Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Beyond the Fallen Love ❯ The Fight ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of the characters, I just own the story and my mind which runs wild sometimes and I come up with stuff like this. Please don't sue.

It was a beautiful August day and Bra was coming home after a long day of shopping with her best friend Pan. When she got to the door she heard her parents going at it. (A.N. Not in that sense it's not a lemon…). Her parents started to fight a lot more after she turned 18. Bulma complained that Vegeta never said, "I love you Bulma" not even once. Vegeta would tell her the same thing every time "Saijins don't show emotions like love "Onna". Bra knew it was not safe to go in the front door yet, so she went around to the side of the house and flow to her window. She placed the stuff on her bed and started to try on her new clothes when her mother walked into her room. "Pack your bags, I can't stay in this house until your father says he loves me", Bulma said as tears started to flow. "Mom you know dad loves you, he is just stubborn that's all, you know that" Bra said hoping her mother would change her mind. "Bra it's not going to work this time I really don't think your father loves me now so get ready I am leaving in an hour." With that Bulma left. "Mom wait I have an idea how about I go back in time to get dad to tell you he loves you, Trunks went back why can't I? Bulma thought for a moment. "You know what Bra I think your right that could be a good idea. Well why not it's could work let's try it" Than Bulma stopped " You need some on to go with you and Trunks can't go again, only one time per person." Bra felt like she failed she had to find a person to go back in time with her in a half hour. But she knew it was going to be difficult, almost impossible. She walked into her room and pulled out her little black book. "This could take awhile," she said as she picked up the phone to call the first person.

In the next chapter:

Everyone Bra has called has said they couldn't go. But her last call could change the whole thing. Someone wants to go with her, but will it be a good idea? Who is this mystery person? Find out in the next chapter of Beyond the Fallen Love.

A.N. I have written the next chapter but I want to know if you like the first one before I upload the second one.
