Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ And We Were Angels ❯ What the Heart Wants ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

And We Were Angels

By: AMCM74


Chapter 23 - What the Heart Wants


The sun was shining so brightly that the church looked like a fairy tale castle manifested on the streets of West City. The sound of birds, if any, was drowned out by traffic noise.

Vegeta took a deep breath as he listened to Steven complain about the ebony tux he was crammed into. Vegeta gave a sharp look to the younger man and arched one eyebrow as if to say, "Your point is?"

"You have done it again." Ree leaned in and straightened Steven's bowtie. The other man's date was a playful young thing with short-cropped lilac colored hair. Her bubbly personality was either drug induced or a result of ingesting too much sugar as a child that had yet to work it's way out of her system. Either way she was a damn sight annoying.

"I don't give a shit if it's straight or not Ree." Steven batted her hand away and twisted the offending bowtie again. Ree's response was to tilt her head and bat her deep Mediterranean blue eyes at him. "Knock it off!" Steve snapped.

"If you behave I will let you drive my hoopty car," Ree baited.

Vegeta watched the boy weaken and almost gagged from the sweetness of it all. Moving away from them, he made his way to the street. It was hard enough knowing this was the last time that he would see Bulma Briefs in person, one last day to stand at her side and hear her voice. He glared over his shoulder at the giggling Ree as she dropped a set of keys into Steven's hands. Mortals. They didn't know how lucky they were.


The voice was almost breathless, but Vegeta knew it as Bulma's instantly. He turned to reprimand her for being late and stopped cold. The sight of her was overwhelming.

Bulma could not stop the smile of pleasure that rushed to her lips, as she watched Vegeta react to the result of her time consuming preparations. Her smile only helped to enhance her dazzling effect. She opened her hands toward him and said, "I take it that you like what you see?"

Taking in the dress, whose material was so light and delicate that it flowed in a nonexistent breeze, Vegeta nodded. The shining blue tresses of Bulma's hair had been twisted and curled upward with silver ribbons that matched the shining tones of the precious metal that adorned her body. He did not know what to say to her. She was enchanting to look upon.

"Bulma!" Steven waved, "I see you finally made it."

Waving back, Bulma grabbed Vegeta by the arm and headed up the stairs. "Yes, and just barely I see." They turned to see people being ushered into the church.

They were seated in the middle on Yamcha's side of the church. Vegeta felt Bulma reaching out to clasp his hand in hers. He was so taken in with her that he didn't stop to realize that he was in his mortal form in a church before God himself.

"I love weddings." Bulma sighed as she titled her head almost dreamily. "They are so much fun - not to mention the flowers, the dress and all the attention."

"Not to mention the sacred commitment that binds two mortal beings together for the rest of their days," Vegeta reminded her.

"There was a time I would have cringed at that thought." She reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"And now?" Vegeta didn't even know where that question came from. What did it matter if she had decided that matrimony was less than horrific? This was his last day with her. After this ceremony and the reception shortly thereafter he would disappear from her life. Forever.

"Now I don't think being tied to one person, as long as he's the right one, would be that bad at all..." Her voice trailed off, as Vegeta's eyes darkened, deep in thought. What must it be like for him? She could tell that there was a change taking place. Pressing her lips together she could only pray that it was the change she wanted. The thought that this was the last day she would be with her angel tore at her heart. It was reminiscent of the moment she had learned her father had cancer. It was amazing that she had become so attached to Vegeta in so little time. Imagining a future without him there to lean on wasn't just painful. It was downright frightening.

Vegeta could hear those thoughts as loudly as if she had spoken them. He looked away and swallowed hard. How could he just leave her full of pain and fear? Wasn't his job, his sole purpose, to stop such hopeless feelings from tormenting her?

The turbulent emotions ended when the music signaled the start of the wedding. Vegeta looked toward Yamcha, who practically jumped a mile as the first few notes were played on the piano. The other man's response to his impending fate was made all the more humorous by the quick chuckle that escaped Bulma. Vegeta smiled, pleased that she had noticed it too.

The ceremony flowed smoothly. Bulma leaned against Vegeta's arm with dreamy eyes, as Yamcha swept his new wife into his arms. The groom kissed his bride lovingly before the entire room of well wishers.

Vegeta was aware of Bulma's slight awe and leaned over to look at her face as she sniffed a bit. "You are not going to cry, are you?"

Sniffing again she shook her head forcing back the tears. "No." She clung hard to his arm, and Vegeta wondered if Bulma was regretting the fact she wasn't at the alter with Yamcha. She nipped that in the bud by admitting "I can't cry. It would ruin my makeup."

