Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bardock's Return ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kakarot: Oh yeah?? I have fallen on my head lotsa times! Besides, I can stop
myself from falling!

Bardock: Damnit! Well, not in THIS way. *Carries him and drop him 'accidentally'*
Goku: OW!!!!!!! CHIKUSYO! What you do that for?! Where's Gohan?! Why are we
in Kami's place? What's going on with Picogeta?! Something bad had happened?

Gotenks: You don't remeber anything? What about the message your dad sent

Goku: What message?

Picoegta: Shit! We fused for nothing Piccolo! Yeah Yeah I know *Takes the earing
off and now seperated once again.

Vegeta: Alright! It is not permnement! Yeah ha!!!

Piccolo: Ok, everything is normal again... except for Bardock.

Bardock: Whatya mean?! I didn't distrupt any normal routine... you know, things

Goku: He's right, comeon, I thought you wanted to be friends with them.

Gohan: *arrives, and somehow is still alive, who knows how* Alright dad! You are
going down!!! Kame... hame....

Goku: What's with him!!

Gohan: HA!!!!!!! *Goku disappears* DAD!!! STOP RUNING AWAY!!!

Goten: *seperated* Gohan bro, he's normal again.

Gohan: NO! He's not! I can feel it, can't anybody?!

Piccolo: He's right... he is only pretending.

Bardock: Shit!! Now what?! He is far away to who knows where.

Goten: Oh man, great! MOM'S GONE! OH NO! She's gone! Dad got her!

Somewhere in space ship

Kakarot: *in space suit, as well as ChiChi* Ok, *buckles Chichi and open the
hatch...* Ka......

Kami's place

Goten: OH NO!!! He's in space and performing Kamehameha wave! Oh shit!

Gohan: OK everyone! Let's do this! Give your strongest blast, and give it your all, so
we can beat him! We all go at the same time, creating a powerful beam. Go when
I say go.......... GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *everyone do their special blast. They all saw
Goku's Kamehameha coming*

In space

Kakarot: me....ha me..... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gohan: THIS IS IT! NOW!!!!!!!!!

They all trigger their blast, creating the most powerful that shook the earth. It
became brillant Red, then purple, then it becomes black.The battle between Kakarot
and the Z gang. The blast is MUCH stronger than it was with Gohan and Cell.
But will Goku die? Or will Earth be gone? Or will both survive? Will Goku ever trun
normal again?