Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Future ❯ The Dragons Command ( Chapter 2 )

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Goku was looking around for a place to rest when he remembered the remaining wishes that the dragon had left. So Goku took the dragon balls out of his pocket and threw them into the air and called, "Porunga."

The dragon appeared in a grumpy mood and said, "You still have 17 wishes left."

"I wish that Chi-Chi was with us. When we have finished with all of our wishes we will be on a Paradise planet. I wish Pikon were also with us." Goku Wished.

"Videl and Gothan were with us." Gohan Wished.

"Bra and Brodan are with me." Wished Goten.

"I wish I was taller. I also wish that 18 and Maron to were here." Krillin asked.

"I wish that for us all to be 18 years old. I wish that we all live in one house on the planet with a floor each." Gothan and Brodan wished.

"I wish that Bulma was here, and so was Pikon."

"All of your wishes have been granted. You know have 7 wishes left." Porunga Yelled.


Goku, Gohan, Goten, Chi- chi, Videl, Bra, Gothan, Brodan, Vegeta, Bulma, Pikon, Piccolo, Krillin, 18 and Maron were all relaxing on sun beds and drinking martinis when a guy walked over and stood in front of them.

"My name is Brolly. If you need anything and I know you will just ring me on this phone or walk up to the Hotel." Brolly threw the phone to Goku.


The gang walked up to the hotel and asked if there were any clothes stores.

"Certainly and because you are the only ones to ever find this planet you get everything free." Brolly answered.

The gang chose clothes then changed and sat down at a table and called Brolly.

"What kind of food do you serve here?" Goku asked.

"You can have anything you want." Brolly Replied.

"Okay then bring us some of everything." Goku demanded.

"WHAT! Oh ok if you wish."

Ten minutes later the table was piled with food. Brolly stood and watched as the finished the food in only twenty minutes.

"More. Bring some more food." Goku muffled while swallowing some chicken.

The gang had finished eating so they went to the lobby and rang the bell.

When brolly appeared Goku asked him if he knew anything of dragonballs.

"I was sent the fully upgraded dragonballs to give to whoever found this planet, from the Kai's. You guys found it so I guess they're yours."

"How many wishes can we have?" Brodan Questioned.

"They have unlimited wishes and are only the size of golf balls. But there is actually only one dragonball, and not how ever many you think that there is." Brolly answered, "It is in the back room if you would like to follow me.

When they went inside the back room there was a cushion with the dragonball sitting in the middle. The dragonball was pure gold other than the small Silver Star.

"Goku picked it up and accidentally dropped it on the floor. A puff of smoke appeared and a dragon smashed through the building tearing the roof and walls down leaving the gang standing amidst rubble.

"You have summoned the Ultimate Black Shenlon. You have unlimited wishes. Just make it snappy."

Their Wishes:

They had a house on their planet with unlimited floors.

Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Tien, Trunks and Pan were there.

There was a water park down the road.

That food would never run out.

There was a gym next door.

They owned a 200 metre long ship which could travel through space and to other galaxies. Also that it had a whole crew and room's setup for them on it.

Brollys house and restaurant wreck was gone.

"That is all Shenlon. You may return to the dragonball." Goku yelled and Shenlon shrank back into the dragonball.

"I would be honoured if u would join the Z Warriors Brolly." Goku Said.

"Fine it is a deal."

They all went their separate ways, but before they all disappeared Goku told everyone to go to the conference room on the 14th floor whenever he rang a bell.


Goku rang the bell and everybody headed to the room as quick as possible. Once they had all arrived Goku told them to rest for the completion of the day as tomorrow they would need their energy as they were going to train at the gym.


The following morning they all met Goku at the Gym to practice and upgrade their moves.

They trained for 5 hours and everybody had increased their ki.


The next day after breakfast everyone met in the lounge.

"On the 15th of September we will be holding a competition like the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Apart from the fact that everybody fights everybody and the top eight fighters will succeed to the finals." Goku Announced.


September the 15th finally came and everybody had nearly doubled their Ki since Goku announced the tournament.

The first rounds took place and the winners were:

Trunks vs Brodan- Trunks

Goku vs Goten- Goku

Krillin vs Vegeta- Vegeta

Gohan vs Gothan- Gohan

Piccolo vs Pan- Pan

Pikon vs Chiaotzu- Pikon

Brolly vs 18- Brolly

Yamcha vs Tien- Yamcha

Bulma, Chi-chi, Maron and Bra didn't compete.


All the fights took place and the final results were.

Goku- 15 wins

Vegeta- 14 wins

Brolly- 13 wins

Gohan- 12 wins

Pikon- 11 wins

Trunks- 10 wins

Goten- 9 wins

Brodan- 8 wins

Gothan- 7 wins

Piccolo- 6 wins

18- 5 wins

Krillin- 4 wins

Pan- 3 wins

Yamcha- 2 wins

Tien- 1 win

Chiaotzu- 15 losses

So Goku, Vegeta, Brolly, Gohan, Pikon, Trunks, Goten and Brodan all prepared for the Finals.

They all picked a number to see who they were versing.

It was Brodan and Goten, Vegeta and Pikon, Brolly and Trunks, and Gohan and Goku.

In the Quarter Finals Goten beat Brodan, Vegeta beat Pikon, Brolly beat Trunks, and Goku beat Gohan.

So it was Vegeta vs Goten, and Brolly verse Goku.

Vegeta and Goku won so they proceeded to the Final.

They started off at Super Saiyan 1 and every time they hit each other they would power up to the next level. Goku and Vegeta both made it to Super Saiyan 4 and were matching kick for kick, punch for punch and blast for blast. Until after about an hour when Vegeta nipped Goku's arm with a Final Flash. Goku went mental and slammed Vegeta right in the gut with his knee. He then pulled his knee away and smashed Vegeta down to the ground. He pulled his hands to his hip in a V and started to do a Kamehameha. Vegeta was already nearly dead on the ground so when he was unable to block the kamehameha he was knocked unconscious.

"Good on you Goku" Every body yelled in Unison.

Goku walked over to Vegeta stood him up, slung his arm over Vegetas shoulder and helped him walk over to the group.

"Hey Goku is there any prizes?" Brodan asked inquisitively.

"No the only prize you ever need is knowing that you can win. I know a couple of you never stood a chance in this tournament but don't you worry. The future may present you with some good luck."


The next day was the Party to celebrate everybody's efforts in the tournament, mainly though it was for Goku's victory.

Once it had stopped everybody just went and did their own thing for a couple of months and Goku went to train.


One day when he was training under 625 times Earth gravity he had a vision of King Kai telling him to stop training or he would die from having no energy left. So Goku began to relax more and he convinced everybody to do the same.

The next Monday the bell rang and everybody ran to the conference room and sat around the table. First Goku talked about inviting some of the bad guys that they had killed in the past for some training. When Brolly stood up and announced that it was he who sent Ginyu to Kill Goten because Goten wasn't a human. When they were training on Earth for the tournament on Vegeta, Dr Gero swapped Goten with an android who looked exactly the same and Dr Gero was going to destroy Goten on the 25th of December that Year, which was only 1 week away.

Goku asked where Goten was and Brolly explained that he was tied up on Earth.

Goku ran and jumped from the balcony of the conference room to the ground. He summoned Shenlon and asked for Goten to be back with the group instead of the android and that he knew everything the android had and he had his moves and ki.

Shenlon returned to the dragonball and put it away. Everyone was so happy that the real Goten was with them so they decided to go on a holiday.