Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bonded by mind and soul ❯ It's over now. Time to move on ( Chapter 1 )
DISCLAMER: I don’t own. So don’t sue me otherwise I’ll get Vegeta to blow your head.
AN: Okay this had nothing to do with what happened or whoever came’s in the scene first or the way it was meant to happen.
It’s a Fanfic and I can do whatever happened here.
Happy reading
Chapter 1 it’s over now. Time to move on
Walking angrily away from her now ex-boyfriend’s flat she felt disgusted.
“Stupid baka what the hell does he thinks I am dumb?” Bulma said to herself.
Humming happily it was going to be the best date. Yamcha called her around seven and told her to be at his flat by eight.
Brushing her blue silky hair she can’t wait for what he had in mind.
She wore blue flared jeans and a black tank top and her fave shoes. She smiled in approval.
Her boyfriend’s flat was a ten minute walk. There’s no need for her car.
Once she arrived at his apartment door room 69 it was already opened.
“I hope he won’t mind if I let myself in” she said to herself.
“Yamcha I hope-” she stopped talking.
“Bulma, babe let me explain”
“No don’t explain anything. How could you! I trusted you and now this? Having sex with some slut?” She said.
“Bulma wait” Yamcha pleaded
She can’t believe this. How could he? Her heart was broken; trying to hold back tears she walked out.
“Bulma come back” Yamcha pleaded.
She didn’t care anymore all what mattered now that she was a single woman. No more pain.
She shook her head. It was the end of their relationship all of those lovable things they did together was now just a memory a memory that would be forgotten.
She walked into her front yard and unlocked the door. If she had bad luck she would have no luck at all.
Walking upstairs to her bedroom she walked passed Vegeta’s room. She knew he was sleeping because of the loud snoring he was making.
She opened her bedroom door; sitting on her bed she took off her shoes and changed into her pyjamas.
Looking at her shelf she saw her photo album; grabbing it from the shelf she opened the cover.
All of the good and bad times flooded through her head, images of her parents wedding, Christmas day and New Years Eve. What good times they were having and then those bad times fighting, arguing, and shouting weren’t not so good.
As she was about to close the album she looked at the last photo of her and Yamcha. She was sixteen when they first met it was love at first sight.
Too bad it was over between them.
She ripped out the photo and ripped it into pieces. It angered her she had so much trust in him it was like she was going out of her mind.
“Guess it doesn’t take a genius to know that now”
Turning her head it was Vegeta standing near her bedroom doorway.
“Oh, hi Vegeta I didn’t know you were awake” she said.
“Humph, so who cares? Now stop acting like you can hold back stupid emotions weakling” he spat.
“Well how about you try to be a woman for one day and think what is like to be treated like shit” she spat.
“Only because your stupid pig-headed human cheated on you it doesn’t mean you have to be all on your period” he said.
How dare him. He shouldn’t talk to her like that but at the same time he was right.
“Onna don’t take this as a stupid fucking advice. He’s no good to you”
However, it was a good advice to her.
“Thanks Vegeta” she said.
“Don’t get too attached you might lose your head” he spat.
“Whatever” she mumbled.
_______________________________________________________________ _________
Out of all his life he had to go and bloody talk to her. He did find that amusing though.
Whenever he saw her with that weakling he had to admit he was jealous. He never learned how to love or give a pet talk. It was all nothing to him it was a stupid emotion that humans used all the time to show their feelings. How insane.
What he did learned from the onna that she had a weird mother. He didn’t like her mother much she would always flirts with him and her father, well he was nothing but working 24 hours non stop.
And from the onna herself he did know she had a fiery side which was interesting. Her big blue eyes would make any man melt. What was so good about her? Which he didn’t know, still she always had that sweet innocent look that can be disturbing to him.
“That’s all she is one pathetic human” he said to himself.
Deep down her was so much more if she put her mind into it. He was so interested in knowing her more not her parents but her.
____________________________________________________________ ____________
He maybe a cold heartless self son of a bitch with no emotion at all however, she would always thinks there’s something good in him.
‘Well not everyone has that’ she thought.
When she first met Vegeta on namek he was handsome looking. Those black eyes could haunt you forever but that didn’t mind her at all.
She knew he had something different in him deep down inside.
Hiding behind Krillin she looked at the blue ugly green haired monster.
“That’s your last straw of life baldy and your friend to. Now die!”
She was going to die; closing her eyes wait for her death.
Nothing happened.
She opened her eyes to see a man wearing saiyan armor, white gloves and blue spandex. She tried to remember who it was.
“Grr, Vegeta what are you doing here? You should be dead”
That was it! That was his name. She remembers now. He was the one that tried to kill Goku back when he was on earth.
“And you should be quiet. You wouldn’t want to scare away the audience” Vegeta said.
She could tell the green haired monster was getting irritated and decided to attack him.
The punches and kicks and the violence happening between the monster and Vegeta were too much.
She hated violence
“Now your time is up saiyan monkey. Whoever thought a weakling as you would be strong enough to beat me?”
How dare that monster say such thing? She tried to hold back a remark but failed.
“He is not!”
She put her hand to her mouth.
“Loud mouth hehe how convenient. You shouldn’t talk back to me like that you know what happened when a pretty girl like you talk to strong guy like me?” The green haired monster said.
“And what’s that?” she replied.
“ You smart ass bitch you will pay for that”
Before that ugly monster did anything she saw Vegeta come up from behind, shoving his arm through the monster’s stomach.
“You…Bastard” the green haired said his last word
“Yes I am” Vegeta said.
It was the most horrible experience she had ever faced.
“Well what a night that was. Time for bed” she said to herself.
She lay down on her bed.
‘I wonder what will happen tomorrow’ Bulma thought before she fell into a deep sleep.
_________________________________________________________________ _______
He watched her sleep. She looked clam and more relaxed.
Now that she is a free woman now she would do whatever she would have in mind. At least she doesn’t have to be in much pain.
But there was something missing inside her.
Something she needed the most.
AN: I love this couple so much. I really love to know if you like it or needs to improve. *smiles* I would really like to hear what you think.