Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bonded by Pain and Blood ❯ Chapter 10
if you've been reading "The Price You Pay" by theblueone, you'll think I copied off of her. BUT I SWEAR I DIDN'T! We just happened to have similar ideas around the same time. I thought this story up before she wrote her last chapter down. I actually got the idea off this pic by Saiyan Butterfly titled "X". So don't give me shit about stealing ok!
Bulma was once again in her laboratory this time tinkering with the kitchen microwave. She wasn't in the pissed-off area of her emotions, but she was annoyed for what Vegeta did, or didn't do.
"Bul-maaaa!" Called a cherry singsong voice from the hall. A second later, a curly blond head popped in the doorway. "Swee-ty, do you know what happened to that thingy that cooks stuff in the kitchen?"
"You mean the microwave, Mom?" Bulma said testily.
"That's it!" Amazingly Bunny fell out of the perpetual cloud her head was always in and noticed familiar parts of the contraption she was looking for strewn about the lab. She only did this when Bulma was in emotional trouble. "Oh, I see you're busy with it. Is there something wrong again dear?"
She's the ditzyist person I know; yet she always can read me. How does she do it? Bulma thought.
"Well, Vegeta finally opened up to me a little, and when I started to open up to him, he totally closed off again!" She said waving the screwdriver in her hand. Bulma gave a heavy sigh and hung her head. "I just want him to want me, Mom. I think he does, but I don't know if it's his pride or something else that's keeping him from doing it. It's all so frustrating." With that she slammed her fist on her desk.
"Well dear, maybe you need to talk to him in man speech. I heard they were all from a different planet anyways, where were they from?" The women looked up at the ceiling and place her finger at the corner of her mouth. "Mars! That's it!" she exclaimed.
Bulma chuckled to herself. "Mom, you come off as the blondest blond this side of West Capital, but somewhere in there, you're pretty smart." Bulma was about to go hug her mother, but then a loud beeping noise came from her computer and she looked at the screen. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING!! HE'LL KILL HIMSELF!" She yelled.
"Who do what dear?" Bunny asked
"Vegeta! He's got the GR on 1000x gravity! I didn't even make it to go that high!"
"Oh well after Vegeta went to look for you last night, your father tinkered in that place for a while. He said he would improve his training stuff if he went to look for you, and I made him lasagna! I gotta go get it out of the oven now!" Bunny exclaimed as she danced out of the lab.
"Well Dad just wrote Vegeta's death sentence. I gotta shut it off!" She was about to type in the emergency shut off sequence, but the beeping suddenly stopped. "What the…he turned it off. That was weird, I guess Vegeta realized his limits for once."
"No," said a gruff voice from the window "he just broke them!"
Bulma turned to see a very smug and a very GOLDEN Vegeta leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in his Vegeta style. Bulma's eyes popped open at the sight. It was like his entire body had been bleached. His skin was almost as pale as hers, and his hair and tail were a white blond. Even his eyes were lighter in color; in fact they were a bright teal.
"Vegeta….you…did it." She stammered. Her eyes were wide open in disbelief. She slowly stood up to fully face the golden presence. "You're the Legendary!" she whispered.
Vegeta closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as if he were relishing in the moment. "You don't know how good it sounds on your lips." (Sorry Ember, I hate stealing, but I just can't make it sound right without grabbing phrases from your manga.)
Bulma opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, she felt strong, hot arms wrap around her waist. One moment she was in her lab, the next, she was standing in the Gravity Room.
"How in the seven hells did we get here so fast!" she yelled after getting over the initial shock of being rapidly transported from one place to the next.
"My speed and strength increase greatly with the transformation. You should've figured that one out woman, with your so called brains and all."
"Shut up! Why did you bring me here? So you could gloat at me all day, or were you planning on something?" she asked suspiciously.
"That," he replied, "and I don't want those, what do you call them, `Z buffoons' getting a lock on my energy signature. Don't want to spoil the surprise so soon." He said with the classic smirk. (in this story, the GR will mask the ki of the people inside of it.)
