Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bonds and Beginnings ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hours passed, and about three of the clock there was a slight rustling in the room. From behind another bookcase came a dark shadow of a man, Jenaar. He looked about the room, walking silently from the bookcase and across the room to the bed.

It took her long enough to go to sleep he thought bitterly, taking great pains not to wake the wolf sleeping at the foot of the bed. He eased himself onto the edge of the bed and stared down at her for a few minutes, seeming to size her up. Then, his eyes glowing red, he opened his mouth to expose two sharp fangs. Her bare neck, white in the fine slits of moonlight that escaped through the shutters seemed to glow to him like a pile of the richest treasures. He leaned down closer to her, his breath disturbing a bit of her hair. Bracing his arms on either side of her, he closed his lips over her neck and bit into it, letting the blood flow over his teeth and into his mouth.

Ryven's eyes snapped open, wide and staring with pain and fear. She thrashed around, trying to see what was happening, but her arms were suddenly wrenched above her head so she was pinned. It was then she saw a dark body over her, pinning her down with his sheer weight.

"Jenaar! What in the blue blazes of the darkest pit of the abyss are you doing?! Get he hell off me, you bastard muck trodden gully dwarf!" she screamed, struggling and trying to wrench her hands free. Jenaar merely chuckled into her neck.

~I told you that you couldn't resist me,~ he said, his voice echoing in her head. Ryven gasped at the mental sending he was doing, fighting against him harder.

~Watch me, you gods forsaken carcass of a swine! Damn you to the inner reaches of the Underworld, fucking bastard!~ she screamed in his head, still struggling and nearly throwing him off. He grunted and pressed harder upon her, his grip on her wrists tightening.

~Just give in to it, I know you like it. I can feel that much,~ he coaxed calmly, the insults having no affect on him. Ryven sensed this too, and began to panic. Her eyes flicked toward her sword lying on the stand next to her. Concentrating, she mentally called to it, but despite the call it didn't move. She tried again, but then realized that with her blood draining out of her body at the rate it was, that she didn't have enough mental control to do it. She looked to her familiar next, and found him to be sleeping hard, the effects of her blood drainage having a harder effect on him. She then tried powering up, closing her eyes and focusing her ki in a one time blast to blow him off of her, but found that she was also to weak to do that.

It was then she went to her last resort.

~Sensei! Piccolosan! Please, I need you!!~ she shouted desperately in her head, sweat now rolling off her brow as he fed. But the cries only seemed to bounce off some unseen wall. Jenaar sighed a little in her head.

~I'm telling you that all you need to do is relax and let it go. It's a very pleasurable experience when you're willing.~ he cooed, still draining her.

Ryven shook her head stubbornly still, though deep inside she knew that he was right. But even then she wouldn't allow him to do this to her by surprise, to do this to her against her will.

Jenaar felt his head spin, the elvin blood going through his veins having some sort of wonderful intoxication effect on him. She merely struggled weakly under him and made a whining sound in the back of her throat.

"This isn't right ... isn't right, no, it's not right ...." she mumbled over and over, shaking her head and struggling still, though her efforts were mere wiggles now with weakness.

~Succumb to it, Ryven! It will be easier on us both!~ he nearly ordered, feeling her weakness through the link. She merely kept chanting over and over again, her eyes wet with unshed tears. Even with that, he kept drinking from her, the feeling coursing through him like liquid fire, burning and throbbing deliciously. He pressed against her harder, wanting to drain the blood from her faster, feeling his vitality spike with every drink.

"...Please stop ... please..." she whispered weakly, her body relaxing ever so slightly. However the vampire didn't stop, feeding still with renewed vigor, pressing himself against her and sucking harder at her neck, licking up the blood that escaped from his mouth. She saw her vision start to fade to grey and narrow, her head spinning as she felt the link between them as if it were a tangible thing. She could feel the blood leave her veins, her heart seemingly beating only to feed him. She felt like she was lying on air, and the only thing that existed was the vampire and herself, floating on a cushion of clouds as he fed from her. But suddenly the mouth was gone from her neck, and he was whispering something in her ear.

"Ryven ... you need to drink from me." he nearly rasped, his breath warm upon her ear. Her ear twitched pleasantly from it, as every nerve seemed to be alive from the affects of the drain. But Ryven merely shook her head, for even in her state she remembered what happened if you drank from a vampire.

"...n-no ... this isn't right..."

"Listen to me! We can be young forever, you and I! For all eternity!" he explained softly. "You need to do this!"


Frustrated, Jenaar slit his wrist with his fingernail and held it to her pale lips.

"Drink! Drink...grrr... so stubborn..... girl drink!" he ordered over and over, pressing his wrist against her lips harder, only to her have turn her head away from him, mumbling about how she was tired. He growled a bit and pressed them against her again, only to have the same result.

"...why are you ... doing this to me...?" she whispered, looking him right in the eyes before she fell headlong into unconsciousness. He just looked back at her blandly, the worded blow merely bouncing off of him like an arrow on a helm on the outside, but surprisingly it stabbed him on the inside. He laid her back down on the bed before answering, somewhat amazed on how much she looked like she was sleeping.

"...A man's gotta eat." he replied to the insentient girl, then turned walked to the window. He unlocked and pushed open the shutters, then leapt out of the window.

Time passed, and within the first one the bleeding subsided for the girl, but she remained lifeless. Eventually the sun crept over the horizon, the golden light spilling through the open shutters into the room, warming it with natural luminescence.


Before the sun came up, however, Jenaar was in audience with Lord Sauldernon, hidden in the shadows of the Lord's dark room. Sauldernon sat with his back to the vampire, bent over a letter and an inkwell on his desk.

