Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Anything's Possible ❯ A Discovery Is Made ( Chapter 12 )
Disclaimer: *sigh* Just see the past chapters for Kami's sake!!
Author's Notes: Hello, one and all! Yeah, yeah! I know I promised to have this out in a week or less, but it didn't happen! Sorry! But thank you all SO much for the nice reviews! I can't believe it, I'm up to a hundred now! Thank you all! Well, I didn't keep my promise on time, but I did make this chapter a little bit longer than the last few. Those were ridiculously short! Oh well! Also I have a new story out called, "An Unexpected Gift Of Love." It's a B/V, so read it if you like! (Hint: that means PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSEEEEE READ AND REVIEW IT!) Alright, I'm going to let you get on your way with reading, so enjoy and tell me what you think!
Oh yeah, I do realize that its the "Room of Spirit and Time", but I prefer it as "Time and Spirit". OK? Just incase somebody was going to tell me that I have it wrong.
Chapter 12
Jen looked around the legendary setting, her tail thrashing about violently behind her. She had been in here for less than two minutes, but immediately she had realized why everyone hated this place. The Room of Time and Spirit was even more barren and overwhelming in person, than what could ever be experienced through a television. The warm air was choking, yet thanks to Vegeta's intense tutelage in the Gravity Chamber, she didn't even feel the ten times extra gravity. Still, nothing could have prepared her for the immense feeling of insignificance forced upon by the vast expanse of pure, white emptiness, which stretched out for all of eternity. Curiously, she glanced over at Trunks, wondering how he was reacting to this hell hole that would be their home for the next 365 days..
The boy from the future was staring around speechless, clearly just as, if not more overwhelmed than she was. Not surprising. At least Jen had some kind of an inkling as to what to expect in here. She sighed, turning to walk back onto the platform and into the simple house. She looked around, familiarizing herself as to the location of everything, taking nearly a grand total of a whole three seconds to do so. She sighed again. It was going to be a long year.
Suddenly a pair of muscular arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her snugly back against the powerful chest of Mirai Trunks. Jen smiled, sighing once more, only this time with pleasure, and leaned into him. Her tail whipped around to secure itself around one of his thighs. They stayed that way for several minutes, enjoying each others presence. All too soon, Trunks reluctantly pulled away from her, kissing her gently on the cheek and nipping at her shoulder before he did.
"We need to start training. We only have a year in here, and you haven't even turned Super Saiyan yet. You'll have to be at least that to be able to even think about confronting the androids."
"Then let's get started shall we?" Jen said.
Vegeta roamed the empty halls of Capsule Corp., searching. For what he didn't know. Lately he had been restless, feeling like there was something he was supposed to be doing. It was probably just the stress that the Onna had been giving him lately. He swore he would never impregnate her again!
Suddenly Vegeta paused, sniffing the air. The brats. He realized that he had wandered into the hallway that held Jen's room. Trunks' scent was also heavily present. He smirked as he recalled the pair's activities on the roof the previous night. The brats would surely mate soon. After all, that wasn't a simple training game they started.
It amazed him how strong a Saiyan's instincts were sometimes. Those two like Kakarrot, really had no idea they had actually just performed the Saiyan Mating Hunt. The female would tease the male into chasing her, and if the male chose to accept the challenge, he then had to prove himself worthy of such a honor by capturing the fleeing female. That's what he had witnessed on his home planet anyway, before it was destroyed.
Bored and suddenly curious, Vegeta entered his pupil's room. She hadn't changed it much, only a few knick-knacks, scattered over the dresser. He wondered over to examine the items more closely. Nothing special that he could see. There was a strap of leather, that he remembered pulling out of Jen's pocket, when they had found her. A wallet the humans called it. Her identification had been left at her old home, so no one would realize who she was. He picked up the wallet and looked through the few pictures inside.
Most weren't of any interest, but then there was one of a slightly younger Jen with her hair in a ponytail, standing with a middle aged male and female human; her adoptive parents obviously. Vegeta stared at that picture. The way Jen had her hair made her seem very familiar to him. Like a someone he had met before.
Frowning, he looked over the few other things that had been capable of being rescued. Again, nothing important to Vegeta. Then suddenly a glint of red and gold caught his eye. Reaching over, he pulled a gold necklace from underneath a worn turquoise cloth. His eyes widened in shock and horror as he realized what the trinket was. The pendent given to the future queen of Saiyans, the Saiyan Teardrop! But what was Jen, a defective Saiyan, doing with it?
Jen tried desperately to defend herself from the fury of punches raining down upon her; her half-mate's golden form blurring as he attacked her. She retaliated, sneaking in swift blows, some making it through his defenses. A hard punch sped towards her face, and instantly she crossed her arms in front of her, the fist slamming into the block. Unexpectedly, a strong kick connected solidly with her ribs and sent her sailing through the air. 'Come on, Jen! You have to become more powerful! You have to reach Super Saiyan! Now COME ON! KICK TRUNKS' ASS!!!' she screamed at herself.
With a growl, she managed to control her unplanned flight, fighting exhaustion as she did. Using her momentum, she altered her course and swooped up high into the air, arcing back down behind Trunks, who calmly turned to face her. Jen pressed the heels of her hands together in front of her face, then spread her fingers apart until her hands formed sort of a spider shape, with the legs pointing away from her. She powered up her attack and small balls of energy formed at the tips of her fingers. "Black Widow Bite!!" she cried and the attack launched out towards its target. The small balls of energy spiraled towards Trunks in a type of loose beam. There was no center beam, making the attack seem hollow, but the front of the attack came to a point.
'When did she create an attack?" Trunks wondered briefly, before preparing for it. Just as it was about to strike him, Jen pulled both her middle fingers inwards to her palms, then promptly pushed them back out. The effect was that two of the beams flung ahead of the others in sort of a biting motion, forming incredibly sharp arcs. Unprepared for such an attack, the beam struck Trunks. If he hadn't of been a Super Saiyan, the 'pincers' would probably have cut him in two, and the rest of the blast would have finished him off!
When the smoke cleared, Trunks looked over at his half mate, who struggled to stay standing on trembling legs. She was exhausted. 'I wonder if that attack too much out of her, or if 7 months in this place is finally taking its toll on her too?' he worried. "That was awesome, Jen! You're going to have to tell me how you came up with that later on, alright?" he called to her. He saw her nod wearily a few times.
'Trunks,' he heard her speak tiredly in his mind. 'Do you have enough energy to get us both back to the house?'
He saw her smile. 'Good...' Then she fainted, falling to the "ground" in a heap.
To Be Continued.....
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Next Time: LEMON!!!!! *sirens blaring* ATTENTION! ATTENTION! THERE WILL BE A *LEMON* IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! And Vegeta reveals the truth behind Jen's, or should I say Tsaktua's, past! Very important chapter! Don't miss it!
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Author's Notes: WOW! Look its 6:50 AM! And DBZ chick is finally done typing! YAY! Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I highly recommend you don't skip the next one! Its doubtful that it will be out next week, but you never know! PLEASE REVIEW! They are very highly appreciated! Thanks! Please go read my new fic, "An Unexpected Gift Of Love!" Thanks a million!
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