Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )
~*~ Chapter 1 ~*~
" Please I beg you! Don't kill me!" a man cries as runs for his life away from his pursuers. The man trips over a crack in the sidewalk. He hears someone behind him and he hesitantly turns around. He screams at the top of his lungs. A second later there is absolute silence.
"Today in the news; another homeless man was found dead in Central Park. This is the 15th man found dead in the past 2 weeks. Police are saying this victim is related to the other 14 found. The way they can tell this is that there are the same marking on the body and the same amount of blood loss. Police are advising that people should stay indoors after sundown. The mayor is considering setting a curfew for 8 P.M. Anyone found outside after 8, without good reason and proof, will be taken to their local jail for the night and questioned in the morning. In other news...."
The TV was silenced by a flick of the remote. The person set it down and picked up a cigarette nearby, taking a long puff. The smoke escaped the person's blood-red lips and a smile curled on them. " You know Alex, we've really gotta start keeping a low profile on these things, " a woman who was sitting opposite of the other person said. Alex looked up at her friend, eyes threatening. " Are you saying I don't know how to do my job right Krysta?" she said in a threatening voice to match her looks. Krysta gulped, suddenly realizing she had over stepped her bounds. " No...it's just...well, you know what would happen if they found out? They'd kill us. You know also because of this new publicity that The Hunters will be after us!" she said with deep concern.
Alex got up and sauntered over to her friend, her leather outfit making soft noises as she went along. She bent down so that her face was the same level of her seated friend's. Krysta became extremely nervous when she realized how close she was to her. " I know. I want The Hunters to come. I want to finish what I never did years ago. Even if that means killing innocent people, which I find to be quite entertaining. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. But not to worry. When I get my hands on the Orb of Misha you'll be back to your old self again my dear friend," she paused. Krysta began to shake a little. All of a sudden Alex's hand came up and grabbed Krysta's face. The woman was pulled out of her seat and a few feet off the ground. " And if you do anything to piss me off before hand I'll personally see to it that you won't need the orb or have to worry about The Hunters!" she hissed and threw Krysta against the wall, like she was a rag doll.
When Krysta looked up from the ground, instead of beautiful, soft, green eyes, there were glowing red ones. Alex returned the same look, only her's was more threatening. Alex chuckled to herself and then a look of seriousness came over her smiling face. " Don't worry my old friend. They will pay for giving you your soul back. When I obtain the orb you will no longer have a soul and will be able to hunt like the vampire you're meant to be. Not this sniveling, pathetic excuse I see before me. You will be once again Krystaca the Feared. And I will have my titled regained as well. Then together we'll take back what was ours!" she finished.
She looked up at this thing in front of her. She thought she saw a red tear roll down her cheek, but Alex left the room right after. Krysta sat there hugging herself. How much she didn't want to be Krystaca again. Those memories haunt her in her dreams. The people she killed for sheer perverse pleasure, the thrill of it all. It made her sick now. She was somewhat thankful for her soul being given back to her. It was a great gift, but a terrible curse. She would have to live with what she did to those people for the rest of her unending life.
Krysta rose slowly to her feet, feeling weak with hunger. In the past three years she's refused to drink any human blood. Ever since her soul was given to her she couldn't bear to kill another. But now it was getting more difficult. The hunger would sweep over her and it would almost maddening. She walked out of the room and into the main room. The sun blazed through the windows. One thing she was thankful for was that all the myths about vampires were false. Well some at least. They could stand sunlight, touch silver, go into a church without being a ball of flames, eat garlic, and survive a stake in the heart. After all they were dead so what was the point of driving a wooden stake through a dead thing's heart? There were only two sure ways to kill a vampire. The first was a slow agonizing death. The vampire would be locked in a room and left there without any blood or food. A strong vampire like Alex could last a month or two. After that you would go mad and kill yourself. The second was the quick way. You chop off a vampire's head, stuff dried rose petals into it's mouth, and throw it into a blazing fire. Why the dried rose petals? Vampires love roses naturally, but bathe them in a special mixture and dry them for 3 days and you have a powerful weapon.
