Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Breathe Today, Tomorrow Unknown ❯ New Phobia ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What's brown and sticky?

Today was the day. Shooting the covers off of me, I practically tripped over them as I ran out of the room and into the control area. "How close?!" I placed each one of my hands on Goku's shoulders as he steered the ship. It had only been a couple of days, but I was so ready to get off of the slave ship and onto my home planet. I never really thought this day would come, even being on this ship it felt surreal.

"An hour at most." He took his own hand off of the control panel and placed it on top of mine. I could feel the heat from his hand transfer to my skin, it calmed me a tad, reassuring me that we were really about to be on Earth.

"Ah, I can't wait! I don't even really remember anything about Earth. You're there all the time, how is it?" I began to ramble.

"It's not Planet Vegeta." He spoke, quickly following up with, "But in a good way."

"Even better." I replied as I brought my hands to my side, spinning around like a child. "I wonder what it's going to be like." My voice became soft as I looked forward to watch the stars. "When will we be able to see it?"

"Here shortly. If you want to get ready, I'll call you when it comes into view." Goku turned his head back and smiled at me. It had been nice to have him here with me. It was even better that he hadn't tried anything too sexual. I still wasn't myself after what Prince Vegeta had done to me, which sucked because my longing for Goku was strong.

"Sounds like a plan." I brought my head forward to plant a kiss on his lips, relieved when he kissed back. I wouldn't let Vegeta ruin me. I would be able to lay beside Goku soon, but now wasn't the time.

Heading back to my quarters, I grabbed a fresh pair of slave clothes stashed within the cabinets of the ship, made my way to the bathroom, and started to put them on. As I undressed, I looked at myself in the mirror. It had only been a few days, but my weight was starting to get back where it used to be. I was never considered heavy, but when Prince Vegeta had neglected and put my body through hell, I had lost a ton of weight. Thankfully with the help of Goku, I was able to regain some of that weight. I was almost me again.

When the clothes were fully on, I gave a small frown at my reflection. It was unfortunate that I had to wear the clothes of a new arriving slave, but at least I wasn't one anymore. I couldn't wait to change, though.

I began to wonder how different Human attire was compared to the dress code of Saiyans. Sure, the clothes that I wore on Planet Vegeta were ones from Earth, because I wasn't allowed to wear their precious linens, but I knew the style had to at least be different. Hell, everything about Earth had to be different. I would experience it soon enough.

"Bulma, it's here." I could faintly hear Goku's voice calling out to me from across the ship. My heart began to race. Quickly pressing the bottom to make the door open horizontally, I ran out of the bathroom and again made my way to the control panel.

That's when my eyes began to water.

There it was, Earth. I didn't know why I began to cry, but I did. For the first time, I was seeing home. I was seeing the place where I originated from, where my family originated from, where I took my first steps, where I spoke my first words, and the place where I was born free. It was all right in front of me. Everything I had ever gone through in my life, all of the hardships and worries, had escaped my mind for this moment. I felt connected. I could feel every fiber in my body become weightless as we moved closer and closer. I felt my soul pulling towards Earth so much that I thought it would leave my body. Was I even breathing anymore? I couldn't tell.

"It's beautiful." I managed get out as I gazed at the blue and green ball in front of me. I hadn't even noticed Goku get up and stand behind me until he wrapped his arms around me. Again, I felt the warmth of his body on my skin. "I don't even know how to thank you." All of my emotions began to hit me at the reality of my freedom truly setting in. "You did this. You set me free." The tears of joy stained my cheeks red as they began to lightly fall down my face.

I felt him place each one of his hands gently on my shoulders to spin me around to face him. "You have set me free, too, Bulma." My watery blue eyes met his dark gaze as he spoke. "I had been lost on Planet Vegeta for quite some time. I have never been truly happy until I met you. After that, I found myself thinking about you each morning as I got ready. It's amazing how one thing can change your whole life, and you have changed mine." He brought a hand up and wiped away the tears on my face. "I love you, Bulma."

I was speechless. Here in this moment, I had everything I had ever desired in life: Freedom and Love. Things I never knew I could feel, but here I was feeling both at the same time. He appreciated me, and I him. I never thought myself to be lucky, but it was started to become a regular feeling.

"Goku, I love you, too." I stepped on my tippy-toes so I could connect lips with him. There was such passion in the kiss, such connection, that I could feel myself letting go of some of the wrongs that have happened to me in life. Breaking the kiss, I looked up at him once more. "You're all I want."

"You're all I need." he replied as he broke the stare to turn me around to face Earth and held me close. In the short time of us interacting, Earth had gotten bigger. I was almost there. We, we were almost there. Placing a kiss atop my head, Goku released me to sit back down at the controls. "It's time to land."

