Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Trouble ❯ Baby Trouble-Part One ( Chapter 1 )
Saiyan Saga
Author's Note: For anyone who's ever read any of my fanfics, I apologize for not completing one thing at a time before moving on to others. I can never seem to stay on one topic at a time before another new idea pops into my head. Also, feedback and tips on improving my work would be nice. Thanks and enjoy!
P.S. Some of the characters in this story have not yet been introduced in my other series. And the Cerulean in this particular story is 17.
Baby Trouble-Part 1
By Queen Breeza
12:00 midnight-Cerulean was still trying to get to sleep. She wasn't sure, but she knew something was different about the ship's atmosphere. Quickly, she got out of bed and turned on the light in her room. Then she walked to her door, opened it, and peered out into the halls.
Not believing that there wasn't anything wrong going on in the ship, Cerulean continued down the hall until she got to the elevator. Going inside, she punched the top floor button and waited as the elevator slowly made its way up. Suddenly it stalled for a moment, then continued on in its original pace. He's got all that wealth, and he still won't use any of it to fix his little ragtag ship, thought Cerulean. Frieza, what am I going to do with you?
As Cerulean stepped out of the elevator when it reached the top floor of Frieza's corridor, she had to ask herself that question yet again as she stared at a tiny look-alike Frieza who was fiddling with his tail. When he saw Cerulean, he reached out with his chibby arms indicating that he wanted to be picked up. Instead of picking him up, Cerulean decided to continue to other rooms, hopefully finding someone who hadn't regressed to baby days. However, Frieza began to whimper and pout as she walked past him. Finally he could take no more.
The baby's cry was enough to shake the entire ship, and as Cerulean looked back at him while trying to retain her ground, she couldn't help but see how precious her once formidable leader looked. Frieza had stopped wailing, but now tears were falling down his cute, delicate cheeks as he kept his arms outstretched for Cerulean to grab.
"Okay, okay," she said quietly. Why me? She picked up the little tyrant, and he giggled in response. She didn't hold him in a cradle position, and she didn't want to get jabbed in the neck by his pointy little horns if she held him near her shoulders, so Cerulean picked him up quickly, ran down to the next closed door with Frieza arm length in front of her, and set him down only to see his pouty little face again.
"Hey, I'll be back," she assured him. He of course didn't understand her, so he started crying again. Cerulean sighed, picked Frieza back up, and opened the door to the room. Her first step in proved to be a complete waste of time. The soldier in this room was none other than Captain Ginyu. Although not as cute as Frieza, he had a similar chibby expression, tiny black horns, and his head didn't show the usual stress veins he always had as if he had more brains than skull. He was still asleep, and had put his thumb in his mouth.
Cerulean closed the door and decided to go back to the elevator to get to the bottom floor. All of this was getting on her nerves, and she knew of only one person who could possibly figure this all out.
Hopefully, though, he was still a teenager.
The bottom floor of Frieza's ship used to be nothing but a regular sewer drain with jumbo-sized sewer rats. But ever since a small group or seven-year-olds became friends and reshaped that mess hall, the bottom level would even impress Frieza, if he took the time to see it that is. The sewer draining was rerouted under the floor with almost no pipes exposed to the outside.
Frieza had decided it was a good time to go to sleep when Cerulean arrived at Golen's laboratory door. The door opened automatically when it recognized Cerulean's energy signature. Cerulean walked in quickly, and immediately called out the mutant Saiyan.
"Over here," a small baby-voice called out from the other side of the lab.
"Crap, you too, huh?" Cerulean sighed. She was at least hoping her former boyfriend would still be close to maturity. Too bad.
"Yep," the child was none other than Golen. His hair was gold instead of black, like it was when he was born. After all, he was born a Super Saiyan.
Cerulean gave him a strange look. "How come you can talk?" she asked.
"I was born a genius, remember? Oh, and before I forget, Vegeta's over there. He was the first to regress." Golen pointed to a place on the floor where a pudgy baby in uniform lay asleep.
Cerulean's eyes widened. "You mean YOU did this? On purpose?" It wasn't like Golen to make mistakes with his experiments.
"Well...yeah. But I didn't do it on purpose. I can make mistakes too you know," he said. Golen began staring down at his feet a bit bummed that his experiment went totally wrong.
"Sorry. But you can do something about this, right?" Cerulean was gesturing towards the baby Frieza in her hands. Her arms began to hurt for not cradling him instead of holding him at a distance.
Golen sensed this. "You can put him right here, Cerulean." Golen brushed some items off the counter he was currently sitting on. Cerulean slowly lay the baby down, trying not to wake him. Frieza stayed asleep and began drooling.
"Eew," Golen grimaced.
"Oh, shut up, you dork!" Cerulean said with a little laugh. "NORMAL babies drool, and NONE of THEM talk!" she teased.
"It's not my fault they're not as intelligent as I am," he smiled. Cerulean noticed for the first time that Golen had dimples, and they were very adorable on his chibby cheeks.
Vegeta began waking up while turning over on his stomach. He was very confused, and this made him start crying.
Cerulean and Golen looked at the crying warrior. "Should we do something?" Golen asked.
"Nah, let crying brats cry," Cerulean replied. Nobody really liked Vegeta.
"His crying IS beginning to annoy me," Golen said.
"Let's throw a blanket over him. He shouldn't be smothered by that."
Cerulean went to Golen's lab closet and got out a Rubber Ducky blanket.
"Golen," Cerulean teased, "something you wanna talk about?"
"No comment." Golen turned up his nose in a playful manner.
Cerulean threw the blanket over Vegeta, and his cries became muffled. She turned back to Golen.
"So...what are you going to do?" she asked. She looked around for a place to sit. Near Golen she saw a loveseat. Nice.
"About what?" Golen's brain must have been too full to keep up with one situation at a time. He was now dissecting--what seemed to be--a miniature horse.
"About your experiment, of course!"
"Oh. Right. Brace your self: this could be a permanent change."