"Only you would say something like that," Vegeta shot back with a sad shake of his head.

"But that is what makes me so special to you isn't it?" She leaned closer, ignoring the people rising up around them.

The deep sapphire pools of her eyes were drowning his will and taking his breath away. Vegeta fought her hushed siren's call and looked down, only to be taken in even deeper by the pearl like teeth that sank into her ruby red lip. He raised his hand to her chin and tipped back her head slightly and without any self control allowed himself to drink from her lips.

Bulma was in heaven. The sensuous play of Vegeta's lips on hers was tantalizing beyond her wildest expectations. She allowed his hands to rise over her face and place them on her cheeks. Bulma was more than willing to accommodate the sudden spark that had blazed between them.

A cough was heard close by and it drew the couple's attention to the small group before them. Evelyn crossed her arms and arched one eyebrow.

Ree tried to suppress her laughter as Steven released his bowtie's strangle hold. The dark haired man looked as disinterested in the pair before them as humanly possible. In fact, his cool blue eyes were almost mechanical as he studied the offender he had just pulled from his neck.

"So you are not all that upset over today's events, are you Bulma?" Krillin held out his hand to her.

Bulma studied the open palm a long moment before taking it. "Actually, I think it is the best thing that ever happened to Yamcha." She scooted away from her angel and came to her feet as she smoothed out her dress. Turning to see Vegeta holding her purse out to her, a mysterious smile settled on his lips that was not reflected in his ebony eyes. Swallowing hard she took the bag, while every part of her being was trying to hold back the urge to throw herself into his arms, and resume where they had been before being so rudely interrupted.

"I say from the look of things," Krillin elbowed Bulma, softly breaking her away once again from her personal bit of heaven, "that things have not worked out so badly for you either."

Vegeta came to his feet and stood protectively in front of his charge. Evelyn dropped her arms and with an evil grin added, "So Vegeta, are you going to follow Yamcha's lead and make an honest woman out of Bulma?" A side glance settled on Krillin. "Or are you going to take after Mr. Procrastinator here?"

"OHHHH," Ree squealed with delight as she clasped her hands together.

Steven's bored stare turned into a panicked look as he shoved his date toward the door. "Come on Ree. I don't want you getting any ideas."

Bulma stammered and looked to her angel. Vegeta quickly turned as he stepped around her. "I am in no position to make such a request of Bulma." His lean fingers wrapped roughly around Bulma's arm drawing a sharp gasp from her. Vegeta, in his misery, didn't even notice . "Now if you would kindly mind your own damn business, I believe there is a reception we should all be going to."

"Now you've done it!" Krillen glared at Evelyn.

Evelyn shrugged and set her hands on his shoulders. "You're a man and therefore you are completely blind to the obvious."

"The obvious being?" He raised a hand to his head and ran it down over the back of his neck in exasperation.

Evelyn nodded at the couple exiting through the chapel doors. "That man is besotted with Bulma. She might be cursing me now, but I gave him something to think about. There is nothing a man needs more than thoughts of a future with a woman he loves and desires playing around in his head."

"Oh yeah right," Krillin dropped his shoulders in defeat right along with his head. "He will never have a moment of peace."

"Well," She kissed his cheek, "You would know."


"Vegeta!" Bulma pulled her arm away from him and rubbed her wrist. "SHIT!" She looked at the faint marks left by his fingers and assured herself they would not bruise. The last thing she needed was anyone accusing Vegeta of abusing her. "You didn't have to try and rip my arm off to get me out of there you know. I would have gladly followed if you had bothered to ask."

Vegeta gave her a confused look before looking from the door to her huddled form. He felt his jaw drop open as he realized she was cradling her wrist against her chest. "Forgive me." Irritated, he shook his head. "I forgot for a moment there how delicate mortals are. I am sorry for my actions."

Bulma scoffed. "You damn well better be. I don't like being pulled around in a ME TARZAN, YOU JANE sort of way."

"Let me look at it." He moved to her and took her arm in his hand, running his fingers over the fading marks. "It seems to be alright." Looking up he asked, "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"You could kiss me again," Bulma added quickly. She moved closer to him and inhaled the musky scent that emanated off his body. It was not cologne, but the smell of him, a wonderful scent that triggered all sorts of wild desires within the confines of her being.

Vegeta felt a tremor wrack his frame. It was so violent he knew that Bulma felt it too. Letting go of her arm he stepped away. "I don't think that would be such a good idea." Turning away, he scouted the street and before Bulma could react he stepped out onto the asphalt and hailed a cab.