Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Trouble ❯ Vegeta's Revenge...God, help us... ( Chapter 7 )
Saiyan Saga
Baby Trouble, Part 7: Vegeta's Revenge...God, help us...
Vegeta wants revenge...for something...Golen may be able to read minds, and what's with Frieza? Favoritism? Nappa and Raditz must find out who took the Gummi Bears from the kitchen...
By Queen Breeza
He wiped his tears and sighed. If he were back to "normal", none of this would be happening. Raditz and Nappa would be respecting him. Well, at least Nappa would.
"I'll make them pay," sniffed Vegeta, looking in the mirror. He was in the restroom currently sitting on the sink. He sniffed again and jumped down to the floor.
Vegeta grinned evilly. "And I know just how to do it..."
"What's taking her so long??" asked Ginyu. It was getting cold in the room with only a mangled T-shirt on for warmth.
"She's probably making out with that stupid monkey," said Frieza, who at least had his armor on.
"I'll never take my armor off again," said Jeice, fully awake and wishing he hadn't grown into a teenager. Looks like it's back to work again...I want to die...
"Hey, is that a mouse?" asked a worried Guldo behind a chair.
Guldo was looking at a corner near an open vent. A large furry animal about his size had broken through it. It didn't look like a normal mouse either.
"So what if it is?" asked Frieza casually. He looked at the mouse at that time and suddenly realized he knew something about it.
"I think it's staring at me!" Guldo weeped and grabbed the chair he was hiding behind. He prepared to move towards the other Ginyus.
"Wait!" yelled Frieza. Guldo stopped. "Don't move! If you do, that thing will tear you apart!"
"How do you know, Lord Frieza?" asked Burter.
"I recall when Golen came to see Cerulean on her 15th birthday: he had a large, furry creature with him that resembled a mouse, but it wasn't one. He called it a hybrid; it's part mouse and wolf."
"Is it dangerous?"
"Anything that comes out of that boy's lab is a threat to us. But, there's good news as well."
"What's that?" asked Guldo.
"If you don't draw attention to yourself or run, the hybrid won't attack."
"I think I'll just kill it now," Ginyu formed a ki ball and blasted the hybrid.
"Problem solved! Ha ha!" said Guldo becomimg more relaxed.
"You idiot!" yelled Frieza, who wished he could slap Ginyu right about now, but he wasn't motivated enough. Besides, since he knew what was going to happen next, he might as well get some entertainment out of this.
"What did I do wrong?" Ginyu was confused.
"Do you really think that hybrid is dead?"
"Look again, genius!"
Ginyu looked at the corner and saw a blue aura around the rat.
"What's that?"
"Golen's really too smart for his own good. He never leaves his animals unprotected, even if they have to take their protection with them whenever they get out of his lab."
"It's a shield!" yelled Jeice.
"So, we'll just use more power to stop it!" Ginyu prepared to fire a bigger ki ball.
"No, you won't," Frieza said coldly. "If this hybrid has as much power as I think it does, then I won't allow you to do that. You'll damage my ship and possibly get everyone sucked out into space."
"Then what'll we do??" Ginyu dissipated his ki ball and waited for an answer.
"What do you mean 'we'? It's after you now," Frieza smiled when he saw the look on Ginyu's face. "WE aren't doing anything. But I think YOU better run."
Ginyu looked over at the hybrid just in time to see it jump into the air and over to Ginyu. Ginyu ran towards the door and out the room with the hybrid close behind. Cooler, still in his chair, looked at the rat when it passed him, but his baby mind got interested in something else later on. Remembering his brother, Frieza walked over to him and smiled evilly. The baby looked back with a blank look.
"Now," Frieza chuckled, "what to do with you..."
"Why don't we talk about it now?" Golen's eyes gave its trademark blue-green color. "What are you so afraid of?"
"What if you can read minds, Golen?" Cerulean asked. "I don't think Frieza likes the idea of a Saiyan being able to read his thoughts. What do you think Frieza's going to do to you when he becomes an adult again?"
"Kill me?"
"Though you are a Super Saiyan, you're still not strong enough to take him on. Luckily for you, I don't think Frieza realizes that."
"What? You know something I don't?"
"I'm hiding the bulk of my true power."
