Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Birth of a Prince ❯ So Close... ( Chapter 18 )
Part 18 So Close
It was quiet after that incident, for awhile anyway. At Vegeta's suggestion, Bulma struggled into the carry-pouch and kept Sage with her the rest of the day, re-establishing her connection with her youngest offspring. Sage pouted noticeably for awhile, but then got interested in some of the projects his mother was working on. Bulma found herself relaxing, and explaining to him how they worked, much as she had done for baby Trunks.
Bulma's pride was still smarting, however after Sage's rejection. She was furious with herself after she had gotten over the shock. She had raised Trunks through his babyhood without hardly a finger raised by Vegeta. It galled her to no end that she now had to RELY on Vegeta's help with her youngest son. She glanced down in the carry pouch; Sage was sleeping, purring faintly, sucking vigorously on his thumb. You do look just like your father, little prince, she though affectionately, as she continued her work, moving carefully so as not to disturb Sage.
Vegeta and Goku were still pounding each other bloody in 450X gravity. Vegeta had successfully been able to ignore that idiot side of his brain all day, and was thoroughly enjoying the spar. He didn't make the connection between the ahem….events of the night before with Bulma and his new found control. Unbeknownst to him however, Goku wasn't quite as fortunate.
Bulma's scent on Vegeta was driving Goku into a frenzy. At first he had been able to ignore it, reminding himself that Bulma was a good friend of his. He knew that Vegeta and Bulma had a "relationship" Kami, they had two children together. It had never bothered him before. But as the day wore on, Vegeta's scent grew stronger as it mingled with sweat and blood, with the uniquely heady royal perfume that was Vegeta pushed to prominence. Instead of masking Bulma's scent, the dissonance between the two scents made it more evident to Goku's sensitive nose.
It was driving him wild. Damnit, I don't feel that way about him, thought Goku desperately to himself. I don't, I d….sweet heaven, I could drown myself in that scent. No Damnit!!! This is Vegeta…VEGETA! I don't even want to think about what he would do to me if he knew I even THOUGHT this way about him. Oh yes you do, whispered a tiny voice in the back of his brain. Chichi was never enough for you, even when she condescended to let you touch her. Ever since Vegeta told you about Saiyjin mating rituals you have wanted him to claim you. Denial won't do you any good…I KNOW what you want. I am you after all. You want your prince. What's more, you want your prince to want YOU. But he won't. He wouldn't want a third class baka as a mate.
Goku's inner turmoil was enough to end the spar as Vegeta blasted him with a powered down version of his Big Bang attack. Goku never even saw it coming. The bright hot light engulfed him, and he had the vague sense of falling and Vegeta's voice yelling "Kakkarott, you baka, why didn't you block that?"
Goku thought he was in paradise when he awoke his aching and bloody head cradled in Vegeta's lap. They were sitting on the floor of the gravity room, he noticed.
"Damnit, Kakkarott, I thought I had broken that hard head of yours." Vegeta's annoyed tone of voice couldn't quite hide the relief he felt when Goku's eyes focused on him.
"Sorry Vegeta," muttered Goku, not wanting move, for more reasons than the pain in his head. "Must not have been paying attention. We have been going at it all day." He gasped as he tried to turn his head, the pain shot behind his eyes, blinding him in a white hot flash.
"Shhh, Kakkarott, don't move. Just rest for a few minutes, the pain should clear enough for us to get you a senzu."
Goku was quite happy to comply. If he hadn't been hurting so much, he would have started to purr, as Vegeta's white gloved fingers rubbed his forehead and temples, pushing away the throbbing with their gentle, circular motions. He closed his eyes against the glare of the lights in the gravity room, and relaxed under Vegeta's careful ministrations.
Vegeta hadn't even realized he was giving into his protective instincts towards the younger Saiyjin. He could feel how badly he had been injured by the blast, though he should have been able to block it easily. His trained eyes took in the bruises and bloody gashes that adorned the sculpted body. Maybe we had been going at it too long, he mused. He could feel Kakkarott relaxing as he rubbed the pain away from his head. The injured man's eyes fluttered closed as a small sigh escaped his lips. Without thinking, responding to an urge deep within him, Vegeta leaned over, intent on those exquisite lips, his own parting in anticipation, breath bated as he leaned lower, lower…
BANG BANG BANG BANG!!! Vegeta's head jerked up, Goku's eyes flew open as they both turned towards the door. Another loud bang, and it crashed open, to reveal the very last person that either of them wished to see right then.
To be continued….