Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bright Lights at Capsule Corporation/New Year's Eve Party ❯ You Drop the Bomb On Me ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello to all! Okay, there was a nice demand for the continuation of the Holidays Saga, so this next one is in time for New Years' Eve.

After the Halloween and Thanksgiving Series, many of you wanted a continuation....and there is.....There is this one and one more which is for Spring........Now instead of Christmas in Japan, generally the current Emperor's Birthday,which is December 23rd will take a more important role and is a National Holiday. New Years is Celebrated about the same time and is a big Holiday. I use the term Winter Solstice Festival to designate Christmas and other such holidays that take place at that time.

For further explanations of special holidays go to: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2062.html - This site is a Japanese guide to their holidays and an explanation and a bit of history. It was brought to my attention by a major Otaku of DBZ that the setting of Dragonball Z is not Japan...but a world of its own. It was created by Japanese animator(s). So for this reason, also to bridge the gap of many different opinions of where DBZ actually takes place I use a loosely held American/Japanese mesh of Holidays. This way I figure all bases are covered.

Disclaimers: Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT, etc. belong to Akiya Toriyama, TOEI Entertainment, FUNimation, Viz Communications, Irwin Toys, Pioneer (for videos of early DBZ), etc. etc. The song by Duran Duran "Is There Something I Should Know (Dance Remix), and the song "You Drop the Bomb on Me" by the Gap Band are referred to so give them the credit since it belongs to them....Monique, Ursula, Dina, Devon, Jason, the Chief, and are my creations that I can manipulate (*evil laugh*).

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Bright Lights at Capsule Corporation/New Year's Eve Party

Part One: "You Drop the Bomb On Me"

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About two weeks had passed since all the harrowing events of Monique's wedding, and life had settled down into regular Holiday mode. Bulma's parents briefly came home for a week to check on her, and filed the necessary papers in regards to Yamcha. The Briefs felt he had suffered under a major strain of distress and more than likely reacted as he did due to unclear thinking, especially in regards to the threat of the Androids. They requested that his entire probationary period be spent under Master Roshi's careful care. Yamcha in just a short time seemed to have regained much of his good nature that he had been loved for before.......

It was one morning, about a week before the Winter Solstice Festival* and Bulma was SO bored. Everyone was either off training and/or getting ready for the Holidays. Vegeta trained non-stop it seemed, leaving her lonely and idle. ~~ Well, maybe this is a good day to go through that closet at last! That way I can make room for new Holiday outfits!~~ So Bulma began her task in earnest. She started with the millions of shoe boxes that blocked the closet, dragging them all out haphazardly into the middle of her room. It took her hours to go through them, usually finding SOME excuse to keep a pair......~~You NEVER know when you might need a pair like this!~~ she thought.

Next came the thousands of dresses, pants, shirts, blouses and undergarments. In the space of a few short hours, Bulma's closet had literally exploded all over her room. She meticulously went through every garment, and so far found nothing that she could really part with.......~~Oh well, maybe this wasn't such a good idea~~ she sighed. And so began the slow process of putting everything back.........Within a few more hours, everything was almost back in place, accept for her favorite black leather pants. She started to put them back into the closet, when she tripped and fell head long into her closet! ~~KUSO~~ She whipped her head around to see a stray shoe box....~~Now what was in there?~~ She crawled on all fours over to the box, sat cross legged, and opened the lid. To her joy, it was a favorite pair of roller blades that she used before her adventures with the Senshi on Namek........~~WAIT! THAT'S IT!~~ And in Bulma's mind, a plan formulated for a Holiday celebration that was sure to be wild! Since the Company always had a New Year's Eve Celebration...........YES!

Bulma had, of course, her first phase of attack in mind, the Saiyan no Ouji.....now THIS was gonna be fun! She knew that her irascible Prince lived for three things; food, the need to beat Kakkarot, and their intimate rendezvous'. She grabbed a cute skimpy cut off : white sweatshirt. The arms had been ripped off as well as the neckline, and the bottom trimmed up to make it a midriff top.....the belly exposed. Next she grabbed her black, tight, crushed-velvet shorts that really resembled more hip hugger dancer's brief than anything else.........and then the rollerblades.....~~Look out Vege-chan!~~

