Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Beauty Within The Beast ❯ It Has Begun ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello my loves! I’m back with another one….but I really have to say I don’t like the way this chapter turned out. I suck at laying out a plot lines and this chapter just feels forced T__T
PLEASE READ THIS!!!! Ok, now that I have your attention, here goes. I’ve changed the story of Dragon Ball Z around a bit to satisfy my weirdness. Vegeta is taller, cause I hate that he’s so short, Bulma is shorter, cause I want her to be. Vegeta-si’s gravity is higher, cause I want it that way and Vegeta was older when it Frieza destroyed it.
I have made things this way because I WANT too, and because this is my fan fiction, and I can! =D So please, no pointing out that onething in my plot is wrong. If something is different then what is was in the series, it’s like that cause I wanted it to be. Some of the characters are OOC, but this is a fan fiction, so it’s ok. Now that’s that’s been said, you may commence reading ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z, I just use Vegeta to get my jollies.
Sitting at a round table in a large common room, Bulma felt like a piece of meat on display. It wasn't just the men she could feel staring at her, the other women, ChiChi and Ophelia she learned, were watching her as well, waiting for answers. Apparently the girls didn't remember much; they were both taking place in a martial arts tournament on Sylais-si, a neighboring planet of Earth, when Airzin showed up. The last thing they remember was eating lunch, and talking with the purple lizard man about their future with Frieza's military. They had both made the top five contestants in the tournament, but they couldn't remember if they had finished the competition or not. She supposed it was a good thing they couldn't remember, then maybe if he did rape them like he did her, they wouldn't have to live with the awful memory.
When ChiChi and Ophelia dressed her in a sheet and walked her to the common room, Bulma sat down in a chair between the two and never lifted her eyes once to look at the men sitting there. She was still afraid of them, and she was slightly ashamed at her earlier behavior. She felt bad for hurting the man that had saved her life. She needed to apologize to him, she knew, but first she needed to find the courage to lift her head.
Looking over to his left, Nappa saw that his prince was going to start questioning the female, and he knew that he would not get anywhere with her.
"Vegeta, maybe it would be best if you leave the questioning to me."
"Is that so?"
"No disrespect meant prince, but you're not exactly...tactful, when it comes to questioning. We'll get more out of the girl in her condition if we handle this delicately."
'"Then get started Nappa. Patience is not a virtue I'm blessed with."
"What is your name, little one?" One of the men asked. Something clicked in her head; she remembered that nickname. Looking up she saw it was the giant that had spoken. She got a good look at his face for the first time, and her eyes widened in realization. She recognized the man.
"...Nappa?" Her question startled the two youngest Saiyan's and made the prince raise an eyebrow. Nappa just grinned at her.
"I knew it! I knew I knew your face from somewhere, but it is escaping me."
"It's been awhile. I'm Bulma, Bulma Briefs, remember?" He furred his brows, thinking hard she could tell, until his face took on a look of surprise.
"Bulma Briefs? As in Princess Bulma Briefs of Earth?" He was definitely in shock. The last time he had laid eyes on the girl in front of him, she had been no older then ten or eleven. He cursed him self mentally, he should have known it was her by the blue hair. He had been traveling the universe for years, and he had never come across another being with that shade of blue hair.
At the mention of the word 'Princess', Kakarrot and Raditz sat up a bit straighter in their chairs, acknowledging they were in the presents of royalty. Vegeta counted at royalty of course, but they had grown too comfortable with him as a pack member to really care about their posture when they were around him. This was a Princess on the other hand, and a damn pretty one to boot. Vegeta had a different reaction all together. He was already starting to put a few pieces together in his head, and he started to think of a plan to get them off this planet. Ophelia didn't look that impressed, but ChiChi gasped out loud.
"Of course! How could I have not recognized you? You're King Briefs daughter!" She exclaimed.
"Well, technically he's not the King-"
"Oh bullshit, don't think just cause your father planted that token in charge doesn't mean that the people of Earth don't really know what's going on. Its just politics."
"Excuse me, but could the blue haired Onna explain the meaning of this. Are you a Princess or not?" Vegeta halted their debate. They weren't even ten minutes into the conversation and he was already getting annoyed.
"Yes." Both ChiChi and Bulma said at the same time. Bulma looked over at the raven-haired woman and had to resist punching her in the face. Yes, everyone acknowledged her on her planet as royalty, but technically she was not a true Princess. But even if she was, there was no way in hell she wanted these guys to know. Nappa was ok, and maybe the bed head dude, but she still wasn't sure about the other two, and God knows what could happen to her if they thought she was worth money or something. But with ChiChi adamantly trying to shove the information out there, she supposed she had no choose but to explain her self.
"Look, it's true that my father doesn't have the title of king, but none the less my father rules over Earth. The problem is that he started and owns the biggest technological company in the Gamma system, possibly the universe it's self. The people on my planet are weak minded and did not like the fact that their King would not only be running their world but their technology as well. They said it gave him too much power over them. Before I was born there was an uprising of rebels that wanted him to step down from leadership, but he wouldn’t. So instead he hired an actor, a token King to present to the people as their new leader. The 'King' takes care of all the public appearances, and my father pulls the strings that control him."
"Your people sound like fucking morons."
"They mostly are. But you should know that not everyone is going to agree with their leaders, right Prince Vegeta?" Bulma's confidence was growing stronger by the second. She knew these men, not personally except for Nappa, but she had heard of them. They were Saiyan’s, the last of their race thanks to Frieza. She remembered the day that her father informed the Red Ribbons of the destruction of Vegeta-si, she had been sixteen. She had cried when she thought of the behemoth that had entertained her while her father and King Vegeta handled their business. She cried a little for the King him self as well. While he was never a particularly nice man, he had been pleasant to her and acknowledged her genius. She remembered making repairs to their ship now and then when they came. The thing she remembered most about him though was his flame hair, she had never seen anything like it before. That's how she knew who this man was; he was practically a twin for the King. The second she realized who and what these guys were, her heart started racing with excitement. The reason her father and the King had had so many business meetings, allowing her to get close to the giant body gaud, was that the Saiyan’s had been partners with the Red Ribbons.