"I've come to a decision," he said, circling around her. "I want to take you as my mate, but you need to realize that if you decide to join with me, it's permanent. There's no getting out of it. I promise that I will never look upon another as I look upon you, but you must promise as well."
"Does that mean that you care about me?" she asked hopefully.
"I'll protect you if that's what you mean. But don't think that this will be a bed of roses, as you humans put it."
That wasn't exactly the answer she was looking for, but she knew that that was the best that she would ever get out of Vegeta at this time. She knew in her heart that he was the one for her for better or for worse. And yes, it wouldn't be a bed of roses, but at least they wouldn't be alone anymore.
"All right, I accept your offer, my Ouji." She answered.
His eyes flickered at her words. "Very well. We might as well begin now."
"Begin what?" She asked
"There's a ritual that royalty must perform if we were to take on a mate. It's hard to understand and explain. You wouldn't believe it, but family is very important to Saiyans. In order to accept a new member of the family, weather by marriage or by a new birth, a family member must perform a ritual that would physically tie that new person into the family by way of pain and blood."
The words `pain' and `blood' made Bulma squirm a little. "Is this ritual going to hurt a lot?" she asked with a hint of anticipation.
"Depends on what your level of control is. The pain determines if you are worthy. If you get through the ritual, you are worthy to join the family. If not, you die, because the energy that is shared during the ritual will not come to a full circle and it would explode your body."
Vegeta flinched at the pitch of her vocal chords. I'm gonna lose my hearing with her around! He thought.
"We'd both be risking it!" he yelled back, "The energy we'd share during the ritual would be so great, that if we didn't complete it, we'd both die!" Vegeta pause and looked straight into her Azure eyes. "I have faith in you, Bulma. I know you are strong enough to pull this off. You are worthy."
His words made Bulma's heart melt. She knew he cared about her. He had to if he found her worthy to be his mate.
"How do we begin?" she asked.
"Do you trust me?" he asked with a straight face.
"I guess?" she responded.
"Don't guess, either you do or you don't! Do you trust me?!" he asked again
She stopped to think for half a second. "Yes." She said firmly
"Good, because if I gave you the details now, you'll psych yourself out. Remove your clothes and lie face down on the mat over there."
Bulma started blushing at the thought of being naked with Vegeta. Earlier when they were kissing for the first time, she had no embarrassment to the prospect of making love with him, but she was caught up in the moment. Now, she didn't have hormones to guide her, for this was going to be her first time.
Sensing her nervousness, Vegeta smirked.
"It's not like I haven't seen you before. (think back to chapter 3.)
"Fine." She said with a hint of embarrassment. "Just don't get all weird on me."
"That'll come later. Fine, I'll turn around if it'll make you feel any better."
Bulma looked at Vegeta in surprise. "Why Vegeta, since when did you become so accommodating?" she said with amusement in her voice.
"When I getting some. Now get undressed." He said turning around.
She began shedding her clothes and letting them drop to the floor. When she had liberated her body of the last article of clothing, she stood with her back turned facing the wall of the GR. "Ok, you can turn around now." She said. She felt a pair of strong arms snake around her waist. She nervously leaned into his embrace. She felt his naked chest against her back, and…other things press into her skin. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt something furry slither up her thigh.
Her entire body was blushing at this point. Vegeta's lips brushed against her neck. "Relax." He breathed against her skin, "You know you want this."
Vegeta pulled her down to the mat on the floor. When she was lying face down, Vegeta brushed her aqua colored hair from her back. He strattled her hips but didn't put much weight on them, just enough to hold her down.
"What I'm about to do is going to hurt a lot. To withstand this, you must not concentrate on the pain. Focus on breathing in and out. You can do this. Relax… if you tense up, it will only hurt more. And remember, the pain will pass."
Bulma closed her eyes as Vegeta coached her into a deep meditation. Her breathing was deep and steady. Vegeta could feel her energy pulse into calm lull. Her ki, as weak as it was, felt soothing to him. When he was convinced that her meditation was deep enough, he held up his index finger and lit a small beam of energy from it. He bent over her back and began to cut into the center of her back, his face contorted in concentration on his task. He had to make it perfect otherwise it wouldn't work. Bulma breathed in sharply as a reaction to the intense pain that flooded her senses. "Just breath Bulma." He said. Somehow, saying her name caused her breathing to become steady again.