"The first time you saw me go Super, I only showed you half my true abilities."
"So you can defeat Frieza?"
"Yeah. But so what? That doesn't mean I'd kill the guy. Sheesh...I'm not evil!"
"That's good!" Cerulean smiled.
"You mean you didn't want me to kill Frieza after all??" Golen's eyes shifted to brown.
"Of course not! Frieza's like a...a...foster parent to me! Yeah, that's it!" Cerulean turned around again and continued to the briefing room.
"Aaahhh! Help me!" Ginyu suddenly appeared around the corner with the hybrid latched to his butt. "Get it off! Get it off!"
"Come here, Trip!" Golen called. The hybrid immediately unlatched itself from Captain Ginyu and ran to Golen. It sniffed around it's master and waited for a command.
"Go home," Golen commanded, and the hybrid ran past Golen to the lab.
"Nice authority," Cerulean complimented him.
"He was just hungry," Golen said scratching his head. "No harm done."
"Liar!" sniffed Captain Ginyu. There was blood seeping from the wounds in his posterior. "I'm leaving!"
"Hey," Golen called. Ginyu looked at him. "While you're at it, get some clothes on! You'll kill people if they so much as look at you!"
Vegeta walked into the kitchen and opened a container. In it were all the Gummi Bears on the ship. He closed the container and dragged it out of the kitchen.
"I'll show them all!!"
"Mar co?"
"Beetle juice."
"Darn, I'm bored!" said Jeice while under a blanket. He had taken a chance and ran all the way to his room without stopping. He got there just in time before his diaper fell completely off. And he wasn't alone.
"So, what do you want to do now, Jeice?"
Burter was there, too.
"We could go terrorizing the weaklings. What do ya say, mate?"
"Nah, we did that yesterday. And I'm not your mate!"
"I didn't mean it like that, you freak! It's just my accent and the way I talk!"
"Let's get something to eat."
"But I don't have any underwear."
"Wear some of mine."
"No way!"
Jeice got a package of Hanes Underwear from the top drawer in his dresser. "You can wear some of these. Trust me, I haven't used them yet."
"Thank God!" Burter grabbed the package and ripped it open. With his blanket still around him, he went to the bathroom. When he came out, he found himself wearing...Sesame Street underwear? "Jeice, what is this?? What the heck do you take me for??"
"Don't look at me!" Jeice argued getting up from his bed. "Cerulean bought them for me! I couldn't just throw them away!"
"Yeah," Burter agreed, "I guess you're right."
The two walked out the room heading to the kitchen.
"NO!" cried Nappa. He searched frantically for something in the kitchen while Raditz looked on. "This just can't be! Where are they??"
"Where's what?" Raditz asked, not really interested.
"The Gummi Bears! Someone took ALL the Gummi Bears!"
"Chill out!" Raditz tried to calm his superior, but Nappa only got more frantic. "We're not the only babies on the ship, you know. The others probably ate them."
"No way!" cried Nappa. He stomped over to Raditz and looked him in the eyes. "Cerulean just bought a new stock once she saw Vegeta with some. And she'd probably only give us Gummi Bears because we're the only ones who know about them!"
"Oh, yeah! That's right," Raditz said scratching his head. Nappa hung his head in shame.
"Wait a sec!" Nappa's eyes became wide. "If only you, me, Vegeta and Cerulean know about the Gummi Bears, and you and I didn't take them, then doesn't that leave Cerulean and Vegeta as suspects?"
"Duh!" Raditz rolled his eyes. "But why would Cerulean take them?"
"I don't know," Nappa straightened up. "But, by the powers that bind us, I'm going to find out!"
"Hmmmm," Raditz looked at Nappa as they headed back out the kitchen, " 'The powers that bind us'? Wouldn't that be Frieza?"
"Yes, Raditz," Nappa sighed. "It would be Frieza."
The two walked down the hall, passing Jeice and Burter along the way. Jeice looked back at them and motioned for Burter to stop. Burter understood and followed Jeice to the little Saiyans.
Nappa continued walking to Cerulean's room. Raditz turned around automatically and caught sight of a now teenage Jeice and Burter. He tapped on Nappa's shoulder to get his attention, but Nappa only jerked away.
"Nappa!" Raditz called. He looked up at Jeice and Burter, and they grinned back evilly(seems to be a word I use frequently...).
