Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blinded Love ❯ And The Hunt Begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: So I'm glad this chapter was not late I'm actually proud of myself ^_^. Oh and peeps this is a B/V I repeat this IS a B/V Fic, K. Anyways I just want to Thank all the reviewers, you guys rock!!! Please keep up with the reviews ya know don't back down cause the reviews don't hurt, -_-' I know I'm corny but hey at least you know I got a good sense of humor ^_^.

Disclaimer: Nope I do not own DBZ or GT or any of the other characters in this story so don't sue or whatever please!

And The Hunt Begins

Bulma's heart began pounding harder as she looked once again at the floor, she closed her eyes and waited to fall. It had been exactly one minute already since Bulma had tripped over the damn bump and her house wasn't that big either, she sighed as she felt two strong arms hold her. Bulma was furious but wasn't going to say anything until Vegeta put her down, she wasn't stupid either she knew if she said something wrong Vegeta would let her fall, she was pretty sure of that.

Vegeta smirked as he looked down at the pitiful woman, he could have cared less if she died or not but something made him catch her. Once Vegeta touched the ground he immediately let go of Bulma, causing her to hit the ground. " Ow that hurt " Bulma whined as she rubbed the part she had hit, her butt. Vegeta stood there with his one and only known smirk waiting patiently for Bulma to thank him for saving her life, but was shocked as he saw Bulma's finger in front of his face. " What! You expected me to thank you and bow down, well your completely wrong Vegeta how dare you scare me like that I could have died up there " Bulma yelled. Vegeta roughly pushed her hand aside and looked at her blue mesmerizing eyes. Vegeta smirked once again and grabbed Bulma by the neck, lifting her up easily bringing her inches from his face. " Look wench right now you should be grateful that I even saved your pathetic life " Vegeta hissed letting Bulma go. Bulma growled loudly and stomped back to her room leaving a very well satisfied Sai-jin.

Bulma angrily closed her bedroom door making sure she did it quietly knowing she was going to wake up the whole neighbor hood. Bulma turned off her light and fell back on her bed. ' Damn that little arrogant imbecile, how dare he, I could have died out there ' Bulma thought ' I'll get him back sooner or later, watch Vegeta you have NO idea what you have gotten yourself into' With that thought Bulma let out a small giggle and fell into a deep slumber. Vegeta in the other hand couldn't sleep he had his mind into what seemed to him as unimportant things like the stupid onna. Damn how he hated her but at the same time felt strongly attracted to her, Vegeta mentally slapped himself at his last thought ' I know better than to mate with a weakling chikuu-jin, heh anything would be better than to mate it only wastes my precious training time ' Vegeta thought as he yawned sleepily.

Bulma woke up rather moody that morning but it all faded as she stepped in her bathtub and relaxed, Bulma seeing it was almost 8 got up and wrapped a white towel around her body stepping out of the tub. Bulma began roaming thru her immense closet seeing she had nothing that satisfied her. After 45 minutes passed and her room was a complete mess Bulma had found the cutest most sexiest little outfit she had never worn and was exactly what she was going to wear that night when her man hunt would begin for Danessa and her. After choosing her outfit she hanged it outside her bathroom door and quickly changing into a baby blue tank top that had written in the back 2 HOT 4 YA and some white short shorts followed by her white sneakers. Bulma made no attempt to put on some makeup except for some clear lipstick. Bulma frowned at her reflection she needed a change, her hair was the first on her list it was too long for her likings she figured she was going to cut it Shoulder-Length-Size. ' Oh I can't wait till Veg- err the guys see my new Bad Gurl look ' Bulma thought dreamily. Bulma quickly dismissing the thought ran downstairs and dialed at her favorite salon Clique.

" Hello, this is Cliques salon how may I help you " asked the lady on the other line politely

" Hi can I please speak with Christina " Bulma answered

" Sure hold on Hun she'll come in a sec "

" Thanks " Bulma mumbled

After about 2 minutes of waiting in the line a rather aggressive voice came in the other line " Yes this is Christina speaking, how the hell can I help you "

" Well aren't we moody today " Bulma joked

" Oh sorry about that Bulma I thought it was someone else " Christina said a bit embarrassed

" I'm not even going to go there " Bulma said as she perfectly knew what she meant by someone else. " We will talk about that later now, but the reason I called is to see if you can do your magic and make me beautiful " Bulma continued

