Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Angel Of Death ❯ The Myth Of Atlantis ( Prologue )
Chapter 1 The myth of Atlantis
Once upon a time there was no heaven or hell. It was called Atlantis to some photopia to some. Everyone lived in peace and happiness. Nothing could ruin it int'l people on Earth stared killing each other and brought nothing but sorrow and sadness to both worlds. The immortals started fighting over what to do about it some wanted to turn against their god and rule the world to keep humans under control. But others wanted freedom and protected their god. Soon wars and chaos broke out. No where was safe.
The Kingdome of Atlantis soon broke in two. Those who opposed god were sent underground inside a hidden volcano were gates all over were to keep them trapped for all internity. The others were set higher in the air hidden in the clouds was a flouting city for all those who did good. Thousands of years later Prince Vegeta of Vegetasl/Hell fell in love with the Princess of the Heavens. Every night they would secretly see each other. But Bulma's stepsister Ameara found out about her sister's secret love affair and was extremely jealous of her sister. So she did what every Bitch would do she told her farther King Brief's. Bulma and Vegeta were forbidden to ever see each other again. But then Bulma found out she was pregnant. Since it was a male and looked more like a demoned then an Angel the two kings decided to give it to Vegetasel Kingdom. Were Bulma could never see her love or son ever again. But Bulma was still very ill for the past few days after she gave birth to her son. She was actually still in labor and had a daughter. She refused to give her up to Vegtasel. Outraged they declared war on Heaven. Bulma ran away from her home and to the mortal world with her baby. She went to a family she been watching for the past few years. Their kind and loving what else could be better for her daughter She gently placed the bundle in her arms on the doorstep searching her face for an answer she would never receive. She gently put a necklace around her daughter's neck that her prince had given her. It had a ruby red diamond shaped into a hart with a gold chain that went around it. She looked at her daughter for the last time as a single tear fell down her cheek. She then rang the doorbell and ran into the cold night.
So how did you like my first flick? Tell me what you think and have any ideas about future chapters?