"What!?" Nappa turned around fuming at Raditz, and Raditz pointed up. Nappa looked up and saw the two teens grinning at him like madmen.
"Run, Raditz!" Nappa did an about-face and ran towards Cerulean's room.
"Whatever happened to the pride of the Saiyans?" Raditz asked following after him.
"That's all in the past, Raditz," Nappa said, then changed it around and said "Or for our sakes, the future."
The two teens looked at the Saiyans trying to get away from them and laughed.
"Do they know where Cerulean's room is?" Jeice asked Burter.
"Probably not," answered Burter. "They just passed the elevator."
Jeice thought for a moment. "Hey, what were we doin' before we went after the monkeys?"
"I don't know," Burter shrugged.
"You never know anything!"
"Well, apparently you never know anything either or else you would have said you did!"
"Know what?"
"I'm hungry. Let's go to the kitchen and fix somethin' to eat, mate."
The two walked in the direction of the kitchen.
"Look, I told you once before: I'm. Not. Your. Mate!"
"And I told you that that's just my way of speaking...MATE!"
"There!" Vegeta said after pushing and pulling the container of Gummi Bears all the way to his room. He had to clear the path along the way so that no one would find him out, and it wasn't pretty. Many small soldiers (HAHA!) suffered weggie-itis and swirlie disease from Vegeta. Aside from the soldiers, Vegeta also had to be on the lookout for Cerulean and her nosy habits he thought she had. It was rough, but he finally managed to accomplish the first step in his diabolical plan for revenge, which he called this: the Gummi Bear War.
Vegeta smiled to himself. With his room secured and locked to prevent others from trespassing, nothing would stand in the way of Vegeta's victory. Sitting on top of the container, Vegeta began to laugh maniacally.
"Ah ha ha ha ha ha(burp) he he he---BURP!! Oh, forget it!"
"I'm back, guys!" Cerulean walked into the briefing room triumphantly, holding the clothes she had found for the Ginyu Force and Frieza.
"Wow, what happened here?" asked Golen as he came in the room. He saw that only Frieza, Guldo, Cooler and Recoome were in the room. The table was still knocked over and everyone was looking really bored at him.
"You tell me," said Frieza. He looked at the clothes in Cerulean's hands and got up to get some. "Finally, salvation!--I mean, good job, Cerulean!"
"You're welcome, Friezy!" Cerulean smiled.
"Where's Burter and Jeice?" Golen asked, setting the clothes he had in his hands on the floor.
Frieza looked at Golen menacingly. "Burter and Jeice left sometime after one of your mutations got out of your lab and chased Ginyu out the room. As for their whereabouts, I have no way of knowing."
"Oh, so that's why the vent is all messed up!" Golen examined the vent and started mumbling about repairs.
Cerulean put the clothes on the floor and the rest of the Ginyu Force started picking out there sizes. She went over to Cooler and picked him up. "He's so cute as a baby. Too bad he can't stay like this forever."
"Hmph," Frieza looked at Cooler with anger. "That little beast needs to be locked in a cage! Just look what he did to my index finger! How am I supposed to destroy planets now?" Frieza held up his hand for Cerulean to see. His right index finger was red, but there was no sign of bleeding.
"Why don't you just use the other index finger?" Cerulean looked at Frieza as if knowing it was his fault that his finger had a large red spot on it.
"Uhh," Frieza looked at his left hand. "I guess that would work..."
"Good," Cerulean went back to holding Cooler, who slept like an angel in her arms.
"You never held me like that," Frieza pouted and looked on with jealousy.
"So," Cerulean bit her lip, "Does it really matter?"
"Yes!" Frieza roared. "That's favoritism!"
"No, it's not!"
"Admit it! Favoritism!"
"No, it's NOT!"
"Favoritism! Favoritism!"
"I don't even like Cooler!"
"Oh, yeah?? Then why are you holding him?"
"I'm waiting..."
"Well, he is a cute baby..."
"I knew it! FAVORITISM!"
"I'm leaving you now, Frieza!"
"That's 'Lord Frieza' to those who work for me!"
"Bye now!"
"Get back here, or I'll...I'll shoot!"