They were a proud, warrior race. They were not meant to be a clean up crew for Frieza. She knew that King Vegeta and her father were working on something together, but her father never confided in her what is was. Then, when she was about eleven, the King and Nappa stopped coming all-together. Her father suspected that Frieza was starting to get suspicious, and every communicator in the universe at the time was under the Empires watchful eye so there was no way of contacting his ally. They never heard from the Saiyan's again. A few short years later, Vegeta-si was destroyed, taking any hope of building an army powerful enough to take down Frieza. There were other warrior races of course, but none of them held a candle to the Saiyan's. After every battle, after every fight, their power level would increase incredibly. There was really no limitation on how powerful they could become. She supposed this is why Frieza whipped them out; he knew what they were capable of.
But fortunately enough for the Saiyan’s, so did she.
"Do you know what Red Ribbon is?" She asked the Prince before he could question her how she knew his name. They all smirked at her; of course they knew what it was. "Good, cause now I'm the leader. I'm in charge, and I believe I can make your day a little bit better."
"You want me to believe that some pampered Princess of a mud ball planet is the leader of the largest group of rebels in the universe? Come now you must be joking." Vegeta said, eyeing her coldly.
"Number one, I might be pampered, but I'm far from your average Princess. Number two; Earth is NOT a mud ball. Number three, I can't exactly pull out my Red Ribbon member card out of my sheet, so you're going to have to trust me."
"I trust no one, little girl. So if you want me to believe this story of yours, you better find away of proving it or I'm going to blast you and your little friends here into the next dimension." He stood from his chair, staring threateningly down at her. She felt ChiChi and Ophelia lightly shaking at his words, but they did nothing but piss her off. How dare he call her a little girl! Standing from her own chair, she smacked her hands down on the table and stared him straight in the eye.
"Listen here buster, Prince or not I will not be talked to like I'm an every day commoner on Frieza's ship! You want proof that I am what I say I am, you're either going to have to get me a communicator that's not bugged or your going to have to let me live a little bit longer so I can build for you what Frieza wanted bad enough to take me from my home for." Although he was pissed at the way she spoke to him, he was curious as to what Frieza wanted. What could this little, frail human have that Frieza wanted so bad?
"We have no communicators here, woman, and you have two minutes until I kill you for insubordination to explain what you're supposedly going to build for me." Bulma smirked, two minutes was more then enough time. She launched into the story that had put her in this situation. What the gravity room was, how she had been careless enough to let Yamara got a hold of her plans, how he had betrayed her, the conference with Frieza, leaving Juu in charge of Red Ribbon. She told them about killing Airzin on the ship, but she was vague about how she had gotten him to let down his guard long enough to do it, and the meteor shower that caused her to crash on this planet. She watched the bed head Saiyan and the hedgehog looking one become entranced with her story. They believed every word she said; she knew it. She didn't have to look at Nappa to know he believed her. The only reason he hadn't come to her defense in the first place was the fear of Vegeta, and she knew that too. He was clearly the alpha dog here, and she had to convince him of her worth. Her life and the lives of the two girls next to her depended on it.
"Now, wait a minute." Raditz interrupted her. "Just how will training under higher gravity levels make you stronger?" She saw Vegeta roll his eyes at the question. Clearly this is not the only 'Duh' moment the man had had.
"It builds stamina which, among other things, makes you stronger. I've worked on this gravity chamber for years, since I was eighteen. I've done all of my research on warrior races, such as your selves, and found that almost every one of them lived on a planet with a high gravity level. The ones that didn’t have high gravity were not very strong. Vegeta-si's gravity level was twenty times higher then Earth's and it had the highest of all the worrier planets, the next highest one only being eight times higher. I know that Saiyan’s were born with their powers, but living in an environment like that helped. To be honest I figured I'd have to downgrade my baby because as strong as they are, not all of Frieza's men would be able to handle it. They'd be nothing but mush on the floor by the time the chamber turned on. But imagine my luck when I literally fall into the hands of the strongest warriors in history? I may have to upgrade her if you four are using her." Bulma knew how to butter someone up if she needed to. She needed this man to, if not like her at the very lest tolerate her, so they could bring that bastard down. It must have worked a little bit, because Vegeta was smirking.
"How do you know you can trust us with that kind of information, woman? How do you know that we aren't in alliances with Frieza? How do you know that we wouldn't just kill you when you're done building the machine?" Nappa's head snapped towards the Prince so fast she was surprised that he didn't break his own neck. The other two turned to him as well with questions in their eyes. He did nothing but stare at her. She needed him to trust her, and he would never if she put up a defense like she wanted too, so she dropped the cocky look from her face and tried to be as honest as she could with him.
"Because I knew your father. It's true I didn't know him very well, or for very long, but I know he was a man of honor, just like the rest of the Saiyan's were and still are. There's no way you'd play mercenaries for that bastard if you had a choice. I'm offering you a choice. I was supposed to arrive at Frieza's ship in five months and one week. He was supposed to be off to the Omega system at the time and it will take him six more months to get back. With a little help, I can have the gravity room built within two weeks, giving you just under eleven months to train at up to four hundred times Earth's gravity. I know the power of the Saiyan's. I know if you have the proper tools you could become the most powerful beings in the universe, and I know that if you took over Frieza's thrown that you would be a fare leader. All I'm asking for is two weeks and a little bit of manpower to prove my self. What do you have to lose?"
He stared at her for a long, lone time, not saying a word. There was no expression on his face, so she had no idea what he was thinking. The other five occupants in the room started fidgeting in their seats, growing uncomfortable with the silence. Bulma dared not move a muscle, and she never took her eyes off his. He needed to know that she wasn't going to back down, and that every word she said was the truth. Well, most of it. She knew that if he obtained the type of power he could with the gravity room and killed Frieza that he would take over the universe, but she wasn't so sure about him ruling fairly. She just knew that he had to be better then Frieza.
