Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ An Awaited Love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from dbz/gt…but I do own Zeke, Bryanni n other characters I've made up in this ficcy so there :P
Author Notes: Okies this is not on the based on the real DBZ cuz I've added a few characters to it…well I'll let u read on so I won't spoil it for u! And yes, Krazy DBZ Gal is back n krazier than before…..muhahahahaha!! Errrr…. *Shuts up and starts writing * Oh there's a little swearing too!
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Chapter 1
Pan sat on the white sofa at the Hall house. She had her hands on her lap. She was looking at the diamond ring on her finger. "So Pan do you understand why I can't?" The blue haired boy asked Pan sitting opposite her. She hadn't heard a word he said. "Pan?" He asked again, this time jerking her out of her trance. She looked at him, tears threatening to fall, her lip quivered. The man looked at his hands. "I'm sorry Pan." Pan closed her eyes, blinking back the tears. "You're sorry!" Anger started to build up. He looked up at her. "I thought I was really ready for commitment but…but I guess I was just wrong. I never meant to hurt you." Pan stared at him. "But you said you loved me! But I guess you really don't know what love is!" He looked at his hands again. "Pan when I met you I instantly fell in love with you! I still do it's just…" He looked up at her. "It's just I'm not ready for all this. I'm still young! I'm only twenty-one!" He looked guilty. Pan thought he had every right to, he's just broke her heart. "You're twenty-one! I'm only eighteen! And I was prepared to settle down, but I obviously picked the wrong man….no I picked a boy not a man!" She looked at the diamond ring and slid it off her finger. She stood up straightening her jeans out and walked over to him. He watched her walk up to him. He looked up at her. She bent down a little and took one of his hands in hers. She then placed the tiny diamond ring in the palm of his hand. She clasped his fingers around it. "Give it to some-one when you're ready for your commitment." She said bitterly. She then headed out towards the door. "Pan? Wait?" He called to her. She kept walking and put a hand up. "Save it Dan for some-one that cares." She bit back the tears and exited the house. She blasted off into the night sky. Tears trailing down her cheeks.
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Three Years Later
Pan dodged the ki blast Bra threw at her. She formed her own ki blast in her hand throwing it back at her friend. Bra saw it coming; she simply knocked it behind her. Pan was about to start forming another one when Bra interrupted her. "Panny time out!" She looked down at her friend. Pan looked up. The ki blast disappearing in her hand. She landed in the gravity room. Bra landed next to her. Bra picked up her towel and wiped the sweat from her face. Pan picked up her bottle of water and tipped it on her face. It ran down her, cooling her down. Bra slung the towel around her shoulders and watched Pan. "Wanna get something to eat?" Pan picked up her towel and wiped the sweat from her tummy. "Sure, I'm starving." Both girls left the training room. They walked into the kitchen at Capsule Corps. Bulma and Trunks were sat at the table, both had they're hands wrapped a mug. They both looked at the two demi-saiyajins. Both girls stared at Trunks. "TRUNKS! You're back!" Bra screamed happily. Pan just looked at him. He stood up and raced over to his sister. "Hey little sis!" Bra stopped him. "Don't hug me, I've been training." She smiled at him. "Ugh okay." "Anyone hungry?" Bulma stood up looking at the two girls and Trunks. "Yeah, mom. I'm starving!" Bra walked past Trunks to her mother, leaving Pan and Trunks. "Good work out?" He asked, smiling at her. "Um…yeah." She was a little embarrassed at letting Trunks see her like this. All sweaty and in a crop top and trousers. Luckily Trunks didn't detect that she was embarrassed. "So when did you get back, Trunks?" Bra interrupted, popping a few grapes in her mouth. Trunks turned back to her. "A few hours ago. I think you were training." Pan pulled out her ponytail and dried some of her hair with her towel, before going over to Bulma, who was making sandwiches for the two girls. "I have so much to tell you!" Bra cried excitedly at her brother. "Yes well you can tell Trunks at dinner tonight. I suggest you and Pan go clean up after you've eaten these." Bulma said to her daughter, setting the plate of sandwiches down on the table. "Will do mom." Bra said pulling two cans of coke out of the fridge. "Well I'll leave you kids to it." Bulma said exiting the kitchen. She the popped her head back around the door. "You lot be ready at seven thirty. Oh and Pan can you tell your family to be here at seven thirty?" "No problem." Pan told her pulling back the pull ring on the can. Bulma smiled then actually left them. Trunks sat down watching the two girls eat. "Honestly I don't see why mom's making such a fuss over my return?" He picked a sandwich off the plate. "Hey!" Bra said letting him off when he flashed her a cheeky smile. "Anyway bro, you know what mom's like. Plus you've been away for three years! How was the trip anyway?" She tucked into another sandwich. "It was interesting, but I'm glad to be home." He felt a pair of eyes watch him. He looked at Pan; she quickly looked down, her cheeks a little pink and she carried on eating her sandwich. Pan looks different, he thought as he studied her. She looked older but that was expected. Last time he saw her she was eighteen and now she was twenty-one. But that wasn't the only difference. It was her hair, it was shorter. Just above her shoulders now. "So Pan, how's you and Dan?" Trunks asked, last time he saw her she was going steady with a guy called Dan. They were engaged, Trunks recalled. Pan stopped eating and slowly looked up at Trunks. Her eyes wide and watery. She stood up and looked at Bra. "I'm