" Sure B, how about at 3pm I'm free at that time " Christina answered

" Ok thanks, see ya till then " Bulma said happily as she hung up

Bulma turned and began preparing breakfast she was happy everything was going perfectly. Bulma began singing her favorite song 'Alive by POD ', not even noticing a very angry Sai-jin walk in. Vegeta stood there watching Bulma make a complete fool out of herself as she danced wildly around the room.....without music. Vegeta's confused look turned into a smirk as Bulma without notice pressed her butt in front of Vegeta's... you know what. Bulma froze for a moment but regained her composure and quickly pulled away. Blushing furiously Bulma mumbled a sorry and continued doing what she was doing breakfast, but this time without any dancing. Vegeta made an non intelligent comment and sat down waiting for his breakfast. When Bulma was about done when Danessa walked in wearing something that made her eyes pop out. Danessa was wearing some See-thru red shorts revealing her red thong and practically a red napkin on her chest ( A/N: When I mean napkin I mean the thing Christina Aguilera was wearing on 2002 Video Awards ) Bulma stole a glance at Vegeta and happened to see Vegeta with a disgusted look on his face. Dannesa did not notice this and seductively sat across from him and winked at him, Bulma felt like exploding but calmed herself after all she did agree to help her get Vegeta.

There was an awkward silence in the room by now she had expected for Vegeta to insult her or her cooking but nope it was silent not even a chirp, damn where were those birds when you most needed them. Bulma couldn't resist the silent any longer and spoke up " Danessa are we still going tonight? "

Danessa snapped out of her trance and nodded in agreement. " Which club are we going to? " Danessa asked as she took a bite of her sausage.

Bulma almost burst out laughing as she looked a Vegeta's expression when he saw Danessa and her sausage technique, it was obvious Vegeta thought Danessa was a plain slut but it was also something that shocked Bulma as well. " Well were going to Club Midnight, it's very cool " Bulma answered while taking a bite of from her carrot. Vegeta became angered and roughly stood up and left without a word. Bulma looked at him strangely, but shook it off as she decided it was time to go to the salon. Danessa decide to join her because she needed a serious hair cut also.

Bulma sat quite nervously in the salons chair as she waited for Christina to come and to work her magic. Bulma had been extremely careful on choosing something that would suit her and something that would remain permanently on her hair like curling it, straitening it, waiving it and so on. Bulma had decided on curling her hair, after Bulma had finished and talked to Christina about her problems she went to check on Danessa who also was finished. " Oh my god Bulma you look hot! " Danessa said as she touched Bulma's hair. " Thanks, yours too " Bulma said as she looked at Danessa's once long hair. Now Danessa had cut it chin-length-size and curled the edges making her brown eyes show more, making her look splendid.

Bulma and Danessa paid and left the ride home was interesting thou. Danessa had ask so many questions about Vegeta that it made Bulma a bit annoyed but calmly answered them except one that really made her think " Bulma it's so strange how you never felt attracted to Vegeta, I think Vegeta is ten times more a man than Yamcha will ever be ". Now Bulma didn't know how to answer that why didn't she notice Vegeta before?

After arriving home Bulma prepared dinner and once she was done quickly ran up to her room to change it was 7 and she had about 2 hours to change and get ready. Bulma hadn't seen Vegeta she figured he was still training so she decided to let him be, plus she didn't want him to see her until she was dressed. Bulma quickly changed in to what she had picked out that morning which was a pair of gray light faded jeans that went below her waist exposing a lot more than her belly button, the jeans fit tight showing off every curve Bulma had on her body. Accompanying that Bulma wore a white halter top that left her back completely naked, the shirt ended below her breast, Bulma tied the string that was positioned in the back of her shirt and did the same with the one on her neck, the shirt showed plenty of cleavage. To top it off she added a silver belly button chain that had a playboy bunny resting at the middle of her belly. Bulma finally put on her white ankle full 4 inch enamel plated heel, ultra pointy snip toe and wafer platform boots. (A/N: I know you're like what the hell is that well those are boots that have very skinny heels and have a pointy tip, sorry I'm not good at explaining things at the end of this chapter I'll post a link that will lead you to the picture) Now Bulma began with her makeup by applying glitter over her chest area and on her belly button, then she continued to apply pink Maybelline's wet shine diamonds lipstick and added light pink eye shadow to her blue eyes, after that she added two sliver hoop earrings Bulma looked over herself in the mirror and smirked DAMN! did she look fine. ' I'll show them who's boss ' Bulma thought as she let out a small giggle and started to fix her hair.

Danessa had finished getting ready and waited patiently on the couch for Bulma to get ready. Danessa was wearing a caramel almost brown looking leather skirt that rested on her waist and a chocolate colored crisscross V-neck halter/belly shirt. Danessa was also wearing brown leather knee length boots. She had two small butterflies at each side of her hair and let it loosely.