Frieza powered up a little ki ball with his left index finger since his right was currently "out of order". But Cerulean continued on towards the door.
"I said I'll shoot!" Frieza held on to the ki ball. Cerulean went out the door.
"Darn it!" Frieza kicked at the table in the room, and it went sprawling into the wall.
"Sir, you never fired," Guldo said, but he was glad Frieza didn't.
"I know that! I-I didn't have a clear shot! Yeah, that's it!"
"Yes, you did!" Recoome argued.
"No, I didn't! Stop lying!"
"Actually, sir," Golen began, his eyes brown with amusement, "you did have a clear shot all the way to the point when Cerulean actually left the premises."
"Do you want to die!?" Frieza's eyes became bloodshot as he glared at the Saiyan and then at Recoome and Guldo. "Do you ALL want to die??"
"No, sir, actually," Golen inched his way backwards to the door, "I don't. Later!"
"Wait for us!" chimed Guldo and Recoome. They got away from Frieza as quickly as possible.
"AAAAAHHHH!" Frieza screamed as he powered up and made a loud explosion in the room. The three looked back at the room as smoke billowed out.
"Frieza, sir?" Golen walked to the entrance and peered in.
"Go away," said Frieza, who still couldn't be seen because of the smoke. "I want to be alone..."
"......okay..." Golen got away from the door and hurried to the nearest elevator.
Guldo and Recoome looked at one another.
"What do we do now?" Guldo asked.
"I donno," said Recoome.
"Are they gone yet?" Nappa asked. He gasped for air and sunk to the floor.
"Yeah," gasped Raditz as he looked behind him and sunk to the floor as well.
Cerulean rounded the corner and saw the two sitting on the floor.
"Hey, what's the matter, guys?" Cerulean asked them. She bent down and then sat on the floor with Cooler still in her arms. He stirred but didn't wake up.
"You took the Gummi Bears, didn't you?" Nappa acused her, still gasping for air.
"No, they're in the kitchen," Cerulean replied.
"Don't play games with me!" Nappa said. He got up still huffing. "Me and Raditz were just there! The Gummi Bears are gone!"
"ALL OF THEM?!" Cerulean shouted. Her voice made Raditz jump and Cooler wake up.
"Yeah, they're all gone," Raditz answered. "We thought you or Vegeta took them."
"Well, it wasn't me, so it had to be Vegeta."
"Darn him!" Nappa stamped on the floor. Cooler watched him with interest and made a baby gurgle sort of sound.
"Well, now that we know it was Vegeta, can we go there and get back the stupid Gummi Bears, please?" Raditz asked. He has no interest in Gummi things right now. He wanted to see Ray since he hadn't seen her in so long.
"Their not stupid!" Nappa yelled. He walked past Cerulean to go to the elevator down the hall.
"Wait for me!" Raditz followed after him.
Cerulean just looked at them and sighed. Then she looked down at Cooler in her arms. He grinned.
"What're you looking at, Tubby?" she asked with a smile. She poked him in the belly, and Cooler giggled happily.
"Vegeta! Open up, you Gummi Bear stealer!" Nappa said through the locked door of Vegeta's room.
"Not a chance, you weakling!" Vegeta said.
"Come on! We're your friends, Vegeta!" Nappa tried coaxing him.
"Who're my friends?" Vegeta asked. He ripped open a packet of Gummi Bears and started eating them.
"Well, I am! Raditz isn't!"
"Traitor!" Raditz crossed his arms.
"Well, it's true! You aren't," said Nappa.
"And neither are you, Nappa!" Vegeta said.
"Don't you believe in sharing?" Nappa pleaded. Raditz rolled his eyes.
"No," Vegeta answered casually, "I think I'll eat these Gummi Bears all by myself!"
"No!" Nappa tried desperately to open the door with any combination possible. But no matter how many buttons he pressed on the lock, it still didn't open.
"Yes!" Vegeta greedily finished the packet of Gummi Bears in his hand and threw it on the floor. He grabbed another and ripped it open.
"NOOO!" Nappa sunk to the floor near the door. Raditz looked at him and shook his head.
"Someone, HEEELP!" Nappa called out.
But no one answered. Not even the captive Gummi Bears.
No one would stop Vegeta now...
Read the next chapter or email me about this one! Tell me if you liked it or not!