Krysta broke out of her thoughts by Alex beckoning to her. Krysta realized it was time for work. Yes vampires can hold a job and it just so happens Alex has a company full of vampire employees. Her company? An adult movie studio. Another thing Krysta hated. Alex's movies were hardcore and very violent. She would put a vampire with a human wannabe porno star and things sometimes got ugly. People died and Alex would cover it up so nicely. When people came looking she would merely say that she had no clue as to where the person's whereabouts was. " They came in here, shot the movie, got their paycheck, and left," was the line she used more than a million times. Krysta went down the stairs and outside to a waiting Alex. They both got in the car, which was a 2004 Mazda, and drove to work.
He was new to this job, if you could call it that. He sat with men of all ages. He was the youngest having just turned 23. The men there just sat and fixed their weapons. The truck bounced along the horribly paved city streets. The men continued on, with extreme precision and accuracy. He was having a little difficulty trying to clean a gun while there was so much movement. His father was the one driving. He loved him so much, but his father rarely showed any for him. Thats because he looked too much like his mother. A mother he had never met. She was killed when he was only 3 years old. After that his father sent him away to live on a farm. When he was 20, his father came for him, told him everything, and he's been there ever since.
" Trunks? You alright there?" his father called out to him from the front. The car hit a pothole which sent only him fling upwards from his seat and hitting his head on the ceiling. He hissed and rubbed his head. " Yeah I'm O.K. dad! Just having a little trouble, but I'll be fine!" he said trying to sound like he could handle it. The man next to him smiled. He wrapped his arm around Trunks' shoulder and gave him a little squeeze. " It's OK Trunkie-boy. You'll learn one day how to do this on your own. It just takes a little practice," the man said. Trunks gave a small smile at him. " Thanks Goku. By the way how's Gohan?" he asked. Goku smiled, " He's alright. He's going to join us next year after he finishes college. I'm so proud of him!" Trunks nodded. He only wished his father could be that way.
" Hey Vegeta, where exactly are we going?" Goku asked. Vegeta looked into his rearview mirror at Goku. " I don't know yet. I'm seeing if there is anything suspicious going on around here. The only problem is this is N.Y., everything seems out of place. This is going to be very hard, especially since those vampires can make themselves look different," he said with a hint of fear in his voice. No one noticed except Trunks. He remembered what his father told him about vampires, how to know when you see one. There were two things: one, when they become angry their eyes turn red, no matter how angry they are they're eyes are red. That's why they wear sunglasses. Two, they all have a birthmark on the place they were bitten. It's in the shape of an 8, which is a lot easier because many people have birthmark. Sometimes, though, they're not on the neck. His father told him about how once he met a woman who had one on her private area.
The truck came to a sudden halt in front of a tall building. Trunks peered out the window. It was an adult movie studio. Trunks looked at his father, " Uhh, I thought we were hunting vampires." Vegeta gave him a look and Trunks shut up. He pointed to the symbol on the door of the building. It had two snakes entwined in an erotic position in front of an Egyptian eye. Trunks knew what it was. His father told him about this symbol. It was the mark of the vampire Alexandrine the Cruel. She was the most feared vampire anyone has ever known. It was thought that she was killed years ago. Now looking at this symbol he knew otherwise. The three other men in the back with Trunks looked too. Goku looked at Vegeta who nodded his head. Goku tapped Trunks on the shoulder.
" Listen Trunks, I have an idea. I want you to go in there and pretend your interested in becoming a porn star. I want you to be very careful though Trunks. Vampires are very barbaric lovers. They believe in horrible pain during sex. We'll be listening and watching you with this," Vegeta produced a box. In it were brown contact lens and a skull earring. " When we need you out of their we'll push a button that will make the earring vibrate slightly. This will be your cue to get out of there. I'm counting on you. Don't screw this up!" he warned. Trunks nodded. He was given a different set of clothes and he placed his gear on. After he was finished he gave a nod and left.