"Leave the room, and take the other two with you." He commanded. Without hesitation, the three of them stood up and left. She hopped that they were discussing who would use the gravity room first, not how to kill her.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Vegeta turned to Nappa. "Well, is she trust worthy?"
"To be honest, I haven't seen that girl since she was little, but her father was a trustworthy man. Your father trusted him enough to tell him about the dragon balls, based on that my vote is to trust her. Like she said, what do we have to lose? If the damn machine doesn't work then just kill them like you said you would. But if it does work, imagine the power we could gain. We could finally be rid of Frieza."
"I'm with Nappa, let the girl build it, what harm could it do?" Kakarrot Said.
"Same here, I'm in." Vegeta looked at his men and sighed. With everything that had happened in the last year, the last thing he needed was three women harping around their temporary home. But they were right; they had absolutely nothing to lose by letting the girl build her machine. He left the room and found the girls huddled together whispering in the foyer. He stopped walking and decided to listen to what they had to say.
"Look Princess Bulma-"
"Just Bulma please."
"...Bulma, I know you said we could trust them but, that flame haired guy creeps me out! He looks like he'd kill us for breathing on him." The raven-haired harpy whined at the blue haired Onna. She was right of course. He's rather just dispose of them and get it over with, but this was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.
"I know ChiChi, but we don't have a choice. There's no way off this planet right now and even if there was, we have less then a year before Frieza will be hunting us down. It's not safe enough to go back to our own planets, that's the first place he'll go looking. Staying here with the Saiyan's is the only chance we have of living and beating Frieza."
"Do you really think they can do it?" The green skinned girl spoke for the first time. Vegeta decided he didn't like her right away. She reminded him of Zarbon too much. "In less then a year, you think that these four men can take down the tyrant that has been ruling over us for a little over a century?"
"Yes I do. I wasn't lying back there when I said I knew about Saiyan's. I became a little obsessed with them after King Vegeta just stopped showing up back home. I studied every book, every recording, hell I even went as far as to pay some poor schmuck to travel to Vegeta-si to take pictures and get me water, soil and air samples. Then when Frieza destroyed it, I knew something was wrong. He had never totally annihilated a planet like that before; he just purged the inhabitants and sold the dame thing off. I think he was afraid of the Saiyan’s, afraid of their potential. Quite frankly I'm surprised these four are still alive, but I thank God that they are. I know it, I just feel it in my bones, these men can take him down, and I'm going to do everything in my power to help them."
"What happens when they take over then? What happens if they're worse then Frieza?"
"We just have to pray they won't be. I'm willing to take that chance."
"Bulma's right, Ophelia, I don't think they could be any worse. Besides as scary as they are, they're all hot, and hot guys are never evil."
"....Did she really just say that?"
Vegeta had heard enough, he made sure he stomped his feet loudly enough for the women to hear him approach. All three heads turned to him and the two flanking the Onna took a step back, but she held her ground. She did not cower, she did not look away once, but she was not disrespectful either. She knew how to carry her self, even when dressed in only a sheet. Technicality or not, the girl was defiantly royalty.
"I have decided, you have your two weeks, and you may use my men for whatever physical labor you need. But at the end of these two weeks, if I am not completely satisfied with your work I will kill you all, is that understood?" He stood a mere foot away from her, towering over her five foot two frame, with a look on his face that would have made grown men weep with fear. The Princess however, just smirked up at him, knowing she had won.
"Do not fret Prince, trust me when I say I know how to completely satisfy your every need." She winked before strutting right passed him to the dining room.
...Did that little Earthling just make a pass at him? What kind of balls did she think she had? Despite his frustration, he smirked at her receding form. He was going to have fun breaking this one; he just knew it.
When Bulma reentered the room, the two younger Saiyan's jumped to their feet, trying to be polite. Nappa just rolled his eyes at them. What fools they would make out of them selves for a pretty woman.
"Hello boys, I say it's about time we are properly introduced to one another don't you think?"
"Yes ma'am, my name is Kakarrot, son of Bardock." Bed head said. She nodded her acknowledgment to him and turned to the other one.
"I am Raditz, also a son of Bardock."
"I figured you two were brothers. Couldn't miss the resemblance." She turned her attention to the doorway and saw that Vegeta had not followed her, so she turned back to Nappa and flung her self at him, rapping her arms around his neck.
"Woh little one, if the Prince see's this he's not going to be too pleased." He said patting her back lightly.
She pulled back from him and looked back at the doorway; so far so good.
"I really don't care right now Nappa, You have no idea how happy I am that you're alive! All these years I thought that you were killed on Vegeta-si. I never thought that you were one of the one’s that survived. What happened to you and King Vegeta? Why did you stop conducting business with my father?"
"It's a long story, and it's one I'm not sure I can even tell. I have to comfier with the Prince on this." She nodded her head. She could wait a bit; she waited fifteen years already, why not a bit more? She turned her attention back to the other two Saiyan's and smirked.
"Okay boys, Prince Vegeta has given me permission to use you over the next two weeks for my physical labor, and right now I need to get back to that ship and gather my belongings. Any volunteers?"
"I'll do it! I know where the ship’s at already so it'll be faster if I take you." Kakarrot said before Raditz could even open his mouth. Why did his bother have the luck of finding three beautiful girls on a crashed ship? He felt sure that if HE had volunteered to go check out the crash site, he would have found Sluggilans instead of women.
Bulma nodded at him and turned back to Nappa. "Is there a room in this humongous castle of yours that could hold a small space ship?"
"How small are we talking?"
"About half the size of the Anoria." The Anoria was King Vegeta's ship.
"Why not just leave it outside?" Raditz asked.
"Cause its way too cold out there for me to work on it. I'm human remember? I'll die of hypothermia."
"Geez, you humans are week."
"Good thing I have three big, strong Saiyan's around to protect me then huh?" She said with a wink. Both Raditz and Kakarrot blushed. Nappa shook his head in disgust.
This is going to be a long two weeks.
