to last, but he hadn't counted on it ending so soon. It was too soon, though he knew anytime would be too soon for him. He wanted Goten and it was tearing him apart to be rejected like this. Not to mention the fact that he too felt guilty for Goten's cheating.

"She's going to kill me," It was the first time Goten had spoken on his own account for days. Trunks felt his heart quicken, becoming more alive just by hearing those five deadly words.

"Kill you?" Trunks snorted reassuringly. "Why would she kill you? She loves you- she's going to kill me."

"The minute she's gone I fall into someone else's arms…" Goten said miserably and Trunks heart panged- torn between sympathy and hurt.

Now it seemed appropriate to gather Goten in his arms and so he did so. "Not just anyone," He reminded him softly. "And remember- she knew that if I had my way this would happen and she would probably jump to the conclusion that it was all my fault anyway."

Goten relaxed into the embrace, "Not just your fault. It takes two for this game."

Sometimes three, Trunks thought grimly, the idea striking him with revulsion. Goten stirring, trying to turn his head to stare at the older's boys face, brought him back to reality. "Up for one more round before we have to meet the devil herself?"

"We only have three minutes."

"A quick game..?"


"They're coming out! They're coming out!" Pan shouted, waving her arms at a sweatdropping Dende and Piccolo before bounding towards where she left Vegeta- in the kitchen of course. "Vegeta, Vegeta! They're coming! Trunks and Goten are coming! It's time for you to train me!"

Vegeta nearly sighed as he stood up. One moment the girl was practically crying and the next she turned into a hyper-active little monster whom seriously needed a good knock to the head. Of course he would have to wait to get out from underneath the ever-watchful Namek's eyes before doing exactly that. But for now, he allowed himself to be half dragged to the entrance to the Room of Spirit and Time.

"Vegeta, may I talk to you for a moment?" Piccolo asked calmly, his green alien face as blank as ever. The shorter man frowned, but followed the Namek without thought. For now he needed them so that he could get into the time chamber to become stronger. He needed to make Kakkarott pay once and for all for everything he's done. "A few years ago we asked Bulma to try to make a duplicate of the time chambers."

Vegeta raised an eyebrow questioningly, but he could really care less. So what if the Woman achieved a separate time chamber. It wasn't as if it would really matter in the long run. A time chamber was a time chamber- and since the Namek hadn't told them about this in the first place he doubted the woman had achieved her goal anyway.

"As you've probably just guessed she didn't have enough time in completing the replica- it's still at Capsule Corps in construction stage," He allowed. "But during her preliminary screening of the Time Chamber, she asked to do a few experiments to figure out how to manipulate time and has set up a control for us to dictate how many years will pass."

"If you were able to speed up time to whatever you wanted, then why didn't you do this in the first place?" Vegeta asked, angrily.

"Dende and I've been trying to figure out the manual," Piccolo admitted, and Vegeta could feel his left eyebrow starting to twitch.

"But I think I got it all set up," Dende announced. "Only I can only get it up to six years a day which will have to do."

"Are you insane?!" Piccolo screamed at the other Namek. "Do you know how much Videl would kill you if you take twelve years of her daughter's life away?!"

"Twelve years will suffice," Vegeta said, and then simply walked away. What the fucking hell did he care about the brat's weakling mother? If he could get twelve years to train the brat then he'd fuckin' use all twelve- she'd need it.

"We'll come in near the last day to perform the ceremony," Piccolo said, a bit shakily as Vegeta grabbed the brat's arm and dragged her past the emerging Goten and Trunks.

"Ceremony?" All four voices chorused in various tones.

"Ceremony," Piccolo nodded. "She'll be ready to be the goddess by that time and I doubt you'd want to waste another day before waking Gokou up."

"Uh..I think we missed something," Goten said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "What are you going to do to little Panny?"

"This doesn't concern either of you!" Piccolo said, a bit annoyed. "Fuse and then go help Akki- she's been fighting without any rest for the last two days now, waiting for you to finish training to help her and when you're done instead of helping her your standing here wasting borrowed time!"

Vegeta shook his head, blocking out the rest of the Namek's rant before dragging Pan into the time chamber. Neither of the Nameks needed to know that by the time they entered the chamber, Pan would be so far under his control that with a lift of his finger both would be blown into the next demension.


`I don't understand why Piccolo forced us to fuse,' Gotenks frowned to himself. `I mean it's not like Akki really needs out help. We're just supposed to help her buy more time since the focus is on Pan's abilities and not ours. Or at least that's what he told us..right after he yelled at us for wasting time. So bizarre…I'm still not sure what's going on out there. Suppose it's better this way- Akki'll will explain all of these troubles away. Hopefully..'

Gotenks' frown deepened. Sure he knew that Akki would be able to make everything crystal clear eventually, but would she have a chance to? Or would he have to figure it out as the fight progressed? Better to just get there and see, he supposed.