As my heart began to return to its usual rhythm, I began to wonder how we'd arrive undetected. "So, wont they see us entering the atmosphere?" I raised a brow as I walked closer to the window.

"With Saiyan technology being more advanced than the Human's, we can get by pretty easily. Plus, once I activate the ships cloak, they wont see us." I was fascinated as he spoke.

"You didn't tell me that this ship could cloak!" I was fascinated as I began to look around the walls at such technology. I had only ever read about the cloaking feature in the Saiyan Library when Vegeta had let me roam there.

"You never asked."

"A couple days ago when I asked how we would get by the humans, you just said we'd manage." I crossed my arms in a playful manor.

"And we will manage, by cloaking." he began to laugh a bit as he apparently pulled one over on me.

"Well aren't you special." I laughed as well as my sights were still set on Earth as we began to close in on it. "Well, I guess that makes sense since they don't even know they're being picked off one by one." I returned to the subject at hand. I was no longer wary of my words around Goku since I knew he had no intention of hurting me. "So where are we landing?"

"Just outside of any city, really."

"Do they all speak the same language?" I was curious.

"No, they differ in languages. I am not entirely sure as to why. Just more proof that they are not united as a planet." I knew he wasn't meaning to be insulting.

"So, how will we communicate?" My curiosity was still apparent.

"We go to a place that speaks your language." He made it all sound so simple.

"How did the Saiyans start speaking my language?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"When we figured we were going to be hunting you all, we learned. Wasn't too bad."

"So, why not just make us learn your language?" I wouldn't let up.

"Same reason you were not allowed to drink our tea nor wear our clothes." his replies were fluent.

"So, you know every human language?" I raised a brow.

"No. We don't pick from everywhere in the world." He tone was steady as he answered all of my questions.

"Then where do you pick from?" He kept replying in open ended answers, leading me to more questions.

"A place called North America, China, Japan, and Australia mainly."

"Do you pick from the same cities?" I couldn't help but continue to ask questions.

"Just about. There is something on Earth called Human Trafficking, so we even have some humans in on it. A contract mainly, so we leave them and their families alone as long as they supply us. They have their stations set up in some major cities to make it easy to get people. When we come to Earth, we head there and pick the humans we want, have them transported to our ship, and then we go on our way to bring them to Planet Vegeta."

"Really, some humans are allowing this to happen?!" I became enraged. We really were not a united race.

"Yes." Goku's voice softened.

I calmed myself a bit before asking. "Will they recognize you then?"

"No, the lower Saiyans went to the hot spots. I just made sure they did their job." He spoke honestly. I couldn't believe he was giving me all of his race's information.

"That's good at least." My anxiety went down a bit knowing they wouldn't recognize him.

"Bulma, have a seat." I looked at him and then at how close we were. In moments we would be landing. "I am activating our cloak now."

As I sat down, I let go of the conversation for now as we started to pull closer to the world. As I began to see the scenery start to flash swiftly in front of me, I didn't know where to look. There was so much color combining together that I actually closed my eyes to prevent being dizzy. Landing was not my favorite thing in the world. My heart stopped when I felt a jolt and then nothing.

"Welcome home, Bulma." His voice was sweet in my ears as I opened my eyes up to see. I stood up slowly as I looked at the scenery. Green grass, colorful flowers, an oddly colored bright blue sky, vibrant yellow sun, and a city in the background.

"Can-" I quickly jolted my head to look at Goku, "Can we get out and see?" I felt like a child, giddy with emotion.

Smiling, Goku took my hand and lead me to the exit. As the door opened, I could feel the sweet, cool breeze of the wind on my body. The smell was like no other. I never even knew that a planet could smell so wonderful. Now that I could compare this to Planet Vegeta's air, i never wanted to smell that shit ever again! Slowly walking down the ramp, I was finally standing on Earth. My body was in contact with my origins. The smile on my face grew wider as I sat on the grass so I could feel it. "What will we do about the ship?" the smile stayed on my face as I looked up at Goku.

"No one will find it." He took out a control of some sort and showed me. "I can make it hover in space until we need it." Pressing the button, the ship began to make a subtle noise before zooming back up into the blackness.

"Well isn't that something." I looked back at the grass that I was playing with. "This is amazing, I can't believe I am here. Look at all of this stuff, it's so different than Planet Vegeta! I don't remember any of this. I mean, I do, but I forgot what it all felt like. It's crazy how I could forget something so-" I stopped in mid sentence. "What the hell is that?!" I jumped up from a sitting position and backed away slowly, pointing at the ground. "Goku, seriously, what is that?!"

I only heard laughter as I looked at him and then back at the small creature on the ground. "That's a spider." he couldn't contain himself. "It must be a human thing to be scared of such a being."

"It has eight fucking legs, Goku. Eight!" I didn't feel like I was being over dramatic at all. The little shit was creepy.

