Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Always Hope ❯ Gossip and Stares ( Prologue )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ok guys this is my first high school fic ever and it's definitely not liked the others you've read. At least I think mine is sort of original. You tell me. Yeah anyway let's get on to the story shall we.
First off I don't own DBZ and if I did trust me I'd probably own this site. Maybe not huh.
Always Hope
Chapter 1: Gossip and Stares
“Isn't that Bulma Briefs?”
“Naw it couldn't be. She's part of the cheerleading squad and you know they always
hang together.”
“No that's her who else has blue hair.”
“It's cerulean.”
“Didn't you hear? Chi Chi and the whole squad totally kicked her off.”
“No for real!!”
“Yeah they said she was sleeping with all the football guys.”
“You're joking!”
Bulma continued to walk down the crowded hall head down glaring at each tile she stepped on. She chose to ignore all the stares and gossiping going on around her since she didn't need any trouble on her first day. Not that she couldn't handle it. She just had other things to worry about other than some dumb gossipers who had nothing better to do. So she walked on.
“Hey isn't that Bulma?” Trish a brown haired cheerleader asked her group of cheerleaders and jocks who leaned against the lockers in their regular spot.
“Yeah that's her right Chi?” Donna a red haired cheerleader asked turning to her black haired “friend”.
“Yeah so what?” Chi Chi asked popping gum uninterestedly. “I don't believe that bitch actually showed up.”
“Hey Chi that's not nice.” A tall and strikingly handsome black haired jock stated glancing at Bulma who still had her head down in her own thoughts.
“Oh puhlease Goku. That bitch had it coming to her from the moment she stepped to me.” Chi stated pushing herself off the locker. “Come on girls let's go to class.”
Another jock shorter than the first waited until the girls left to ask, “What exactly happened between them Kakarot?” His midnight black eyes followed the petite blue haired girl as she walked.
“Actually Vegeta I'm still not sure.” The boy named Kakarot said uneasily running his hand through his wild locks. “I tried to ask Bulma but she won't tell me much less talk to me. I don't know what I did?!” He continued quite upset that one of his best friends continued to ignore him.
“Obviously it had something to do with that bitch Chi Chi since she seems to hate Bulma so much now.” Vegeta said walking towards the office to get his schedule.
“That's not very nice Vegeta. But yeah I figured that too but Chi Chi hates to talk about it. She always changes the subject or offers me food. Not that I don't want it of course.” Goku babbled following close behind Vegeta.
“Whatever. We'll just have to figure it out won't we.” Vegeta answered walking into the office.
“Hey Bulma!” An extremely happy male's voice called.
“Hey Krillen.” Bulma mumbled unenthusiastically recognizing his voice without actually seeing him.
“Hey come on school's not that bad.” Krillen said finally catching up to her.
“Sure it isn't.” She sarcastically replied studying her friend from the corner of her eye. “I think you're the only person here who still likes me.” She stated after a moment.
“Now that's not true. You know Goku still likes you. No matter what Chi Chi and her whole group says.” Krillen said holding up his hand to keep her from cutting in. “And Vegeta doesn't give a damn about rumors. He'll still talk to you, sort of.”
“Vegeta! Please.” Bulma snorted casting an unbelieving look at her best friend. “We've only actually talked like twice during our whole 3 years here. (Did I forget to mention they were seniors?)”
“Yeah but that's a whole lot more than any other girl. They would envy to be in your place.” Krillen said naively.
“Yeah I bet.” She mumbled her eyes becoming glazed from the conflict of thoughts in her head.
“I didn't mean it like that.” Krillen sighed rubbing his short locks guiltily.
“I know. Hey you grew back your hair!” She screamed in delight grabbing him for a crushing hug. “Awww. You look so cute.” She gushed rubbing her hands through his hair as they walked making him blush from all the stares they received.
“Hey what class do you have first?” He asked taking out him schedule.
“Aww I have English. Maybe I'll see you next period?” He asked hopefully. Bulma was his only friend in the whole school other than Goku and Vegeta, though he wouldn't exactly call him and Vegeta friends.
“Maybe but I doubt it. Don't think I'm going to any of my classes.” She said kicking a soda can out of her way.
“What!? You're skipping on the first day!?!” He yelled in surprise.
“Keep it down! But yeah. Don't really feel like it.” Bulma shrugged her shoulders before walking off. “Guess I can't call you cue-ball anymore huh?” She called back over her shoulder on the way out the doors.
“Heh, yeah I guess.” He mumbled lowly turning around to find his first class.
AN: Um what do you think. I know it was sort. But it was an intro. So review or flame, heh, and tell me what you think. Thanks.