Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blood Lust ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )
~*~ Chapter 4 ~*~
I watch her. Her every movement, her every noise. Like many before me I have become one of her toys, her playthings. I thought she was kind, gentle, and a peaceful creature. Now I know how wrong I was. She's manipulative, cruel, unkind, and a seductress. She can make men fight to the death for her, only to be killed themselves. Why? For the sheer, perverse pleasure of it. Many men have died because of her, good men. I know because I lost a few to her. Now I sit here and watch my only son having to contend with her. Having to put his neck on the line, literally. I watch as he sits in her office, waiting. Why did I ever force him into this? Now I sit here, watching, waiting for my son's own death hour.
Trunks was sitting in the same exact chair as he did yesterday. He watched as she was on the phone conversing with someone. If he hadn't known any better he would've thought her an honest business woman trying to make a living in the world of men. But he knew better. He knew what really laid behind those tempting eyes. Trunks glanced around the room. It was painted white and had black and silver furniture all around it. Her desk was made of steel and glass. He now wondered how the hell they managed to do what they did yesterday on it. It looked like it would break any second if another thing was placed on it.
Alex finished her conversation with one of her business partners. She hung up the phone and turned her attention back over to Trunks. " Well, I'm surprised you made it here on time today. You're really strong huh?" Alex said trying to make conversation. He only nodded. Alex smiled again and got up, collecting a few folders with her. " Well you won't have to worry your pretty little head off today. I only said that yesterday because I hate people being late for things. It annoys the hell out of me. SO the only thing you'll have to do today is take this slip and go to the 6th floor. Tell them I sent you and that I need them to have the stuff to me by the end of the work day," she said in a hurry. Alex began walking out of the room when she paused, " Oh! And don't worry, this doesn't involve any sex. It's just a little photo shoot and measuring for outfits. Ta!" With that she left.
Trunks sat there, almost in a stupor. He imagined the guys on the other side the same way. He didn't know how long he sat there but he glanced at the clock, it was 9:20. Trunks got up and walked out of the room. He glanced over to the woman sitting at her desk. She looked up at him. Those eyes of hers. He noticed a look of relief come over her. He smiled inwardly thinking that maybe there are some vampires who are nice. Trunks walked over to her, still smiling. The woman tensed up, acting like she was almost afraid of him.
Krysta almost had a heart attack when he came up to her desk smiling. Why did she have to look at him? Damn his blue eyes She tried to make herself look busy, but to no avail. He stood in front of her, his ivory teeth gleaming. " Hi there! What's your name?" he asked her. Krysta pointed to the name plate that sat two feet away from her. He chuckled nervously. " Uhh, yeah. That's name...Krysta. My name is Greg. Well anyway could you tell me how to get to the 6th floor?" he made his smile bigger, almost goofy. Krysta pointed over to the elevators. He nodded, knowing she wasn't going to speak. His smile faded and he walked over to the elevators, defeated.
Trunks got on the elevator and pushed for the 6th floor. What was her prerogative, he thought. Probably was shy. He hoped that he could see again. She was pretty. She also had a nice rack going for her too. A little small but all you need is a handful. The elevator dinged. Trunks got off the elevator. He looked around the big room. It was full of naked girls. He smiled. A tall, skinny, gay-looking, bald came over to him. " Is there something I can help you with?" the guy said with a lisp. " Yeah, uh, Alex sent me here," he handed the guy the paper.
The guy looked Trunks over and a smile appeared on his face. " I knew Alex wouldn't let me down. OK now I want you to strip naked and sit on that red couch over there," he pointed to a
couch in the center of the room, " and then I'll explain what's to happen." The bald guy left Trunks alone. Trunks looked around,
questioning on where he should go and get undressed. The bald guy snapped his fingers at Trunks. " Over here boy! And why aren't you naked yet, hmmm?" he made a face that almost caused Trunks to burst out laughing. Trunks took off his clothes and left them on a chair near the elevator. He walked, naked, over to the bald guy. He pointed to the couch and Trunks complied. He grimaced as he sat on the couch. It was hard, rough, and felt like someone was wiping sandpaper across his ass and nuts.
" OK Kara into your position please!" he called out to a girl standing against the wall, waiting for her cue. Trunks was in awe at her beauty. She had curly black hair, tanned skin, and eyes like cinnamon. She sat next to Trunks and placed her body on his in a loving position. " Now boy listen. This photo shoot is for the movie ` Kingdom Cum'. It's a movie about a maharaja and his wife living in a beautiful palace and are the richest people in all the land. Anyways the maharaja abuses his wife all the time. Then comes a handsome traveler, you, who shows her what the meaning of good sex and love really is. Anyways you got it? Now I want you to put your arms around her and make it look like you two are doing something interesting," the bald man commanded.
Trunks looked at the woman who had her arms around his neck. " Don't worry honey, I won't bite you," she said to him. She had a bit of an accent in her voice, almost sounded like Indian, but he wasn't too sure. Trunks reluctantly pulled her closer to him and so began a very interesting photo shoot.
Alex was sitting at a table in the back room. She stared down at the pen that was in her hands. Her mind was off somewhere so she didn't notice it when Krysta came and sat down next to her.
" You alright?" Krysta asked. She looked at her friend's blank expression. It was so hard to tell what she was thinking half the time that it scared Krysta. " Sometimes I wish this was over," Alex said, barely whispering. Krysta leaned closer, " What do you mean?" Alex waved her hand around her, indicating the room. " I wish sometimes I had never become a vampire. I wish that I was still human and could actually enjoy life. Funny huh? I never thought I'd say that aloud," she sighed deeply, " Sometimes I just wish for someone to end it all for me. But then again what would the world be like without me around to fuck it up?"
She became worried at this. Krysta never heard Alex talk like this to her before. Something was bothering her. " What's wrong Alex? Is there something you want to get off your chest?" she asked cautiously. She knew that if she was too blunt then this little moment might become lost and old Alex would return and beat the shit out of her. Her friend gave another heavy sigh.
" You remember Vegeta right?" Krysta nodded. Alex continued, " I never told you this but when I first met him I thought about completely giving up my old ways. I thought I could actually settle down with him and give up the killings. It felt like it was going good for a while. The sex was great, the relationship was good. Unfortunately bad habits die hard. Then everything turned to shit and I went back to my old ways. I realized after that, that I could never be able to love anyone because of what I was. So I became what you see before you. What the fuck am I saying all this bullshit for? I don't know. It's just one of those days."
Krysta had backed away a bit. Alex was scaring her. This was way too abnormal, even for Alex. Alex looked up at her friend and gave her a weak smile. Soon she cleared her throat and was back to her old self. " Well now, I need to be off. So many people to fuck to little time. I'll see you after work." With that Alex left the room.
Krysta sat there a while. Thinking about all the stuff Alex had told her. That's when it hit her. Alex had a weakness. After so many centuries together Krysta finally figured it all out. She knew what made Alex weak. This was going to change everything