Bulma squeezed her eyes shut as if to shut out the pain. She had never in her entire life felt anything like this. Indeed she had injured herself many times on her numerous adventures with Goku, but this was a completely new kind of pain. She was trying her hardest not to get tense, but it was so hard. She desperately needed something to distract her. She searched for something to concentrate on. Then she faintly heard a gruff but comforting voice telling her to breath. Concentrating on her breathing made the pain dull into a warm pulse that filled her body. Her meditation deepened to the point where she felt herself floating out of her body and into the recesses of her mind. It was so dark in her mind, yet she didn't feel alone. She felt as she had when her mind linked with Vegeta's when he was having a flash back. She concentrated on the presence until the darkness faded and a mist surrounded her. Next, she was in what looked like an altar room with candles and incense burning. Two tall figures and one small one entered the room. The vision cleared and she saw what she believed was the Saiyan no Ou escorting a childlike Vegeta towards the altar. "My Son," he said "due to the circumstances, you will have to undergo the ritual now. We would have waited until you became of age to do this, but Lord Frieza demands to take you now. Be brave my Son, and know that I accept you as the last son of the house of Vegeta."
The child version of the Ouji had a questioning look on his face. "Why do I have to go, Father? I want to stay here with you." The Ou looked pained. He bent down on one knee to be at face level with his only son. "Vegeta, in life, we must do hard things that we don't want to do. But we must if we want to survive. I know you can't understand this now, but if you are to live and carry on our race, you must leave with Frieza. And one day, you will become the Legendary, and you will destroy Frieza and take your place as the true Saiyan no Ou. You must do this for us, my Son. For me!"
Even at that time, Veteta's father knew he would never see his son again. Oh, Kami, how truly strong you are Vetgeta! She thought.
As the memory continued, the other figure removed young Vegeta's armor and shirt and placed him face down on the altar. The Ou stood over his son and lit a beam of energy from his index finger and began carving a symbol on his back. The boy clenched his fists as a tear slid down from his tightly shut eye lids, but he did not wince. When the Ou was finished, he placed his hand over the markings on his sons back and powered up.
"Through Blood and Pain you are bonded with the House of Vegeta!"
The energy from the Ou suddenly drained from him and into his child. A golden light surrounded the boy as his hair momentarily flickered white blond. A quickly as it started, it was over, and the light that surrounded the boy faded. He sat up, and Bulma saw the familiar markings that she had seen on her Ouji's back.
So that's how those markings go there! She thought.
The scene before her faded, and reality slammed into her as she felt Vegeta finishing his task. She felt her hot blood trickle down her back. Vegeta bent over and lapped up her spilt blood. His tongue ran over her tender flesh. He sat back up again, and this time, he cut the palm of his hand and let his blood pool in his palm. He slid his other hand under her face and turned her head upward as far as her neck would allow. "Drink." He said. Hesitantly, Bulma parted her lips, and let the hot liquid pour over her tongue and down her throat. She could taste the power in his blood and it became intoxicating. She moaned against his hand as the blood continued to run from it. Before the wound could close, Vegeta placed his wound directly over hers on her back. Vegeta concentrated and powered up once again to Super Saiyan level. His golden aura surrounded them both. Bulma felt great pleasure as his energy filled her body and penetrated her soul. She could feel something inside her change, physically and mentally. The energy continued to increase, and as it did, she felt a heavy pressure tugging in her spine. It started where Vegeta's hand was and trailed down to the base of her back.
Vegeta didn't know what was happening at this point. He felt completely out of control of his energy. He tried to power down, but he couldn't. His body was acting on a will of its own. Nothing like this was ever described in the ancient texts of the Bonding Ritual. The uncontrolled absorption of energy was becoming painful for Vegeta. He gritted his teeth and growled loudly as he tried to gain some control, but the more he tried, the more painful it got.
Bulma felt her small muscles being ripped to shreds. Her body was growing firmer as new the tissue began to form. What's happening to me! She thought. Am I gaining his power, and is he losing it? When will it end?!
