Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Blue Eyes ❯ An Encounter to Remember ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Behind Blue Eyes

Chapter 3- An Encounter to Remember

Disclaimer: I've yet to get an offer on the Brooklyn Bridge…I still own DBZ and even the state of California, care to buy it?

Author's Note: Hey all. I'm back.


Pan studied her room. The walls were painted a deep crimson with black trim. `You would think these colors would make this room look tiny.' The bed was covered in a black silk duvet with small pillows and a beautiful draping canopy. The carpet was a soft cherry color and looked to be about as soft as the bed.

As she ventured farther in, she saw the bathroom. It was a severe contrast to the darkness of the room. The large room was a soft blue color. The walls were so light, they almost looked off-white. The tile was much darker, a royal blue that seemed almost black. "This bathroom is bigger than my entire bedroom at home…"

Sighing softly she walked over to the immense picture window and looked out. Much to her surprise and delight, she found her view to be one that over looked the royal gardens. Beautiful hues of greens, red, blues, pinks, and even purples mixed together in a gorgeous tapestry that Pan could've sworn was painted by someone such as DaVinci. Her breath seemed to catch in her throat at the sight.

Tearing herself away from the menagerie of colors, she looked at her watch and noticed that it was about 6:00. `Great, I can squeeze in a training session before dinner.' She walked over to where Vegeta had thrown her bags and picked up the one she had packed her training clothes in.

She pulled out a pair of fitted black work-out pants and a blue tank top with a picture of an angel and devil fighting that stated `Good girls are only bad girls that don't get caught.' Tugging off the clothing she had worn since she got there, she slowly dressed herself for a training session.

As she walked out of the door she noticed the guard standing outside. Clearing her throat softly, she waited until the man turned and looked at her. The tall man bowed slightly and looked up at her. "What may I help you with Son Pan?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him. Her eyes scanned over everything from his uniform, much like the two Vegetas, to his gentle eyes. "Well, a couple of things actually. What's your name, what are you doing outside of my room and where can I find the gymnasium?"

The male bowed again. "My name is Kuris, I was assigned to be your personal guard during your stay on Vegeta-sei and I will lead you to the training rooms if you wish." He straightened himself and crossed his arms, waiting for a reply.

Pan smiled slightly and pushed her bangs out of her face. "I'd like that Kuris, you can call me Pan." She took a step farther out into the hall to give him a signal that she was ready to go.


Vegeta threw another punch towards Nappa's gut, sending the big brute into the wall for what seemed like the fiftieth time in fifteen minutes. He crossed his arms and leaned against the opposite wall. "Nappa, you're useless."

Nappa struggled to his feet and kneeled before Vegeta. "I'm sorry Prince Vegeta. Perhaps next time I could try harder?" His only answer was a huff of indifference and frustration.

Vegeta had been about to reprimand Nappa further when he heard Kuris and an unfamiliar female voice speaking outside of the door. He strained his hearing to be able to hear Kuris speak to the woman. "Here we are ma'am. The gym is open as long as it isn't full. I'll be outside if you need me."

The female voice let out a small giggle. Then he found out who the voice belonged to. "Thank you Kuris and please, call me Pan. You're welcome to come in if you wish." The door slowly opened and revealed the one female that Vegeta had hoped to avoid.

Pan's smile stayed on her face until her eyes fell upon Vegeta. A sneer replaced it as she studied his form, seeing that he had taken off his cape and armor, but not the spandex body suit. Walking past him to the weights, she called back mockingly, "The 1980's called and they want their fashion back."

The smile returned to Pan's face as a snarl appeared from his throat. Vegeta followed her closely and as she turned, he grabbed her shoulders and pressed her to the wall. Pan struggled against his strong grip, but he held tight. "I don't know who you think you are woman, but you are here because of my father, not me. HE may care what the hell happens to you but I certainly don't so I suggest if you don't want to go home to Earth-sei in a body bag, you'll respect those of higher station. You may be a saiyan, but you're no match for your prince."

A small chuckle resounded in Vegeta's ears. The woman stared into his eyes coldly. "You think I'm not match for you? Your ki is lower than my mother's. I have no wish to be here anymore than you wish me to be here. I am doing my job! I was told to come here…and so I did. If you so much as touch one hair on my head, all of Earth's forces will be on your planet's ass like ants on a picnic! So YOU respect ME!" As the last word left her lips, she brought her knee up to connect with the apex of his legs. The cold chuckle left her throat as he fell to the floor holding himself.

She blew him a kiss and stepped over him on her way out. "I guess that's enough of a workout for the day. I'll see you at dinner Prince Vegeta." A small smirk appeared on her lips as she skipped happily out of the gym.


Author's Note: There we go. I'm taking my review limit off and I'll just update as I can. I don't need to stroke my ego with the number of reviews I can bring in. If you want to make me a happy girl though, please review.

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