sorry Bra, I remembered I have to go home, I forgot to do something." She quickly rushed out the building. Trunks looked confused. "Did I say something wrong?" Bra frowned at her brother angrily. "Good going Trunks! You idiot!" Trunks looked even more confused. "What? What did I do?" Bra sighed closing her eyes, she re-opened them. "Dan broke up with her three years ago." "But I thought they were engaged and happy?" Trunks asked. Bra took a swig from her can. "They were. But then Dan suddenly spilt up with Pan saying he wasn't ready for commitment. But a few weeks later he's seen with Marron and as far as we know they still are. I think Panny still has feelings for him." Trunks expression turned to shock and anger. "What a bastard! He didn't deserve Panny anyway! Was he cheating on Pan with Marron?" He asked, now feeling like a baka for upsetting Pan. "Seems so." She finished her sandwich. Then stood up brushing the crumbs off her. She looked at Trunks. "You can finish them off if you want? I really need to go clean up." "Nah, I might go see Goten." He said still sat down. "Well you'll have to wait 'til he finishes work." Bra looked at her watch. Trunks sat up straight, raising an eyebrow. "Work?" Bra looked to him as if he should know, the she remembered Trunks had been away. "Yeah, Goten's working now." "Where?" He asked his sister. "Oh some office in Satan city, I'm not sure where." She informed him. "How long's he been working?" "For about a year and a half. Now I really need to go have a shower." She smiled at him. "See ya later." She walked out the kitchen to the stairs. "Wait? Bra? When's he finish work?" He rushed out his chair and to the stairs just in time to still catch Bra. Bra stopped half way up the stairs and looked at him a little annoyed. "Five, Trunks!" "Kay thanks!" She started back up the stairs. "Oh by the way Trunks love your hair!" She called from upstairs. Trunks smiled. He then retreated back to the sandwiches, feeling a little peckish.
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Pan stormed into her house, still in her work out gear. Videl looked up from the paper she was reading on the kitchen table. Pan opened the fridge taking a bottle of water from it and drinking it. "Good work out dear?" She went back to reading the paper. "Yeah." Pan told her leaning against the counter. "Until Trunks turned up and asked about Dan!" She drank some more of the cool water. "Oh, Trunks is back?" Videl looked up at her daughter. "Yeah." Pan looked around the house. "Where's Bryanni?" She asked. "Oh Zeke's took her out." Videl told her returning again to her paper. "I wish he'd tell me he's taking her out first." She said a little angry. Videl looked up at her daughter again. "Pan she's in safe hands with your brother. He's probably taken her round to your grandparents. You know how Goku loves her. Plus you'd gone training with Bra." Pan sighed. "Yeah but still." She agreed with her mother. They were both silent for a moment. "Anyway mom, Bulma's invited us over to Capsule Corps for dinner tonight at seven thirty, to welcome Trunks home. And now I'm gonna have a bath and freshen up." She headed up the stairs. "Okay I'll call Chi-Chi and tell her the details." Videl stood up and went over to the phone. Pan heard her mother chatting away to her grandma. She went Bryanni's and her's bedroom. Toys were all over the floor. She looked at her daughter's messy little bed. She smiled climbing over the toys to her wardrobe, so she could get some clothes to change into after her bath.
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Relaxing in the bath she felt stupid for running out on Bra and Trunks. Especially since Trunks had just came back from his trip. She should have stayed and told him what happened in the past three years. And about Bryanni too. Bryanni was Dan and her's daughter. She didn't know she was pregnant until after they spilt up. She never told Dan either, plus he was too interested in Marron anyway. Pan had never forgiven Marron, her friend at the time for that. She hasn't spoke to Marron since, no-one does. And Marron too knows nothing about Bryanni, and that's the way Pan intended it to be. Thinking back to Trunks he had changed so much in appearance. Okay he's still six years older than her. He was a little more muscular and older, but that was expected. The massive change though was his hair. He had lost his floppy curtain style haircut. It was now spiky. Not short spikes, they were a little floppish, but not too long. Pan thought he looked nice. Even his dress wear had changed. Baggy trousers and hoodies. But he had been in America and Europe for three years, travelling. Pan thought he looked quite good in them clothes. She had a little crush on him when she was thirteen, when they went into space with her grandpa Goku, but that was eight years ago and a lot's happened since then. Not that she's regretted some of the things. She never regretted accidentally falling pregnant with Bryanni. Although her father wasn't too happy about it, her mother was abit better about it. Zeke thought it was funny, but then he is three years younger than Pan. But he loves his niece to pieces now, always spoiling her. Some one knocking on the bathroom door interrupted Pan's thoughts. "Panny how long you gonna be?" her father called from the other side of the door. Pan had lost track of the time but if her father's home then it must have gone six. "Pan?" He called again. "Uh sorry dad, I'll be out in five." "Good other's need the bathroom too." He then left her. Pan quickly washed herself and dressed.
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Well that's chapter 1 of me new ficcy! What do you think? It's a little of track of what actually happened in DBZ/GT…I mean with Pan having a younger brother and Bra training and Trunks travelling the world…..I wanted the characters to look a little different, Trunks is the biggest change tho! Well I'll stop rambling on….any comments would nice.