Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Annual Villain Bikini Contest ❯ Introductions and Dissing ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Annual Villain Bikini Contest

Author: Bunni

Summary: Aha! Thought I was only bluffing about the Annual Villain Bikini Contest, eh? *pokes readers* well I wasn't! ^_^ Prepare to be weirded out by villains in bikini's cat-fighting over a title. ^^;;

Disclaimer: I do not own the authors mentioned here, yet the skater punk and Android T I do.. er.. and the plot, yet not the anime characters! -.0

The Annual Villain Bikini Contest
Prologue- Introductions and Dissing

*Bunni comes out wearing camoflauge uniform complete with an army cap with her rabbit ears sticking out*

Bunni: Eh, so you all thought I was only joking about the Annual Villain Bikini Contest, huh? *pokes the readers with her bonking stick* Well, as you can plainly see- I'm not! ^_^ Now you all see that I wasn't, let's get on with the fanfic! *diabolical laughter* Mwahahahahah *hackwheeze* ahahahahahahahahaha *cough* hahahaha!

Person in the third row: *throws popcorn at her* Get on with it already!

Bunni:-.-;; eh.. fine! *briefly thinks about bonking the person* Now on with the story!

Goten:Time to make fanfic magic...*hits lights off and the screen lights up*

Trunks:*gets comfortable in his seat* I am so going to enjoy this.

Marron: *gets out candy* This is gonna be good..

Person in the fifth row:..*shakes head* I hope I don't get grossed out.. O.o;;


*We see a cloaked figures lurk unto the street, heading towards the mailbox. The one, seemingly in charge signals for something. Another hooded person steps up and gets out a big box of letters, and are about to drop them in the mailbox until some skater punk kid yells at them*


Hooded Figures:*turn to the disrespectful brat and point to themselves as they look around*..


Hooded Figure #1: Come back here you Brat so I can bonk you! *shakes fist*..

Hooded Figure # 2: Well the kid does have a point. Emailing is alot more efficient and faster.

Hooded Figure #1:*sweatdrop* Now why didn't I think of that?

Hooded Figure #5: Um... 'cause some snot-nosed kid thought of it first?

Hooded Figure #1:*takes out bonking stick and bonks Hooded Figure # 5* shut up! *starts to walk away* come on, we have to use Pudgoose's computer..

Hooded Figure #4: WHAT? Why MY computer?!

Hooded Figure # 1:uh...'cause...*trails off*.. just because! *walks off* Now let's go!

Pudgoose: -.-;;

Hooded Figure #3: *sniggers*

Pudgoose: Shut up, Sapphire.

Sapphire: O.o;; make me..

Pudgoose:*growls and launches herself at Sapphire* FINE I WILL!

Hooded Figure # 2: WAHOO! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! *cheers as she gets popcorn out of nowhere*

Hooded Figure # 5: *nudges Hooded Figure # 2* Betcha five bucks Sapphire wins.

Hooded Figure # 2: You're on! *goes back to cheering* Go Pudgoose!

Hooded Figure # 5: Go Sapphire! That's it! Break Pudgoose's nose.. OOH *groans* that's gotta hurt..*winces*

Hooded Figure #1:*growls and comes back after she realizes no one is following her* BAKAS! *bonks them all* Come, we have wasted precious time..

Sapphire: *whispers to Pudgoose* This is all your fault..

Pudgoose: WHAT? WHY YOU LITTLE- *WHAP* ouchies.. *rubs head*

Hooded Figure #1:*grumbles* Authors..*shakes head* you can't leave them alone for one minute..

Sapphire: Uh.. could we make a detour to the hospital first? *passes out*

Pudgoose: *starts laughing at Sapphire* HAHA! Sapphire deser- *stops and passes out also*..

Hooded Figure # 1:*curses and walks away* Like little children -.-;;

Hooded Figure # 5:*drags Sapphire*

Hooded Figure # 2:*drags Pudgoose and turns to Hooded Figure # 2* Well, I guess you owe me five bucks..

Hooded Figure # 5:*turns to Hooded Figure # 2* Don't make me call Bunni and have her bonk you..*resumes walking*

Hooded Figure # 2: O.o;; *sighs heavily and drags the heavy Pudgoose with her*


*The five hooded figures stood in front of a computer, blinking as it came to life.*

Pudgoose: *has a bandaid over her nose and her head wrapped in bandages and leg in cast* My computer! ^_^ It is ressurected!

Sapphire: *arm in cast and a black eye with bandages over her head too* O.o;; *mutters* weird author kids today..

Hooded Figure #5: umm.. so what do we do again? O.O I forgot.

Hooded Figure #2: Me too.. -_-;; I want toothpaste.. and I miss Goten and his fried chicken.

Hooded Figure #1: *slaps head* Not this again! Android18, I know you miss Goten and his fried chicken and want toothpaste and that Zurri-chan wants er..- something, I'm not sure what, but you guys have to remember the mission people! We have to email the villains about the contest! Got it?

Hooded Figures:*nod in unison*

Hooded Figure #1: Good. *cracks knuckles as she looks at her email address book* Good thing I got the villains so drunk at that last party that they told me their email addresses! ^-^ I'm such a genius.. ok an evil and slightly insane genius, but a genius whatsoever.

Hooded Figures:*sweatdrop*

Hooded Figure #1:*laughs maliciously as she types*

Zurri-chan:..*leans towards Android18 and whispers*..is Bunni always like that?

Android18:*shrugs* Don't ask me, I'm new too..

Pudgoose: I'm slightly scared now..*stares at Bunni as she emails the villains all the while laughing evilly* my poor computer.. -_-;; *sniff*


Trunks:*laughs so hard that his side hurts* Freaks in robes, *wipes tear away* so true..*WHAP*

Bunni:*bonks Trunks* shut up..

Trunks:O.o;;*rubs head*

Marron and Android T:*sniggers*

Goten:^-^ poor Trunks..*plays with lizard*

Bunni: Ok, who's gonna do the "Next Time" thingie?

Marron: I'll do it.. ahem..*masculine deep voice* "What do the hooded figures plan to do (as if you don't know..), who will be invovled (um.. duh!) and what's this? O.o;; More whackiness ensues in the next chapter? Tune in for Chapter One: OOH! I got mail!" ^_^*returns to girly voice* is that good?



Android T: O.O

Goten:^-^*doesn't notice* yeah Marron it was!*lets go of lizard* There goes my lizard again..-.o

Marron:*big grin and stuffs starbursts in her mouth* *muffled voice* Bood! I'd wad gebbin' pinda ove peared ove bim..*"Good! I was getting kind of scared of him.."*

Bunni, Android T, and Trunks:*have wide eyes still*


Review please! ^-^