Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Trouble ❯ The Unwelcome Visit from Cold ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Saiyan Saga

DBZ is not mine. Baby Trouble, Part 5: The Unwelcome Visit from Cold Vegeta wants his Gummi Bears...uh, yeah...the Ginyu force continue with their escape from Cerulean with no one knowing the real reason why, and just when things couldn’t possibly get any worse, King Cold shows up to check on his son! Won’t he be surprised? Could this situation possibly get better for once? By Queen Breeza    

Run men, RUN! She’s spotted us!” Ginyu said as Cerulean rounded a corner to catch up with him. She almost had him until a baby rolled out of no where into her foot. It was Vegeta.

“Vegeta, get up,” Cerulean told him. Vegeta slowly climbed to his feet and waddled back to the room he had rolled out of angrily. Cerulean wanted to see why he was so angry for once and followed him. She regretted it when she saw Vegeta pounding on a baby that looked like Nappa. Nappa was trying hard to cover his face as Vegeta hit his back again and again. Raditz was actually trying to help, as he was able to pick up Vegeta and throw him into the hallway again. Whatever Nappa did to deserve a beating must have been “severe” in Vegeta’s vocabulary.

“What’s the problem? Why is Vegeta”---Cerulean stopped to hold back the little warrior when he had gotten back in--“beating on him like that?”

Raditz could only shrug since he was just now helping Nappa when he asked.

“Nappa, do you know why Vegeta’s hitting you?” she asked the short black-haired elite. He shook his head no, but he had a mysterious twinkle in his eyes like he was lying.


Nappa consented. “Yes, I do,” he said. He got up and revealed a bag of Gummi Bears under him. He picked them up and gave them to Cerulean.

“Those are MY Gummi Bears!” Vegeta wailed in Cerulean’s leg. He reached out a hand for them.

Cerulean had a better idea. “How about you all share?”

The Saiyan trio looked at her in disbelief.

“Share??” Vegeta asked with wide eyes.

“Saiyans don’t share! It’s every Saiyan baby for himself, woman!” Nappa shouted.

“I don’t mind sharing,” Raditz said, looking down as he spoke.

“Of course you wouldn’t!” Vegeta said. “Your mind’s been tainted by that weakling brother of mine ever since you started hanging out with him!”

“Well, if none of you can share, then I’ll just have to let the other babies have them...if they can chew.”

“NO! We’ll share, we’ll share!” They all said at once.

“Good, cause I’m going to be as equal as possible.”

The little Saiyans all held out their hands for some Gummi Bears. Cerulean started with Vegeta by her leg, then Raditz, and then Nappa. The Gummi Bears that were left she kept for herself. With the Gummi Bear problem solved, she turned and left the room.

When Vegeta was sure she was gone, he stuck his tongue out at her and attacked Raditz, who still had Gummi Bears left to eat. Nappa followed, trying to tickle Raditz so that he dropped the Gummi Bears, and Vegeta dove to get them. He greedily ate them, giving Nappa none in the process.

“Hey, whatever happened to sharing?” Nappa complained.

“Don’t tell me that woman’s gotten to your brain, Nappa!” Vegeta said. He licked his fingers and helped Raditz up. Raditz moved away from them and cried in a corner.

“Pathetic!” Vegeta spat. Well, he tried to off to the side but ended up with a glop of baby drool instead. Nappa looked at him in disgust. Raditz wiped away his tears as he tried to hold back his laughter.

This is embarrassing, Vegeta thought. He tried to wipe it away on his armor.

“Eew!” Nappa exclaimed.

“That’s disgusting, man!” Raditz commented.

“Shut up! Just SHUT UP!” Vegeta started crying and ran out of the room.


Little Jeice dashed around a corner with Cerulean not too far from him. At first it was serious, but Jeice thought of it as a game now. Who cares what his captain thought! Running from Cerulean was fun! She couldn’t run as fast as she usually did, or else she might make the ship rumble, being a ground pounder and all.

Jeice rounded another corner and jumped over two babies trying to play checkers. He looked back at them with a smile. They would provide the perfect obstacle for his pursuer. He looked back in front of him and continued his run.

“I don’t get paid enough for this!” Cerulean stepped over the two babies playing checkers whom barely noticed her. Wait a minute! she thought, I don’t get paid at all!


Is it safe to come out yet, sir?” Burter, Guldo, and Recoome were crammed in a closet with Captain Ginyu. They didn’t see him, but he was currently digging in his nose.

“Uh, hold on,” Ginyu replied.

“What about Jeice, sir?” Burter was speaking again to his captain.

“Yeah, we can’t just leave him out there!” Recoome added.

“All right, men, listen up!” Ginyu got his squad’s attention, and he flicked away the mess on his finger. “Jeice is a dead man! If he’s still alive, he’s on his own! Let’s move out!”

“But sir,” Burter started to question, “why are we running from Cerulean in the first place? She’s nice! She’s not dangerous.”

Ginyu looked him square in the eyes. “That’s what she wants you to think! In truth, she’s......THE DEVIL!”

Ginyu’s men started to shake in fear and huddled together for comfort. Ginyu liked the effect he was having on his squad, so he continued.

“Why do you think she’s running after us? I tell ya, either she’s the devil, or she’s possessed by him!”

“Well, that’s a theory,” Guldo said.

“Now, come on!” Ginyu commanded. The Ginyu Force moved out.


Why were they running from Cerulean? That was a question even Jeice couldn’t answer. He crawled into a vent and waited for signs of life. Cerulean showed up, and he giggled, giving himself away to the predator.