The persistent tugging at the base of her spine was becoming quite uncomfortable for her. The pressure was building to the point where she thought her spine would be ripped out of her back. She was paralyzed to all movement. Make it stop!! She screamed mentally. The world seemed to be crashing down on the pair as the energy consumed them.
Then all was darkness…
Vegeta opened his eyes in the dark Gravity Room. He felt like he just received the worst beating of his life. It seemed that whatever just happened destroyed all the lights in the GR. He attempted to move, but found his efforts in vain because of a heavy weight on his body. Then it hit him. "BULMA!" He hoarsely croaked. I probably killed her! He thought wildly. She would have never been able to withstand that! Why didn't I have more control?!
Suddenly the weight shifted off of his chest and gave a familiar moan. "Uhhh…what was the number of the bus that just hit me? I feel like lightning struck me." It said.
"Woman?" Vegeta asked.
"I see we forgot my name already." She responded testily. "Kami, I'm sore as hell! Lights on!" She yelled. The electric light bulbs flickered on at her command. When the GR was filled with light, Bulma tried to stand up, but fell back down immediately. "Why does it feel like I weigh 100lbs heaver? And why do I feel so damn off balance?"
Vegeta, exhausted but free of the extra weight, rolled onto his side. He groggily looked over to his new mate and what he saw gave him the shock of the century.
"HOLY COSMOS, YOU HAVE A TAIL!!" he shouted.
Bulma froze when she felt something furry wrap around her waist. She looked to Vegeta and saw his tail was far from touching her. Cautiously, she looked down and saw a fuzzy lavender colored tail around her waist. "Oh Kami..." She uttered before she black out.
Bulma woke up in a world of blue liquid. I'm in an Isolation Chamber. She thought. But how?
"I see you're finally awake now. You both gave us quite a scare." Said Dr. Briefs. "Quite remarkable! The Saiyan DNA you ingested from Vegeta plus the great amount of energy caused you to become…well…a Saiyan!"
"Huh?" She asked. She could see her father looking at her through the glass on the outside of the tank. The liquid began to drain and the door burst open.
"Mind you," He continued to babble, "that Vegeta lost a great deal of his life force, but he's recovered now, so you don't have to worry about him."
"Dad," she began, as she stepped out of the tank "you're not making any sense I couldn't possibly be a Saiyan."
"Oh, no? Take a good look at yourself." Vegeta said as he strode into the infirmary.
In what seemed like a second Bulma ran to her room and stood in front of her floor length mirror. She ripped off the body suit she was wearing and examined her figure. Her once soft body was now rock hard. She moved and flexed her firm new muscles, feeling the strength in them. Behind her, her lavender tail swished lazily. She turned around and looked at her new appendage in the mirror. Her tail ran from just above her crack down past the floor being a total of 4 feet long. She cautiously felt it with her fingers, and when she did, shivers of electricity ran up her spine, catching her off guard towards the new sensations. At first it freaked her out, but the longer she looked at the tail, the more she liked it. She also got a full view of the freshly healed markings on her back. The symbol was exactly like the one on Vegeta's back.
"It's the Crest of Vegeta, the symbol of our family." Came Vegeta's voice from behind her.
"Our family." She repeated.
"Yes, you are now a part of the house of Vegeta." he said stepping out of the shadows. "You are the Saiyan no Jouou (Queen of Saiyans) now."
The sight of her naked body made him grow hard, even more so with the addition of her tail. Bulma's new found senses detected his desire, triggering her own for him. "I guess there's a lot I'm going to have to get use to." She confessed.
"I assure you will like them all." He growled in a seductive way. Like an animal stalking prey, he slowly crossed the room, never taking his eyes off her body. Vegeta was now mere inches away from touching her. His tail swished in time with her own. "You taught me some of your mating customs, its time I taught you some of my own."