Kakarrot grabbed another sheet and made sure Bulma was wrapped up tightly before lifting her in his arms and taking off toward the ship. He did the best he could to protect her face from the whipping wind, but by the time he set her down on the same over turned filing cabinet as before, half of her face was bright red from the ice cold winds. Pointing to the frame of the gravity room, she told him to capsulize it then bring her a pair of boots down from her room. Her feet felt like she was going to develop frostbite. After doing what he was told, the real work began. He flew here and there in the ship, helping capsulize anything and everything she pointed out. Then he guarded the entrance to her room as she changed into some clothes. She hadn't planed on any type of cold weather, but she had packed a few pares of jeans and pants and she had long sleeve shirts and a few sweaters. It wasn't enough to keep her warm, but it was better then the sheets she was wearing. When she and Kakarrot had packed everything they could into the capsules and placed them into a tote bag, she placed a hand on his arm and made him look down at her.
"I'm, I'm sorry about attacking you earlier." She said, still ashamed. He just smiled at her.
"Don't worry about it, I really didn't feel a thing."
"Thanks, I think."
"Yeah, not to be rude but your power level is pretty pathetic. My suggestion would be to make some kind of weapon if you can, after you build that gravity room of yours." Pathetic? Well, as much as she wanted to be mad at him, she figured looking at it from a Saiyan's view it was true. So she decided to stay silent as he brought them back to the castle. Looking at it from the outside, it perfectly blended into the scenery around them with its white marble walls and gold trimming. She swore if the sun hit it just right, it could blind a person. It wasn't at all like the deep reds and blacks of Vegeta-si. This was the polar opposite
"Kakarrot, why are you here on this planet? And where are the rest of the inhabitants?" He glanced down at her, but he kept quite for a minute then said.
"I don't know if Vegeta wants me to go into detail with you about that just yet. Build that machine of yours and put him in a good mood, then maybe he'll tell you everything that's going on." Everything seemed to come back to Vegeta.
I guess if I want to survive on this planet, I have to live by his rules... For now. He may be a Prince and he may be stronger then me, but I AM a Princess, and I deserve respect too.
She figured the only way to stay on the mans good side was to make him stronger, but to make him stronger would mean he would have power over all of them. She had to find a way to make sure he wouldn't go power crazy on them.
The girls were waiting for them in the foyer, where they had left them. As soon as Kakarrot set her down they rushed over to her and took the capsule she held out to them, and took the stairs up to one of the bedrooms. Bulma had given them a capsule full of clothes, and while they were both taller then she was, they looked about the same size otherwise. And besides, they could go the next year living in sheets now could they?
The other three Saiyan's came out of the commen room to their left.
"Nappa, do you find a room for me to work in?"
"Yes, follow me." He led her through the archway to the right of the foyer that led into another common room. White marble and gold trimmings seemed to be the theme of this castle, she had only been in a hand full of rooms, but the color scheme was the same in all of them. Whatever race inhabited this planet, they had no imagination. They took a left in the common room and he led her through two gigantic arched doors into a ballroom. As with everywhere else, the room was white with gold trimmings. There were pillars that formed a perfect circle around the main floor of the ballroom, but the space was enormous. If she had the martial, she could have easily fit four gravity rooms in here with room to spare. She turned in a circle, taking in every detail of the room, and when she looked up, she was surprised and pleased to see that the roof was a giant glass dome. It would let in plenty of sunshine during the day, and she'd be able to see the stars at night.
"This isn't a grand tour woman, will this room be sufficient for your machine or n not?" The rough voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked over and saw that they were wall watching her again. Even ChiChi and Ophelia had returned.
She was glad to see that her clothes fit them for the most part, the sleeves and the pants were a bit to short on both of them, more so on Ophelia then ChiChi, but the boots they were wearing came up to mid calf, so that would keep their legs warm. There was nothing she could do about the sleeves though; she didn't pack any gloves. She was surprised when she found nothing of theirs on Airzin's ship. It was like the lizard man just ripped their clothes from their bodies and shoved them in the hibernation tanks. Actually he probably did just that, but she refused to think on the matter. Turning her attention to the surly Saiyan Prince once again, she answered him.
"Yes, this is more then enough room." He just nodded his head them left the room. It was at that moment that Kakarrot's stomach let out a growl that could have put a Tiger to shame. Scratching the back of his head and laughing, he tried to brush it off, but then, almost as if it was responding to him, ChiChi's stomach growled.
"Well, I guess it's been awhile since you girls have had any real rood right?" Raditz asked. When the three of them nodded their heads, he grabbed Kakarrot and drug him out of the room. "Let's go brother, it's hunting time." When they were gone, Ophelia turned Nappa and asked.
"What is there to hunt on a planet covered in snow?" When they had woken up from the tanks, the younger Saiyan’s had offered ChiChi and Ophelia some sort of dried up meat that resembled beef jerky back on Earth, but the taste was awful. They didn’t get more then a few bites of it down. Ophelia was praying that whenever they caught tasted better then that shit.
"There are animals on this planet that are built to handle the cold. If I were you though, I would suggest not looking at it before we have a chance to clean it. I know humans are sensitive, and they aren't exactly pretty."
"I don't give a rats ass if we eat big foot at this point, I'm starving." Bulma said and she un-capsulized the frame of the gravity room. She looked over her shoulder and saw them staring at it with some doubt.
"Don't worry, I know she doesn't look like much now, but in two weeks time this baby is going to be your new best friend." Nappa just nodded and left the room, same way Vegeta did. It must have rubbed off on him over the years, cause she remembered him being more talkative when she was a kid.
Or maybe it was the destruction of his planet and his entire race that got to him. A small voice said in the back of her mind.
She figured that must be it. She could never imagine the pain they all must feel at being the very last of their race. And with that, her earlier doubts about the Prince were erased from her mind. If anyone deserved to rip that monster limb from limb, it was these four men. And by God she was going to do everything she could to help them.
Just you wait Frieza, one year or so from now, and your reign of terror will be over.
So how was that? Shit’s different right? It’s cool though, it’s cool. XD Anyway I’d really appreciate reviews from you guys. I want to hear what you think!!!