"I want you to give this to Al'Thor when you get back to his palace." the Lord instructed. "I think he will be very pleased. And take utmost care of the girl's body."

"You talk of her like she's dead,"

"She is, isn't she?"

"No, Al'Thor wants her alive."

Sauldernon frowned deeply. "He's going to regret that. You'd better kill her anyway. Say that she couldn't handle the drain."

"Nope. Not part of the deal." Jenaar shook his head in the shadows.

"What do you mean no?!" The lord suddenly spun around in his chair. "You do what you're told, undead, or I'll have you chained out in the courtyard when the sun comes up!"

"I doubt you'd do that, or you'd risk angering our Lord." he smirked. Sauldernon growled a little more and turned back to his letter, writing furiously.

"Fine," he choked out. He took a stick of wax from above the inkwell and held if above as he melted it and let it drip on the envelope. The thick red wax looked like blood as it slowly compiled on the envelope, and after a second or so he took his signet ring off and embedded his crest on the seal. Jenaar waited patiently while he did so, until Sauldernon turned to him and handed him the envelope.

"Here. Don't manage to lose this while you're going to his palace." the lord said crossly. "And what about the girl? Will you be taking her as well?"

"No, it would seem too obvious, and with that big stranger with her, I don't think it would be advisable." Jenaar thought aloud. He looked at Sauldernon for a moment, then smiled. "How much do you love your daughter?"

Sauldernon started. "What on earth-?!"

"Don't fret, I'm not going to kill her," Jenaar said smoothly. "Just drain her a bit. To frame the girl."

"But she's obviously not a vampire, you dolt!"

"I know, but she was seen with me tonight, see. Everyone knows I'm a vampire in your court."

"She tried to kill you."

"Aye. But also, she was seen with me. Like I said, everyone in the court knows I'm a vampire, however, none of them except for you and me knows about this girl, and what she means to Al'Thor. They'll think she did it, while I'll have an aliby. You'll order the guards to take her away, to the capital, where our Lord and King will take care of her from there, and her companion can't do anything about it, hence he breaks the law as well. Are you beginning to understand...?"

Sauldernon nodded slowly, then reluctantly replied, "Fine, but do not harm her too much, or I'll have your head."

"Of course not, M'lord," Jenaar smiled a little. "Just have your guards come up to her room in the morning, in full armor, and arrest her, conscious or not."

"Agreed. Now get thee gone."

"At once, M'lord," Jenaar bowed, then fled quickly through the window to find shelter from the sun.


And that same sun that was so lethal to the vampire was Piccolo's natural alarm clock. He opened his eyes from his mediations in the courtyard of the castle, setting his feet on the ground and walking through the castle. He walked through the halls quietly, the only noise his shoes tapping slightly on the ground. Upon walking, however, he came onto a strange sight. Looking down one corridor, he found the lord's daughter Breldana sitting against the wall, fast asleep and pale. He didn't notice the trickle of blood running down her neck.

Piccolo frowned. "Odd ... she seemed too much of a noble child, too soft to sleep on the ground." Shrugging it off, Piccolo continued to stride down the hallways and up the stairs until he reached Ryven's guest room. He knocked on the door once.

"Ryven, get up." he said loudly through the door, shortly and rather brusquely. "You owe me for wasting our time here." Piccolo stood outside the door, waiting for an answer or at least movement, but heard none. Frowning irritably, he opened the door and marched in, shutting it behind him and walking to the bed. He saw the girl lying on the bed, sprawled out in a way much unlike her, facing away from the door. Snowblind didn't even move.

"Get up, Young One, you are wasting time." he said gruffly, nudging the bed a bit. Still, there was no movement from the elf girl. Piccolosan glanced back down a the wolf, and he hadn't moved either. Piccolo started to worry the slightest bit, his brows furrowing. He moved around to the other side of the bed, kneeling down beside her. He reached out and shook her shoulder.

"Ryven...?" he said loudly, Her head rolled back a little, her waxen skin a sharp contrast to the dried blood that stained her skin. She let a weak, almost inaudible moan escape from the back of her throat, but that was it. Piccolo started at the sight of the blood, lifting her head and neck half way off the bed to get a closer look.

"Ryven?! Young One!" he nearly shouted, holding her head and slapping her face lightly. He growled a little when he got no reaction.

Setting her down, he gathered her things and slung them over his shoulder. He picked up the wolf and flew out the window, his aura busting out around him as he powered up, flying as fast as he could to a secluded part of the forest and setting them down on the dirt, moss and needles. He then flew back to the castle as fast as he could, flying in through the window again.

He could barely stand to look at her, as she look dead, save the slight and slow rise of her chest when she breathed and the slight shiver from how cold she must have felt. The sunlight pouring in through the open window made her look even more pale and lifeless, and the dark crimson of the dried blood look black. Piccolo stood over her, shadowing her from the sun, and then bent to wrap her blanket around her. He scooped her up , taking her carefully in his arms and making sure to keep the blanket around her. He let his hand brush her face, growling in the back of his throat at how cold she felt.

Suddenly from outside of the door came the shouts and the ruckus of many soldiers, the clatter of their armor enough to wake the dead. Piccolo half turned toward the door, his cloak flying out behind him as he did. Hesitating no longer, he turned toward the window and flew out through it, leaving the castle just as the guards burst through.

Piccolo raced over the forest, setting down in the spot where he had left Snowblind and her things. He gently set her down on the ground and unwrapped her the slightest bit, checking to see if she was still breathing. She still was, the small rises and falls of her chest rhythmic. He placed his ear upon her chest and heard the slight beat of her heart, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"By Kami, Young One, you had better make it," he said under his breath, his growl a low roll of thunder. "Because I will kill whatever did this to you if you are not here to stop me ..."