Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bloody Lust Revenge ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )
"With this gift I give to you, you are now a Vampire Slayer, take this gift in good health and use it wisely for every breath you take could always be your last. For three hundred years, a human has been chosen to ward off an evil to kill the undead who walks among the living. You are a hunter now, either you will hunt or you will be hunted. Destroy the ultimate master, and you shall have your freedom…."
Since as long as I could remember I have had dreams of slaying the undead, being drenched in ruby blood hearing there awful screams as I plunged a stake through there hearts. Watching them explode when the suns rays touched there skin. Over and over again this voice sings to me in my dreams. Dreams that are suppose to be mine alone, are now invaded with this voice. A Voice that voices my fate with in its eerie voice. Fate, fate… I should be in control of my life, but now I know that my life was never really my own.. When will this be over…