"Today's the day when I finally kill you," Gokou announced gleefully. "You won't be able to keep up with me when I show you my secret attack!"

"Since when do you have a secret attack?" Akki asked, fazing out from in front of him and slamming him into the ground. "If you did have one then you'd've used it two days ago when you saw me transform."

"Well actually, you could give Bura-chan the credit for me finally figuring out how to do this," Gokou said, smirking arrogantly. Akki clenched her fists- he knew that any mention of her mistake and his bonding with Bura would get to her more then anything else he could say or do. So of course he was bent on reminding her at least every five minutes. "You see Akki- when a Saiyan bonds both receive all of the other's power."

"Your power hasn't changed at all," Akki said calmly, still trying to call his bluff.

"Remember when the sense of our ki's molded together?" Gokou asked also calmly.

"Yeah, but that-."

"I didn't power down yet nor up, so it would make sense that you wouldn't know. Bura power up," Gokou stated. From ever since he bonded with Bura, he'd been acting like this- an arrogant bastard. And in a completely different way then her own father.

He had been acting like her sensei, looking down on her even when she was beating the shit out of him. And the worst thing was that Bura would be just standing there off to the side- waiting for when he gave an order and then jumping to do it. It was like he had turned her into a mindless doll and she could believe this so readily simply because although her father had not said anything about it- it seemed obvious that bonding with someone as young as Bura could and had destroyed her body, mind, and soul utterly. You simply couldn't do something like this to a six year old! And it was all Akki's fault. All her fucking fault since she hadn't protected her properly. And there was no way she could set this right. At all. No way.

"Akki if you would pay attention," Gokou rebuked. Akki's head snapped up and gaped at the sight before her- Bura was Super Saiyan Level 4. "Yes. Just as I thought. Bura-chan, could you please get rid of this little pest?"

Bura smirked, and then charged, slamming her fist into the side of Akki's head before she could even blink. With an even greater burst of speed the small girl fazed out and caught Akki's falling form with a closed fist, sending her fying into the ground a few feet away, skidding to a precarious stop.

The older girl groaned, not able to help herself, and tried to stand up, but Bura was too fast- slamming her unrelenting back to the ground again. But this time Akki was ready for the girl's speed, turning her fall into a flip and falling back into ready position.

Bura smiled and bowed to her opponent, "May the fight begin."

Akki stared, stunned. She.…talked. And then she was flying back through the air.

"Damn little bitch did that on purpose!" Akki gritted her teeth as she caught herself, rolling out of her fall. She could hear Gokou's chuckling, but concentrated on her suddenly extremely athletic sister. No one would trick her into making the same mistake again- but they were smart knowing that the only way to beat her would have to be to keep her off-guard. "Now let's see what you're really made of!"

And with that she started the charge, and this time the two figures seemed to be finally meeting equally. Until Akki was suddenly caught from behind by two strong hands she could hardly remember. `What the….could it be….Gotenks?'

"What the hell are you doing Akki?" The fused warrior asked, angrily. "She's just a child and you're about to kill her!"

"She's Super Saiyan Level 4 dumb ass! I wouldn't kill her," Akki snarled. "Just beat her up a bit- how do you think I got like this?!"

"Think rationally for a moment- who's her mother?" Gotenks said calmly.

"You have no fucking-," Akki paused, and then shook her head. "Let me go and I'll explain."

"I've been waiting for the two of you," Gokou grinned. "It wouldn't be as much fun without you. There wouldn't be as amusing of a show…."

"Show," Akki snorted, shaking her head. "Don't get on your high horse Gramps simply because your little pawn dealt a few blows- you caught me offgaurd….a lot of times."

"What the heck is going on here? Why is Bura his `pawn'?" Gotenks asked, thoroughly confused.

"He bonded with her."

"What the hell?" Gotenks asked, more appalled then anything else. "That's not funny! How can you make jokes at a time like this?"

"Exactly what I said when it was first shoved into my face actually," Her voice was full of humor but her face was dead serious. "Ever since then I haven't slept. I haven't eaten- I haven't even stopped fight actually. I can't allow such a mistake to happen again."

"It's not like I would actually do anything- and I could do with a bit of food myself," Gokou nodded. "Bura honey- why don't you go say hello to your brother and Akki's lover? Whom consequently become lovers themselves?"


Random Ages (for people, like me, who've forgotten or never knew;)

Pan- 18 (when she gets out of time chamber)

Akki- 17

Trunks- 20

Goten- 19

I think that's how I had it at the beginning, but I'm not sure..so that's what I'll be going on after the next chappy..don't ask why I'm putting it in this one; ^-^


Only four more chappies! ^-^ I'll get them out as fast as possible. Sorry for the long delay on this one;
