Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Anything's Possible ❯ The Plot Thickens! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I don't own Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT or any of its characters. So leave me alone!

Author's Notes: Yo! Sorry this is late. With mid-terms and the holidays coming, I've barely had time to even think about this chapter. Thanks to those who reviewed! They were greatly appreciated! Now, I'm sure everyone would like to know if this story is going anywhere, right? Well this chapter will introduce us to that! This won't be the only conflict, though. You might say there is at least three sagas. Alright, enough babbling! On with the chapter and DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW!

Chapter 9

The great expanse of darkness stretched out endlessly above, its immense void broken only by the countless pin-pricks of light know as the stars in the night sky. Far below, alone atop of a large, yellow, domed building, near the edge of West Capital City, a lone figure laid on its back, pondering at the beautiful scene stretched out above her.

'I wonder where it was,' Jen thought, her deep blue eyes searching for something she wouldn't be able to recognize.

"Where what was?" queried a voice suddenly from behind her. Jen smirked. Raising herself up onto her elbows, she looked over her shoulder at the only person who could read her thoughts.

"Oh nothing. I was just being curious as to where Vegeta-sei used to be,"she told Trunks, as he sat down beside her. "What are you doing up here?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored. Why do you want to know where that place had been all of a sudden?" he asked, laying on his back like Jen had been a moment earlier. Jen smirked down at him before resuming her position.

"I don't know. I kind of want to know if I was born here on Earth or on the home world," she told him. Trunks glanced over at the female Saiyan teen beside him.

"Why do you wonder about that?" he asked curiously. Jen sighed.

"Well, ever since I found out that I'm not human, I kinda feel like I shouldn't classify myself as an Earthling anymore," she confessed.

"Jen... even if you were born on the Saiyan home world, instead of on Earth, you've still lived here since you were an infant. You live like a human, act like a human and even look like one. Just because you're not one genetically, doesn't mean that mentally you aren't one," he told her seriously, then smirked. "Although, you sure act Saiyan sometimes, but I wouldn't want that changed about you at all."

Jen felt tears well up gently in the back of her eyes at his heartfelt confession. She couldn't stop herself, as she suddenly rolled over and kissed him hard on the mouth. Trunks was taken off guard, but quickly recovered, joining in the passion of the kiss. After several long minutes, the two finally pulled back, flushed and breathless.

"I'm sorry. It's just, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," Jen whispered, smiling lovingly at him.

Trunks smirked gently up at her, then softly spoke. "If saying nice things makes you do that, then your going to be hearing a lot of compliments from now on."

Jen smirked back. "I better," she playfully growled before rising to her feet, but only after planting one last kiss on his already swollen lips. Trunks quickly rolled to his feet as well.

"You wanna go do something?" Trunks asked.

"Like what? Everything will be closing soon," Jen reminded him.

"How about Tag?" the Saiyan hybrid offered and Jen promptly gave him an 'are you serious?' look. Trunks just grinned. "Gohan and I used to play it to enhance speed and sharpen reflexes. It works and its a lot of fun too. So are you interested?"

"Alright, but.....," Jen smirked devilishly and before Trunks realized what was happening, Jen had wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a hard kiss on his lips. " You're it!" she told him when she pulled back. Then with a laugh and a shove, she released the startled boy and darted up into the sky and away, her vapor trail leading away from the city and into the wilderness.

"Brat!" Trunks shouted after her, quickly jumping back onto his feet and taking off after her, leaving Capsule Corp. far behind. Vegeta smirked, as their vapor trails faded rapidly against the night sky.


"Jen! You know, you can be a brat when you want to be!" Trunks shouted at the fleeing figure ahead of him.

Jen grinned over her shoulder. "Yeah, I know! But hey! What happened to all of those compliments you were promising to me?" she giggled.

"Compliments?! You're too much of a pain to deserve anymore compliments! If you want one though, I will give you some credit for staying ahead of me for this long, but that's going to end right now!"