So until next time my pretties, happy reading!
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PLEASE READ THIS!!!! Ok, now that I have your attention, here goes. I’ve changed the story of Dragon Ball Z around a bit to satisfy my weirdness. Vegeta is taller, cause I hate that he’s so short, Bulma is shorter, cause I want her to be. Vegeta-si’s gravity is higher, cause I want it that way and Vegeta was older when it Frieza destroyed it.
I have made things this way because I WANT too, and because this is my fan fiction, and I can! =D So please, no pointing out that onething in my plot is wrong. If something is different then what is was in the series, it’s like that cause I wanted it to be. Some of the characters are OOC, but this is a fan fiction, so it’s ok. Now that’s that’s been said, you may commence reading ^^
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z, I just use Vegeta to get my jollies.
Sitting at a round table in a large common room, Bulma felt like a piece of meat on display. It wasn't just the men she could feel staring at her, the other women, ChiChi and Ophelia she learned, were watching her as well, waiting for answers. Apparently the girls didn't remember much; they were both taking place in a martial arts tournament on Sylais-si, a neighboring planet of Earth, when Airzin showed up. The last thing they remember was eating lunch, and talking with the purple lizard man about their future with Frieza's military. They had both made the top five contestants in the tournament, but they couldn't remember if they had finished the competition or not. She supposed it was a good thing they couldn't remember, then maybe if he did rape them like he did her, they wouldn't have to live with the awful memory.
When ChiChi and Ophelia dressed her in a sheet and walked her to the common room, Bulma sat down in a chair between the two and never lifted her eyes once to look at the men sitting there. She was still afraid of them, and she was slightly ashamed at her earlier behavior. She felt bad for hurting the man that had saved her life. She needed to apologize to him, she knew, but first she needed to find the courage to lift her head.
Looking over to his left, Nappa saw that his prince was going to start questioning the female, and he knew that he would not get anywhere with her.
"Vegeta, maybe it would be best if you leave the questioning to me."
"Is that so?"
"No disrespect meant prince, but you're not exactly...tactful, when it comes to questioning. We'll get more out of the girl in her condition if we handle this delicately."
'"Then get started Nappa. Patience is not a virtue I'm blessed with."
"What is your name, little one?" One of the men asked. Something clicked in her head; she remembered that nickname. Looking up she saw it was the giant that had spoken. She got a good look at his face for the first time, and her eyes widened in realization. She recognized the man.
"...Nappa?" Her question startled the two youngest Saiyan's and made the prince raise an eyebrow. Nappa just grinned at her.
"I knew it! I knew I knew your face from somewhere, but it is escaping me."
"It's been awhile. I'm Bulma, Bulma Briefs, remember?" He furred his brows, thinking hard she could tell, until his face took on a look of surprise.
"Bulma Briefs? As in Princess Bulma Briefs of Earth?" He was definitely in shock. The last time he had laid eyes on the girl in front of him, she had been no older then ten or eleven. He cursed him self mentally, he should have known it was her by the blue hair. He had been traveling the universe for years, and he had never come across another being with that shade of blue hair.
At the mention of the word 'Princess', Kakarrot and Raditz sat up a bit straighter in their chairs, acknowledging they were in the presents of royalty. Vegeta counted at royalty of course, but they had grown too comfortable with him as a pack member to really care about their posture when they were around him. This was a Princess on the other hand, and a damn pretty one to boot. Vegeta had a different reaction all together. He was already starting to put a few pieces together in his head, and he started to think of a plan to get them off this planet. Ophelia didn't look that impressed, but ChiChi gasped out loud.
"Of course! How could I have not recognized you? You're King Briefs daughter!" She exclaimed.
"Well, technically he's not the King-"
"Oh bullshit, don't think just cause your father planted that token in charge doesn't mean that the people of Earth don't really know what's going on. Its just politics."
"Excuse me, but could the blue haired Onna explain the meaning of this. Are you a Princess or not?" Vegeta halted their debate. They weren't even ten minutes into the conversation and he was already getting annoyed.
"Yes." Both ChiChi and Bulma said at the same time. Bulma looked over at the raven-haired woman and had to resist punching her in the face. Yes, everyone acknowledged her on her planet as royalty, but technically she was not a true Princess. But even if she was, there was no way in hell she wanted these guys to know. Nappa was ok, and maybe the bed head dude, but she still wasn't sure about the other two, and God knows what could happen to her if they thought she was worth money or something. But with ChiChi adamantly trying to shove the information out there, she supposed she had no choose but to explain her self.
"Look, it's true that my father doesn't have the title of king, but none the less my father rules over Earth. The problem is that he started and owns the biggest technological company in the Gamma system, possibly the universe it's self. The people on my planet are weak minded and did not like the fact that their King would not only be running their world but their technology as well. They said it gave him too much power over them. Before I was born there was an uprising of rebels that wanted him to step down from leadership, but he wouldn’t. So instead he hired an actor, a token King to present to the people as their new leader. The 'King' takes care of all the public appearances, and my father pulls the strings that control him."
"Your people sound like fucking morons."
"They mostly are. But you should know that not everyone is going to agree with their leaders, right Prince Vegeta?" Bulma's confidence was growing stronger by the second. She knew these men, not personally except for Nappa, but she had heard of them. They were Saiyan’s, the last of their race thanks to Frieza. She remembered the day that her father informed the Red Ribbons of the destruction of Vegeta-si, she had been sixteen. She had cried when she thought of the behemoth that had entertained her while her father and King Vegeta handled their business. She cried a little for the King him self as well. While he was never a particularly nice man, he had been pleasant to her and acknowledged her genius. She remembered making repairs to their ship now and then when they came. The thing she remembered most about him though was his flame hair, she had never seen anything like it before. That's how she knew who this man was; he was practically a twin for the King. The second she realized who and what these guys were, her heart started racing with excitement. The reason her father and the King had had so many business meetings, allowing her to get close to the giant body gaud, was that the Saiyan’s had been partners with the Red Ribbons.