Vegeta had been training non stop since breakfast and he was starving, after shutting down the Gravity Machine he headed towards the kitchen, not noticing Danessa sitting down on the living room. Vegeta had gotten mad at Danessa's behavior what did he think he was, but what had really pissed him off was the fact that Bulma was going out.. at night, with who knows who. Vegeta tried pushing the thought but couldn't it keep on popping up in his mind. ' Club Midnight, eh! Who would be so pathetic to call their club Midnight ' Vegeta thought angrily. " Stupid human " Vegeta mumbled, this time heard by Danessa who's eyes glittered with exciment. She practically ran to the kitchen and stopped before she entered to see how she looked.

" Hey Vegeta " Danessa said in what she thought was her cutest voice. Vegeta ignored her and kept on eating like nobody had said anything,

"Umm, ok so what's up? " Danessa continued as she took seat next to him.

Silence once again, this was driving Danessa insane but kept it inside not really wanting to start crying because he was ignoring her.

" Right!, so Vegeta are you coming with us? " She asked once again

Vegeta growled in annoyance, obviously she wasn't getting the picture that he did not want to speak with her what so ever. But thought that the only way of shutting her up was to answer her damn questions. Vegeta answered a " No " ad continued eating his food.

Danessa frowned, she wanted for him to come so badly " Why Vegeta?, I mean your going to be here all by yourself " Danessa said

" So " Vegeta answered coldly

" Wont you get bored, at least if you come with us you'll have fun after all you have already finished you training so how bout just calling it a night " Danessa pleaded

" Don't tell me what to do " Vegeta hissed before actually thinking it over. ' The wench is right I did finish my training it's not like it would hurt to go out with this wenches for the night ' Vegeta thought as he smirked. Without another word Vegeta got up and headed towards his room.

" Were are you going? " Danessa asked

" Not that is any of your damn business, but I'm going towards my room to change wench " Vegeta said coldly once again.

Danessa took that as a yes and that he will be accompanying them to the club. Danessa once she saw Vegeta was nowhere in sight she started jumping up and down in exciment mentally applauding herself.

Vegeta walked in his room and shut it, he look thru his closet seen nothing that he can go to the so called 'Club Midnight' he only had what he use to train, and that's it. Vegeta then remembered he had gotten as a gift for one of there pathetic holidays some pants and shirts which he obviously just tossed them aside not really thinking he would ever use 'em. Vegeta looked thru his closet once again finding them shoved at the very end of all his clothes, he smirked as he studied the garments and smirked knowing it was Bulma who had pick out the clothe, and she did a good job on it. Once Vegeta was done he went down wearing black baggy pants and a black t-shirt that was 2 size smaller than his regular size, he looked ' HOT ' and Vegeta knew so. He also had brand new black shoes that Bulma had gotten him also as a gift.

Danessa was sitting down when she saw Vegeta come down the stairs, she almost fell of her chair as she saw his very hot body ' Damn I wish I had him ' Danessa thought as she finally snapped out and smiled. " Wow Vegeta you look great " Danessa said

" Whatever, I would say the same thing but I would be lying to you " Vegeta said as he saw Danessa flinched but she made no attempt to fight with him. Danessa right there felt like crying but she didn't want to do it in front of him so she held it back.

Vegeta sat down on the opposite couch of where Danessa was sitting, there was an awkward silence until Vegeta began getting annoyed of waiting " What the hell is that stupid wench waiting for, call your damn friend " Vegeta demanded as he heard Danessa call Bulma.

" Oh sorry Danessa but I can't find my necklace, I'll be down in a sec " Bulma yelled from her room

" Ok " Danessa answered giving Vegeta Are-You-Happy looks.

After what seemed like an eternity for Vegeta, was when they heard footsteps coming down. Vegeta waited coolly with his arms crossed in the couch until that is he saw Bulma, his eyes roomed threw her incredible body he was so caught up looking at her he had forgotten to breathe that's until Bulma spoke up " What the hell is he doing here? "

Vegeta growled and stood up looking at Bulma from head to toe from the corner of his eyes and responded " What's it look like I'm doing, were waiting for your ugly ass " Vegeta hissed

Bulma fumed but when she laid eyes on what he was wearing and how he looked Bulma's anger faded. Bulma afraid of what Vegeta was going to say looked away and growled already understanding that he was coming with them. ' Damn does he look fine, Thank god he didn't see me looking at him that way I know he was going to make a stupid comment and Danessa is going to start to suspect that I like him ' Bulma thought as she got ready to leave and headed out the door with Vegeta behind her eying her goodies. Even thou he wouldn't admit it he was quite attracted to her.

A/N: Ya see I'm good at cliffhangers but don't worry I promise not to take long on my next chappy ok and please review!