Jen felt his ki burst and knew he was gaining on her rapidly now. She gave a sly smirk and waited. Just as he was about to catch her, Jen abruptly did a nose dive down into the forest beneath them. Trunks growled at his miss, but quickly followed the fleeing Saiyan girl.

Jen would have laughed, if she wasn't too occupied with trying to dodge the innumerable obstacles the dark forest presented. She wove in and out of the trees as rapidly as she could, occasionally making an abrupt turn when Trunks started getting too close. Her long prehensile tail was curled tightly around her leg, keeping the sensitive appendage out of harms way.

Trunks smirked as once more he gained on Jen, thinking that he would catch her this time. Just as she was almost within arms reach away, she suddenly changed her horizontal flight to a vertical one, shooting straight back into the star filled sky. Once more completely caught off guard, Trunks almost didn't avoid slamming into the massive tree, which suddenly appeared directly in his path.

"How ya doin' back there, Trunks?" Jen sneered when Trunks caught up with her several moments later. Trunks smirked.

"Alright, so you've got a few tricks, but I still have the advantage and could end this in a second," he boasted.

"Oh really? And how would you do that?" Jen questioned back in a disbelieving tone. Trunks chuckled.

"By doing THIS!" In a blazing burst of golden flames, Trunks transformed into a Super Saiyan. Before Jen could react to his sudden transformation, she was tackled from behind and together, the two Saiyan teens slammed downward into the black ocean which they had been racing over, sinking into disappearance beneath the inky water!

For a long moment, nothing moved on the ocean's surface, until suddenly Jen's upper body shot out of the water with a mighty gasp. A second later, Trunks also burst forth.

"TRUNKS! YOU BAKA!" the soaked Jen roared at the equally wet Saiyan hybrid, who was also drifting in the water a few feet away. Trunks chuckled.

"What? Like you wouldn't have done the same thing if you could," he smirked back, swiping his soaked lavender hair out of his eyes. Jen quickly covered up her own smirk with a pout, turning away from him. Trunks grinned and swam slowly over to her. "Awww, come on, Jen-chan! Alright I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He asked with big puppy dog eyes. Jen tried not to laugh at how cute he was acting.

"Fine. I forgive you.......NOT!" she shouted, promptly splashing him. Soon they were in an all out splashing war, laughing and giggling like school children.

"Well, that was fun!" Jen giggled fifteen minutes later, rising slowly up out of the water after Trunks, both soaked to the bone. Trunks was about to say something, when his cheeks suddenly turned a bright scarlet. Jen looked at him confused, then realized where he was staring at. Gulping, she looked down and was mortified to discover that her white shirt was now transparent from the abundant moisture and clung to her like a second skin. As if that hadn't been enough, she was also wearing a white bra! She might as well not being wearing anything at all!

Blushing madly, Jen quickly wrapped her arms tightly around herself, trying to conceal her breasts from the heated stare of the adolescent half-Saiyan male in front of her. Sure they had been a couple for almost two weeks now, but that didn't mean that they had gone all the way yet (YET! ^_^).

Once Jen's breasts were no longer available for him to gawk at, Trunks realized that he had been staring and with a jerk, whipped around to face the opposite direction. There was a long uncomfortable silence, as the two flustered teens hovered dripping over the placid ocean. Finally Jen realized a solution and flared her ki. In an instant, her revealingly soaked clothing was dry. Once Trunks realized her idea he followed her example. Slowly they turned and faced each other, their faces still burning.

"So...," Trunks began hesitantly, "maybe we should head back home, its getting really late." Jen nodded her agreement and side by side, they began their unrushed journey back to Capsule Corp. They flew in silence for a long while, each lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Jen decided to offer Trunks an idea that she had been pondering ever since his arrival.

"Trunks?" He turned his head towards her.


"I've been thinking. What would you say if I told you, that I might know how we can defeat the Androids in your timeline?"

To Be Continued.....

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Next Time: Jen's plan is revealed!

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*giggles* Cliffhanger! Don't forget to REVIEW!

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