They were a proud, warrior race. They were not meant to be a clean up crew for Frieza. She knew that King Vegeta and her father were working on something together, but her father never confided in her what is was. Then, when she was about eleven, the King and Nappa stopped coming all-together. Her father suspected that Frieza was starting to get suspicious, and every communicator in the universe at the time was under the Empires watchful eye so there was no way of contacting his ally. They never heard from the Saiyan's again. A few short years later, Vegeta-si was destroyed, taking any hope of building an army powerful enough to take down Frieza. There were other warrior races of course, but none of them held a candle to the Saiyan's. After every battle, after every fight, their power level would increase incredibly. There was really no limitation on how powerful they could become. She supposed this is why Frieza whipped them out; he knew what they were capable of.
But fortunately enough for the Saiyan’s, so did she.
"Do you know what Red Ribbon is?" She asked the Prince before he could question her how she knew his name. They all smirked at her; of course they knew what it was. "Good, cause now I'm the leader. I'm in charge, and I believe I can make your day a little bit better."
"You want me to believe that some pampered Princess of a mud ball planet is the leader of the largest group of rebels in the universe? Come now you must be joking." Vegeta said, eyeing her coldly.
"Number one, I might be pampered, but I'm far from your average Princess. Number two; Earth is NOT a mud ball. Number three, I can't exactly pull out my Red Ribbon member card out of my sheet, so you're going to have to trust me."
"I trust no one, little girl. So if you want me to believe this story of yours, you better find away of proving it or I'm going to blast you and your little friends here into the next dimension." He stood from his chair, staring threateningly down at her. She felt ChiChi and Ophelia lightly shaking at his words, but they did nothing but piss her off. How dare he call her a little girl! Standing from her own chair, she smacked her hands down on the table and stared him straight in the eye.
"Listen here buster, Prince or not I will not be talked to like I'm an every day commoner on Frieza's ship! You want proof that I am what I say I am, you're either going to have to get me a communicator that's not bugged or your going to have to let me live a little bit longer so I can build for you what Frieza wanted bad enough to take me from my home for." Although he was pissed at the way she spoke to him, he was curious as to what Frieza wanted. What could this little, frail human have that Frieza wanted so bad?
"We have no communicators here, woman, and you have two minutes until I kill you for insubordination to explain what you're supposedly going to build for me." Bulma smirked, two minutes was more then enough time. She launched into the story that had put her in this situation. What the gravity room was, how she had been careless enough to let Yamara got a hold of her plans, how he had betrayed her, the conference with Frieza, leaving Juu in charge of Red Ribbon. She told them about killing Airzin on the ship, but she was vague about how she had gotten him to let down his guard long enough to do it, and the meteor shower that caused her to crash on this planet. She watched the bed head Saiyan and the hedgehog looking one become entranced with her story. They believed every word she said; she knew it. She didn't have to look at Nappa to know he believed her. The only reason he hadn't come to her defense in the first place was the fear of Vegeta, and she knew that too. He was clearly the alpha dog here, and she had to convince him of her worth. Her life and the lives of the two girls next to her depended on it.
"Now, wait a minute." Raditz interrupted her. "Just how will training under higher gravity levels make you stronger?" She saw Vegeta roll his eyes at the question. Clearly this is not the only 'Duh' moment the man had had.
"It builds stamina which, among other things, makes you stronger. I've worked on this gravity chamber for years, since I was eighteen. I've done all of my research on warrior races, such as your selves, and found that almost every one of them lived on a planet with a high gravity level. The ones that didn’t have high gravity were not very strong. Vegeta-si's gravity level was twenty times higher then Earth's and it had the highest of all the worrier planets, the next highest one only being eight times higher. I know that Saiyan’s were born with their powers, but living in an environment like that helped. To be honest I figured I'd have to downgrade my baby because as strong as they are, not all of Frieza's men would be able to handle it. They'd be nothing but mush on the floor by the time the chamber turned on. But imagine my luck when I literally fall into the hands of the strongest warriors in history? I may have to upgrade her if you four are using her." Bulma knew how to butter someone up if she needed to. She needed this man to, if not like her at the very lest tolerate her, so they could bring that bastard down. It must have worked a little bit, because Vegeta was smirking.
"How do you know you can trust us with that kind of information, woman? How do you know that we aren't in alliances with Frieza? How do you know that we wouldn't just kill you when you're done building the machine?" Nappa's head snapped towards the Prince so fast she was surprised that he didn't break his own neck. The other two turned to him as well with questions in their eyes. He did nothing but stare at her. She needed him to trust her, and he would never if she put up a defense like she wanted too, so she dropped the cocky look from her face and tried to be as honest as she could with him.
"Because I knew your father. It's true I didn't know him very well, or for very long, but I know he was a man of honor, just like the rest of the Saiyan's were and still are. There's no way you'd play mercenaries for that bastard if you had a choice. I'm offering you a choice. I was supposed to arrive at Frieza's ship in five months and one week. He was supposed to be off to the Omega system at the time and it will take him six more months to get back. With a little help, I can have the gravity room built within two weeks, giving you just under eleven months to train at up to four hundred times Earth's gravity. I know the power of the Saiyan's. I know if you have the proper tools you could become the most powerful beings in the universe, and I know that if you took over Frieza's thrown that you would be a fare leader. All I'm asking for is two weeks and a little bit of manpower to prove my self. What do you have to lose?"
He stared at her for a long, lone time, not saying a word. There was no expression on his face, so she had no idea what he was thinking. The other five occupants in the room started fidgeting in their seats, growing uncomfortable with the silence. Bulma dared not move a muscle, and she never took her eyes off his. He needed to know that she wasn't going to back down, and that every word she said was the truth. Well, most of it. She knew that if he obtained the type of power he could with the gravity room and killed Frieza that he would take over the universe, but she wasn't so sure about him ruling fairly. She just knew that he had to be better then Frieza.
"Leave the room, and take the other two with you." He commanded. Without hesitation, the three of them stood up and left. She hopped that they were discussing who would use the gravity room first, not how to kill her.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Vegeta turned to Nappa. "Well, is she trust worthy?"