"Out of all of the strange creatures you have seen on Vegeta, and you think this tiny, little thing is scary?" He remained laughing.

"None of them had eight legs." I calmed myself a bit as he found the situation hysterical.

"Well, there are millions of those tiny things on this planet, so you might want to get used to them." My face became stone as he informed me of their numbers.

"There is no getting used to these spiders." I walked wide around the spider so I didn't have to encounter it. "Lets get out of its domain." I started to walk towards the city.

"Bulma, the world is its domain." His laughing calmed a bit as he followed me. "First things first, though."

"And what would that be?" I stopped so he could catch up with me.

"A place to stay. We need to stop by one of the Hot Spots so we can get the currency." He spoke as if it would be the easiest thing.

"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe we actually had to go to one of those sick places. "Why?"

"Bulma, this isn't like Planet Vegeta. We can't just stay anywhere for free because of our positions on this planet. Here, we're just any other person, not important to society at all. If we want to thrive here, we have to have currency." He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"That makes sense, but then they'll know what you look like and can tell Vegeta's men when they come looking for us." I began to worry.

"No, not at all. Humans are not in control of that information. If I tell them not to say anything, then they wont. If they do, they'll be either murdered by me or by the other Saiyans for letting us escape and not knowing our whereabouts." He had been thinking about this, that was for sure.

"They should be murdered anyway." I spoke under my breath as we began walking once more. "How much currency do you need?"

"All of it." He replied fast.

"Will they be mad?"

"Probably, but they make a high income daily anyway. They don't just sell humans to us, you know." He looked down at me.

"They sell them to other humans?!" I looked back up at him in disbelief.

"Yes. They buy and sell humans like no other, no matter the color or age."

"That's horrible..." I shook my head as I knew we'd be encountering them soon. "Will I be going in with you?"

"I'd rather have you in my sights at all times around those people. It would be easy enough to get you back if anything happened, but I'd rather not make a scene." I smiled oddly at him as I returned my sights to the city ahead as we closed in on it. "I'm filled with more worry than anything at this point."

"Don't be. It will be a quick meeting, and then we can go wherever you'd like." He pulled me in closer, reassuring me that it would be okay.

"New clothes would be fantastic." I looked down at my odd white attire and then at his. "People are going to look at us funny." I laughed a bit, knowing we would look out of the ordinary.

"Most likely." his tone was light as he started to guard himself a bit as we were now passing some civilization.

"It's crazy how it goes from a beautiful land into a populated city." I was confused by the structures as they all looked far different from the buildings on Planet Vegeta. Everything built here was more simplistic, yet somehow beautiful.

"You haven't seen anything yet." His tone was playful, but more serious than before since we could now be heard by others.

"I can't wait, then." I tried to look as normal as possible, but it was hard. In my life, I had never seen humans walking around so freely, just going on with their days. They were fortunate to not know about what was beyond their world.

As we continued walking, I couldn't help but have a smile on my face, even as people looked in confusion at us. So many humans! It was obvious that we stuck out, since our fashion was completely different from theirs. Materials of all kinds in different colors were on these people, it was new. I was used to being in dark colors, but here they all were, in different everything. Girls in crop tops and shorts, t-shirts and pants, dresses, skirts, and some were walking around in just their underwear near a small body of water! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They really dressed however they wanted to!

There were other humans in weird contraptions in the middle of the street, some going one way and others going the other. Lights that stopped them, green seemed to be the color they could start moving on, while red made them stop. Loud noises came out of the machines if one didn't move on a green. It seemed complicated, I became uninterested.

My attention was focused on a human sitting on something with two wheels. How did they balance on such a thing? I wanted to try one! When business was done with the horrible humans, I would ask Goku if we could try one.

As we continued on, I could overhear a group of girls talking. "Jason totally texted me earlier! What do I do? Oh my gosh, I am so nervous, I think he likes me!" followed by a bunch of giggling. The worries in this world, so far, were so easy. If all I had to worry about was a boy 'texting' me, whatever that was, and liking me, I'd have a pretty simple life! This planet was amazing. I was now apart of this world, this free world, and I had no idea how to be free. I would learn, and I was excited to. Even when Vegeta comes for us, at least I will have experienced it for a little bit.

"We're almost there." Goku's voice hardened as we started to take back allies. My heart began to beat more rapidly as we came across a door. "Don't say a word." He looked down at me before knocking on the door.

"I wont." My body became still as I couldn't take my eyes off of the door. I didn't know what to expect or how to feel. If I had to see humans caged up and begging me to help them, I didn't know what I would do. I couldn't just let it all slide anymore, but I would have to. I shook my head of all the thoughts, I knew I shouldn't be thinking. Instead, I had to be aware and be in the moment.

Then, it opened.

A/N: A stick.