Cerulean looked up at the vent and grinned. “I see you...”

Jeice giggled again and crawled through the vent.

“Come back here!” She yelled, but the only response she got was a laugh.

Jeice didn’t know where he was going nor did he care. Cerulean was fun to annoy, and while he was a baby, he was gonna do that for as long as possible. It was his destiny!

Jeice finally crawled around a corner and found an exit. He kicked the vent louver off and jumped down. The room he was in was very familiar. He believed it had something to do with...an entrance to something?...which led to...what?

Suddenly, a door opened in the room, and a shadowed figured entered. Jeice didn’t know how to handle this, so he hid behind a chair. Anyone could spot him.

“Jeice?” the figure asked him. When it stepped into the light, everything became clear: King Cold had arrived! He studied the child he saw as Jeice and took a step closer to him. “What is your name, boy?” he asked more gruffly. This couldn’t possibly be the Jeice he had seen before! Soldiers from King Cold’s army were beginning to fill the room and surround Jeice. Jeice tried to break through the circle, but two soldiers held his arms back. He did the last thing he could think of: he screamed for help.



Fortunately for Jeice, “mommy” wasn’t too far away when she heard his cry. Fearing the worst, she ran as fast as she could. The ship rumbled in response, but she didn’t care. She had priorities to protect now, and one of them was Jeice. When she found him, she didn’t expect for him to have company.

“Uh...HI!” she said nervously to Cold, who was frowning at the moment. Jeice was in the middle of the soldier group, crying. When he saw her, he rushed to be picked up, and this time the soldiers let him through. Cerulean didn’t pick him up at the moment, however.

“Explain,” Cold said. He crossed his arms and stared at her, waiting for an answer.

“How about I explain on your ship?” Cerulean asked nervously. She reached down and picked up Jeice, who rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. He put one arm around Cerulean’s neck.

“Oh, no, you can explain here on my son’s ship with him present!” Cold’s voice was starting to sound severely agitated. Cerulean thought he must still be holding a grudge about her not wanting to work for him instead of his son a few years back. He could’ve used her skills, he said. But Cooler showed up too much on his ship when she visited, so Cerulean said she was better off continuing her work for Frieza without him around. She didn’t mean to offend Cold. Frieza was pleased, but Cerulean was the happier one. This meant she could see her friends and brother as much as she wanted to. And besides, there were just too many soldiers who hit on her in Cold’s ship.

“You don’t want to do that...sire,” she said cautiously, watching Cold every second.

“Why not?” he hissed.

Cerulean decided this was the best time to change moods, so she became serious. “This”--she pointed to the baby she carried-- “is Jeice. Believe or not, sire, but this ship has been through some drastic changes for the past few weeks, and I am not in the mood to be interrogated.” When no one said anything, she continued. “You want to see Frieza? Well, follow me!”


Frieza walked down the hallway with his head hung low. Cerulean had left him again, and this time she couldn’t say he was a big boy now. Because he wasn’t. He was a baby again and needed someone to stay with him at all times...and hold him...and change his poopy diapers even if their smell was unbearable.

Frieza looked inside his diaper. Yep, time for a new one.

“Frieza sir!” a voice from behind him called. It was Ginyu and his squad, happily bounding to their employer.

“What?” Frieza didn’t feel like talking. He needed to think of a new punishment for Cerulean before he saw her again.

“It’s an emergency,” Ginyu continued. “Cerulean’s after us all, and Jeice could already have been captured by now!”

Frieza’s eyes grew wide. “What!?”

“It’s all true sir!”

“I can’t believe this! She left me to chase and play games with you idiots??”


“She’d rather be playing with a weakling like you than with a powerful upstanding warrior such as myself?”

“Hey! I’m not weak!”

“Oh, my tail you’re not!”

“I think you’re overreacting, sir!”

“Prepare to die, Guinea!”

“It’s not Guinea, it’s Gin--AAAHH!!”

Frieza punched Ginyu mercilessly, but the rest of the Ginyu Force just stood there and watched.

“Shouldn’t we help?” Guldo piped up.

“Nah, it looks like our leader can handle him,” Burter said with a smirk.

“Yeah. Let’s go get a slushie!” Recoome suggested.

“Hey! Don’t leave me here!” Ginyu shouted in protest while covering his head with his arms. He wasn’t bleeding, but it still hurt to be pounded on by a tiny tyrant.

“Don’t worry, they’re NEXT!” Frieza chibi-growled.

The beating seemed to last forever until Ginyu decided to look up. He saw many people surrounding him and Frieza.

“Frieza, sir!” Ginyu started and almost got punched in the face.

“What!?” Frieza continued hitting Ginyu in his side.

“I think we have company,” Ginyu was relieved the figures had come, but was disappointed when Frieza didn’t stop punching him.

“So, what of it?”

“Just look up...sir.”

Frieza looked up angrily but softened when he saw Cerulean, some soldiers and King Cold.


King Cold’s eyes rolled, but he didn’t faint.

“What is the universe coming to?” he said. He turned and left his son.

“Wait!” Cerulean cried. King Cold didn’t go far. he found a chair in a room and sat in it covering his face with his hands.

“It’s not that bad,” Cerulean was about to place a hand on his back but drew it away again.

Cold remained in his seat for a while, thinking.

What is the universe coming to?


How was it? Are you even reading this? How dare you not respond!

Stay tuned for the next part: The Cure and Cooler’s Visit.

Review now! Or send feedback!