"To be honest, I haven't seen that girl since she was little, but her father was a trustworthy man. Your father trusted him enough to tell him about the dragon balls, based on that my vote is to trust her. Like she said, what do we have to lose? If the damn machine doesn't work then just kill them like you said you would. But if it does work, imagine the power we could gain. We could finally be rid of Frieza."
"I'm with Nappa, let the girl build it, what harm could it do?" Kakarrot Said.
"Same here, I'm in." Vegeta looked at his men and sighed. With everything that had happened in the last year, the last thing he needed was three women harping around their temporary home. But they were right; they had absolutely nothing to lose by letting the girl build her machine. He left the room and found the girls huddled together whispering in the foyer. He stopped walking and decided to listen to what they had to say.
"Look Princess Bulma-"
"Just Bulma please."
"...Bulma, I know you said we could trust them but, that flame haired guy creeps me out! He looks like he'd kill us for breathing on him." The raven-haired harpy whined at the blue haired Onna. She was right of course. He's rather just dispose of them and get it over with, but this was just too good of an opportunity to pass up.
"I know ChiChi, but we don't have a choice. There's no way off this planet right now and even if there was, we have less then a year before Frieza will be hunting us down. It's not safe enough to go back to our own planets, that's the first place he'll go looking. Staying here with the Saiyan's is the only chance we have of living and beating Frieza."
"Do you really think they can do it?" The green skinned girl spoke for the first time. Vegeta decided he didn't like her right away. She reminded him of Zarbon too much. "In less then a year, you think that these four men can take down the tyrant that has been ruling over us for a little over a century?"
"Yes I do. I wasn't lying back there when I said I knew about Saiyan's. I became a little obsessed with them after King Vegeta just stopped showing up back home. I studied every book, every recording, hell I even went as far as to pay some poor schmuck to travel to Vegeta-si to take pictures and get me water, soil and air samples. Then when Frieza destroyed it, I knew something was wrong. He had never totally annihilated a planet like that before; he just purged the inhabitants and sold the dame thing off. I think he was afraid of the Saiyan’s, afraid of their potential. Quite frankly I'm surprised these four are still alive, but I thank God that they are. I know it, I just feel it in my bones, these men can take him down, and I'm going to do everything in my power to help them."
"What happens when they take over then? What happens if they're worse then Frieza?"
"We just have to pray they won't be. I'm willing to take that chance."
"Bulma's right, Ophelia, I don't think they could be any worse. Besides as scary as they are, they're all hot, and hot guys are never evil."
"....Did she really just say that?"
Vegeta had heard enough, he made sure he stomped his feet loudly enough for the women to hear him approach. All three heads turned to him and the two flanking the Onna took a step back, but she held her ground. She did not cower, she did not look away once, but she was not disrespectful either. She knew how to carry her self, even when dressed in only a sheet. Technicality or not, the girl was defiantly royalty.
"I have decided, you have your two weeks, and you may use my men for whatever physical labor you need. But at the end of these two weeks, if I am not completely satisfied with your work I will kill you all, is that understood?" He stood a mere foot away from her, towering over her five foot two frame, with a look on his face that would have made grown men weep with fear. The Princess however, just smirked up at him, knowing she had won.
"Do not fret Prince, trust me when I say I know how to completely satisfy your every need." She winked before strutting right passed him to the dining room.
...Did that little Earthling just make a pass at him? What kind of balls did she think she had? Despite his frustration, he smirked at her receding form. He was going to have fun breaking this one; he just knew it.
When Bulma reentered the room, the two younger Saiyan's jumped to their feet, trying to be polite. Nappa just rolled his eyes at them. What fools they would make out of them selves for a pretty woman.
"Hello boys, I say it's about time we are properly introduced to one another don't you think?"
"Yes ma'am, my name is Kakarrot, son of Bardock." Bed head said. She nodded her acknowledgment to him and turned to the other one.
"I am Raditz, also a son of Bardock."
"I figured you two were brothers. Couldn't miss the resemblance." She turned her attention to the doorway and saw that Vegeta had not followed her, so she turned back to Nappa and flung her self at him, rapping her arms around his neck.
"Woh little one, if the Prince see's this he's not going to be too pleased." He said patting her back lightly.
She pulled back from him and looked back at the doorway; so far so good.
"I really don't care right now Nappa, You have no idea how happy I am that you're alive! All these years I thought that you were killed on Vegeta-si. I never thought that you were one of the one’s that survived. What happened to you and King Vegeta? Why did you stop conducting business with my father?"
"It's a long story, and it's one I'm not sure I can even tell. I have to comfier with the Prince on this." She nodded her head. She could wait a bit; she waited fifteen years already, why not a bit more? She turned her attention back to the other two Saiyan's and smirked.
"Okay boys, Prince Vegeta has given me permission to use you over the next two weeks for my physical labor, and right now I need to get back to that ship and gather my belongings. Any volunteers?"
"I'll do it! I know where the ship’s at already so it'll be faster if I take you." Kakarrot said before Raditz could even open his mouth. Why did his bother have the luck of finding three beautiful girls on a crashed ship? He felt sure that if HE had volunteered to go check out the crash site, he would have found Sluggilans instead of women.
Bulma nodded at him and turned back to Nappa. "Is there a room in this humongous castle of yours that could hold a small space ship?"
"How small are we talking?"
"About half the size of the Anoria." The Anoria was King Vegeta's ship.
"Why not just leave it outside?" Raditz asked.
"Cause its way too cold out there for me to work on it. I'm human remember? I'll die of hypothermia."
"Geez, you humans are week."
"Good thing I have three big, strong Saiyan's around to protect me then huh?" She said with a wink. Both Raditz and Kakarrot blushed. Nappa shook his head in disgust.
This is going to be a long two weeks.