With that last thought, she grabbed her favorite CD and headed for the Sound Booth of the Ballroom......
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Vegeta had finished the last set of rapid motion kicks and ki thrusts with the bots. ~~Onna better have some damn food ready.~~ She might be his Mate but what a lazy one! Oi! And never knew how to be properly submissive as a Mate should be........but he conceded that it WAS part of the little majo's charm. He grabbed the towel he kept nearby, and began to dry himself off. Quickly shutting down the console panel, he made a hasty departure, and headed for a Saiyans first calling.....food. The kitchen, however was absolutely devoid of a prepared meal and that 'properly' submissive Mate. ~~ Shimatta!~~ He quickly grabbed a piece of fruit and went in search of that wayward minx.
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Bulma had already reached the sound booth, and put in her CD.....~~Hmmmmm, think I'll use these special lights and start that mirror globe to see what its gonna look like.....~~ and with that she started to flip a bunch of small levers on the light panel to activate it. The room darkened with tiny myriad lights bouncing off the mirror globe. ~~Perfect!~~ She looked down at her watch.....just about time for Vegeta to go looking for the chuck wagon.....and when he didn't find it he would go in search of her......and he would then find his other favorite form of sustenance, which of course he could have provided he came with her as her escort to the New Years Eve Party. With that she popped in her extended play CD:

Bulma skated out onto the smooth Ballroom floor. It had been cleared of all the wedding amenities weeks ago......the only thing that remained was the mirror globe, extended additions to the sound system, and the white, long drapes that encompassed the Ballroom walls in their whispers of fabric.

She began to move slowly swaying her hips from side to side, alternating her feet one in front of the other and started to skate in a large oval circumference.

Please, please tell me now..
Please, please tell me now..
Please, please tell me now..
Please, please tell me now..

The music thumped in a steady rhythmic beat.......the extended version had a throbbing baseline that kept the tempo constant in a seductive lubdub. Bulma started to undulate her hips in a forward roll in time to the tempo, switching in mid archline to skate backwards onetime, then forward the next.
As she picked up speed, her knees slightly bent, and her soft derriere thrust out slightly. Her gate changed once more, and she faced forward, placing her hands on her hips. She did a slight figure eight with her hips, allowing her bent knees to alternate with each other in a deeper bending motion.

I made a break I run out yesterday,
Tried to find my mountain hideaway,
Maybe next year, maybe no go.
I know you're watching me every minute of the day, yeah
I've seen the signs and the looks and the pictures -
They gave your game away, yeah.

There's a dream that strings the road,
With broken glass for us to hold.
And I cut so far before I had to say...

Please please tell me now, is there something should know?
Is there something I should say,
That would make you come my way?
Do you feel the same 'cuz you don't let it show. (oh..ohh)

Vegeta had hunted the entire main house,"SHIMATTA! Where is that woman?" His temper was getting the better of him....He was hungry and he wanted his meal.....NOW! Was it too much to ask for a decent meal from a proper Mate......OI! He stalked off to begin a search of other buildings when his sensitive Saiyan ears picked up the faint sound of thumping and music. ~~What could that minx be up to~~ he wondered, following the music and his Mate's life essense.

When he got to the Ballroom, Vegeta nearly collapsed. There she was........a mermaid floating on the floor in sensual moves to a provocative song....He felt a familiar tightening in his groin.......The only thing besides his hunger that could overwhelm him was this........Her. A deep growl rumbled in his throat, as the ancient sensations of the hunt of ones Mate stirred in his blood.

People stare and cross the road from me (oh..ohh) (oh..ohh)
And jungle drums they all clear the way for me
Can you read my mind, can you see in the snow (oh..ohh)
And firey demons all dance when you walk through that door (oh..ohh)
Don't say you're easy on me, you're about as easy as a nuclear war (nuclear war)

There's a dream that strings the road,
With broken glass for us to hold.
And I'll cut so far before I had to say...

Bulma continued her fluid motions of rollerblading..........all the while using her hands to either rub her thighs, lower stomache or soft posterior ...... she was a siren of the sea luring sailors to their death with this exotic dance. She continued to undulate those delicate hips in a way that looked like an invisible lover had caught her in his snare.

Please please tell me now, (Please, please tell me now..)
Is there something should know? (Please, please tell me now..)
Is there something I should say, (Please, please tell me now..)
That would make you come my way? (Please, please tell me now..)

Please please tell me now, (Please, please tell me now..)
Can you see what makes me blow? (Please, please tell me now..)
Can you see how much I die, (Please, please tell me now..)
Every time it passes now? (Please, please tell me now..)

Please please tell me now, (Please, please tell me now..)
What it takes to make a show? (Please, please tell me now..)
Is there something I should know? (Please, please tell me now..)
Is there something I should know..? (Please, please tell me now..)

As the song ended Bulma slowed her skates to a stop. She started to push off in a slow beeline for the Sound booth, when she felt a strong pair of arms with steel chords of muscle encircle her tiny waist...."Leaving so soon? We haven't even had dessert!" She whirled around to face the feral looking face of Vegeta,"Come onna, lets play", and with that picked her up off her feet.

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Next time on BRIGHT LIGHTS AT CAPSULE CORP/NEW YEARS EVE PARTY: Vegeta learns a new thing, Senshi have fun!!