"Don't you think that we should find out why this happened to me first?" She whispered
"There's plenty of time for that. I want to finish what we started." He breathed in her ear. Vegeta reached behind Bulma and gently began stroking her tail. All thoughts pertaining to her present state was pushed to the back of her mind when he touched her. Automat-ically, her knees gave out at the sensations, but Vegeta caught her before she fell. With one hand he held her up, and with the other he continued his ministrations on her tail. Bulma gave out small moans of pleasure. She never felt anything like it. The best back massage couldn't compare to this. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders for support. Her heavy breathing in his ear made him grow even harder for her. The sent of her arousal was so distinctly Saiyan. Vegeta buried his head in the crux of her neck, wanting to catch more of her new, yet familiar sent.
Her body felt like it was on fire. She opened her eyes and saw that unconsciously both she and Vegeta had powered up so that their ki's intertwined where their bodies met. His was a dark cobalt blue, while hers was aqua like her hair. The energy around them was so heavy with desire that you could slice it with a knife. Gaining some control over her limbs, Bulma slid one hand down Vegeta's back. She wanted to give him the same pleasure he was giving her. She slowly wrapped her fingers around the base of his tail and stroked the soft fur like she had before. As she did, Vegeta's chest began to rumble in a soft purr. I guess that's a Saiyan guy thing, she thought because she herself was not purring.
Vegeta's grip around her would have crushed her rib cage had she been human. He simply couldn't wait any longer; he had to fulfill his need for his mate. Bulma was growing impatient as well for she was trying to push down his way-too-tight training shorts. Vegeta chuckled in her ear and helped her rid himself of his annoying garments. The sound of his voice made her skin crawl with anticipation. "You're going to love being a Saiyan, my Jouou." He lifted her up and floated to the king sized mattress on the other side of the bedroom.
He laid her down on the bed and admired the view. She looked absolutely perfect to him. Before, she was just gorgeous, but now she was irresistible. Through half closed eyes, she sexily gazed up at him. She reached out to him, wanting to pull him closer. Vegeta met her fingertips with his and interlocked their fingers together. Not letting go, he sat down on the bed between her open thighs and pulled her up into his lap so she was sitting up with him. He started playing with her tail again with one hand and with the other he pulled her face closer to his in a deep, passionate kiss. Bulma moaned against his lips enjoying the exploration of his tongue in her mouth. They sat there, kissing for what seemed like ages, letting their hands (and tails) fully explore to wherever they pleased before they would become one.
Bulma lifted her hips up letting him know that she was ready to be taken. The scent of her moist sex made Vegeta shudder in delight. He grasped her hips and positioned her entrance right over his throbbing member. He looked up and hungrily claimed her mouth before slamming her down on him and breaking her maiden barrier. She yelped at the sudden jolt of pain that came with his entrance. She wrapped her arms around his neck and bit into his shoulder to keep herself from crying. Vegeta held onto her and laid her back down on the mattress. He stayed there motionless, letting her get accustomed to the tight fit. When her breathing relaxed, he began to gently move in her slick passage. The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure as he moved in and out of her. Being that this was her first time with a man, she was enjoying the way his chest moved against hers, the way his body covered her own. She felt so very safe in his arms. Vegeta began pumping deeper into her body, hitting her G-spot. Their breathing became harsh panting. Bulma was soon meeting his every thrust, making his penetration even deeper. She felt a hot energy build in her loins, growing larger with every movement. She wrapped her legs around his waist as her tail intertwined with his. Her first orgasm shattered her body, causing her juices to make her passage even wetter and hotter then it had been before. Vegeta continued to pound into her at a faster speed, making her orgasm last longer and grow higher. Her moans turned into screams as another orgasm racked her body on top of the last one. Vegeta felt himself mounting towards the edge of his own release as he gripped her tighter against his body. With a feral growl, he felt his seed spill into her womb in an exploding orgasm.
Their bodies were slick with exertion, while their breathing slowly retuned to normal. Vegeta bent his head and caught her lips in one last kiss before pull himself out of her and lay down. He pulled her body close to his in a protective embrace. Never had he felt more satisfied as he did with her. Maybe it was because she was now a Saiyan, or perhaps she was his soul mate. What ever it was, he didn't dwell on it for long because he fell into a deep dreamless sleep. Bulma snuggled in closer to her lover, relishing in the warmth between the two of them. "I love you my Ou." She whispered before she too fell into a deep sleep.