Kakarrot grabbed another sheet and made sure Bulma was wrapped up tightly before lifting her in his arms and taking off toward the ship. He did the best he could to protect her face from the whipping wind, but by the time he set her down on the same over turned filing cabinet as before, half of her face was bright red from the ice cold winds. Pointing to the frame of the gravity room, she told him to capsulize it then bring her a pair of boots down from her room. Her feet felt like she was going to develop frostbite. After doing what he was told, the real work began. He flew here and there in the ship, helping capsulize anything and everything she pointed out. Then he guarded the entrance to her room as she changed into some clothes. She hadn't planed on any type of cold weather, but she had packed a few pares of jeans and pants and she had long sleeve shirts and a few sweaters. It wasn't enough to keep her warm, but it was better then the sheets she was wearing. When she and Kakarrot had packed everything they could into the capsules and placed them into a tote bag, she placed a hand on his arm and made him look down at her.
"I'm, I'm sorry about attacking you earlier." She said, still ashamed. He just smiled at her.
"Don't worry about it, I really didn't feel a thing."
"Thanks, I think."
"Yeah, not to be rude but your power level is pretty pathetic. My suggestion would be to make some kind of weapon if you can, after you build that gravity room of yours." Pathetic? Well, as much as she wanted to be mad at him, she figured looking at it from a Saiyan's view it was true. So she decided to stay silent as he brought them back to the castle. Looking at it from the outside, it perfectly blended into the scenery around them with its white marble walls and gold trimming. She swore if the sun hit it just right, it could blind a person. It wasn't at all like the deep reds and blacks of Vegeta-si. This was the polar opposite
"Kakarrot, why are you here on this planet? And where are the rest of the inhabitants?" He glanced down at her, but he kept quite for a minute then said.
"I don't know if Vegeta wants me to go into detail with you about that just yet. Build that machine of yours and put him in a good mood, then maybe he'll tell you everything that's going on." Everything seemed to come back to Vegeta.
I guess if I want to survive on this planet, I have to live by his rules... For now. He may be a Prince and he may be stronger then me, but I AM a Princess, and I deserve respect too.
She figured the only way to stay on the mans good side was to make him stronger, but to make him stronger would mean he would have power over all of them. She had to find a way to make sure he wouldn't go power crazy on them.
The girls were waiting for them in the foyer, where they had left them. As soon as Kakarrot set her down they rushed over to her and took the capsule she held out to them, and took the stairs up to one of the bedrooms. Bulma had given them a capsule full of clothes, and while they were both taller then she was, they looked about the same size otherwise. And besides, they could go the next year living in sheets now could they?
The other three Saiyan's came out of the commen room to their left.
"Nappa, do you find a room for me to work in?"
"Yes, follow me." He led her through the archway to the right of the foyer that led into another common room. White marble and gold trimmings seemed to be the theme of this castle, she had only been in a hand full of rooms, but the color scheme was the same in all of them. Whatever race inhabited this planet, they had no imagination. They took a left in the common room and he led her through two gigantic arched doors into a ballroom. As with everywhere else, the room was white with gold trimmings. There were pillars that formed a perfect circle around the main floor of the ballroom, but the space was enormous. If she had the martial, she could have easily fit four gravity rooms in here with room to spare. She turned in a circle, taking in every detail of the room, and when she looked up, she was surprised and pleased to see that the roof was a giant glass dome. It would let in plenty of sunshine during the day, and she'd be able to see the stars at night.
"This isn't a grand tour woman, will this room be sufficient for your machine or n not?" The rough voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked over and saw that they were wall watching her again. Even ChiChi and Ophelia had returned.
She was glad to see that her clothes fit them for the most part, the sleeves and the pants were a bit to short on both of them, more so on Ophelia then ChiChi, but the boots they were wearing came up to mid calf, so that would keep their legs warm. There was nothing she could do about the sleeves though; she didn't pack any gloves. She was surprised when she found nothing of theirs on Airzin's ship. It was like the lizard man just ripped their clothes from their bodies and shoved them in the hibernation tanks. Actually he probably did just that, but she refused to think on the matter. Turning her attention to the surly Saiyan Prince once again, she answered him.
"Yes, this is more then enough room." He just nodded his head them left the room. It was at that moment that Kakarrot's stomach let out a growl that could have put a Tiger to shame. Scratching the back of his head and laughing, he tried to brush it off, but then, almost as if it was responding to him, ChiChi's stomach growled.
"Well, I guess it's been awhile since you girls have had any real rood right?" Raditz asked. When the three of them nodded their heads, he grabbed Kakarrot and drug him out of the room. "Let's go brother, it's hunting time." When they were gone, Ophelia turned Nappa and asked.
"What is there to hunt on a planet covered in snow?" When they had woken up from the tanks, the younger Saiyan’s had offered ChiChi and Ophelia some sort of dried up meat that resembled beef jerky back on Earth, but the taste was awful. They didn’t get more then a few bites of it down. Ophelia was praying that whenever they caught tasted better then that shit.
"There are animals on this planet that are built to handle the cold. If I were you though, I would suggest not looking at it before we have a chance to clean it. I know humans are sensitive, and they aren't exactly pretty."
"I don't give a rats ass if we eat big foot at this point, I'm starving." Bulma said and she un-capsulized the frame of the gravity room. She looked over her shoulder and saw them staring at it with some doubt.
"Don't worry, I know she doesn't look like much now, but in two weeks time this baby is going to be your new best friend." Nappa just nodded and left the room, same way Vegeta did. It must have rubbed off on him over the years, cause she remembered him being more talkative when she was a kid.
Or maybe it was the destruction of his planet and his entire race that got to him. A small voice said in the back of her mind.
She figured that must be it. She could never imagine the pain they all must feel at being the very last of their race. And with that, her earlier doubts about the Prince were erased from her mind. If anyone deserved to rip that monster limb from limb, it was these four men. And by God she was going to do everything she could to help them.
Just you wait Frieza, one year or so from now, and your reign of terror will be over.
So how was that? Shit’s different right? It’s cool though, it’s cool. XD Anyway I’d really appreciate reviews from you guys. I want to hear what you think!!!
So until next time my pretties, happy reading!
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