Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ America? ❯ Prologue
Disclaimer: I don't own Dbz or any of these character.
Although dreams could happen! Cant they?
This is my first fic so please be nice
This is not a Gohan and Videl Fic!!!
First off Gohan did beat cell and Goku is still alive. Gohan never stopped his studies with his dad, or mom. He is now proudly known as the most powerful person in the world (well to the z warriors anyway). He never met Videl and is getting kind of bored doing his daily routines. Gohan also has achieved the ability to turn super saiyan 4. He's 17and sorry to all the Goten fans but he's not born yet and I'm not sure if ill put him but if you want him in just tell me in your review. Trunks is 13 and sees Gohan as his older brother.
( ) =me
*Gohans thoughts
^ ^ Bulma's and Vegeta's telepathy
" " Talking
*When did my life become this boring…* Gohan is in his room doing some advanced form of trigonometry (even the name makes my head hurt) on his desk waiting for the clock to turn 3:00pm so he can train. His mom had given up long ago on trying to make him study all day because he would just sneak outside and train with out her knowing. He's wearing his fighting gi which is a tight body suit that's navy blue, like Vegetas, with a red sash, no sleeves, and saiyan boots and gloves. (Drools)
He looks at his clock* come on turn already… 3:00pm Yes!! Time to train! * He runs out his door only to come face to face with his moms evil frying pan. * I got to remember to hide that thing … again*
"Hey mom what's up" he finally gets out after he peeled his face away from the pan.
" Don't even think about training today! You know we have to go see Bulma REMEMBER! Honestly I don't know how you forget so easily about this." Starts to sob." My son has become a hooligan!!" Chi Chi then starts to break down crying.
" No I haven't mom I'm sorry I'll go come on." Helps her up and walks outside. * I hate it when she pulls this act over on me … well maybe I can train a little with Vegeta or Trunks? They are starting to become a better challenge after all. Well that is if Vegeta will let me. Well it's a thought. * " Come on mom lets go." Grabs his mom around the waste and takes off toward Bulma's.
*Oops I forgot mom doesn't like to fly. * Gins evilly. Chi Chi has a death grip around his neck and if it wasn't for his strength he would probably be dead right now.